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Asshole's Bride (Bad Boy Romance)

Page 7

by Amy Faye

  “Stay there. This is going to hurt, but I'll go slow. After a few strokes, it will probably feel just fine.”

  She nodded. “I've used a toy, before, so it might not,” she said.

  She was wrong.

  It was the size of his cock, not the fact that she was a virgin, that caused the pain. As he pressed the tip into her, it stretched her to the point of discomfort. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed his arms and dug her nails in.

  “You look scared. Do you want me to stop?” His voice was tender, gentle, and patient.

  She shook her head. “Keep going. You just have to – Oh!” The head popped in, then, and as she was about to say, everything became much easier after that. Slowly, slowly, he pushed into her until his testicles rested against her.

  She squirmed under him, the discomfort slowly fading away. He pulled out a little, then thrust back in. The shallow thrusts helped to replace the pain with pleasure. Soon, she was gliding her own hips against his, moving in time with him.

  Taking her left ankle, he put it over his shoulder and repositioned her. “Fuck, you're tight,” he groaned. Giving her a controlled thrust, he moved within her more easily while his clever hands kneaded her breasts. Her nipples were pinched before his pointer fingers and his middle fingers.

  Abruptly, she was gathered up. He held her so that their bodies touched in almost every spot while he pounded into her. “Oh, oh,” she cried, wrapping her arms around his masculine neck. “This feels so incredible!”

  “Better than one of your toys, I hope,” he smirked, kissing her collar bone.

  “Soooo much better!” She said. Being with him felt amazing, and she wanted it to never end.

  He pushed slowly in, then slowly out, their hips meeting together at the apex, their mouths tasting and sucking on skin and lips. She groaned with her eyes tightly shut as another orgasm rolled through her. Troy's loud grunt signaled his own orgasm, as he spilled his milky white cum deep inside of her.

  His strong arms cradled her to the bed, where he gently set her down with a kiss to the nose. She clung to his neck, but he chuckled and pulled free, tugging his cock from her. “Nooo, come back,” she whined as he stepped away.

  “I will. I just wanted to get a good look at you. God, you're beautiful.”

  She smiled, sighing. “Shut up and get over here.”

  Crawling onto the bed, he laid next to her. I still won't sleep with him more than just this once, but for now, I want to enjoy it. I want to enjoy his arms.

  So she did, falling asleep in his embrace for the first time since their failed attempt to get to know each other.


  The yellow light of dawn was filtering in through the window above Elle's bed when Troy woke up. The golden hour light made her look even more angelic than normal. Beautiful and radiant with peace, he brushed a piece of her golden hair from her face and lightly brushed his fingers along her cheekbones.

  She was a deep sleeper, not even stirring from the touch. Sitting up in the bed, he took in his surroundings. Roman had come upstairs at some point and curled up around Elle's feet. He was awake now, watching with a curious look to see what Troy's next move would be.

  The pup followed Troy out of the bedroom and stood guard outside the bathroom while Troy took care of business. Troy then took the dog downstairs and let him outside.

  Smiling to himself, he leaned against the door. I could certainly get used to Arizona. It's warm, and beautiful all year. The heat will probably be hell in the summer, but at least I'll stop tearing up my motorcycle on the roads, with salt and ice. Plus, I get to be around Elle.

  He still wasn't fully sure what it was he felt for Elle, but he liked her. That much was clear. He liked her enough to stay in Arizona. Oh, note to myself: call and let my landlady know I'm not coming back. I'm sure she won't mind packing up my stuff and sending it here, as long as I pay her. She'll be happy I'm gone, that's for sure.

  Grinning, he let his dog back inside and took out some ground beef. Troy wasn't particularly hungry, but he knew Roman was. “Let's get you fed, what do you say?”

  Roman gave a quiet woof. That was a trick Elle had taught him since they'd been staying in her house: an inside voice. It was adorable. “Good boy.” He fed Roman and watched him eat.

