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Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6)

Page 6

by C. Y. Croc

  I don’t know whether I’m more mortified that I licked that stuff or the fact that I’ve clearly just made a sexual noise and he’s heard me and then saw me watching him.

  Oh, fuck! This situation couldn’t get any more fucked up if we tried. What should I do? Ignore it. That’s the only solution. Even though my heart is still hammering in my chest from the whole weird experience that just happened, I’m suddenly overcome with the need to sleep, and the sky water that was so annoying mids ago now lulls me to sleep.



  I was all set for a good night’s sleep. The bedding Saaxxatee and rolled me onto was luxurious compared to the harshness of the hard floor, and when she’d tucked me in with a belly full of water and then the rainstorm had begun falling, well, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. It was the most comfortable and closest my body had been to my normal homeostasis since I’d first been taken by the rat-faced aliens which I now know are called Taraquets.

  But then it must have only been half an hour into sleep when I was woken by the stiffest erection I’d had in years. The smell that invaded my nostrils was indescribable and I felt as though I’d had a spell cast on me. If I’d have been able to stand, I would have found it difficult not to have jumped Saaxxatee’s bones and fucked her brains out. Lucky for the both of us, I was incapacitated. That kind of behaviour is not who I am, but it would have taken all of my control not to have crawled into her bed.

  Instead, I reach for my cock. I have to release the pent-up sexual tension that is building inside me, even if my arm drops off in the process. It’s physically exhausting but I know I can’t stop until I come.

  I strain my ears to make sure Saaxxatee is asleep as I toss myself off. I don’t want to frighten her with my actions but I’m compelled to do it.

  But then just as I’m nearing my release I hear her cry out in pleasure. Is she pleasing herself? The thought of us simultaneously masturbating combined with the toxic aroma of sex is just what I need and my cum feels like a firework explosion as it’s released. I should feel relieved and sleepy, especially with the relaxing sounds of the rain outside, but I’m not. It’s as though my dormant libido has awakened with a vengeance. That fucking smell is driving me wild. I feel as though an untamed sex beast has roused from hibernation, and now it’s ravenous. As soon as I’m able to walk I’m sleeping outside.

  A restless three hours later I finally succumb to exhaustion.

  WHEN I’M ROUSED BY Bupple’s tongues it's daytime. Light streams in through the window above me. I swallow and lick my lips. Amazingly there is moisture there and the grittiness from my eyes has gone too. I stretch with my arms down by my sides, flaying my fingers and point my toes as I stretch my legs. Then I lie still for a moment and gauge how I’m feeling. I swallow. Still soreness there but my throat’s nowhere near as sore as it was yesterday. I almost feel like half a man again. Bupple trots off back out through the door.

  I turn my head and look up at Saaxxatee’s bed, but she is already up and out. Then I remember the events of last night. I should feel embarrassed. I’d been caught out flogging my log, but hadn’t she been doing the same? Pleasuring herself?

  Looking around I’m able to get a good look at the place I’m staying in for the first time. It’s a large open-plan dwelling that appears to be made out of natural materials, not dissimilar to wood. There is a table that appears to be made out of the same material, with two strange-shaped chairs that have back support but which have three-inch slits from near the top where the shoulders rest all the way down through the seating area itself where the tush goes.

  The kitchen area is simple, just a small square surface to prepare food on and one large oval black dull granite-looking material which I presume is a heating plate or hob. I can’t see where the oven is but I don’t even know if aliens cook with one.

  Next to me is the bed and over to the right is a long and deep day bed come couch. I turn my head looking for the bathroom but I don’t see one. An urge to pee suddenly overwhelms me. Is it because there’s no toilet? Similar concept to when you’re not hungry until you see someone else tucking into a cheeseburger? My mouth salivates at the memory of a big juicy quarter-pounder stacked with cheese. But the urge to pee overrides it and I look about for something to pee in. Nothing. Damn it. The door that leads outside is open. I need to call Saaxxatee.


