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Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5

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by Angela Addams

  She moaned as he slid his tongue past the gates of her lips to stroke her from within. With his free hand, he traced a path from her hip to her breast, cupping and squeezing before twirling his finger over her nipple. As he gave it a little pinch—rolling the hard nub between his finger and thumb—she moaned into his mouth, a delicious sound that begged for more.

  “Is this what you want, Hannah?” he whispered against her lips before trailing a line of kisses down her jaw.

  She nodded as she offered her neck to him, a gesture that meant more to his wolf than she could have possibly known. He wanted to mark her there, a mating bite that would send a clear message to any other wolf—she was his and only his. But as tempting as it was, he merely licked a path down her sweet flesh, nipping instead of biting, practicing more restraint than he thought he could.

  “I want to touch you, Mayhem,” she pleaded as she tugged at her arms. “Please let me touch you.”

  Chapter Six

  Hannah didn’t know what had gotten into her, but it was like her sex drive had jolted into high gear. She couldn’t think of anything else but getting Mayhem naked, feeling his flesh beneath her fingers, tasting every inch of his body. And that so wasn’t like her. She wasn’t the one-night-stand kind of girl. She wasn’t a risk taker.

  But there was something about Mayhem that was so deliciously dangerous, and yet, strangely, she somehow felt like she was perfectly safe with him like he’d take her to the edge but never push her off.

  He groaned against her throat, his lips pressed just under her jaw. “Mmm, Hannah.” He released her wrists, then quickly stepped back and swooped her into his arms. “Point me to your bedroom, sweetheart.”

  His steady gaze flashed a predatory hunger that made her shiver with excitement. She sucked in a breath as she stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the flawless blue. “Down the hall, last door on the right.”

  He swept them toward her room with surprising speed. Hannah couldn’t help but giggle, a reaction that was cut short when he tossed her gently on the bed and then stood over her, his eyes smoldering with desire. “Clothes off. Now.”

  His deep growl rolled through her like a freight train, exciting her, making her wet and hot and so ready for whatever he wanted to give her. She quickly got down to business, ripping her sweater over her head and unzipping her skirt so she could wiggle out of it. All the while, Mayhem stood watching her, his gaze trailing from her face to her breasts to her hips, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

  “Aren’t you going to…?” She motioned up and down once she finally dislodged herself from the tight skirt, breathless from both the effort and his unwavering stare. Even though she still wore a bra and panties, she couldn’t help but feel naked.

  Mayhem smiled wickedly as he slowly climbed up onto the bed, his heavy weight nearly toppling Hannah forward. She wouldn’t have fallen far, though. He was right there, moving her back without touching her, his massive body coming toward her, his musky smell invading her senses, making her mouth water as he skillfully forced her to lie beneath him while he wedged himself between her thighs. “Don’t worry, little darlin’, I’ll be naked with you soon enough.”

  He pressed the bulge of his erection against her soaked panties, teasing with the promise of penetration. Her sex ached for him, her body humming with need.

  He ran his fingers through the soft curls of her hair, bending down to kiss her briefly before moving lower. He trailed his hand along her back, lifting her up to meet his roving mouth. She gasped as his lips descended on her nipple, giggled when he used his tongue to lick her through the lace of her bra. She was panting by the time he shifted over to the other breast, suckling her until she nearly came off the bed completely. He unhooked her bra, then brought his hand around and yanked it away.

  “Hmm.” He moaned as he sucked her nipple into his mouth once again, twirling with his tongue and nipping with his teeth. “You taste so good, Hannah,” he said against her flesh before shifting over to administer the same attention to her other breast.

  She ran her hand through his hair, growing frustrated when her fingers snagged at the tie that bound it at the nape of his neck. She tugged and Mayhem grunted. “Take this off!”

  He reached up and pulled his hair free, shaking his head until it cascaded over her breasts in a cool wash of silky smooth perfection. She let her fingers slide through it, his hair so long that it reached his waist, so soft and satiny that it was a sensory overload against her skin, and so black it held a tint of blue.

  He ran his hand down her side, curving along her waist before hooking a finger into the elastic of her panties. “I want to taste all of you.”

  If Hannah’s cheeks weren’t already burning, she’d have blushed. But at the same time, she wouldn’t have asked him to stop if her life depended on it. Mayhem didn’t give her a chance to utter any doubts as he tugged off her panties and then sat back as he spread her legs, exposing her so blatantly she was actually mesmerized by the sight of him there.

  “Hannah,” he murmured as he nestled his mouth into her sex, his eyes once again locked on hers, never breaking contact. He stroked her with his tongue, flicking her clit before sucking it into his warm mouth.

  She rolled her head back in ecstasy, moaning when he reached up and took a firm hold of her breast, squeezing her flesh before sliding his fingers down to pinch her aching nipple.

  The feel of his tongue on her, lapping, suckling, had her body torquing as she simultaneously tried to pull away and push closer. She wanted more but couldn’t handle the mounting climax. He placed his hand against her hip and held her down, forcing her into submission before sliding his fingers deep within her core, skillfully stroking her until she thought she’d never recover. The explosion of her orgasm wrenched a scream out of her as it barreled though her entire body, slamming her with wave upon wave of pure ecstasy.

