Brick Shithouse

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Brick Shithouse Page 14

by Bijou Hunter

  “Everything sounds so easy when you say it,” I say, staring out at the dark woods. “I’ve never accomplished anything important in my life. If I walk away when they tell me to stay, I think maybe they’ll see me as a failure.”

  Cap’s fingers stroke my hair. “That’s all in your head. No way can your parents write you off. It’s not how they’re built.”

  “What am I accomplishing by moving to a town I don’t know to be with a man I don’t know?” I ask, panicking at the idea of sleeping alone in that odd house so far away from my family.

  “You’re adventurous, Pip. That’s a good quality. You’re seizing onto a chance to try something new. That takes courage, and your father at least respects big balls. He’ll like how you were brave enough to try being with me. I mean, he doesn’t know how you and I are fucking perfect together and how there’s no real danger in you failing. While your siblings remain at home, you choose to make a big move. I view you as a winner.”

  “Winner of what?”

  “Of whatever you need to be a winner of. I don’t care. My goal is for you to stop pouting because I want to hang out tonight and learn more about your life here. You looking as if someone pissed in your cereal isn’t a solid way to start my visit.”

  “It’s not all about you,” I say, feeling guilty for wanting to run off with a stranger rather than remain with my family.

  “You are my woman, and that makes you an extension of me. Just as my family is and Keanu too. I hope you appreciate how you belong to a select group of awesome fuckers, Pip.”

  I look out at the woods lining our backyard. The approaching night puts an extra chill in the air, causing me to shiver. Cap instantly stands and removes his jacket so he can wrap it around my shoulders.

  “Your mama taught you right.”

  “That she did,” he says and kisses the top of my head. “Do you want to know a secret?”


  “It’s fucking fine if you aren’t ready to move to White Horse this week. I’ll come back next week and the week after that and I’ll keep coming. And you know what? During each visit, I’ll steal a few of your things. Eventually, you’ll realize most of your shit is already in White Horse so you might as well move there.”

  Grinning, I reach for his hand. “The funny thing is I believe you’d do that.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? Gotta move your shit down anyway. Seems right to turn it into a game.”

  Searching his handsome face, I can’t imagine going days without seeing him. My parents think I’m nuts, and a part of me agrees with them.

  Yet moving to White Horse to be with Cap makes more sense than anything I’ve ever done. He’s completely certain I’m the woman for him. For the first time, we’re on the exact same page.


  Audrey is so worked up about her parents’ emotional baggage that I convince her to take a walk with me out behind the family’s house. We stroll into the woods just before sunset as the remaining autumn leaves shine in the dying light.

  I’m forced to take baby steps to ensure Audrey keeps up with her short legs. She also tends to mosey when I’d rather keep a more deliberate pace. We’re a mismatch in the most perfect fucking way, and I’ll punch anyone who says differently.

  Audrey lingers at select trees as if remembering long-ago events. I wait for her each time, enjoying how relaxed she remains. Of course, her ease makes the time right to blurt out a few confessions.

  “Time to air dirty laundry, Cap Hayes edition.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” she asks, sounding far away.

  “It means I’m going to dump some truths about me on you and you’re going to be a grown-ass woman about them.”

  Audrey narrows her gaze. “What?”

  “When I was a teenager, I had a hardcore crush on the OG twins’ best friend, Bianca Bella. I was madly in love with her, but she wasn’t impressed. Apparently, I was like a kid brother to her, and she found me gross. When I declared my love, her exact words were, ‘Seriously, eww.’ I was devastated by her rejection. After all, I’m a fucking stallion any woman should bend over backward to admire. Let’s just say it took me a while to get over my distrust of the female gender. I mean, shit, if someone as remarkable as Bianca Bella could have such fucking terrible taste, what could I trust in this world?”

  “What was so great about her?” Audrey growls. “Is she into blowjobs because you know that makes her a whore, right?”

