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Race Traitor: BWWM Romance Novel for Adults

Page 17

by Jamila Jasper

  White men showed up to the house later that night. There were only a couple. Burke hid Janie- Betty was long gone- and answered the door. He invited the men in. They asked if he had seen Francis. Burke said he had not; he showed them around the house. The men told him about the Croup Mansion fire. They said they suspected he had perished in the flames. Burke thanked them for their concern about his cousin. They told him he ought to come to one of their meetings. He agreed politely, and then they left.

  After that, Burke wasted no time. He and Janie had to get the hell out of Rickshaw. It was now or never. They packed a few things, and were on their way.

  Chapter 9

  Epilogue II

  Her belly was swollen and round, her breasts and nipples heavy. He watched her from the other room as she took down her hair.

  “We need to talk, Janie,” he said. He put down the book he’d been reading.

  “About what?” She came to sit on the edge of the bed. Her weight sank the mattress a little where she sat. The sight of it almost made Burke smile and forget he was angry with her.

  “You’ve been lyin’ to me,” he said. Her eyebrows raised.

  “About what, Burke?” she replied. Janie could always manage to look innocent. Not this time, though. Her brown eyes were wide and guilty.

  He pulled a stack of pamphlets from under her pillow. He’d been keeping them there while she bathed: Advertisements, events for clubs and saloons. Janie had circled dates and names. Most incriminatingly, she had the number for Big Easy records, Mindoo’s company, written down on a scrap of paper.

  “You said you weren’t gonna worry about the music until the baby came,” he said.

  Janie hung her head guiltily.

  “I know,” she sighed. She climbed up in bed with him. “It’s just hard, Burke. I feel like I’m missin’ a window for somethin’ big. I feel like I’m becomin’ a different person. My dreams are suddenly changin’. I’m not ready for it yet. I feel like I’m not ready.”

  “It’s alright,” said Burke. “I understand. I’ve never had much dreams about anythin’. I’ve never had to work for anythin’, either. I just collected rents and spent the days idling ‘round. I know you’re busy tryin’ to work and everythin’, baby, and I can’t fault you for that.”

  “But?” said Janie.

  “I don’t like this Mindoo fella and that sleazy record company. Not after what happened that night, what you told me.”

  “He’s the best shot I have,” said Janie. She sighed and rubbed her stomach.

  “What’s gonna happen when we have the baby?” said Burke. “I’ve been thinkin’ about that. I’m sure you have, too.”

  Janie smiled and rubbed her belly at the reminder of the new life growing inside her. Then she sighed. “I don’t know, for certain. I feel like I should give all the music stuff up once I have it. I don’t know if I’ll have the time. Raising the child is more important.”

  Burke shook his head. “I don’t think so. I think you should follow your dream, Janie. No matter what.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want our child to see that there’s no givin’ up on dreams, you understand?” said Burke. “No matter how many turns things take for the worse. No matter how old they are, or what happens.”

  “I guess so,” said Janie. She smiled privately at Burke’s intensity. He was the optimist in their relationship, and she loved him for it.

  Burke continued, “That’s right. Just wait a little while, darlin’, don’t exert yourself. Then you can sing and do your thing to your heart’s content.”

  She nodded. Though she still thought she could perform during the pregnancy, perhaps Burke was right. Those old crusty saloons that, since her fallout with Mindoo, she was now confined to, were no place for a woman in her condition.

  “What’s your dream, Burke?” Janie wondered. She had never asked him that question before. She realized with small surprise that she didn’t even know.

  “To be left alone in peace and quiet,” he joked.

  “No, seriously!” said Janie.

  He breathed through his nose and looked off at the wall. A small furrow entered his brow.

  “Well, maybe it’s ‘cause I just learned how to do it...But I want to write a book. About what I’ve seen.”

  “Really?” said Janie.

  “Really. I think it might be interestin’, kinda. A mental challenge.”

  “I think you should do it, Burke.”

  “Well, I figure I gotta read more to write better. If I write the way I talk, nobody’s gonna get past the first page.”

  Janie hugged him. “I’m proud of you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It’s me that should be proud of you,” he said. “You got us out of that mess in Rickshaw. You’re talented, confident, incredible. I wish you could see what I see.”

