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The Drop Dead Blonde

Page 10

by Bill Craig

  “Nope, it’s true. You saved my life when Villas was coming after me. I’ll find Cervantes for you.”

  “Thanks, Hector. I appreciate it,” Harker told him. They shook hands again and then Harker headed out the door. Hector Caruso picked up his phone and started dialing numbers, putting the word out on the street.

  Eduardo Torres poured himself a tumbler full of tequila. He had already salted the rim of the glass and cut up a lime. He was pissed. Pissed at himself for failing to kill Harker the night before. It had become obvious that killing Harker would not be an easy task, despite what he had promised Mr. Cervantes. Harker was good. He was damned good. That was something that Eduardo would have to take into consideration before making his next attempt. He sipped at the tequila and bit into the lime. His next attempt wouldn’t be a solo one. He would bring in men that he could trust. AJ Harker would die if Eduardo had any say in the matter. That was a given.

  Jorge Campos had been busy after his meeting with Cervantes. He had managed to round up a crew of real bad-asses. Most of them had some sort of a grudge against Harker. Most of them wouldn’t think twice about gunning him down in the street. Those were the type of men that Raoul Cervantes wanted hunting for Harker. Jorge felt a little guilty, but not enough to give up his own life for Harker. It was just Harker’s turn to die. It was as simple as that. He had the men come to his apartment and had gone over the plan there. Soon, they would hit Harker’s office. Hopefully, the son of a bitch would be there!

  Constantine Renko frowned at Anatoly Koskov and said, “What do you mean, we lost the shipment?” he asked.

  “The ATF and DEA confiscated both shipments at Customs this morning,” Koskov sighed.

  “Get Cervantes on the line. Now!”

  “That might be a problem, sir. Cervantes seems to have dropped out of sight.”

  “Find him, otherwise I will cut off your balls and feed them to you!” Renko shouted.

  “I’ll do my best, sir,” Koskov said, bowing and backing out of the room. He had learned early on to never turn his back on his boss. Koskov closed the door behind him and looked at Dimitri Romanoff.

  “Find Raoul Cervantes and get him in here if you value your life!” Romanoff nodded and hurried away.

  Manny Mendez had decided to pay his sister a visit. He wasn’t exactly pleased that she was continuing to work for Harker, despite Harker’s word that Tina had nothing to worry about. He just wanted to check on her for himself. So, he had parked outside and headed inside. There was little sign of the shootout that had taken place the night before. A fine thing to read about that in the newspaper rather than hearing it from Harker himself.

  AJ had been his best friend since they were kids growing up in Overtown back in the day. Tina had always had a crush on Harker since they were kids, but Harker had promised Manny that he would never take advantage of it. As far as he knew, Harker never had. But Manny hadn’t been happy when Harker had hired Tina and had offered to help her get her own P.I. license.

  He badged the security guard in the lobby and took the elevator up to the floor where Harker had his office. The hallway was quiet as he made his way down it. The door leading into Harker’s suite of offices was open. Manny stepped inside. Tina was on the telephone when he got there, and Manny took a seat, waiting for her to finish her call.

  “Finally,” Manny said when Tina hung up the telephone.

  “I have to work for a living too, you know,” Tina told him, popping her gum.

  “So, you keep telling me. I still think you could find something better than working for Harker,” Manny told her.

  “And I keep telling you I like what I do, big brother,” Tina told him.

  “Well I don’t. I think it’s too dangerous, little sister.”

  “That ain’t your call, Manny!”

  “I’m your big brother, Tina. That makes it my business.”

  “Manny, you have to realize I’m all grown up now. I’m 25 years old and I can take care of myself!”

  “Not when people like Raoul Cervantes are involved. He’s bad news, Tina! He’ll kill you without batting an eye!”

  “I can take care of myself, Manny. I can outshoot you any day of the week,” Tina told him.

  “Maybe one on one. But Cervantes will send more than one gunner after you if it means he can get to Harker. You are nothing more than bait for him.”

  “You really believe that, Manny?” Tina asked him.

  “Yeah, I do,” Manny replied.