  I should get rid of that jackass's bags, and then clean up the guest room for Elle. I'll be sleeping in her room, so I shouldn't leave mine a mess.

  Just thinking about Jack left Troy's blood boiling. He was in no mood to see him, or text him to come pick up his shit. He went to the guest bedroom, stuffed everything Jack had brought into his bag, and then threw it onto the front porch.

  It was briefly considered that he might leave a note berating Jack, but he decided against it. There was no reason to invite a possible fist fight. Better to just get the sorry excuse for a man out of his life and away from his wife.

  Once the bag was settled, he went back to the guest room and began to tidy up. He would have to buy more clothes soon. It wouldn't be right to keep wearing the same three shirts and two pairs of pants. It made sense when he thought his stay in Arizona would be a short one, but now that he was here for at least a year, and hopefully for good, he had to start taking better care of his appearance.

  He didn't want to embarrass his wife, after all.

  Elle took his last name. He didn't expect her to, considering how unhappy she was about the whole arrangement, but she took it anyway. Elle Whitemarsh. The last name suited her first.

  He had a grin on his face when she came into the guest bedroom. It only grew once he saw her. She had a sleepy look to her eyes, and her hair was a great mess. “Good morning,” he said, folding the blanket that was on the guest bed. “Just tidying up.”

  “Good. I'm actually glad to see you in here,” she answered with a yawn. “I was worried we might have a fight.”

  Puzzled, he turned to her. “Fight about what?”

  “About you staying in here? It's good that you just knew. It's the best for both of us. We got that whole sex thing out of our system, so now we can just get through this year without anymore problems.” She leaned against the door frame, her demeanor easygoing.

  “Having sex with me was a problem, was it?” He put the blanket back down on the bed, crossing his arms. He was not liking how this conversation was going at all.

  “No, the sex was great. But like I said, it's not going to be a regular thing. I was grateful to you for saving me, and I have to admit that there was some sexual tension between us, but that's taken care of now.”

  “Not for me it isn't,” he said. “And I don't think it's taken care of for you, either.”

  She gave a sharp sigh, her sleepy looks changing to anger and apathy. “Why do you have to be so damn difficult?”

  “I just thought things might change between us, that you might cool it with this attitude of yours. We talked about this yesterday.”

  “Yeah, well, nothing's changed. This marriage is a farce, and you know it. Stop trying to make it something more than it really is.”

  His mouth dropped open. A farce? “Get out,” he said coldly. “Now.”

  Throwing up her hands, she stepped back. “I don't have time to fight with you. I have work in an hour.”

  “You don't even have to keep working. You're wealthy now.” It was becoming so tiring, this game she was playing with him. He had no idea why she wanted to keep working herself to the bone when she had the house and the money.

  Unless, of course, she intended to end their marriage, their farce, early. He fumed at her.

  She laughed, but it wasn't a happy laugh. “Yes, I do. Who knows what Grandma will do next to rip this house from me. Or what your grandmother will do.” Shaking her head, she took a step back. “No, I'll keep working and saving up until she's done with this bullshit and you and I are divorced, thank you. Better to be safe than sorry.”

  Then she left him, her coldness still tangible in the room. He was so sick and tired of being treated l
ike dirt by her. Whatever her goddamn problem was, he was going to find a way to fix it. He couldn't spend a year with such a cold bitch, that was for damn sure. There had to be a reason behind it.

  Maybe he was the problem? He spent a long time thinking about how he could have contributed to the problem. “What do you think, Roman? I feel like I've been nothing but a gentleman ever since I found out I was stuck with her.”

  The word stuck bothered him. He didn't feel stuck with her, and that was probably what hurt him the most. He liked having Elle around, when she was being nice. Sometimes even when she wasn't. She was at least interesting, a challenge, and she still didn't terrify him though she was hardly a calming force.

  Chapter 8


  As soon as she left the room, she knew she had fucked up. Bad. If she weren't too proud, she would have turned around immediately and apologized, but she was too proud. Too proud, and too busy. She jumped into the shower and washed away the anger and forced herself to stop thinking about how rude she had been. It was going to be easier to deal with after work, she reasoned.

