Book Read Free

Break the Ice

Page 10

by Piper Rayne

  I shut the door, take off my shoes and coat, unsure why since I might be running the opposite way in a second. Rounding the corner into the family room, a familiar voice puts my body at ease.

  “Fucking hell, he’s such an idiot.”


  “Give him a break. It took you forever.”


  “Not four years.”

  Dax again.

  “I wouldn’t have waited.”


  “Yeah, you would have.”

  She giggles and I can just picture them snuggled on the couch, him kissing her neck and her smiling, lovesick expressions on their faces. I’m so not in the mood.

  “Say you would have.”

  “No,” she squeals.

  “Say it.”

  “Don’t go after the nipples.”

  Oh, screw this, I’m over their cutesy shit.

  “I really don’t want to see her tits, so...” I walk in and Demi scrambles off Dax’s lap, although he easily plops her back down and rests his arm over her lap.

  “If it isn’t the stupidest motherfucker I know.” Dax’s razzing voice says he wants to laugh, but he truly does mean it.

  I sit down on the chair, tossing the mail on the coffee table, followed by my feet.

  “You got your cast off.” Demi smiles, and I’m surprised she’s being so nice to me.


  We pretend I didn’t overhear them talking about Skylar and me. Not that I should be surprised, Demi’s Skylar’s best friend. I’m sure by now they’re all in the loop.

  “Why are you guys here?”

  Dax’s face beams. “It’s not every day you turn thirty.”

  My face pales. How could I forget about that lovely day I was born, when my parents looked at me and said, ‘nah, he’s not a keeper?’

  “You’re getting old. Old enough that you should know better. You’re making high school decisions bro.” Dax taps his head, his eyebrows up.

  “And that’s my cue.” Demi stands.

  Dax grabs the waist of her jeans and she falls back down to his lap.

  “You know the rules.” He purses his lips out for a kiss.

  She does that annoying giggle thing again and does as he says. Thankfully, they don’t use tongue.

  “It’s good to see you, Beckett.” Demi’s hand lands on my shoulder as she rounds the back of the couch and walks out of the room.

  “Save it. I’m not in the mood. Actually, I’m booking a flight back to Park City for tomorrow.”

  “You’re gonna run?” It comes out of his mouth like he honestly can’t believe it.

  “I’m not running, I’m giving her space.”

  He sits up, his ass on the end of the couch. “Space to what? Hate you more? Plan your murder? Damage is done, dude. That friendship that was so important to you...that went out the window the minute you stuck your dick inside her.”

  I wince at his words. Honest yet accurate. “Did she put you all on speakerphone and tell you all at once what happened between us?”

  “News travels fast in this group. Don’t act like you haven’t been the initiator of the telephone game a time or two.” He raises his eyebrows once more.

  Unfortunately, I can’t argue with him.

  “So, you came here to what? Talk me out of doing the right thing?” I slide to the edge of the chair because what I really want to do is pace the floor. One drunken night’s decision and my entire life has blown up like a propane tank in the hot sun.

  “No. That’s the funny part. She planned your entire birthday party before all this shit went down. Grady and Mia are on their way here, too. We’re supposed to go to a bar tonight. Some VIP crap.”

  Of course she did. Planned to celebrate a day I’ve never thought of as worth celebrating. Because that’s how amazing she is.

  I focus on the wood grain of the coffee table. How the stain is darker in some spots, the scratches that probably came from Skylar and her siblings when they were younger, or maybe they’re more recent from Molly and Caiden.

  “We’re fighting.”

  He shakes his head. “Of course you are. You fucked her and then told her she was a mistake.”

  “I said IT was a mistake.”

  “She’s a chick. She heard SHE was a mistake.”

  I throw my hands up in the air. Defeated.

  He leans back, resting his ankle on his knee. “I get that you grew up in foster care. I don’t know what you went through, but my growing up wasn’t so great either and I had a biological mother. Think of it this way, at least you don’t have a daily reminder that she’s only interested in your money.”