  “I don’t know if she’s into blowjobs, but I doubt it. Bianca Bella shares the same lazy gene as Cricket. I can’t imagine them wanting to do a lot of giving when they could just receive.”

  “Did you fuck her?”

  “Did you miss the part where she said, ‘eww’ to me?”

  “Yeah, but maybe that was after you ejaculated on her face or something. I don’t know what whores do.”

  Chuckling at her unhinged envy, I ask, “Are you seriously jealous of a woman I loved as a teenager? Don’t you remember what it was like when you were fifteen, and you first fell for someone? It was so magical and completely fucking stupid. My mom’s best friend fell for her husband when they were teenagers, but they have to be the exception to the rule. Otherwise, teenage love is messy and detached from reality.”

  “You still loved her.”

  “She was a grown woman, and I was a kid. She was casually cool, and my voice still did that high-pitch thing every once in a while. But more than anything else, Bianca Bella often wore a red bikini that sent my dick into overdrive. It was all superficial stuff. Plus, she was always around, so I didn’t have to do any actual work to obsess over her. I might have inherited that lazy gene too.”

  “Does that mean you don’t plan to give?”

  Reaching out to caress her pink cheek, I murmur, “I swear on the life of my Harley that when you open the gates to your body for my full inspection that I will give to you so much attention that you might need to file for a restraining order from my tongue.”

  Audrey finally stops pouting and gives me a silly grin. “Is it weird that I find your promise both romantic and gross?”

  “Of course. Just don’t say ‘eww.’ I’m still a little sensitive about that.”

  “She was a fool.”

  “Fuck yeah. Even at fifteen, I was a damn catch despite my sometimes squeaky voice.”

  “I only want you to get hard for me,” Audrey says, gripping my jacket.

  “And I only want you slick for me.”


  “I warned you.”

  My fingers only tickle her throat for maybe twenty seconds before she wiggles enough to nearly fall on her ass. Once I steady her, she lightly punches me in the gut.

  “Don’t tickle.”

  That’s not a promise I’m willing to make, so I remain silent.

  “Will I see this whore a lot once I live in White Horse?”

  “Yes, so you’ll want to rethink referring to her as a whore. She can’t fight for shit, but Cricket can, and she’s been known to stalk those who wrong her.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I remember your story.”

  “The good news for your oddly bruised ego is that Bianca Bella is currently on a cruise with her mother. She always bails after Cricket gives birth. I believe she’ll be back after the New Year.”

  “She doesn’t like kids, huh?”

  “She doesn’t like babies, and she lives on Cricket’s property, so there’s no avoiding them. Plus whenever my sister gives birth, about thirty West Virginia rednecks show up to play the banjo and drink moonshine. Oh, and help with the baby.”

  “Why is that again?”

  “Cricket’s husband is from West Virginia.”

  “And he’s a biker?”


  “A real biker or like you?”

  “An honest-to-goodness biker with biker pals who all wear the same vests and patches and shit. It’s very boy band of them too.”

  Audrey burst into laughter, likely thinking of her
father and his matchy pals. She laughs so hard that only leaning against a tree keeps her upright.

  “Don’t tell Pop about that boy-band thing. He will not be pleased, and he already doesn’t like you.”

  “The man adores me, Audrey. I don’t see how you can miss that fact.”

  Rolling her eyes, she continues to smile. “Any other harsh truths you need to lay out on me?” she asks.


  “Is it as gross as the Bianca Bella thing?”

  “Depends. I know you’re into a certain kind of music so you might find my confession to be disgusting.”

  “I already do. Now, what is it?”

  “You know my best friend, Keanu, is part Korean, right?”

  “I saw the picture, and you said you two speak Korean to each other.”

  “Yes. It’s our secret language since so few people in Tennessee know it.”

  “Are you and Keanu more than friends? Is that where this confession is going?”

  “No, but I could do worse than to bang that bastard.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Do you know what K-pop is?”