  Chapter Seven

  The taste of Hannah’s juices hitting the back of his throat had Mayhem’s wolf in a frenzy of want, demanding that he claim her. His teeth ached with the desire, his fangs elongating for just that purpose. But he couldn’t do it—not tonight anyway. Not without her knowing the truth and accepting him and his wolf.

  The beast would just have to be satisfied with the act of making love, and he planned on doing that just as soon as he’d wrung every last whimpering shudder from her.

  Her scream of release had only marked the beginning, her body still wracked with the jolting spasms of her climax. Her muscles were pulled so taut that her back bowed, her breasts bouncing with the movement.

  He pulled his mouth away and released his hold on her hip. “I want you, Hannah,” he said, his voice a husky whisper as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  She eased back down gazing up at him through her eyelashes, her face flushed in the moonlight that streamed from the bedroom window. He could see her throat working. She gulped before reaching up with a fluttering hand to partially cover her face. “When you look at me like that…”

  He shed his shirt, letting the expensive silk fall to the floor with little concern. There was plenty more where that came from. Right now the only thing he wanted on his skin was Hannah. He climbed back on the bed and snagged her calf. “When I look at you like what?”

  She lowered her hand to her mouth, covering a gasp. “You look like you want to eat me alive.”

  He pulled her by the leg, sliding her easily across the satin comforter of her bed. “I just did that, sweetheart. Now I want to slide into you, make love to you, mark you as mine.”

  She stared at him with a look of confusion. “Yours?”

  He undid his pants, letting his cock jump from the confines of his clothing, so ready and eager to possess her. He pushed his pants to his ankles then kicked them off before opening her thighs once again and sinking down until his dick rested just at the warm, wet entrance of her pussy. “You will be mi
ne. I want you. I need you.” He nudged her. “Will you take me, love?”

  Hannah dropped her hand from her face, then ran her fingers from his scalp through his hair, gripping a handful in her palm and giving it a little tug that sent a jolt of desire straight to his dick. “I don’t know what all of this means,” she whispered. “I can’t explain what I’m feeling right now.”

  Mayhem flexed his hips forward until the tip of his cock rested just inside of her, his desire to thrust deeply almost consuming him. “It might be love at first sight, Hannah.”

  She giggled. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

  He pushed against her as he ran his hand up her back until he gripped her neck just under her hair, bringing her even closer. “I do believe that. You’re the one for me. I knew it the second I saw you tonight.”

  She gulped, her eyes searching his. “You mean that?”

  He nodded and then kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth at the same time he slid his cock deep within her pussy. She moaned against his lips, arching into him as he filled her with all that he was, stretching her until her body quivered against him.

  “Yes, Hannah,” he said as he pulled his lips away and lowered her down to the bed. He caged her between his arms as he slid his dick out almost to the tip, barely encased within her body. “I mean that.”

  She sighed, her mouth curling into the most deliciously wicked smile. “Then I guess you’d better make me yours, Mayhem.”

  His cock jolted, just the idea of marking her enough to make him come. He fought back the urge to spill too early and slowly rolled his hips, circling against her sheath in a lazy rhythm. “That’s what I intend to do, sweetheart. Over and over again.”

  “It can’t be all bad.” The gentle twirls Hannah drew on his chest sent shivers of pleasure washing over him. “Being a super famous rock star, that is.”

  Mayhem grinned as he rubbed one of her satiny curls between his fingers, mesmerized by the glossy red color. He’d never really been one for post-coital chitchat. Usually his encounters with the opposite sex were fast and hard and the only verbal communication was in the form of grunts and groans. So he was a little rusty in the socializing department.

  “Sure, there are perks.” He shrugged. “But it gets tiresome after a while.”

  “Oh yeah, I bet. All that money, all those fans fawning over you. I bet it gets tiresome.” Her words were teasing and he could feel her lips curling into a smile against his shoulder where her head lay.

  “It’s not all it’s made out to be.” He gave a little tug on her hair. “You never really get to know anyone and everyone, everyone, has an ulterior motive. Autographs, money…”


  “Yes. In the past, it’s been about sex.”

  “But you’re looking for something more.” Her teasing tone continued, like she didn’t completely believe it. “All those women, and you’re looking for something more.”

  “You are something more.”

  Hannah’s fingers paused against his skin, her silence letting him know she was contemplating his words. Weighing his worth perhaps. Deciding if she could trust him or not.

  He nudged her head gently with his shoulder, jolting her out of her reverie. “What about you? What’s your story? Where’d you come from?”

  She pushed herself up with a sigh, flipping her hair over her arm as she did, giving him an unobstructed view of her perfect breasts. “My story?” She shrugged. “Nothing exciting there. Grew up around here, went to school, got my degree, found a job. Typical. Boring.”

  But the way she dropped her gaze and reached to cover her body with a sheet told him there was more to Hannah than she was letting on. He placed his hand over hers, stopping her from draping herself.

  “There’s nothing about you that’s boring, Hannah. The thought of that’s laughable.”