  “Every day since I cut her off.”

  “You did?”

  He loses the gleam that was in his eyes seconds ago. “I gave her twenty grand and said not to call me for money again. Guess she didn’t completely understand the direction because she says she gave my brothers some.” He holds his hands out. “Those are my demons and I’ve slashed away at them, so I can be in a healthy relationship.”

  “How much Dr. Phil have you been watching?”

  He laughs, but there’s no real humor to it and his eyes narrow. “I could sit here and lecture you, but the truth is, you gotta find it in yourself. The fight for her. You run from anything but snowboarding. Last month you stood in my room and listed off reasons why I needed to go after Demi. Why my upbringing wasn’t the whole of who I was. So.” He slides forward on the couch again. “Look on the bright side, you’ve got me.” He winks. “And just so you’re aware, I’m not some consolation prize, okay?”

  I laugh, shaking my head.

  He stands and leaves the room. I inhale a deep cleansing breath. Picking up the mail to put it on the counter where Sky’s parents usually keep it, I walk it over to the box in the kitchen.

  I drop it in right before the return address flashes up. University of Chicago. I scramble to pick it back up, holding it up to the light to see what it might say. I think I see welcome and congratulations, but I can’t really be sure. She applied and that means she’s serious about leaving skiing for good. I have a feeling my trip back to Park City will be on my own, whether I like it or not. Which is fine, we’re both better off that way anyway.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chelsea got us more connections. Did her entire college class go into the bar industry?

  We’ve gone to dinner, Skylar on one side of the table, me on the opposite. I couldn’t even tell you why the both of us have agreed to go through with this party. She obviously hates me now. From the death stares sent my way by Chelsea and Zoe, you’d think my face was on America’s Most Wanted.

  Walking up the stairs and through the roped off VIP section, Demi and Mia sit down, their conversation hushed, but their eyes shooting in all different directions.

  Dax heads to the bar, ordering a round of shots while Grady disappears into the bathroom. Mikey’s already on the dance floor with some random chick he picked up on the way up the stairs. Seriously, that guy is a magnet. Chelsea must have a thing for bouncers because she’s flirting with one at the edge of the roped area. Vin and Zoe watching the dance floor like it’s foreign land they’re not familiar with. Skylar, my Skylar, sits wearing a tight blue dress and heels with her hair pinned up.

  Her words, ‘you broke me’ haunt me each time our eyes skim along one another.

  “Drink up, birthday boy!” Dax shoves a shot glass into my hand and then moves along, passing out shots to everyone. “To my best buddy. Here’s to women, beer and song. May they never be flat. Happy birthday, asshole! I fucking love ya.”

  I roll my eyes. The girls laugh. All except Skylar whose face is devoid of emotion.

  We all tip the shots back.

  “Let’s go dance,” Chelsea says to Skylar, gripping her hand.

  “Sure.” Skylar lets Chelsea lead her to the mass of people grinding and sweating on the dance floor.

  I’m lost in the me
mory of our dance only a week earlier. How her body molded to mine like we were statues fit together. How soft her skin was. How good she smelled.

  Grady comes alongside me, tipping his shot back and sliding the glass across the table. “This shit has got to stop. Your birthday is as much fun as a fucking meeting with my accountant.”

  “Yeah, I can only do so much entertaining before I’m going to want to be paid.” Dax laughs.

  “We might as well live it up. We’re here, it’s your birthday,” Grady says.

  I look over my shoulder, seeing Skylar’s first smile all night. She’s enjoying herself, so maybe I should try to as well.

  “Another round.” I head to the bar.

  You’d think I learned my lesson about drinking where Skylar’s involved, but I guess I’m still working with my high school brain like Dax said.

  The guys and I drink a few more shots. Pretty soon we’re taking some pictures, laughing about nothing. Dax and I get into a meme war on Instagram then I drunkenly try to explain the game Zoe brought over for games night. It’s like the three of us from before the Classics, before they found girlfriends. The only thing missing is Skylar, who would usually come up and join me in the fun.