  Elle had never been terribly good at apologies. She didn't have many people to apologize to, aside from her parents, and when they were around she rarely did anything to upset them. No, the last time she apologized to someone, it was… him. The shadow in her past. The bad memory she just wanted to forget, and the reason that she couldn't let herself like Troy.

  When she liked someone, she went nuts, and she couldn't risk that happening again. Not when her career could be at stake.

  Her wedding ring was already an annoyance. The way the diamond jutted out from the gold made it so it scratched against the wall when she slept and caught in her hair when she ran her fingers through.

  Just one more crappy thing about that crappy relationship. She was ready to call it quits, but it was much to early to even see the finish line. A whole year of suffering through his beautiful face? The thought horrified her.

  Aunt Viviana texted her as her family was boarding the plane, while she was at a red light before she got to work.

  It was good to see you. Remember what I said. Marriage is so important. No pressure, lol. I'm rooting for you guys! You can text me if you need someone to vent to.

  Elle had never really considered her aunt as someone worth talking to, but she was beginning to understand why she drank. Having a husband was hard, and it was even harder since she married into his drinking problem. She knew, then, that her aunt picked up the habit from him.

  She wondered what she might pick up from Troy.

  Thanks. I'm sure I'll be texting you a lot over the next year.

  She hit send just as the light turned green. She didn't know how she was going to make it up to Troy, but she somehow had to apologize to him. I'm not usually so emotional or easy to anger. What has gotten into me lately?

  On the weekend, she worked 3 to 10 both Saturday and Sunday. She didn't make a lot at the hotel, only 9 dollars an hour, but she wanted to keep her independence. It scared the hell out of her that she could lose her house and her inheritance at any moment.

  “Hey, Elle!” The girl at the front desk called. “Good to see you! I hear you got married yesterday. How come you're already back? Shouldn't you be on a honeymoon or something?”

  Elle smiled at Clara. She was a sweet girl, and only recently turned 18. Her father owned the hotel, so even though she made a lot of mistakes, she never got yelled at. Not that very many people did. Her manager here was a lot more lenient than the head librarian was. “Nah, no honeymoon for me. Trust me, coming to work is a much wanted reprieve from being around my new husband.”

  When she said the words, it was like a shock to her system. It suddenly became real, that she was married. She was no longer Elle Holbrook. She was Elle Whitemarsh.

  “I see! My mom says that a lot, too, when she goes on long vacations by herself. She's in Hawaii right now, actually.” She stepped into the back room to grab her purse and coat, then clocked out. “So, I'll see you later! Congratulations, though.”

  “Thanks,” Elle answered, watching as Clara left.

  The day went about how you'd expect. Those staying at the hotel came and went, enjoying their stay in beautiful Sedona. They snapped pictures of the lobby, which Elle deftly avoided for the most part. They swam in the pool, they walked around taking photos of cacti, they complained about how hot their room was, they complained about having too few pillows, they complained about… well, they complained about everything.

  Still, Elle would rather deal with their complaints than go home and swallow her pride, apologizing to Troy.

  As her shift ended and she was replaced by the girl who worked the night shift (a terminally shy girl with worse anxiety than even Elle, but a nice girl nonetheless), Elle found a text on her phone. It was from Grandma Rosa.

  Troy's birthday is on Friday! You should set up a surprise lunch! Don't want you to miss work again, but you have to take care of your husband too!!!

  Smiling, Elle nodded. Perfect! That's how I can apologize for being such a bitch. I'll be nice for the next few days, and then surprise him with a party. Hopefully, he's the kind who likes surprise parties.

  She left the hotel, feeling lighter than when she arrived. She would buy some of that beer he liked, the expensive kind. A hefty sum had hit her bank account the day they got married, so she could easily afford nicer things. The local pizza place should make him happy, too, she thought. I'll invite his grandma, and mine, so it'll be a small party.

