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The Super Spies and the Pied Piper

Page 11

by Lisa Orchard

  “Shut up.”

  “Come on, you two,” Aunt June chided.

  Agent Gray walked around the corner interrupting the conversation. “Come on in.”

  They trailed behind him as he led them to an interview room. Sarah grabbed Lacey’s arm and gave it a squeeze. “Lucky for you, Agent Gray showed up when he did.” She gave her sister a mock glare.

  “Oooh… you’re so-o-o scary.” Lacey pretended to shake with fear and then snickered behind her hand.

  Once everyone gathered inside, the agent gestured toward the chairs. “Have a seat.” He sat down and took a deep breath. “We received your parents’ phone records.”

  Sarah smirked. “Oh really? Let me guess… you found some more activity in Alden.”

  Agent Gray stared at her. “How do you know?”

  Sarah took a deep breath and glanced around the familiar room. She took in the putty colored walls and the starkness, one table and four chairs were the only things in the room. Taking another deep breath, she glanced at her aunt and then spilled the whole story about going to Alden. Sarah even told him about showing her parents’ photo around town and finally about her abduction and escape.

  Agent Gray pursed his lips and let out a low whistle. “Wow. We need to get up there and find out what’s going on.”

  “We want to come with you,” Sarah said.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” The agent frowned.

  “We have to. We’re the only ones who know what the Stalker looks like.”

  The FBI man pursed his lips and studied her for several minutes. Finally he sighed. “All right.”

  Sarah’s spirits lifted. She made eye contact with her sister and did a fist pump.

  Lacey rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “Do you know the address where you were taken?”

  Sarah eyed Lacey before shaking her head. “No, we don’t. We can show you where it is, but I don’t know the street address.”

  “We’ll have to call it in.” Agent Gray stood. “I’m going to grab Agent Black; I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

  “What do you mean call it in?” Sarah asked.

  “In case we need to get a search warrant.”

  They stood and followed the agent out of the room. He turned right and they proceeded to the left and walked toward the reception area.

  “Wait,” Sarah called out, spinning toward the agent. He stopped and faced her. “We’re supposed to meet Scoop at one-thirty. He’s got some info from the interview. He has pictures and everything.”

  Agent Gray glanced at his watch. “Okay. Call him and see if he can meet us in about fifteen minutes.”

  Sarah nodded and continued her journey, chewing her thumbnail as she walked. We’re so close, I can feel it. She shuddered as an icy chill ran through her body. I can’t wait to find out what the connection is between the Stalker and my parents. When they made it to the lobby, Sarah called Scoop and filled him in on the details. He agreed to meet them at Hinkle’s with all his information.

  After she disconnected the call, she faced to her sister and whispered, “I can’t believe Aunt June didn’t say anything about yesterday.”

  With wide eyes, Lacey said, “I know.”

  Aunt June finished her conversation with the officer at the front desk and ambled over to the girls. “You’re not off the hook. I’ll deal with you later.”

  Drat! Sarah stared at her sister and raised her eyebrows. “I can’t believe she heard that.”

  Lacey opened her eyes wide and mouthed, “I know.”

  “I hear everything,” Aunt June said and gave Sarah a worldly smile.

  Sarah shrugged. “Not everything.” She spun around and walked to the door. Hoping she left her aunt guessing.

  Her aunt caught her eye and raised her eyebrows. “Everything.”

  Sarah opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again when the agents walked into view. They escorted them out to their unmarked car. Sarah smirked when she saw the nondescript grey vehicle. She exchanged a look with her sister before climbing into it. When everyone had their seatbelts buckled Agent Gray started the car and revved the engine. He shot out of the parking lot and turned toward Hinkle’s.

  Sarah stared out the window as they wound their way through the quiet streets of Harrisburg. They rounded the corner; Sarah was surprised to find they were on the Cat Lady’s street. The large trees lining the road were brilliant with the colors of the changing leaves. Bright reds, oranges, and yellows stood out against the darkening sky. It’s going to rain. She shivered and shifted her weight as the agent steered the vehicle onto Main Street.

