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The Fight for Britannia

Page 24

by Saxon Andrew

  “Bank Cards?” Grady asked.

  “I drew up the contracts for the company and we own fifty-one-percent of it. Mr. Larson, the owner of the food distributing company, that’s his wife in the commercial, and I agreed to put twenty-one-percent of the initial proceeds into an account to cover expenses until the company began making a profit. It didn’t take long to do that.”

  Grady had a sudden thought “How did this company build the processors so fast?!”

  Taffy hesitated, and Grady’s expression hardened, she immediately continued, “I took Bob and Robbie to one of his buildings and they build them there. I had them modify the processors to produce balls half the size of the ones on the Rabbit; they’re easier to swallow and are more effective in losing weight.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Taffy.”

  Taffy kept her head down and shook it, “I don’t know…I should have. But I thought you’d stop me and would be disappointed in what I was doing. Even tonight at supper you pointed out to Abby and Dunhan how much I hated my father’s business empire.”

  “I thought you did, Taffy! I can’t count how many times you told me you hated what he was doing.”

  “I know. But I hated him for his business practices, I didn’t hate business as a process. I saw an opportunity and saying no to it was like the survivors turning down a meal when they entered the freighters. I hate to admit it…but…I am my father’s daughter.”

  Taffy saw Grady’s anger was gone and she looked at the display with Mrs. Larson on it. “There are some good things that have come out of my doing this, Grady.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, we can replace the balls that you took out of the Rabbit.”

  Grady’s head tilted and after a moment he shrugged, “I guess that is a good thing.”

  “Also, Eddie and I agreed that we would continue the expense account and all the funds in it would go to assist the government in resettling the survivors from Britannia.”

  Grady shrugged, “That’s going to be just a drop in the bucket.” Taffy didn’t respond, and Grady turned to her, and lowered his eyes. “Isn’t it?”

  “Well, it’s bigger than a drop.” Taffy replied raising her shoulders.

  “How much bigger?”

  “Eddie sent a check for 450 million to the government two days ago and promises the same amount in five weeks.”

  Grady’s eyes widened instantly, “HOW MUCH?!”

  Taffy shrugged, “The company has taken off like a rocket, Grady! We charge five-hundred crowns for a month’s supply of the balls and I can’t tell you how many purchasers have placed a second order.”

  “What’s in it for you, Taffy?” Grady asked.

  “You mean for us, Grady,” she replied.

  “Answer the question.”

  “Well, as of this morning, in our personal account we have access to, the total was a little more than 337 million crowns.” Grady’s eyes flew wide open. “Grady, I did this for us!”

  “You told me you hated wealth!!”

  “I hated my father’s wealth and how he used it. I have nothing against being wealthy myself.”

  “Isn’t that being hypocritical?”

  “Noooo, there’s a difference. Besides, you should be thanking me!”


  “Well, two reasons, Grady. One; the government is no longer picking up our tab and I’ve paid them back everything they spent on us; we aren’t indebted to them now. Two, the Rex Rabbit is going to be our personal ship; just who is going to pay for servicing it and keeping it running? Joshua told us the fuel to power one of the three-new reactors was going to cost ten-million crowns.”

  Grady scratched his chin, “I didn’t think about that.”

  “Now you don’t have to, Grady.” Taffy paused and added, “There is one thing you need to do.”

  “What is that?”

  “You need to go to the bank and sign the joint owner papers and pick up your bank cards. They’ve been calling me about it.”

  Grady smiled, “You are amazing, Taffy.”

  “I’m sorry, but I am my father’s daughter and he shaped my interest in business. Will you go with me in the morning and take care of it?”

  “Taffy, I’ve done nothing to set this business up; you did all the work.”

  “Grady, anything I do belongs to both of us! I just hope you can grow accustomed to being wealthy.”

  Grady laughed, “I’ll give it a go. I’ll go with you in the morning.”

  “After you do that, we’re going shopping to buy you some clothes.”