  When she got home, she found the house dark and quiet. There was a light coming from underneath the guest bedroom's door. She knocked on the door and Roman barked (using his inside voice, like a good boy), but Troy didn't answer.

  She knocked again.

  “Go away.”

  “I just wanted to apologize.”

  “Thanks. Now go away.”

  Maybe it would be harder to get him to forgive her than she expected. I really fucked things up this time, she thought, and that bothered her more than she expected. She wanted him to forgive her and go back to being nosy and bothersome. She didn't want to be shut out.

  Stepping away, she went into her bedroom. He had cleaned up for her after she left, making her bed too. His tidiness must have come from being in the military.

  She went to sleep earlier than normal, trying to think of ways to make him forgive her for being such a jerk. The only ideas that came up hinged on that surprise party. It was important to really impress him.


  As soon as his eyes opened on his birthday, Troy's mood was foul. The blackest of clouds hung over him as he showered, dressed, ate, let his dog outside. As usual, Elle slept in much later than he did. That gave him time to realize that if he had to deal with her before his mood lightened, he would only argue with her.

  They had been avoiding each other for days. Ever since that fight, Troy hadn't felt up to making things right with her. He hated the silence that hung between them, but at the same time had no idea how to fill it.

  As far as he knew, they had nothing in common except that horror TV show they watched before their first big fight in the house. He didn't know what hobbies she had, other than being a jerk to men for no reason. He didn't know what she wanted out of a husband. He didn't even know if she preferred roses or carnations, so he couldn't buy her flowers to apologize for an argument he didn't start.

  I'm just not a very good husband, he thought with a shake of his head.

  He filled the silence by using the money in his account to join a gym. He quickly made friends with some of the other men that lifted there. There was a surprising number of ex-military in the gym, lifting weights and staying fit. He spent his dinners hanging out with them, eating meals cooked by their girlfriends or wives. Wishing he could return the favor.

  It was easy enough to explain that he and his new wife were going through a rough patch. A few of them even said they went through the same thing, and that he shouldn't worry
about it. They didn't know the whole truth, though. They had no clue how weird their situation really was.

  One of the men, Sam, was single and probably didn't have plans later that day. Sam was one of the friendlier guys at the gym, and immediately offered to spend time with Troy as soon as he explained what happened to get him discharged.

  Troy gave him a ring. If anyone was going to be free, it would be Sam. The guy had all the makings of a new best friend, which Troy was sorely lacking after Jack fucked things up royally.

  “Hey, man. It's a bit early to be calling me to come spot you.” The man's voice sounded tired.

  Troy chuckled. “Yeah, that's not why I'm calling. Look, it's my birthday and I'm in a shit mood. I don't want to make things worse with Elle. Mind me coming to chill at your house for a while?”

  “Not a problem, but I have some stuff to do. Think you'll be okay until 5 or so?” That was why Troy was glad he made friends easily. Other men, especially single ones, were always ready to drop everything and help their friend out. Friends forged in the gym were especially helpful.

  “Probably. Text me your address.”

  Sam agreed. “Bring that dog of yours. He can play with Marley.”

  “Roman practically goes everywhere with me,” Troy said. Marley was another Rottweiler and German Shepherd mix, with a kind and quiet temperament. Sam brought the dog with him to the gym, which gave Troy the confidence to bring Roman.

  “I figured. Marley was like that with me when I came home, too. Anyway, see you at 5.”

  They hung up, and having plans that didn't involve sitting home with Elle, but being unable to talk to her, lightened his mood immediately. If he could spend time with other men, it wouldn't bother him so much that Elle hated his guts for absolutely no reason.

  It wasn't like it was Troy's fault they were forced to get married. She should be mad at her grandmother, not him.

  Obviously, it wasn't her fault, either. And deep down, he understood why she was so upset, or at least he thought he did. It was hard to go from independence to living with some strange man. Even worse when that man was a husband that was forced on you.


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