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A Rule Worth Breaking

Page 18

by Maggie Cox


  ‘I scrounged it off a pretty barmaid…charmed her with my good looks and irresistible wit.’

  ‘Now, there’s a surprise,’ Jake commented drolly.

  The two men fell silent for a while.

  As if disturbed by the gloomy expression that flitted across his friend’s features, Rick remarked consolingly, ‘Kenny’s probably just dropped her off at the guesthouse. Cait’s a clever girl. If he tries anything she’ll soon put him straight.’

  ‘You think? But I could hardly blame her if she did go home with him, could I?’ Jake stared grimly down into his coffee.

  ‘You really care about her, don’t you?’

  There was a tone of genuine surprise in the other man’s voice.

  ‘Is that so hard to believe?’

  ‘I’m sorry, buddy. I just—’

  Jake sighed. ‘What I felt for Jodie all those years ago wasn’t love, Rick. I was just tired of being alone and I kidded myself she was important to me in the ridiculous hope that my feelings might grow fonder. Needless to say, when I realised she only wanted me for what she could get, they didn’t. As things turned out…I’m glad about that. I’d rather she took my money and everything I possessed than broke my heart. That’s a pain I couldn’t get over so easily.’ Grimacing, he shook his head. ‘But what I feel for Caitlin is… Well, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I already know she’s got the power to break my heart.’

  ‘Sounds to me like it’s love, Jake.’

  He didn’t dispute the fact. For a few heartfelt moments he let the thought settle.

  ‘Look, I know I should put the band first, but to tell you the truth I’ve been thinking about resigning as manager and asking you to take over. I was thinking I should get out while the going’s good and limit any disappointment and ill feeling it might cause. Things are really starting to take off for Blue Sky, and you know exactly what to do to maximise their potential and take them right to the top. They trust you, Rick. You’ll all be just fine without me.’

  ‘Why would you want to resign, Jake? Is it because you’re afraid of hurting Cait?’

  ‘She deserves this chance just as much as the others do. What she doesn’t deserve is for me to screw it up because I’ve become personally involved with her. I don’t know if I’m capable of maintaining the necessary professional detachment any more. I feel like a house of cards that’s been knocked down. It’s not like me to lose my head over a woman. But since falling for Caitlin I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and my concentration feels like it’s been blown apart by a scatter gun. At this rate I’m not going to be much use to anyone—let alone myself.’

  With a rueful grin, Jake raised his coffee to his lips.

  It was Rick’s turn to sigh. ‘Trust me, resigning isn’t the answer. Cait wouldn’t want that, and nor would the guys. And nor, for that matter, would I. If you want her then go after her, man! What are you sitting here for? If she has gone back to Kenny’s—’

  ‘I thought you said that wasn’t likely?’

  Jake’s cup clattered against the saucer and hot black coffee sloshed messily over the side. He was suddenly seized by the most terrible doubt. Would Caitlin have been persuaded by Kenny to go home with him? What if she had agreed in order to teach Jake a lesson?

  ‘Hey, slow down. Of course it’s not.’ Rick said. ‘Look, I’m sorry if I haven’t been as supportive as I could have been. I guess I’m just very protective of the band. I’ll just have to accept the fact that you and Cait are an item now. Having got to know her a little, and knowing you like I do, I’m sure you won’t let your relationship damage the band in any way. To tell you the truth, I’m glad you’ve finally found someone you really care about. In my opinion, you couldn’t have found anyone better than Caitlin. She’s pretty special. If you really want to check that she’s okay why don’t you drive over to the guesthouse and see if you can talk to her?’ he exhorted.

  Moved by his friend’s support, and clutching at a ray of hope he perhaps had no right to cling to, Jake glanced down at his watch.

  ‘It’s two in the morning, Rick. I booked her into a guesthouse because she said she didn’t want to stay in another soulless swanky hotel, and the place is run by a landlady who’s about as friendly as Attila the Hun. When I booked the place that reassured me. She keeps strict hours and she likes her guests to be back before midnight. The prospect of banging on her door at this hour of the night just so that I can tell Caitlin I—’

  ‘Love her?’

