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The Fight for Britannia

Page 17

by Saxon Andrew

  Dunhan appeared on the monitor and said, “I just heard that. I suspect you’re twice as fast as your normal speed as well.”

  Grady’s eyebrows came together and then he looked to the left and exhaled a breath. Taffy asked, “Is he right?”

  Grady nodded. “We were moving at our normal speed when I asked the computer to compare our speed to Dunhan’s ship. Our maximum speed is more than twice as fast as normal speed. Computers answer the question you ask; I didn’t ask the right question.”

  “That is still a remarkable ship you have there,” Dunhan interjected. “Your hull handled my strongest beam without a scratch.”

  “It’s that hull that’s lead to us being here,” Grady responded.

  “Why is that, Mate?”

  Grady’s expression showed confusion, “Did you just call me, Mate?”

  “It’s an ancient way friends address each other. We say things like, Good day, Mate; or enjoy yourself, Mate; or a thousand other things,” Dunhan explained.

  Grady smiled slightly, “Well this hull became one of my Mates. I was given the task of rebuilding it when the ship it housed was destroyed. Our scientists couldn’t determine why it survived when everything else in the ship was vaporized. I was given a secret mission to rebuild the hull into an operating ship. While I was working on that, a war between the Union that I served, and the Coalition broke out. The Union was defeated but I decided to continue my mission.”

  “You say you built that vessel of yours?”

  “I did.”

  “Does your planet have different governments?” Taffy asked Dunhan.

  “If you mean are there different countries or things like that, no there isn’t. The planet has one government elected by all the citizens.”

  “How does that work?” Grady asked.

  “Well, the representatives that serve in the government are elected from the various voting districts around the planet. That usually happens about every five-years or so. The various blocks of representatives vote on the Prime Minister that leads the government. As long as the Prime Minister has at least fifty-one-percent of the representatives supporting him, he will remain in office. If his support ever falls below fifty-percent, then new elections will be called for and new representatives will elect a new Prime Minister.” Dunhan pursed his lips, “Or something like that. Sometimes the newly elected representatives end up supporting the old Prime Minister and he remains in office. I really haven’t paid much attention to the political scene, I spend most of my time out here in my ship watching for the possible approach of an enemy.”

  “Will you be missed by going with us?” Taffy asked.

  “No, the majority of our fleets are out here patrolling the arm. I saw your ship crossing the void between the spiral arms and headed out to cut you off.”

  Grady’s eyes instantly narrowed, “You detected my ship out in the void?!”

  “That’s right, Mate. Our scanners are the best technology in our ships. By the way, Mate, I want to thank you for getting the Commander to take me back with you; it’s been months since I’ve been back to Melbourne.”

  “That seems rather harsh!” Taffy responded.

  “It’s because I’m single. The married Mates get to go back more often. I don’t complain about it, I prefer to avoid that kind of bondage.” Dunhan paused and looked at Taffy, “Of course, the right woman could make me change that.”

  Grady quickly spoke up, “How long before we arrive at Melbourne. Dunhan was startled and he turned to Grady and smiled, “We should be there in a couple of days.”

  “Thank you for letting us know what to expect on Melbourne. We need to check out the ship,” Grady added.

  Dunhan smiled at Taffy and nodded, “See you at the spaceport.”

  The monitor went dark and Grady turned to Taffy. She held up her hands and quickly said, “I know, I know!”

  Grady sighed, “I’m acting jealous. This will have to be something you handle. I can’t blame him for being attracted to you.” Taffy nodded and thought about how to handle this issue without hurting anyone’s feelings.

  • • •

  They arrived in Melbourne’s planetary system and Grady saw the distant planet on the monitor. The group of ships moved at high-speed and they arrived in orbit in less than an hour. The monitor suddenly had Dunhan appear on it, “We’ve had a slight change in plans.”

  “What change?” Grady asked.

  “The Commodore just contacted me and ordered me to take you to the landing pad on top of the Government Building. Some of our high-ranking senior officers want to meet you immediately. Is that Ok with you?”