  Demi and Mia stay on the couch sipping their drinks and chatting. Probably planning their double weddings or some shit.

  I’m busy posting something I shouldn’t to Instagram when my message light pops up.

  * * *

  Hey it’s Luca. What bar r u guys at?

  * * *

  Luca, Luca, Luca, who is he? The name is familiar, but I can’t place it. He must know me though, so I hammer back a message and tell him where we are. He’ll never get in because hello, the line is around the corner and we’re in VIP. Good luck, Luca, whoever you are.

  We take a couple more shots, but I have a feeling Grady isn’t taking his because he’s still standing straight whereas I have to keep holding the edge of the bar to steady myself.

  Skylar returns from the dance floor, sipping a bottle of water and joins the girls on the couch. She purposely tries not to make eye contact with me. The girls embrace her in what looks like congratulations. Their excited smiles and the way they’re practically bouncing in their seats tells me she told them the news. She’s going to grad school.

  They’re happy for her, you selfish bastard. Why can’t you be?

  I feel like I’m at war with myself.

  “Myers!” someone screams my name and I look up to see a guy. He looks familiar.

  Skylar turns and looks, a smile forming on her lips. She stands, walking over to the bouncer, placing her hand on his arm and pointing to the guy who yelled my name.

  Then I see who’s with him and my drunken brain finally makes the connection.

  I head over, placing my hand out in front of me. “Hey.”

  “You cool if we join you?” Luca asks, shaking my hand.

  “The more, the merrier, of course, but your brother can leave.” I look over his shoulder at that shithead Mauro cozying up to Skylar.

  He chuckles. “Sorry, man.” He cringes but says nothing else.

  “Isn’t there another Bianco?”

  “Sucker had the late shift.” He glances over to Grady and Dax, his eyes widening. This guy must really follow snowboarding. Half the time I forget I’m a professional snowboarder that people might recognize. It’s not like we’re Kris Bryant and Anthony Rizzo walking around Chicago.

  “Oh, hey.” I nod over to my friends who are back in deep discussion, most likely about my sorry ass, and wave them over. “This is Dax Campbell and Grady Kale. Guys, this is Luca.”

  They nod, shake hands. “Want a drink?” Dax asks.

  “Hell yeah,” Luca responds.

  The three of them talk shit. Well, Luca asks them a million questions they’re more than happy to answer. My eyes set on Mauro and Skylar, talking. She’s laughing, her finger twirling her hair, her cheeks flushed with pink. So, this is what it’ll be like watching her with another man she seems to like.

  My throat feels like it’s closing in and I swallow past the growing lump.

  “Hard to watch, huh?” Chelsea asks.

  I glance over at her, nod and turn my gaze away.

  “It’s not too late, you know.”

  “Give it a rest, Chels. Will everyone just fucking give it a rest?” My voice is louder than I would’ve preferred.

  “Whoa, buddy.” Grady raises his eyebrows, silently questioning if I’m okay.

  “I’m fine. I’m fucking fine.”

  A few more heads turn.

  “It’s okay if you’re not.” Chelsea’s smug smile is prominently on display.

  “I am,” I bite out.

  My eyes land on Skylar, who is staring at me, questions in her eyes. Questions she would’ve asked me last week. Questions it seems she doesn’t care to ask anymore.

  “Beck,” Mia says, placing her drink on the table, about to stand up.

  I put my hand in the air. “Everyone just fucking leave me alone.”

  All the tension locks up in my body like I’m in a suit of armor and can’t move.

  “Hoff,” Dax comes to stand on the side of me, using the nickname that usually calms me. It’s a nickname that someone took the time to make up for me. It put me into their club and I’ve never minded being razzed for being a Cali skater and the shit comparison to Baywatch or David Hasselhoff. In my world as demented as it is, if you tease me, you like me. It’s not true on the schoolyards these days, but in my world a nickname means respect. It means you belong.