  He pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine. Sarah was the first to climb out of the car and she made a mad dash for the restaurant. Her pulse quickened at the thought of what she was about to learn from the retired reporter. Opening the door, the familiar scents of cooking food filled her nostrils and her stomach rumbled.

  Stopping at the hostess stand, Sarah searched for Scoop. She found him sitting at a table cleaning his glasses and waved as she made her way over.

  “Scoop. Did you find anything interesting in your photos?”

  Scoop laughed. “Let’s not dilly dally… let’s get down to business.”

  Sarah snickered. “Okay. Sounds like a plan.” She slid into a seat and reached for the packet of pictures Scoop had placed on the table in front of him.

  With a playful tug, he pulled them out of her reach. “Hey there, little missy.”

  “Oh come on,” Sarah whined as she slouched in her chair. “I’ve been waiting all day to take a look at those.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she pouted and sent the retired reporter a pleading look.

  He laughed and slid the pictures toward her. “Oh, all right… take a look.”

  While Sarah opened the package with eager hands, the rest of the group walked up to the booth and exchanged pleasantries.

  “I don’t think this table is going to be big enough,” Scoop said after shaking hands with the agents. “Why don’t we see if we can put a couple of tables together?”

  As the men went about their task, Aunt June and the girls huddled together and passed the pictures between them.

  “Do you guys see anything that could be a clue?” Sarah asked as she studied one of the pictures. She pulled it closer and continued her scrutiny. “Scoop, where was this?” she held out the picture to him.

  He grabbed it and furrowed his brow. “That’s Mr. Robinson’s office. Why?”

  “Where is it in the house?”

  Scoop squinted and tapped his chin with his finger. “It’s between the living room and the kitchen. Why?”

  Sarah wiggled out of the booth. “Take a look in this doorway. Do you see that man standing there?”

  Scoop pulled the picture closer and studied it. “You’re right. There is a man standing there.” He handed the picture back to Sarah. “I’m surprised I didn’t notice it until now.”

  Sarah stared at the picture and her fingers tingled as adrenaline raced through her veins. “Lacey check this out.” She continued to study the photo while her sister moved to her side.

  “What is it?” Lacey asked.

  “Take a look at this. Can you make out that man standing inside the doorway but off to the right?”

  Lacey knitted her brows together, studying the photo. “Yeah.”

  “Is he wearing a red ball cap?”

  Lacey squinted and pulled the picture closer. “Yes, he is.” She turned and locked eyes with Sarah.

  Sarah held her gaze and her stomach fluttered. Understanding flickered in Lacey’s eyes. “You don’t think it’s—”

  “I do,” Sarah said as her mouth twisted with unexpressed emotion and her eyes misted over.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Scoop, did you ever see that man in the house?” Sarah asked. She swore her tongue had swollen up and it felt as rough as sandpaper.

  “No, I never saw him.” The retired reporter returned t
o the task of putting the tables together but stopped when he glanced at Sarah’s face. “You’re pale, Sarah. Is something wrong?”

  All the activity ended as everyone turned and stared at her. She took a deep breath and swallowed. “I think that man is my dad.” Taking a step back, Sarah plopped down on the booth behind her. The soft whoosh of air leaving the cushion as she landed distracted her for a moment, but she quickly refocused her attention and stared at the photo again.

  Everyone sprang into action and huddled around her trying to get a look at the picture. Agent Gray grabbed it out of her hand. “Let me see that.” He studied the photo and pursed his lips. “There’s definitely a man there.” He focused his gaze on Sarah. “Are you sure it’s your dad?”

  Sarah took a deep breath and exhaled a heavy sigh. “I’m not a hundred percent sure, but he always wears that red cap. And the guy is the right height, but I can’t make out any facial features to be sure.” She pulled on the hem of her shirt and fidgeted in the booth.

  “All right.” Agent Gray stroked his chin and then shifted his weight. “We need to come up with a plan to get inside that house.” He pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “Can’t you get a search warrant?” Sarah furrowed her brow and stared at the agent.