  “A sex thing?”

  “No, it’s Korean pop music.”

  “I want to say, ‘eww,’ but I don’t want you tickling me.”

  “Then rephrase it.”


  “It’s the music I grew up with.”

  “So gross.”

  “You don’t even know what it sounds like.”

  “Must be disgusting if you’re scared for me to know.”

  “I’m not scared. I just want you to know that I have a distinct taste in music and will never be impressed by your old-rock junk.”

  “The classics are called that for a reason.”

  “I’m not arguing with you on this. We’ll just agree you have old-man taste and move on with our day.”

  Before Audrey can defend the music she grew up listening to, I cover her lips with mine. She puts up no struggle, choosing to give into my kiss rather than fight a losing battle. I lift her up onto my hips and wrap her tighter against me.

  Audrey nuzzles against my throat, kissing my neck before whispering, “K-pop sucks.”

  “I need to dump one more truth on you, Pip.”

  Wiggling against my hips, she momentarily steals my ability to form words. I inhale a few times deeply before regaining my knowledge of English.

  “You’re not ready to live alone,” I announce while nibbling at her tiny, soft earlobe.

  Struggling to make eye contact, she grumbles, “You don’t know that.”

  I set her feet onto the ground and frown at her. “Don’t use your ‘Dad, don’t tell me what to do’ voice on me.”

  “How can you not want me to move to White Horse?”

  “Oh, you’re moving. That isn’t an option, but I don’t think you’re ready to live in that house alone.”

  “I think you’re wrong.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re scared to live alone, but you’re more afraid to admit that fear out loud. Don’t be embarrassed about that. Look at me. I still live at home and haven’t built my dream house yet. I don’t want to go home to an empty house.”

  “So what’s the plan then? If I shouldn’t live alone, do I get a roommate? Are you going to move into the house with me?”

  “Here’s what I think. You ought to move into my parents’ guest room while you and I fix up that house. We’ll get it ready together, so it’ll work for us both. Then we’ll move in together.”

  Audrey’s expression is a punch to the gut. My petite diva really was too proud to admit she didn’t want to live alone. Now that I spelled it out, the look of relief on her face breaks my heart.

  “Want to know why I don’t care if people know I’m not ready to live alone?” I ask and reach out to cup her cheek. “Because I do what I want and I take what I need. I am Casper Hayes, for good or bad. Some people like me. Others think I’m a thug. Others find me obnoxious. Some people, though, find me to be amazing. Those last ones are the only fuckers I care about. My family, Keanu, and you are it for me. No one else matters. One day, I hope you can live in your skin without wondering if you’re doing it wrong.”

  “I think I love you.”

  “Well, I know I love you.”

  “It’s not a competition,” she says, struggling to sound stubborn. I don’t know why she puts up an act with me when I can read her every thought on her perfect face.

  “If it were a competition, I’d win. I’m twice your size, and that means twice the love.”

  Laughing, Audrey waves me off and starts walking. I know she’s overwhelmed. My ego tells me to smother her with reassurance, but my brain promises I ought to let her find her own way. Audrey isn’t my kid, and I don’t need to think for her. She’s plenty fucking smart and strong enough to accept a giant, arrogant angel loves her.

  10 – CAP

  Cooper Johansson might be incapable of pulling off subtlety. Or he can’t do it with me. Either way, he aggressively suggests Audrey should show me one of the family’s bars. When I announce I’m not in the mood for redneck B.O., he nearly jumps across the room to tackle me. Only his wife’s gentle touch keeps him from getting his ass whooped by a man half his age.

  “It was Pop-Pop’s bar,” Audrey says and hurries to the closet to find a jacket. “I had my first legal beer there.”

  “Well, then I ought to check it out,” I tell her, though my gaze never leaves Cooper.

  He grinds his teeth and mutters obscenities under his breath, but the fucker gets his way when I walk outside with Audrey and head to my truck.