  Well, that doesn’t sound good. My bladder starts to ache. It’s the only pain I’m not good with. There’s nothing else to do but try to get outside.

  I slowly push myself up into a sitting position and see a swirl of stars for my trouble. Low blood pressure? I close my eyes and wait for them to pass and then I hold onto the covers of Saaxxatee’s bed and haul myself up onto my knees. The blanket falls from me and I realise I’m butt naked. Shit! But my bladder’s urgency is overruling all thoughts of decency and decorum.

  Pulling on the covers I wobble onto my feet. Christ, I feel like I’ve just finished the Boston Marathon, not just got up from a day’s bed rest. It takes a while to stand but now that I’m halfway there I’m determined. A slight wave of nausea hits me when I pull up to my full height but I refuse to give up my stomach paltry offerings.

  Then I go for it. Zombie style I head for the open door, my cock swinging from side to side with every awkward gait. When I reach the doorway I feel like I’ve earned a gold medal. I have to lean against it with my head stooped because I am just a midge’s testicle too tall for it.

  I suck in air as if it’s being drawn from a room to be replaced by toxic gas. But after just thirty seconds I’m ready to go again.

  Dawn of the dead part two.

  Off I go.

  A gust of warm air licks at my nakedness and I embrace the pleasant feeling. I hone in on a bush and head for it, one painstakingly step after the other. Almost there I hear the unmistakable drumming of eight very excited feet heading my way.

  “Bupple no!”

  Too late.

  He jumps and rests half of his legs against the back of my knees. Timber! I topple like a felled tree and the instant my bladder makes contact with the ground, my piss chooses to exit. I make a nice tidy circle in the dusty ground below my crotch.

  Bupple jumps onto my back even more excited than before and knocks what little bit of wind I have left clear out of me. I begin coughing and spluttering in a tone similar to the grating noise of the rat-faced aliens' voices.

  Footfall heads my way and then Saaxxatee’s hands are turning me over. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot to leave you a pot to expel your body fluids in.” Now I’m embarrassed. Wet dust turned to mush clings to my flaccid cock and crotch area. “Can you make it to the shimmer, it’s just meriks away?”

  She places one of my arms around her shoulders and slips the other one around my waist and then with the strength of a man, she helps me get to my feet. Bupple runs circles around us making clicking noises.

  “I think you’ve already caused enough trouble for today you little rascal. Now be off with you!”

  He takes no notice of his mistress and continues to run around us as we slowly make our way over to an overhanging strange looking contraption at the side of the house.

  Rascal! Did she just say rascal? That’s an Earth word if ever I heard one.

  She sits me down on a chair similar to the ones I’d seen inside and begins panting. Sucking in huge breaths of air. “Geez, are you heavy!”

  Another Earth word!

  She presses a button and warm water begins to cascade down onto my head. I close my eyes and smile.

  “It’s cool, isn’t it? It was my mother’s idea. Apparently they had shimmers like this outside the dwellings where she used to live. It took my father a wid to make it while my mother was away visiting a sick neighbour, but when she came back...” She looks lost in her memory, a happy smile brightening up her face. “...she was so happy.” The smile disappears as quickly as it came. “I’ll give you a little privacy. It app
ears your strength is coming back quicker than I expected.”

  I thank her but my voice comes out sounding like the rat-faced aliens again. “Tannfhh!”

  “The dehydration has really played havoc with your vocal cords, although I suspect you’re trying to thank me. No need. As long as you help me with some work around here for a few wids then we’re even.” She gives me a thin smile and then points to her stomach and mouth. “I’ll go and make us something to eat while you wash.” She points to a tube. “There’s cleansing fluid in there.”

  I nod my understanding and she turns and leaves, calling Bupple to follow her. The creature stands for a moment unsure whether to stay with me or follow its mistress, choosing to go with Saaxxatee in the end.