  “Because we can, Grady.” Grady reached and pulled Taffy into his arms. Taffy snuggled in and was thankful he hadn’t blown his top. It was servicing the Rabbit that made the difference.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Two days later, Taffy came out of the hotel and handed Abby a folder, “I want you to read this and come back when you’re able to deal with it.”

  “What is it, Taffy.”

  “Rory’s personnel file. Grady had it sent to him.”

  “Why would personnel send him Dunhan’s file?”

  “Because Dunhan is assigned to Grady and he’s entitled to know everything about him. Read it and contact me.”

  Abby looked at Taffy, “Have you read it?”

  “Grady and I read it last night. Will you just leave and read it, already!!” Abby blew out a breath and drove away in the transport.

  Six hours later, she contacted Taffy, “I’ll be by to pick you up in thirty minutes.”

  “Are you ok.”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll see you in thirty minutes and we’ll go shopping.”

  Abby chuckled, “Nothing like shopping to brighten a dreary day.”

  “Especially when we’ll be shopping for you.”


  “Hey! Are we mates?”

  Abby giggled, “Yes, we are.”

  “Then get a move on and get over here.”

  • • •

  Five days later, Grady and Taffy met at the Science Center next to the spaceport and Abby and Dunhan parked outside the building and waited for them to return. Dunhan got out of his transport and sat on the front bumper. Abby sat in her transport and finally decided. She got out and walked around Dunhan’s transport; he looked up at her with a neutral expression. Abby said, “I know about Jenelle.” Dunhan’s expression was instantly angry. “I didn’t do anything to find out.”

  “THEN HOW DO YOU KNOW!” Dunhan snarled.

  “Grady had personnel send him your file.”


  Abby shook her head, “Do you really have to ask that question after the way you’ve been behaving?”

  Dunhan glared at her and then he lowered his head, “I guess not. But he didn’t have to share it with you.”

  “He didn’t. Taffy and I are like two sisters and she’s worried about me. I know she loves me and she shared it with me because of her concern. Dunhan, I wouldn’t wish what happened to you and Jenelle on my worst enemy. Neither of you deserved it and I know how much you’ve been hurt by what happened. I just wanted to tell you that I will not be putting any pressure on you and I will not do anything that might cause you pain. I respect your feelings and understand them. I just wanted to make sure you knew.”

  Abby turned to leave and Dunhan asked softly, “So, does this mean you’re giving up on me?”

  Abby stopped and turned around. She shook her head and lowered her chin, “I know you and I will never happen. You’re haunted, and I can never compete with a ghost. Do I think you’re worth the effort to try?” Abby paused and looked up at Dunhan, “You are. But I will not be doing anything to show you how I feel in the future. Your feelings deserve my respect.” Abby turned and went to her transport. Grady and Taffy walked out of the building and Taffy jumped in Abby’s transport. Dunhan saw them exchange laughs as they drove off. He knew Abby wouldn’t tell Taffy what she said to
him. Grady walked up and Dunhan forced a smile, “Where to, Sir.”

  Grady laughed, “Let’s go to that restaurant close by, where we met the girls and you acted like an ass. They have good sandwiches.”

  Dunhan forced a laugh, “Coming right up!” Dunhan drove away and forced himself not to remember Jenelle.

  • • •

  That night, Dunhan had the nightmare return. He turned around and waved to Jenelle and she blew him a kiss. She had dropped him off at his Commander’s office and landed him on the roof. Dunhan started rolling in his sleep as he watched Jenelle lift her transport right into the path of a high-speed courier that just lifted from the other side of the roof; she never saw it coming. He jerked in bed as he saw the courier slam into Jenelle’s transport, sending both of them flying over the edge of the roof from the top of the building to the ground far below. He saw himself run to the edge of the roof and look down; both transports were burning furiously. His eyes flew open and he felt his tears start again; they were supposed to be married in another week. He stared at the ceiling and tried to remember happier times. It took three hours before he could fall asleep again; mercifully, the nightmare didn’t reappear.