  The grin hijacking his friend’s face was wide. Jake scowled. Then he drove his hands agitatedly through his hair.

  ‘Is that what you call this perpetual longing and needing and climbing the walls when I can’t be with her?’

  The other man nodded knowingly.

  Inside Jake’s chest his heartbeat stumbled at the realisation that he’d allowed Caitlin to believe that his attraction to her was purely physical. He’d been seriously kidding himself. Now he knew that he’d put her happiness and wellbeing way above his own. That was why he’d told Rick he was willing to resign as the group’s manager.

  He blew out a long, slow breath. ‘Then I guess you’re right. But if she thinks that means us moving in together into some detached mock-Georgian in the suburbs then we’re likely to have our first real fight. I couldn’t do it. That’s why I’ve never settled anywhere. I’m a born gypsy. I get too restless to stay in one place for long…you know that.’

  ‘Yeah, and I also know that you haven’t even asked the lady what she wants yet. First you need to tell her that you love her. Caitlin’s a great girl, Jake. She’s as passionate as you are and she loves the band. She loves singing. Do you think she would have auditioned if she’d wanted to settle for some safe little existence in the suburbs? I hardly think so.’

  Glancing back at Rick, he felt the ray of hope that had surfaced earlier suddenly grow much brighter.

  ‘Hey, if you ever get tired of being on the road I could see you winding up as some sort of relationship counsellor.’

  ‘You think so?’

  ‘No, I don’t.’ To Rick’s consternation, Jake lightly punched him on the shoulder and laughed. ‘Not in a million years.’

  ‘That aside, what are you going to do about Cait? Are you going to try and see her tonight?’

  ‘No… Not tonight. It’s been a tough few days and she needs her rest. I’ll just have to trust she went back to the guesthouse with Lia and go and see her in the morning. In the meantime…’ He reached into his back pocket to retrieve his mobile, ‘I’ll send her a text…just to check.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan. Now that’s settled, how about a real drink?’

  Signalling to one of the barmaids, Rick gave her one of his incorrigible smiles and looked hopeful.

  * * *

  Having ordered a latte and a blueberry muffin, Caitlin stared out through the café window at the frigid purple and grey sky that definitely heralded rain. It didn’t particularly disturb her. She couldn’t feel much gloomier than she did already.

  The impersonal little text she’d received last night from Jake had hardly been reassuring.

  Hope you enjoyed last night’s gig and got back to the guesthouse OK. I’ll catch up with you in the morning.

  He hadn’t even included an ‘x’ to denote a kiss.

  But then she knew she had played her part when she’d stupidly accepted a lift from Kenny Swan without even telling him. She’d done it because Jake had been busy talking to the rest of the band and she had felt inexplicably jealous. Ignored. She knew it was ridiculous, because he was the group’s manager, but right then she hadn’t wanted to share him with anyone. Even Lia’s reassuring presence hadn’t consoled her.

  The news about the recording contract was wonderful, but her pleasure was sadly tainted by the hurtful realisation that the man she loved didn’t love her back.

  ‘Cheer up, love, it may never happen.’ The handsome young assistant who had taken her
order returned with her coffee and cake.

  ‘What did you say?’ She glanced up at him, not comprehending.

  ‘You looked sad…I was just trying to cheer you up. Anyway, enjoy your coffee.’ With a cheeky wink and a tuneless whistle, he returned behind the counter.

  Discovering that she’d suddenly lost all desire for cake, and after taking just a few sips of her coffee, Caitlin scraped back her chair, left the money for her bill on the table and hurriedly left. How could she possibly eat when all she could think about was Jake?

  * * *

  ‘Where have you been?’

  He was waiting outside the guesthouse when she returned and the expression on his face was as implacable as ever. Steeling herself against the blast of icy wind that suddenly hit her, Caitlin shoved her long hair out of her eyes and stared.

  ‘It’s nice to see you, too,’ she murmured..