  “Isn’t that all you need?” Lacey asked.

  “A blurry photo isn’t enough for a judge to issue a warrant.” Agent Gray sighed.

  “Are you sure?” Sarah protested. “I mean… it really looks like my dad.” Angry tears filled her eyes and she clenched her hands as they rolled down her cheeks.

  As the rest of the group sat down, a waitress appeared and handed out menus. She quickly took the drink orders then left to fill them. Sarah followed the waitress with her eyes as she disappeared behind the swinging doors that led to the kitchen.

  Taking a deep breath, Aunt June attempted to tame her hair. She usually wore it secured at the nape of her neck with a large barrette, but some of it had escaped. She pulled at some loose tendrils and tried to tuck them back into the barrette. When her hair was secured, she reached for the photo. “Let me see that.”

  Sarah sighed and handed it to her aunt. “What do you think?”

  “It certainly looks like your father.”

  The waitress returned and proceeded to take everyone’s order. Sarah watched her as she worked, taking in her wiry, dark hair and her large brown eyes. She needed to concentrate on something besides her predicament for a moment.

  The server must have felt Sarah’s scrutiny because she cast an uneasy glance in her direction and then angled her body away from her. Shifting in her seat, Sarah gazed at the floor, embarrassed that the waitress had caught her staring. When she finished taking everyone’s order, the waitress scurried away to fill it.

  Aunt June faced the agents. “There is definitely something going on in that house. Is there anything we can do?”

  Shock ran through Sarah’s body like a bolt of lightning. It seemed to gather speed the farther it traveled and she swore her scalp sizzled as the energy left her body. She’s on our side!

  Aunt June must have read the shock in Sarah’s eyes because she gave her a long look and said, “You’re still in trouble.”

  Sarah squirmed in her seat and dropped her gaze.

  “I could always go back and say I need to clarify some points for my interview,” Scoop said.

  Agent Gray cleared his throat. “I don’t know…” He stroked his chin and furrowed his brow. “It’d be best if we could catch him committing a crime.” He made eye contact with Agent Black and gave him an almost imperceptible shrug.

  Aunt June’s expression grew wary. “What do you have in mind?”

  Agent Gray flinched and avoided eye contact with her. “Ahhh… the food’s here. Let’s eat.”

  The waitress appeared carrying a tray laden with plates of juicy burgers and fries. Sarah’s mouth watered when her plate was put before her. “Nothing like a Hinkle’s cheeseburger.”

  “I’m so glad. I’m starving,” Lacey said.

  Everyone grew silent as they ate. Sarah finished in record time and realized she couldn’t remember tasting her food. She was consumed with finding her parents. I know we’re close; she clenched her hands and took a deep breath.

  When the waitress took her plate away Sarah cleared her throat and eyed Agent Gray. “So… I have a plan. Do you want to hear it?”

  Everyone gazed at the agent, waiting for him to answer. He shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “All right. Let’s hear it.”

  Sarah perked up. “Okay, you said we need to catch the Stalker committing a crime, right?”

  “Uh… huh,” Agent Gray responded in a cautious tone. He seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

  “How are we going to do that?” Aunt June asked, wary and on edge. The worry line appeared on her forehead and Sarah knew her aunt’s radar had been activated.

  “Well… they seem to want me,” Sarah said, glancing at her aunt before looking down at the table. “And I was thinking… you guys could use me as bait.”

  “Absolutely not.” Aunt June pounded the table with her fist. The empty plates protested by clattering against each other. Her eyes blazed as she stared at her niece.

  Sarah jumped in her seat, startled by her aunt’s anger. “Wait… I think it’s a good idea.”

  “Absolutely not.” Aunt June shook her head and pounded the table again. She leaned forward and continued to glare at Sarah.

  “It will be perfectly safe,” Agent Gray reasoned. “We’ll be right there.”

  “Absolutely not.” Aunt June’s eyes glittered. She pressed her lips together, forming an angry slash under her nose.