  • • •

  Dunhan couldn’t escape memories of Jenelle for the next week. They haunted him during the day and assaulted him at night. He rolled over and saw Jenelle turn from her transport and something had changed. She didn’t smile and wave to him. She was crying as she got in her transport just before the courier slammed in to her. The memory of them picking out her engagement ring had her frowning and shaking her head. The memory of meeting her parents had her refusing to enter the room. Every memory he had of her was now nothing but sadness. He was going crazy and he called Grady and asked for a day off. Grady agreed and Dunhan drove to the park where he met Jenelle. Dunhan saw her in his mind, she looked incredible, but she was sitting on the bench with her head in her hands weeping; it was her smile that day that drew him to her. WHAT WAS HAPPENING!?!

  He lowered his head into his hands and asked out loud, “What have I done to hurt you so much?!” He took a deep breath and slowly released it. He raised his head and thought of Abby. He saw her sadness at their last meeting and remembered every word she told him. She did understand his loss. He closed his eyes, and Jenelle was back on the roof of the building. This time she was smiling, and she blew him a kiss again. She lowered her head slightly and nodded before she got in her transport. The image stopped at that moment. Dunhan looked up at a clear blue sky and saw that it was a beautiful day…just like the one he had met Jenelle. He closed his eyes and for the first time since he lost her, smiled a true smile.

  Jenelle had never frowned when he spent time with other women after she died. Her memory was the best thing in his life and it made those women look unattractive. She didn’t care about them; they were not someone she would approve of him to be with. But his rejection of Abby caused her sorrow. Dunhan shook his head; was he crazy? Was his mind playing tricks on him and was this his way of rationalizing pursuing Abby? He decided to forget Abby. Suddenly, Jenelle appeared at her transport in his mind and she was crying. He shook his head and Dunhan decided that if deep inside him, he was looking for a way to justify being with Abby, he was doing an outstanding job. But…was it his mind playing tricks or was Jenelle trying to tell him something? He thought about it and decided that either way, it didn’t matter. He closed his eyes and saw Abby again. Jenelle appeared beside her and had her arm on Abby’s shoulders. Jenelle nodded, smiled, and disappeared. Dunhan smiled and then cried for the last time over losing Jenelle.

  He finally stood up and looked at the bench. He always saw Jenelle sitting there when he left before. Now the bench was empty. He walked to his transport and went to his quarters. He closed his eyes and sleep found him instantly. Sleep had been a stranger for the last week.

  • • •

  Taffy and Grady flew to the Science Center for Dr. Goldman to give them a tour of the newly designed Rex Rabbit. Grady and Taffy were excited, and it was infectious. Abby laughed with Taffy and Dunhan smiled as Grady jumped up and down when Taffy appeared. Joshua met them outside the construction hanger. He led them in and Grady turned around and looked at Dunhan and Abby, “Hey, you two. Come with us.” Dunhan and Abby followed them into the hanger and Grady stopped dead in his tracks, “YOU’VE PAINTED IT!”

  Joshua nodded, “The paint doesn’t interfere with the absorption of energy. I thought the Rabbit might look better with a new fur coat.”

  “He’s beautiful!” Taffy exclaimed.

  Let’s go inside and take a look, shall we?”

  “Lead the way, Joshua!” Grady replied.

  The group entered the port and Grady immediately stopped, “WHAT IS THAT?”

  Joshua’s smile was huge, “That’s the new dark matter containment tanks. Notice that it’s more than four times the size of the last one and can handle twenty-times the pressure.”

  “Why did you put it on the back wall of the bay?”

  “Grady, it’s closer to the thrusters and it won’t lose heat like the long route the former tank had to use to get the energy to the thrusters.”

  Grady stared at the tank and turned to Goldman, “Where are the reactors? This bay has been moved further back in the ship?”

  “They’re behind the tank, Grady.”

  Grady looked at the large tank and turned to Joshua, “How do you get to the reactors to refuel or repair them?”

  Joshua smiled, “Follow me. “He led them across the bay and just beside the tank against the far wall, he opened a door. “The reactors haven’t been fueled yet. Do you want to see them?” Grady nodded, and Joshua led Grady and Taffy through the door. Abby and Dunhan waited outside the door and Abby looked at Dunhan. He smiled at her and her head immediately tilted. She started shaking it and asked, “What’s going on?” Dunhan remained silent and Abby added, “You’ve never smiled like this!”