  “Sure, I guess so.”

  “Follow me down to the surface and park your vessel beside mine.”

  Grady nodded and glanced at Taffy, “We’ll be fine, Grady,” she assured him.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because Dunhan isn’t worried. If this was something to worry about, I believe he’d tell us.” Grady’s eyes narrowed, and Taffy smiled, “We’re his Mates, Grady and he would tell us if there were a problem.”

  “And you know this because…?

  “He still thinks he has a chance with me.” Grady rolled his eyes and sighed. “Don’t worry, Grady. There will never be anyone else for me but you.”

  “You need to tell Dunhan that.”

  “I know.”

  • • •

  The two ships moved smoothly into the planet’s atmosphere and Grady saw Dunhan leading them toward a giant structure in the middle of the large city. Taffy moved the view in and shook her head, “There is a landing site on top of the building. That building is…”

  “Gigantic?” Grady offered.


  Grady followed Dunhan’s ship down to the landing field and parked the Rabbit next to his ship. Grady and Taffy shutdown the Rabbit’s systems, stood up, and headed to the corridor. Grady ordered, “Robbie, activate and follow me.” The large robot came off it’s charger and rolled down the corridor behind them. Grady opened the port and turned to the Robot, “You will close the port after we exit and not open the port for anyone but us.” The robot flashed, and Grady walked out of the port with Taffy beside him.

  “Do you think Robby can keep them out if they really wanted in?”

  “Do you think they have anything that would penetrate the hull?” Grady countered. Taffy shook her head. They saw Dunhan waiting at the foot of the ramp and he saw the large robot standing just inside the port before it closed, “What is that thing?!”

  Grady smiled and nodded over his shoulder, “It’s one of my robots.”

  Dunhan shook his head, “It’s huge!”

  Taffy laughed, “It’s a push over. It wouldn’t harm a bug.”

  Dunhan glanced back at the port and said, “You’re lying about that, aren’t you?”

  Taffy smiled and lowered her eyes, as she leaned in to Dunhan and whispered, “Yes, but let’s just keep that between us, ok?”

  Grady snickered and Dunhan didn’t know what to believe. He led them across the huge landing field and said, “I wasn’t told who would be meeting us, but the Commodore insisted that we should show our respect and come here first. Dunhan looked up and saw a group of men approaching them. He turned to Grady and said quickly, “What is your name?”

  Grady turned his head to him and said, “I’m Col. Grady Henricks.”

  Dunhan turned to Taffy but the men had arrived, and the first man asked, “Leftenant, please introduce us.”

  “Yes, Sir, Mr. Prime Minister. This is Colonel Grady Henricks, and this is…”

  Taffy smiled and said interrupting him, “I’m Captain Alexandra Henricks; Colonel Henricks is my husband.”

  Grady saw the instant disappointment on Dunhan’s face. He quickly covered it up with a neutral expression and heard the Prime Minister say, “I want to personally welcome both of you to Melbourne and I hope you have time to have a discussion with me and Melbourne’s Senior Officers.”

  Grady smiled, “I look forward to it, Mr. Prime Minister.”

  One of the high-ranking officers looked at Dunhan, “You are relieved, Leftenant.”

  Grady quickly spoke up, “If you don’t mind, would it be ok for Leftenant Dunhan to go with us to this meeting?”

  The Prime Minister asked, “Is there a reason for you wanting that Colonel Henricks?”

  “He prevented my ship from being destroyed and promised us our safety here on Melbourne. I trust him and would like to have his council after the meeting ends.”

  The Officer glared at Dunhan, but the Prime Minister smiled, “Certainly, it would be fine for him to go with you. Matter of fact,” The Prime Minister turned to the officer, “we can release Lt. Dunhan from his current duties and make him available to you until you are comfortable. Right General Fitch?”

  The General smiled, “Yes, Prime Minister. I’ll handle the details.” Dunhan followed the group into the building and Taffy saw he was distraught at learning she was married to Grady. He’d have to get over it; that wasn’t going to change. She didn’t care how handsome he was; it took more than looks to win her heart.