  ‘I was worried about you. I even got your landlady to check your room—which was no easy feat, I can tell you. She told me that your bed was made but she couldn’t tell whether you’d slept in it or not.’ Stepping towards her, he frowned. ‘What’s going on, Caitlin?’

  ‘Nothing… I just went for a cup of coffee, that’s all.’

  ‘So you did sleep in your bed last night?’

  ‘Of course I did.’

  ‘Why didn’t you reply to my message asking if you were Okay?’

  ‘It was two o’clock in the morning when you sent it—that’s why. I was tired and I fell back to sleep. Wait a minute…where did you think I’d slept if it wasn’t in my bed at the guesthouse?’

  ‘You were eager enough to go off with Kenny.’

  ‘The man offered us a lift, and because you seemed busy talking to Rick and the others I accepted. I was tired, Jake. I’m still a novice at this game and I expend a lot of energy trying to get it right.’

  ‘You’re doing just fine, Caitlin. In fact you never cease to amaze me with how dedicated you are in giving a great performance. Last night you were flawless. You knocked it out of the park!’


  Her smile was guarded and a flash of pain squeezed at Jake’s heart. Had he pushed her too hard? He’d hate to think she wasn’t deriving any pleasure from singing with the band any more.

  Making a concerned examination of her features, he noticed for the first time that she was unusually pale, and beneath her lovely green eyes he could see bruising shadows.

  ‘We should talk,’ he said quietly.

  ‘Not right now. I need to go inside and pack and say goodbye to my friend. She’ll be wondering where I am. I didn’t wake her to let her know I was going out.’

  She moved towards the steps that led up to the house’s front door. Jake stared in disbelief. Then he came to his senses and caught hold of her arm.

  ‘Are you trying to hide something from me, Caitlin?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Tell me the truth. Did you stay at Kenny’s place last night?’ He was unable to hold back his fury at the thought.

  Her green eyes flashed.

  ‘I already told you that I didn’t. The man is a snake. I know he wants to sign us, but if the agreement means he has some unspoken right to make suggestive remarks to me whenever he gets the chance then you can find another singer—and I don’t say that lightly. I love this band, and I want it to do well. But I’ve played the part of sacrificial lamb before, and I’m damn sure I’m not going to play it again. Not for anybody!’

  ‘Did he insult you? Hurt you?’ Jake’s voice was a gravelly undertone.

  He could hardly believe that he’d put Caitlin in such a vulnerable position. When he saw Kenny Swan again he’d have to be physically restrained from connecting his fist to his jaw…contract or no contract. And he was pretty sure the rest of the crew would feel the same.

  ‘Of course he didn’t. Apart from making me cringe at some of the comments he made about his sexual prowess and inviting me to join him in his hot tub he didn’t try anything. Anyway, Lia was with me,’ she answered. ‘Plus, like I told you before, I’m tougher than I look. Lucky for me I wear any bruises I acquire on the inside.’

  The idea that he might be responsible for some of those invisible bruises affected Jake more deeply than he could say.

  ‘I’m sorry. But you should never have agreed to let him drive you home. You should have come to get me and I would have taken you and Lia back to the guesthouse straight away. Now, why don’t you go and say goodbye to Lia, then come back to my hotel with me?’

  Caitlin couldn’t easily hide the resentment that flashed through her. She pulled her arm free and rubbed it.

  ‘What would be the point, Jake? If you want to talk about our relationship then there’s really not much to discuss, is there? Why prolong the agony? We had an affair…a meaningless affair. It happens all the time—especially in this business. You of all people should know that.’

  ‘Meaningless? Is that what you think this is?’

  Jake hated hearing her talk like that…as if he made a habit of sleeping with different women just because he could. He’d never been a saint, but neither was he promiscuous—despite what the gossip columns might have suggested over the years.

  For the first time since he’d acknowledged his feelings about Caitlin to himself Jake was forced to consider that perhaps she didn’t feel as intensely as he did. The thought was so unpalatable that it hit him with all the force of an express train travelling at full speed. Suddenly being uncertain of his ground shook him badly.