  Dunhan shrugged, “I did once. But not for a long time.”

  Abby stared at Dunhan and backed away from him slightly, “Why now?”

  “Because you’re here, Abby.” Abby stared at Dunhan and he looked into her eyes. She looked into his eyes and put her hands to her throat, “Does this mean…”

  Dunhan said softly, “Yes, it does.”

  “Why?” Dunhan shrugged. “Dunhan, I have to know why?” Abby insisted.

  Dunhan continued to look in her eyes, “I’ve been given permission.”

  “By who?!” Abby asked.

  “Does that really matter, Abby?”

  Abby stared into his eyes and finally shook her head slowly, “No, not really.”

  “Do you remember the last time we talked at my transport?” Abby nodded. “That will be the very last time I ever say or do anything that hurts you.” Abby went up on her toes and kissed Dunhan on the cheek. Dunhan smiled, “I really hope you can do better than that.” Abby smiled and took a step toward him, but they heard Joshua’s voice as he exited the door. Abby stepped back and Dunhan whispered, “Maybe later.” Abby’s smile was huge.

  Joshua led Grady and Taffy to the corridor leading to the bridge and Taffy stopped. She looked at Abby and Dunhan and asked, “Is everything all right?” Abby smiled and Dunhan nodded.

  Taffy stared at them, but heard Grady shout, “Taffy, get up here and look at this!” Taffy turned and ran up the corridor to catch them. Abby looked at Dunhan, “I can’t hide anything from Taffy. Do you want this to be a secret?”

  “My secrets are over, Abby. But Taffy should be the first one we tell. She’s played a huge role in this.”


  Dunhan chuckled, “Grady is back home again.” Abby smiled, and they walked up the corridor.

  They arrived at the bridge and Grady was pointing inside a door on the bridge’s back wall, “COME LOOK AT THIS!!” Dunhan and Abby walked over and saw a small room with a bed and two closets. Both of them turned to Grady and he saw their confus
ion. “Stay in a ship without sleeping quarters for a couple of months and you’ll understand our excitement.” Grady turned to Joshua, “This is a real benefit, Doctor!”

  “Were you able to do all the things you mentioned, Joshua?” Taffy asked.

  “Yes. And I must tell you that those robots made all the difference. We made a few mistakes along the way, but they disassembled everything quickly and we continued to move forward. The entire development crew was involved in the project and we built two more rabbits while we modified your ship. I’ve spoken to the Prime Minister and he agrees that we want to have the diagrams for those robots, they’ll revolutionize our ship building capacity.”

  Grady smiled but Taffy interrupted him before he could speak, “That’s not going to happen, Joshua.

  Grady and Joshua, along with Abby and Dunhan turned to Taffy. Joshua’s expression showed his confusion, “Why not?”

  “I’ve patented the blueprints to build the Robots,” Taffy replied. Grady’s eyes narrowed as Joshua asked, “Why would you do that?”

  Taffy shrugged, “Doctor, our robots are going to revolutionize a lot more than just the military. And if I’m not mistaken, you will have to disassemble one of them to see how they operate, won’t you.”

  Joshua shrugged, “Of course.”

  Taffy noticed that Grady wasn’t in her corner until Joshua answered. Grady immediately said forcefully, “THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN, DOCTOR!!”

  “But you allowed us to take apart the Rabbit and we made it better, Grady,” Joshua replied.

  “You convinced me you can improve the Rabbit. Do you honestly think you can improve Bob or Robbie?” Joshua shrugged. “I don’t see you doing that, Joshua and I will not risk damaging either one of them…they are very much like family to me.”

  Joshua raised a shoulder and said, “The Prime Minister has the authority to confiscate them under safety of the planet laws.”

  Taffy smiled, “No he doesn’t.” Everyone turned to her and she smiled, “The man that issued my patent told me that even the government may not infringe on my rights. He said the only way it could was if Melbourne was directly attacked by an outside force. I don’t believe that’s happened, Doctor, has it?”


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