  The meeting lasted for hours and at the end, Grady agreed to meet with the scientists responsible for ship development the next day. Grady and Taffy were flown by an aerial vehicle piloted by Dunhan to one of the close by hotels. He took them inside and handled all the details to get them checked in. He turned to them and forced a smile, “I’ll be by in the morning at nine to take you to the meeting.”

  “Would it be possible for you to pick us up at seven and allow us to go to our ship and pick up a change of clothes,” Taffy asked.

  Dunhan thought about it and said, “I can take you now; it won’t take but a moment to go and come back.”

  Taffy turned to Grady, “I’m going up to our room. You can bring what we need, can’t you?” Grady nodded, and she kissed him on the cheek. Grady and Dunhan watched her leave with the hotel assistant and Dunhan said, “That’s some wife you have, Mate.”

  Grady nodded, “I know. I’m lucky to have her.”

  Dunhan shook his head and replied, “Indeed you are.”

  • • •

  Grady arrived back at the hotel and found Taffy waiting up for him. Grady smiled, “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Grady’s chin came down, “I know you, Taffy! What’s going on?”

  “Well, I just thought that Dunhan needs a woman in his life.”

  “Taffy, I’ve watched Dunhan and he pretty much ticks off every woman he encounters. You saw it outside with the female porters. I suspect you should just give it up.”

  “He just needs the right one, Grady. I’m going to keep my eyes open.”

  Grady sighed, “You’re just flattered he was so attracted to you.”

  “That was all physical attraction, Grady. If I showed any interest, he’d leave skid marks trying to get away. He wants what he knows he can’t have; that protects him from having to get close to anyone.”

  “If you say so. It’s late and I’m tired.”

  Taffy smiled and headed toward the bedroom.

  • • •

  The next morning, Dunhan picked them up in a military vehicle in front of the hotel. He lifted the transport from the pavement and smiled, “I trust you had a good night.”

  Grady smiled, “It’s so good to sleep in a bed again. It was wonderful.”

  Dunhan smiled, “You’re in one of the finest hotels on the planet. I’m taking you to the spaceport and you’ll meet our scientists and engineers in the building that houses all their labs and construction facilities. I’ve been ordered to stay with you wherever you go; I’ll try not to get in your way.”

  Grady laughed, “Dunhan!” Dunhan turned to him. “Are we Mates or not?”

  Dunhan laughed, “Yes, we are. I just didn’t want to become a problem.”

  Taffy saw Dunhan had come to terms with her belonging to Grady, “Maybe one evening, you and a girlfriend can go out and have dinner with us.”

  “I’ll be coming alone if that happens.”

  “What! A handsome man like you doesn’t have a woman?”

  “No, I’m gone too long to have a relationship. Maybe I can get a friend to go.” Taffy looked at Grady and he shrugged.

  They flew over the large city and Grady pointed out of the windshield, “Is that the spaceport?!”

  Dunhan smiled, “This city is the center of all military operations. That spaceport is the largest on Melbourne.” The spaceport extended out as far as the eye could see and Grady saw hundreds of warships landing and launching.

  “What were those giant satellites we saw above Melbourne?” Taffy inquired.

  “They’re primarily there for defense but our largest warships are provisioned there, and their crews shuttled to the planet when their tour of duty is over,” Dunhan answered. “Ahhh…here we go.” Dunhan flew the vehicle down toward the edge of the spaceport closest to the city and landed in front of a large ten-story building. He stepped out and Grady and Taffy joined him.

  An old man with white hair was waiting in front of the building and he walked quickly forward. He held out his hand to Grady and smiled, “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you, Colonel!” He turned to Taffy and shook her hand, “My name is Joshua Goldman and I’m the senior scientist here.” He turned back to Grady, “Please follow me. My associates are gathered waiting to talk with you.”

  Taffy and Dunhan followed Grady and the scientist, and the old man was asking questions a mile a minute. Dunhan said quietly to Taffy, “Dr. Goldman is rather energetic.”