  “How about I get you a cup of coffee and you can sit here with me until AJ gets back. Will that make you feel better, big brother?” Tina asked.

  “For now, yes,” Manny told her. Tina rolled her eyes.

  “I swear, Manny, one of these days,” she told him.

  “Until then, I’m your big brother and I love you,” Manny told her.

  Raoul Cervantes frowned as his cell phone rang. He recognized the number, so he answered the phone, “Yes?”

  “Mister Renko wants to see you right away,” the voice told him.

  “That is impossible at the moment. I will see him as soon as my schedule permits,” Cervantes replied.

  “Make it very soon,” the voice said before hanging up.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Steve Gomez, Harry Black, Carlos Valdez, Murray Saperstein and Joss Monroe all looked at Jorge Campos. They were a mean looking bunch to be sure, and they all had a grudge against Harker. Rounding them up hadn’t been hard at all. He had only needed to mention that they were going to kill Harker.

  They had taken two cars to Harker’s office and had parked at opposite ends of the block. Jorge’s plan was to slip into Harker’s office, take his secretary hostage and then ambush Harker when he got back. They would kill the secretary afterwards so there wouldn’t be any witnesses. Jorge had given each man a thousand bucks up front, and promised another thousand once the job was done. Each of the men had looked at the money as a bonus. The thought of AJ Harker dead at their feet was the real payment to each of them.

  They made their way down to Harker’s building one at a time, waiting in the lobby for the rest to join them. Once they were all inside, they would go up, three taking the stairs and three taking the elevator. Finally, Monroe entered the lobby and they split into their separate fire teams and started up to Harker’s office.

  “Manny, really, you can go. AJ should be back any time,” Tina said.

  Truth be told, having her big brother hovering over her at work was getting on her nerves. Plus, she had managed to wrap all of the usual busy work that Harker delegated to her every day.

  “I don’t mind waiting, kiddo. I’ve got a couple of things I want to talk to him about anyway,” Manny replied. Something thumped against the outside wall. Manny sat up. The sound was way out of the ordinary. He looked at Tina.

  “Did you hear that?”

  “I did. Maybe we should slip back into AJ’s office until we know what’s going on,” Tina replied, rising from her chair and grabbing her purse which held her Ruger SC9 9mm and two spare magazines. She moved quickly and quietly into Harker’s office. Manny was right behind her, his department issue Glock in a two-handed grip as he backed inside. He glanced at his sister.

  “Dial 9-1-1, now, Tina,” Manny told her.

  “I can do that,” Tina agreed, reaching for the telephone. She grabbed her cell phone had started to punch in the numbers when the front door to the office was kicked open. Manny recognized the first guy inside and he pulled the trigger. Steve Gomez tumbled to the floor holding his guts in as his shotgun discharged into the floor.

  Harry Black came in right behind him, a MAC-10 in his hands spraying bullets everywhere. Manny took him down with a headshot that sent his body tumbling backwards and knocking Carlos Valdez back into the hallway. Manny heard his sister tell the 9-1-1 operator that shots had been fired and officer needs assistance just as a bullet hit Harker’s desk, spraying him with splinters. Manny fired again, and Murray Saperstein went down. Then
something slammed into his shoulder, spinning Manny around and dropping him to the floor.

  His whole right side had gone numb, but Tina was there, blasting away at the men trying to get inside the office. Tina dragged Manny behind the desk and sprayed fire over it, pausing only to slap a fresh magazine into the well and hit the slide release to load another round, then she was firing again. Suddenly the room was quiet, and the distant sounds of sirens were audible through the broken windows. AJ was not going to be happy about that!

  Jorge Campos and Carlos Valdez were the only two that had managed to get away of the six men that had gone into Harker’s office, and Carlos was bleeding from where a bullet had grazed his left arm.

  “I want my money, fucker!” Carlos demanded.

  “Harker’s not dead, Carlos,” Jorge shook his head.