  ‘Like I said, you’ve made your feelings about me pretty clear.’ She sighed. ‘It was me that clouded things with my stupid hopes and dreams. You’d think I would have learned after Sean, wouldn’t you? Anyway, the band is the most important thing…not whatever’s going on between you and me. At least we’re agreed on that.’

  Twisting her hands together, Caitlin managed a tremulous smile just before she turned away.

  If I can just hold it together until he goes, she thought, then I might…just might…get through this with my pride and dignity intact. And I might stop him from ever finding out that he’s the only man who has my heart and always will…

  ‘You’re wrong, you know.’

  Still with her back to Jake, Caitlin released a weary sigh. ‘Wrong about what?’

  ‘The band isn’t the most important thing to me.’

  She froze. Then she slowly turned round to find him wearing a smile that was uninhibitedly warm and sexy, and it drove every single thought out of her head. His twinkling glance fused to hers and she couldn’t have looked away even if she’d wanted to. As her body was suffused with unexpected heat even the icy wind swirling round them seemed suddenly to grow less frigid.

  Her mouth drying, she asked, ‘It isn’t?’

  ‘No, it isn’t. You are, Caitlin. You’re the most important thing in my life. I’m not proud of the way I’ve handled things between us, but to say I’ve never felt like this before would be the understatement of the century. An earthquake couldn’t have shaken me up more.’

  ‘I wondered where you’d got to, Cait. Now I see what’s delayed you.’

  The front door opened to reveal the diminutive Lia, dressed in pink sweatshirt and jeans, her brown eyes alighting on Jake as if she’d inadvertently stumbled upon the devil incarnate.

  ‘What’s he doing here? Unless he’s come to talk to you about work then I think you should tell him to go. He’ll only upset you, and you’ve had enough grief from him already to last you a lifetime.’

  ‘Hang on a minute, Lia, I—’

  Caitlin was cut short when the blonde hurried down the steps and pushed her aside to plant herself in front of Jake. With her hands on her hips, she proceeded to tell him exactly how she felt.

  ‘She broke her heart over you last night, Jake Sorenson. She cried like the rain. I’ve never seen her cry like that since she was with Sean—and he took her for a ride too, making promises he never intended to keep. I told her you’d b
reak her heart. Well, I hope you’re feeling proud of yourself. And then, if your own conduct wasn’t bad enough, you go and leave her in the clutches of that middle-aged Lothario, reeking of enough cologne to sink a battleship! Thank heaven I was with her last night or God only knows what might have happened. If you and he are an example of the kind of people in the music industry then Caitlin would be better off singing at our local pub on a Saturday night. At least she’d be safe.’

  Shock jack-knifed roughly through Jake at the thought that he hadn’t protected Caitlin when he should have, and regret that he’d caused her even a moment’s pain. He could see how the situation must appear to Lia, and he’d be the first to admit it didn’t look good. It was a crying shame that his reputation preceded him, because no matter how he behaved he was damned—in the blonde’s eyes at least And Kenny Swan’s conduct didn’t exactly create the best of impressions either.

  He fixed the girl with a steely glare.

  ‘Please don’t slot me into the same category as Kenny Swan. At least spare me that particular insult. I assure you that Blue Sky won’t be dealing with him again. More to the point, I’ll ensure that Caitlin deals with someone else at the record company. There are plenty of genuinely good people who work there. As for the rest—I think that’s between Caitlin and me…don’t you?’

  ‘Caitlin?’ Her brown eyes glinting like a protective mama bear’s, Lia folded her arms and looked round at her friend for confirmation.

  Caitlin nodded. ‘I’d like to have a few minutes alone with Jake. I think it’s needed.’

  ‘Just as long as you don’t let him persuade you to do anything you don’t want to do. You’ve got free will, remember? You got over Sean and you can get over him too.’

  With a warning glance at a bemused Jake, Lia sprinted back up the stairs and went inside the house.

  ‘Does she always behave like an aggrieved matador about to pick a fight with a bull?’ he asked dryly.

  Caitlin’s smile was tentative. ‘For some reason she’s very protective of me.’


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