  She shrugged again, quickly glancing up at him through her lashes. “I tend to go unnoticed. I’m easily forgettable. Unimportant, some might say.”

  This time Mayhem did laugh, he couldn’t help it. When her face bloomed with a bright blush and she moved to leave the bed, Mayhem quickly tugged her down into his arms and embraced her tightly. “Let’s get something very straight, my sweet Hannah. You will never be unimportant and there is no fucking way that you go unnoticed. You’re beautiful, accomplished and utterly unforgettable. Whoever told you otherwise was a lying sack of shit.”

  Hannah pushed away from him again, a sad smile playing on her lips. “That’s sweet of you to say, but hard for me to believe. It’s just not the way I think about myself.”

  Mayhem’s wolf growled his displeasure, wanting to defend and protect Hannah from any hurt, reacting to the tears that glistened in her eyes. “Well, you’re wrong, and from this moment on, I don’t want you to think that way. In fact—” he captured her in his arms again and pulled her down for a deep kiss “—I’m going to make sure you understand how truly unforgettable you are.”

  When Mayhem woke, it was to the terrifying reality that the sun was soon to break over the horizon and his wolf was battling to take over his body.

  He’d stayed too long. Hannah lay asleep next to him, her body curled into his chest, and he was loath to part from her. He wanted to spend the day, even in his wolf form, lying beside her. But he knew that wasn’t an option. Not yet anyway. He had to get home before the change took hold.

  He extracted himself from the warmth of her body, careful not to wake her as he pulled his clothes on, watching the steady rhythm of her breathing as she slept. So deep asleep that she was oblivious to his departure.

  The change was coming quickly and as soon as the sun peaked fully, he wouldn’t be able to stop his wolf from taking over. He wished he had more control over his beast, but he was young yet—only thirty when bitten and a mere three decades old as a werewolf. It would take some more time for him to be able to transform his beast at will, to be wolf or human when it suited him. It took a major threat for his wolf to break out of the human cage that bound him through the night, and he’d never been able to reverse the change back to human during the day—not for any reason. So, until he mastered that, he was stuck being human by night and wolf by day.

  With one last glance at his beautiful future mate—the one he knew he’d crave above all others—he quickly moved out of her bedroom and down the hall.

  He wouldn’t be able to come to her until after his show that night, a massive venue selected for the launch of his newest album. Tickets had been sold out for months in anticipation of the long overdue release. There was no way he could get out of it, not with the record execs breathing down his neck for some better sales figures.

  He checked the deadbolt to her door, making sure it was secure before doing a quick search of her kitchen for something to write with. She had a laptop on the table but no pens. He scanned the area, seconds ticking away, making him itch with impatience. He needed to go. He reluctantly headed over to the sliding glass door that led to her balcony. Just as he was about to open the door, the solution came to him. He’d send Dave over with a ticket and backstage pass for the show. That way Hannah could see him perform and be backstage waiting for him as soon as he was done.


  With a smile, he slid the door open and stepped out into the crisp, early morning air. His wolf raged within, demanding to be let loose with the coming dawn.

  Closing the door behind him, he glanced up and down the street. Thankfully, it was still too early for anyone to be out and about. He just hoped that none of the tenants on the floors below were taking their morning coffee on the balcony or they’d be in for a shock. He chuckled to himself as he leaped up onto the railing before landing in a low crouch. It was safer this way. At least he knew that Hannah’s front door was locked. It was less likely that someone would get into her apartment if he used the balcony as an exit.
r />   Mayhem took one last look around, then jumped, his werewolf strength absorbing the impact of his landing with little effort. A moment after that and he was on his bike, engine revving, eyes on the horizon. His skin prickled with his coming transformation, his wolf clawing for release. He’d be breaking some speeding laws to get back home in time, but he’d make it.

  He turned the bike around and gunned it up the street, knowing he’d see Hannah as soon as the sun set.

  Chapter Eight

  Hannah felt the warm rays of the midmorning sun on her face before she was actually awake. She spun it into the tail end of her dream—the one that featured Mayhem sprawled beneath her as he had been the night before.

  “Hmm.” She moaned as she rolled over, searching with her hands for that now familiar body.

  What she felt was a cold, empty space next to her.

  “Mayhem?” She cracked her eyelids open and frowned at the large indentation he’d left, as if she could conjure him out of thin air.

  She sat up, her disheveled hair tumbling into her face as she quickly wrapped a sheet around her body. A sinking feeling sent her stomach whirling with discomfort. She could hear no movement from the rest of her small apartment. No shower running, no television noise, not even the scent of coffee brewing…which would have been nice. Nope. Nothing. And Mayhem didn’t exactly seem like the silent type.

  She pushed herself to the edge of the bed and brushed her hair back from her face.

  He left. The rational part of her brain clicked online, battling against the pain that flared in her heart.

  Of course he left. Isn’t that what you expected?

  She knotted the sheet at her chest and stood from the bed, padding quickly into the hallway and out to the open-concept living space that made up the rest of her place. Hoping that maybe she was wrong. She twirled in a small circle, noting that nothing seemed out of place; even the dead bolt was locked—which was odd because he would have needed a key to lock it on his way out. Strange.


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