  But it doesn’t work this time. I’m too far gone. Weeks of pretending I don’t want Skylar followed by finally having her and then having to give her up has brought me to my limit.

  “I can’t.” I choke out the words and I might not be able to see Dax, but his body stiffens next to me.

  She stays on the opposite side of the small VIP section next to the douchebag rather than check on me. But I deserve it. I selfishly took her when she wasn’t mine to take.

  “Let’s go.” Dax’s hand cups the back of my neck to guide me out of the bar.

  I shake him off, stalking across the room, over top of the glass coffee table in front of the couch until I’m standing right in front of Mauro, looking down at Skylar.

  “I get that I fucked this entire thing up, but you sure are moving on fast.”

  An empty laugh tumbles out of her mouth. “You only got one part correct there, the part about you fucking up.”

  “You knew my issues.”

  Mauro puts his hand on my chest to keep me from stepping forward, but I twist and push it off me.

  “This is the only way.” I sound like I’m pleading. “I wanted to keep you in my life.”

  “You could have had me.” Her voice hiccups, tears welling in her eyes. “I gave you time. More time than anyone else would have.” She swipes the tears from her eyes.

  “Guys.” Grady’s in between us now, but I step forward, pushing him away from us.

  “Why can’t we just go back to being friends?”

  She throws her arms up in the air. “Because in the end, you’ll ruin me. I can’t do it anymore, Beck. We’ve come to a crossroads and either you jump on the train with me, or I have to leave you at the station. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Looks to me like the train already left.”

  “Oh, my God.” She shakes her head, looking at all of our friends. “Get out of my face, now, Beckett. I can’t. I just can’t. I need to be away from you.”

  “So you can fuck him?” I thumb to Mauro, her words barely processing in my alcohol-soaked brain.

  “No!” she screams.

  Now we’ve caught the attention of the bouncers and they’re heading in our direction. Demi and Mia are suddenly at her side, tears are cascading down her cheeks, smearing her perfect makeup.

  Someone grips my upper arms from behind.

  “There’s no need for that. I’ll get him out,” Dax says and the bouncers, I
assume, let me go.

  I run to Skylar, my hands planting on her cheeks, my lips pressing against hers. Our tongues glide and my stomach lightens as if the boulder I’ve been carrying around is being turned to dust. I sprinkle a few last kisses to her lips and rest my forehead against hers. “I do love you. You’ll forever be the one who got away.”

  A fresh set of tears fall to the floor between us. She shakes her head. “I didn’t slip out of your grasp, you shut the door in my face.” Her hands leave my body and my skin chills.

  She walks away, and I watch her back until someone taps my shoulder.

  I circle around, but I’m blindsided by a fist against my cheek.

  “Sorry man, but you know you deserve it.”

  I cradle my cheek, the pain dulled a bit from the alcohol.

  “Nice, Vin.” Grady helps me to my feet, shoots a look to Mia. “I’ll see you back at the house?”

  “Yeah, maybe you guys should head to a hotel.”

  “Definitely a hotel,” Dax says.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I wake up alone. In a bed foreign to me with a cold bag of water next to my face.

  Sitting up, I see that I’m still in the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing last night. I check my phone and see no missed calls. Then I glance at the clock.


  I stand up, searching the small-ass hotel room to make sure I have everything.

  Wallet, check.

  Phone, check.

  Dirty clothes, check.

  Morning breath, check check.

  Rushing out of the hotel, luck is on my side because a taxi is waiting outside. I hop in and give Skylar’s parents’ address.

  In the car, I rest my head against the cold window, having to piece little chunks of time together to make sense of everything that happened last night. I kissed her. A smile creases my cracked lips. Vin punched me. Good for him. I’m sure I deserved it. My fingers gently touch my cheek. It’s still sore and probably black and blue. I haven’t bothered to look in a mirror yet. I know we screamed at one another. In the middle of a bar. Her tears, freely flowing without a care who saw her. It’s so not Skylar to lay herself out there like that.


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