  I think I must have sat for twenty minutes with my eyes closed and my face turned up the water jets before I even move another muscle. The water has its own healing properties and the jets pummel the knots out of my shoulders and back.

  Although still weak, that walk and tumble did me more good than harm and I feel my stiff joints starting to oil back into life. The liquid that comes out of the tube has a slight citrusy smell to it so I take care not to get any in my eyes but I wash every inch of my body—be it slowly, but not a scrap of flesh goes un-scrubbed.

  By the time the hotpot smell wafts up my nose my stomach has been rumbling non-stop. I press the same button I saw Saaxxatee press and the water instantly stops, then I pull myself up into a standing position and begin my stiff-legged walk back towards the house, wet and naked. I’m just about to turn the corner when Saaxxatee appears with a large piece of material. Her eyes instantly zone in on my cock but I’m still slow and my hands move in slow motion to cup my crown jewels out of view.

  “Oh! I’m sorry again. I didn’t mean to stare but it was just jiggling about and the movement drew my eyes...” She hands me the material. “It’s to dry yourself with. Your clothes are also clean and dry too.” She flaps her hands by her face a little flustered and goes back inside.

  My remaining strength is almost zapped so all I can manage is to wrap the length of material around my waist and follow in her footsteps.

  She’s already sitting at the table with two bowls full of the broth I had yesterday. I stumble into the room and land heavily on the chair, water droplets falling from my hair onto my chest.

  Her eyes follow the drips as they trickle through the hairs on my chest down over my abdominals. She licks her lips and then her eyes meet my eyes, they swirl like liquid amethyst pools. She realises she’s been caught out staring at my body and her cheeks darken slightly. She points to the bowl. “Eat up while it’s hot! That is the gumbo you had yesterday, it will build up your strength quicker. Mine is a similar gumbo but I don’t have the muscle-building parnif in mine, although I ought to add that to mine too, especially the way my strength has been weakening lately.”

  She takes a mouthful of hers and I follow suit. She’s right. With every mouthful I feel a minuscule of strength come back again, just like yesterday. It truly is a wonder food. I scrape the bowl clean then pick up the strange water canister with the thick sucking funnel and consume the contents without stopping. She immediately refills it for me and I drink it even quicker. Apart from my throat, I feel almost human again.

  I nod my thanks and stand, then I point to my clothes. She nods but remains seated eating her broth.

  Is she expecting me to dress in front of her? Well, I suppose she has seen it all before.

  I walk over to the bed where she’s placed my clothes, but I don’t turn to face her, I just drop the make-shift towel there and then, just exposing my ass to her. I hear her breath catch in her throat and I smile to myself. I have a great ass, its maybe a little on the skinny side right now but it’s still great.

  Today I am no Magic Mike and cumbersome can only describe the way I get dressed, but under the circumstances, I think I handle it pretty well. Then just as I’m finishing, I begin to get a whiff of the tantalising aroma that Saaxxatee keeps emitting.

  She suddenly jumps to her feet almost knocking her chair to the floor and I turn and just catch the flushed glow in her cheeks as she starts to clear the dishes away. I stand and watch her unsure if I should offer to help, but by the time I’ve made my mind up to step forward and help with the canisters, she’s whipped them away with the dishes.

  She piles them on the small surface and then turns to me and motions for me to follow her out the door. The creature Bupple follows her and I follow Bupple, still walking stiffly and resembling a man thrice my age.

  She leads me over to the cart and gestures for me to take a seat. Bupple jumps up before me and settles himself down in the centre of the long seat. I climb up and sit next to him. Saaxxatee disappears around the back of the house and then re-emerges a minute later with another strange-looking creature.

  It has two thick back legs like elephants and two extremely thin legs like a giraffe. Its body resembles a kangaroo and its head is as small as mine with three long snouts that look like they belong to an anteater. It’s completely white, except for three black stripes on each of its hind legs. It’s the weirdest looking creature I have ever seen in my life and Bupple looks positively adorable next to it.