  “What’s the con?” I ask, opening the door for her. “Are his club brothers going to jump me? I could use a workout after that big meal.”

  Audrey waits until I walk around to the driver’s side and join her in the truck. “Let’s bail on the bar and go somewhere else.”

  “Why exactly should we do that?”

  “My sisters left just before we came inside. I think they’re setting something up for Pop at the bar.”

  Struggling not to laugh, I ask, “Wait, do you really think his biker bros will rough me up?”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “I can break asses with the best of them, Pip,” I say, turning in my seat to see her better in the dark truck. “But I’m not opposed to driving to my hotel and hanging out. Of course, if we bail tonight, your father will only find another time and place for his big move. Why not get it over with when we know it’s coming?”

  Audrey scoots closer. “What if they hurt you?”

  “Your father won’t have me fucked up in a serious way. He just wants to scare me, so I’ll understand whose turf I’m on. You worry too much.”

  “My father makes people disappear.”

  “So does mine,” I say and start the engine. “I’ve also added more than a few assholes to the missing persons list.”

  Obviously stalling, Audrey takes a seriously long time to snap her seatbelt into place. I finally look up the address to Whiskey Kirk’s and set the GPS directions.

  “I’ll buy you a fuzzy navel,” I say, driving down the long road past her grandmother’s house and to the main highway.

  “If things get dicey, I’ll have your back.”

  “I know.”

  Audrey frowns at my response, likely expecting me to tell her to stand down and let the men handle shit. She isn’t wrong about my first thought. My second consideration is how Audrey needs to embrace her gut decisions. If she wants to charge into battle, I won’t be the one to stop her.

  “It’s a good-looking place you grew up in,” I say as we wait at a light two blocks from the bar.

  “But it’s not White Horse, right?”

  “Nowhere is, but Ellsberg ain’t bad.”

  Audrey stops pouting long enough to point at a small, corner restaurant. “I worked there for three weeks when I was sixteen. It was my first job, and I made good tips.”

y only three weeks?”

  “A tourist pinched my ass, and I went psycho on him.”

  “No special treatment for Johansson’s daughter?”

  “Oh, I got special treatment. Anyone else would have ended up in jail.”

  “Psycho, huh?” I ask, laughing at her expression. “Man, I would have loved to see you fuck up that guy. Bet it was a sexy sight.”

  “I was sixteen.”

  “Not everything sexy has to lead to fucking. Get your head out of the gutter, little one.”

  “Shut up,” Audrey says, but I bet she’s blushing in the darkness. “I can’t help where my mind goes when you’re around.”

  “No, baby, you really can’t. I should give you more slack about that.”

  Audrey reaches over and rests her hand on mine while I drive the final blocks to the bar. “Promise me you won’t do something stupid and get yourself hurt tonight.”


  “Can’t you lie?”

  “Not to you.”

  Audrey’s smile lights up the truck. I don’t even fully park the truck before my lips cover hers. When she lets herself believe in us as completely as I do, my woman is fucking fearless.


  We arrive at Whiskey Kirk’s to find a packed bar. I doubt I’d be able to move through the crowd if not for Cap’s giant body pushing people out of the way and making a path for me. Finally, we reach the bar where I catch my breath.

  “Smells like a biker,” Cap says, sliding out of his jacket since it’s thirty degrees hotter in the bar than outside.

  “Dozens of bikers will do that to a place.”

  While Cap yells at the bartender to be heard, I spot Colton breaking through the crowd of bodies. He smiles at a few people but doesn’t stop to chat. He makes a beeline for Cap and me.

  “Fuzzy navel and a shot of whiskey,” Cap yells over the din.

  Tugging Cap’s arm until he leans down, so his ear is level with my lips, I say, “Don’t take anything personally.”

  “What?” he mutters, frowning darkly and no doubt annoyed by the deafening noise.

  I gesture toward my brother. “This is Colton.”


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