  “Maybe I could wear a wire or a transmitter…” Sarah looked at Agent Gray for confirmation.

  “Yes, you could. And we’d be right there to grab the guy as soon as he made a move for her.” The FBI man leaned forward in his chair and made eye contact with her aunt.

  “Don’t you want to find Mom and Dad?” Sarah made eye contact with her aunt and gave her a beseeching look.

  Aunt June opened her mouth and then closed it. Her mouth pressed into a grim line and the worry frown grew more pronounced between her brows. “Of course, I want to find your parents.” She struggled, opening her mouth and closing it several times as if the words were stuck in her throat. Tears welled in her eyes. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you, Sarah.”

  “She’ll be perfectly safe,” Agent Gray assured her. He seemed to realize Aunt June was about to relent and he pressed his advantage. “We’ll just use her to flush this guy out.”

  “You wouldn’t allow her to be captured?” Aunt June bit her lip and gave the agent a long stare.

  “No… we’ll only use her as bait.” Agent Gray rubbed his face with his hand and sighed. “So… Sarah, let’s hear your plan.”

  “All I have to do is show myself in town and he’ll come looking for me.”

  “Really?” Agent Gray put his coffee cup back down without taking a sip and leaned forward, staring at Sarah with an intensity that would make any criminal uncomfortable.

  “Yep.” Sarah shifted in her seat and averted her eyes, becoming uncomfortable locked in the agent’s stare.

  “How can you be so sure?” Agent Black tilted his head and gazed at her with his own probing stare.

  “Because we showed two people in Alden Mom and Dad’s picture, so one of those people had to contact him and let him know we were there. I think he’s been on the lookout for us for a long time.”

  “Maybe.” Agent Gray pursed his lips and continued looking at Sarah. “So what’s your idea?”

  “I think it’s the guy at the bakery that told the Stalker about us.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because, Dottie has only been in town a week, I don’t think she’s had enough time to develop a close friendship with the Stalker.”

  “Good point,” Lacey said, pulling her long hair away from her f

  Sarah smiled and sat up straight in her seat. “So… I say we go back to that bakery and see what happens.”

  “I want you to wear a wire or you’re not doing it,” Aunt June said, giving Sarah the evil eye.

  “We’ve got a transmitter she can use in the car and she’ll never be out of our sight,” Agent Gray reassured her. “As soon as he makes a move for her, we’ll be on him.”

  Tears welled in Aunt June’s eyes. “If anything happens to my niece, I’m holding you accountable.”

  Agent Gray nodded, and then glanced around the table. “It’s time to hit the road. I’ll buy lunch for everyone.”

  They stood and made their way to the door. Sarah’s heart thundered against her chest. It was so loud she was sure everyone heard it. She covered it with her hand and took a deep breath. We might find Mom and Dad today! Her stomach fluttered at the thought and then clenched in desperation.

  ”Sarah,” Lacey said from behind her.

  Sarah spun around. “What?”

  “Are you nervous?” asked Lacey, falling in step beside her.

  Sarah bit her lip. ”A little bit. But I want to find Mom and Dad.”

  “What if they’re not in that house?”

  “They are. I can feel it.”

  The girls grew silent as they strolled out of Hinkle’s. Sarah gasped when the wind took her breath away. The air was thick with moisture; she could almost smell the rain. Ominous, dark clouds sailed through the sky, reminding her of dirty cotton balls.

  Sarah raised her head and sniffed. “It’s going to rain.”

  “It sure is.”

  “Okay everyone, let’s take two cars,” Agent Gray said.

  “I can drive.” Scoop raised his keys and shook them. “Who wants to ride with me?”

  “I will,” Aunt June said, stepping toward him.

  “I think we should ride with you guys.” Sarah pointed toward the FBI agents and shrugged.

  “That’s a good idea,” Agent Gray said with a curt nod. “We’ve got to get a transmitter hooked up to you.”

  The Cole girls followed the FBI men to their vehicle and piled in. No one spoke as Agent Gray started the car and followed Scoop out of town and onto the highway.


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