  Saaxxatee straps it to the front of the cart and then climbs in next to Bupple. She smiles and I can’t help but stare at her beauty. She’s positively radiating. The white creature huffs loudly and it’s a good distraction to pull my eyes away from her, otherwise they’d be glued.


  I’M JUST BEGINNING to calm down inside when Piff pulls away. The last two hincs have been quite an experience.

  I thought after last night, today would be less...well...eventful, but there wasn’t a chance of that. Why hadn’t I thought to leave the Human something to expel his body waste in? I am so stupid, but what a nice shock it was to see him stumbling outside. At least it got him up on his feet, but to see his taja again so soon after last night’s colourful events—jeez.

  Unbelievably, I don’t even know his name, but that’s not stopped me from seeing his taja three times now. I know every ridge and vein on it. When he walked back into the dwelling with the drying cloth I’d given him tied around his waist and the liquid droplets trickling down his chest, I thought I’d have to leave my gumbo and go out and take a shimmer myself to cool down, especially after seeing his perfect naked butt as he got dressed after eating. I don’t remember it being that good when I washed his back yesterday. Then again, before I got that far I had to lower him back down again because he was getting heavy, so I missed checking it out.

  Piff huffs and draws the Human’s attention and I’m glad because I’m a bag full of nerves. He’s washed up so well, and I can’t believe what I’m feeling, but I’m kind of attracted to him and I’m as nervous as anything to be in his company right now. Since when have I been attracted to males?

  I turn to him with a smile glad that he can’t understand me. “You certainly scrub up well. It’s a good job you’re Human otherwise if the females from the township were to see you, you might end up unintentionally mated to one of them.” Is it my imagination or is he trying to keep a smile from off his lips? “I’m sorry I keep yapping on like this when you can’t understand a word I’m saying but it helps ease the awkwardness between us. I truly don’t know what happened last night, but I think tonight we need to find you somewhere else to sleep. I don’t think I’m good to be around in the lonely hincs of the night.”

  He is watching me intently as I speak and my stomach is doing a weird swirly whirly thing. The air between us is electric. I can already predict this is going to be an eventful few cycs.

  Bupple breaks the invisible static pulse that is connecting us by spinning around on his seat excitedly and clicking his enthusiasm to get going.

  I tug on the harness in my hand. “Piff, go! Choo-choo! It’s time to move!” Piff begins to walk and we get pulled along behind. I keep my eyes ahead and motion out to my property. “I’m going to s
how you around and point out what needs doing. Hopefully, you’ll get the gist of what I’m telling you.”

  I just can’t help myself and I sneak a glance at him. He’s not even paying attention to what I just pointed at, he’s staring intently at my profile. A tingle goes down the length of my spine and somehow ends up in my cooch.

  Please don’t start excreting pheromones body! Not while I’m sitting so close to him.

  Trying to keep my eyes forward I steer Piff over to where the underground storeroom is. This time I have to look at him as I point to the circular stone wheel that needs moving. “That hole needs covering, it’s a priority but you won’t be able to do that for a few days until your full strength comes back.”

  He actually takes his eyes off me for a few seconds to look at what I’m pointing at, then he does a rolling action with his hands and then points at the doorway. A huge smile lights up my face at his first sign of understanding of what I’m trying to show him.

  I nod a little too enthusiastically, I’m desperate for help but I don’t want to seem incapable. I’ve managed on my own all these yanas so far. “Yes, it needs to be rolled in front of the doorway!”

  I shake the harness to alert Piff to continue. Using my peripheral vision I watch as the Human’s hand lifts and stretches out in my direction. My heart shoots up into my mouth. Is he about to put his arm around me? But to my relief—or is it disappointment, he stroked Bupple’s flat spines instead. Bupple snuggles up into his chest and I can’t help feel a pang of jealousy.

  1: Because Bupple is acting far too treacherously and favouring the Human over me.


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