  Taffy shook her head, “He appears to be nuclear powered!” Dunhan chuckled as they entered the building.

  • • •

  Taffy sat on a chair on a large stage in a huge conference room that was standing room only. She and Dunhan watched Grady stand at a podium and field questions from the attendees and Taffy saw that Grady was loving it. He was back in his element of being a scientist and she quickly understood why he was considered one of the Union’s best. The hours drug by and when a break was taken at mid-day, she walked up to Grady and interrupted him talking with Dr. Goldman, “Grady, I’m feeling like a fifth-wheel on a bicycle.” Grady turned to her with a frown. “You designed the ship, Grady; I only operate it. I have nothing to contribute to this discussion.”

  Joshua turned to Dunhan and smiled, “Perhaps you can take the Captain out and…”

  Dunhan interrupted him, “My orders are to stay with the Colonel, Doctor.”

  Joshua closed his mouth took out his personal communicator and began talking as he stepped away. Grady turned to Taffy, “It shouldn’t take much longer. The morning has flown by.”

  Taffy lifted her head and rolled her eyes, “It’s felt like watching grass grow, Grady. Besides, the way things are going, you’re going to be at this a lot longer than today.”

  Joshua walked up and smiled, “If it meets your approval, Captain. I’ve ordered a tour guide to come and pick you up. They will take you around the city and show you all the sites and interesting things in Melbourne.”

  Taffy smiled, kissed Grady on the cheek, and replied, “I’ll catch you back at the hotel.”

  Grady nodded, and Joshua called an assistant over. The assistant led Taffy out of the conference room and Joshua began asking questions again, “Tell me more about that hull, please.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The assistant took Taffy to the cafeteria and told her the guide was on the way, but she should eat before they arrived. Taffy agreed and began asking the assistant about living on Melbourne. She noticed that all the men around her were staring at her and she sighed; she almost wished she was still overweight; this was getting old fast. But, she always wanted to be noticed like this and prayed for it as a teenager. Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it. She realized that Grady had a jealous streak…but this was his fault. She wouldn’t look like this without him hatin
g how she looked before she leapt into his life under that rollup door.

  Taffy knew she was being trite. She’d feel just like Grady if every woman was ogling him. She finished her meal and the assistant led her out of the cafeteria. Every man in the room watched her leave. They arrived at the front entrance just in time to see an aerial vehicle moving down to the concrete. A large sign on the vehicle read, Melbourne Tours. Almost immediately, a military vehicle came flashing out of the sky and it landed beside the tour vehicle. A young woman stepped out of the tour vehicle and it immediately lifted. The woman went to the military transport as a man stepped out and walked away. Taffy walked up and stared at the armored transport and asked, “Am I missing something here?”

  The young woman turned around and smiled, “No, Captain, you’re not. The government is picking up the tab on this and if I use one of their vehicles, it will only cost them my pay.”

  “Do you know how to fly one of these things?”

  The woman smiled, “That’s why I was chosen to take you around the city, Captain. I was in the military before I became a tour guide. Please, jump in and let’s get started.” The woman opened the back door and Taffy ignored her and walked around the transport and got in the front seat. The woman’s eyes narrowed slightly, then she shrugged and closed the back door. She went to the driver’s seat and smiled, “It’s customary for our visitors to sit in the back.”

  “Then tell me how to operate this thing and you can sit back there,” Taffy replied.

  The black-haired woman was surprised by the remark but then started laughing. After a moment, Taffy said, “And you can dispense with the ‘Captain this’ and ‘Captain that’, my name is Taffy. Use it while we’re together, ok?”

  “My name is Abby and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Taffy extended her hand and Abby shook it. Abby added, “My company told me that I was going to take an extremely important visitor around and that I should afford them the respect and courtesy that would be given to the Prime Minister.” Abby paused and looked at Taffy, “Quite frankly, I don’t think there’s anyone on Melbourne as important as the Prime Minister.”


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