  “Everybody else is. You either give me my money or I’ll fucking gut you in the street and let the crows scavenge your body, picking your eyes out while you’re still alive!” Valdez snarled. Jorge felt a cold chill run down his spine. He knew that Valdez meant every word of what he had just said. The problem was, he was right. Somehow, Harker had been expecting them. He shivered as he figured out how the hell he could get out of town in a hurry!

  The cop cars and ambulances were filling the street when Harker arrived back at his office. He parked his car and hurried inside, frightened for once since he had no idea what might have occurred. Detective Steven Lance was inside Harker’s office when he came down the hallway. Harker knew him through Manny Mendez, because he was Manny’s partner. He looked at Lance.

  “Is Tina okay?” he demanded.

  “Tina is fine. In fact, there is a good chance that she saved Manny’s life. After he was hit, she kept shooting and drove the surviving attackers off. So, tell me, Harker, just what the hell are you into?” Lance demanded.

  “You heard about the girl murdered on my doorstep?” Harker asked.

  “I heard,” Lance admitted.

  “That’s what I’m working on. I’m pretty sure that Raoul Cervantes was behind it. The dead girl was working for a company that he was involved with, and she had uncovered the fact that he was trading guns for drugs to somebody,” Harker explained.

  “Raoul Cervantes. You never do things in a small way, do you?” Lance shook his head.

  “Not if I can help it. How is Manny?”

  “It was tough going, he’s slipping in and out of consciousness. But he’s going to make it. He got shot in the shoulder, but no major arteries or bones were hit. Tina took out the rest of the bad guys that were attacking your office. Maybe a couple got away, but we can’t be sure,” Lance shrugged.

  “Can I talk to Tina?” Harker asked.

  “Yeah, I’m done with her for now,” Lance agreed. Harker pushed into his inner office. Tina was sitting at his desk, looking forlorn. He looked up as he entered.

  “AJ,” she said, standing up. Then she was in his arms and Harker was holding her tight. Until now, she had never fired her gun at more than a paper target.

  “Are you okay, Tina?” Harker asked, as he held her tightly against him.

  “I am. They told me that Manny will be okay, in time. He’s slipping in and out of consciousness.”

  “He will, thanks to you. Your call, and then your heroic actions afterwards saved his life, Tina. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t,” Tina sighed. She leaned into Harker for support. He held her tightly against him for a long moment before letting her go.

  “Do you know who they were?” Tina asked.

  “I haven’t looked at them yet, but I might. I’m sorry, honey. This happened to you because of me,” Harker told her.

  “Bullshit, AJ. I talked you into hiring me, despite Manny’s objections. I made my bed, now I’ll lay in it. I didn’t listen to Manny any more than I listened to you. So, if this is on anybody, it’s on me,” Tina said.

  “You didn’t go after Cervantes. I did,” Harker told her.

  “Yes, you did. But I helped you. We need to get this son of a bitch, AJ, for Manny,” Tina told him.

  “Agreed,” Harker told her.

  “Okay, what do we do next?”

  “First, we need to leave. The office is a crime scene now. As soon as the cops release it, I’ll get a cleaning crew in here. Maybe this time I’ll spring for bullet proof glass.”

  “That might be a good investment, boss.”

  “Considering this is the second door and set of windows shot out in two days, it just might be,” Harker nodded. He waited as Tina grabbed her purse, and then, taking her by the elbow, he escorted her out of the building and to her car.

  “Go ahead and work from home tomorrow. Stay close to the phone if I need to get in touch,” Harker told her. “And Tina . . .”


  “Keep your gun loaded and close at hand,” Harker told her.

  “Will do, AJ. Be careful.”

  “Always, angel. Always,” Harker told her before she drove away. Harker turned and headed back inside. He wanted to get a good look at the bodies and see if he knew who any of them were.

  Detective Lance looked up as Harker returned and said, “Thanks for getting Tina out of here. She was pretty torn up about Manny getting shot while visiting her at work,” Lance told him.

  “Yeah, I know. Is he going to be okay? Or did I ask that before.” Harker asked.

  “The medics seem to think so. You got any idea who these guys are?”

  “Let me take a look at them and I might.”

  “Manny and Tina managed to take down four of them, but Manny nailed at least three, Tina got the fourth and maybe wounded a fifth. Who taught her how to shoot like that?”

  “I did.”

  “Maybe you should teach Manny, too, when he recovers,” Lance half-grinned.

  “I’ll let you make that suggestion to him,” Harker snorted. Lance walked him to each of the bodies and let Harker study the faces of the dead men.

  “So, what’s the verdict? You recognize them or not?” Lance asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve had run-ins with all four of them. Steve Gomez was the first one in, then Harry Black. Murray Saperstein was the third one, Joss Monroe was the one that Tina nailed out in the reception area. I busted three of them back when I was a cop. Monroe was a guy I caught embezzling after I opened up my office as a private investigator,” Harker explained.

  “Any idea why they would band together and come after you tonight?” Lance asked.

  “It has to be because I’m nosing around about Cervantes.”

  “Ah, Jesus Christ! What kind of shit pot are you stirring up, AJ?”

  “Cervantes was responsible for the girl’s death. He needs to pay for that,” Harker said, taking out his pack of cigarettes and shaking one loose. He pulled it out of the pack and tucked it into the corner of his mouth. He pocketed the pack and pulled out his Zippo and used it to light it.

  “Well, I hope you’re prepared to die, Harker. Nobody fucks with Cervantes,” Lance shook his head.

  “I do,” Harker said quietly, as he exhaled smoke.

  “Get out of here, Harker. Go commit suicide someplace other than in my crime scene,” Lance told him.

  Harker nodded and left. Harker needed a drink. Badly. He was pissed about Manny being shot. He was pissed about Tina being put in danger. He should have realized that it was going to happen when he started talking to people about Cervantes. Harker climbed into his car and started thinking about who he had talked to about Cervantes. Only one name floated to the top. The one that had been the most reluctant. Jorge Campos. Harker started the Compass and put it in gear and then pulled out into traffic, heading for Jorge’s home.

  Jorge paid Carlos Valdez and the man left. Jorge was actually glad to see him go. Valdez had come close to killing him on general principle twice on the way back to Jorge’s house. It had been a near thing, talking him down from doing exactly that. But somehow, he had managed it. The main problem, was that Harker was still
out there somewhere. Out on the street, asking questions and stirring up trouble. That was a big problem for Jorge, because Cervantes would find out about it. One way or another. And when he did, Jorge knew that he was as good as dead. Jorge headed for the kitchen. He needed a drink. Whiskey sounded good. It sounded real damn good. He walked into the kitchen.

  AJ Harker was sitting at the kitchen table with a gun in his hand.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Jorge asked, trying to buy himself some time.

  “Jorge, is that any way to treat a friend?” Harker asked. His mouth was smiling but it never touched his eyes.

  “We were never friends, Harker.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you that one. Where can I find Raoul Cervantes, Jorge?”

  “I have no idea,” Jorge replied. Harker shot him in the left knee, dropping him to the kitchen floor.

  “What the fuck, Harker?” Jorge screamed.

  “I don’t like being lied to, Jorge. I want Cervantes. Where can I find him?”

  “I don’t know,” Jorge sobbed. Harker shot him in the right knee.

  Jorge screamed again, knowing that he was crippled for life.

  “Where is Raoul Cervantes?” Harker asked.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lisa Castela dialed Harker’s number. She was nervous. Raoul Cervantes was a bad man to be fooling with. Hell, even the Miami Herald newspaper was cautious about stories involving him. Raoul Cervantes was a Miami boogie man. He spent most of his time in the shadows. Nobody had knowingly ever laid eyes on him. That was a rare thing. It intrigued her on many different levels. She hoped that he was only a fictional boogie man. Except now, she wasn’t so sure.

  The deeper she dug, the more paranoid that she became about Raoul Cervantes. He was something of a ghost to many government agencies. They had heard of him, but there was no real proof that he even existed. That meant one thing. He was very well connected to many people high-up in government. The question was how high? Lisa bit her lip as she listened to the cell phone ring. Then it went to voicemail. She hung up. What the hell was going on? That was the question.


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