  Janie looked up at him. He brought his lips down over hers in a gentle kiss. He kissed her curly coarse hair, her wide nose, her full beautiful lips. His tongue slid, soft as velvet, into her mouth. She gave a small moan and sank beneath him. His body covered hers- gently, molding itself against the roundness of her belly. They melted into the bed together, until Janie moaned and shook in the drenching heat they created with their bodies.


  Curtis had found a new tutor. One of Burke’s uncles. He had mastered German by now, and was working steadily on Spanish. They enrolled him in classes at Xavier. Slowly he lost his country shyness, becoming bolder, rougher. He took to a small gang of city boys, who made fun of him for his accent at first, but came to be awed by his intelligence. The boy blossomed in New Orleans; Janie and Burke rarely saw their new charge, so busy he was with his studies and his friends.

  Whether Curtis loved his new foster parents, he didn’t say. They never mentioned Emmett Freeman again, though Curtis received some things in the mail a while later, which had been Emmett’s personal effects. These were: a pen, the Iliad, and a scuffed badge that read “the Sons of Moses”. Curtis threw everything away but the book, which he kept next to his bed. Some nights Janie could see him reading it by candlelight, though of course he knew it all by heart.

  They heard from Betty every once in awhile. She had moved to Chicago with her family. Like Curtis, she was working on improving her education. She had a sweetheart in the city, her letters said, who would likely propose soon.

  Life went on until Janie had the baby. A boy. They named him Jeremiah, but Burke would call him nothing but Jem, and that name stuck. Jem Giraud.

  Janie had feared that Curtis might be jealous of his new brother- stepbrother? The boy didn’t show emotions well; and it was hard to say whether he liked or disliked anything. The small Giraud family lived in a small house- bought with some of Burke’s savings- and Curtis and little Jem perforce had to share a room.

  One night Janie peeked her head in to see Curtis rocking the baby in the cradle. He was humming an old Negro lullaby. Janie wondered where he had learned it.

  She tiptoed back to her room with Burke.

  “Is Dinah coming soon?” she asked.

  Burke checked his watch. At that moment came a knock on the front door.

  Dinah, the woman they hired to watch the children, was a plump and short teenage girl. A relative of Fleur’s, who helped out sometimes at La Papillion.

  “Miss Ross, you look stunnin’!” the girl exclaimed. Her eyes went round as buttons. Janie laughed and gave a little twirl in her dress.

  “Why thank you, honey!” she said. Burke smiled. Janie sure did look stunning. This was a big night for her. He’d gotten in contact with his Uncle, and booked Janie a gig at the Rue Grenouille club. Such an exclusive club only hired the best performers. Even with Burke’s connections, Janie had had to audition. Her performance had blown them away.

  She wore a floor-length red dress, covered in sequins. An enormous Ostrich feather graced her hat, which was tipped jauntily to one side of her head. Elbow-length satin gloves, of course, completed the outfit. Her
shoes were also red, and they showed in the two slits in the dress that ran all the way up to her thighs. Burke had not bought this dress. His uncle, upon hearing Janie sing, had immediately had it commissioned. As a partner of the club he had a special interest in making sure they could secure the best and boldest entertainers. The man thought, privately, that Janie could prove to be one of their most valuable assets.

  Janie and Burke didn’t know this, of course. But soon they would.

  They entered the club with a pass from Burke’s uncle, and Burke took a place among the rows of seats at the back. Janie went behind the stage to prepare.

  This is a big night, she told herself. The biggest night of your life!

  She cleared her throat. After this, she would go for her dream harder than ever.


  They returned from the club. Janie was drunk and so was Burke. The gin made them both feel fizzy and alive. They caught a cab back to the house. Burke drew Janie over his lap and slid his hands up the slits of her dress.

  “Hey now,” joked the driver. “Fornicatin’ means extra.”

  They all laughed, but Burke’s eyes moved over her in steady seriousness. He wanted her.

  They dismissed Dinah when they got home. Curtis had fallen asleep next to Jem’s crib, a book in his hand. Burke suspected the small boy had been reading aloud to the baby before bed. His heart gave an affectionate throb.

  Over time burke had come to accept little Curtis as a member of the family. The boy was quiet, and often emotionally disengaged. Burke attributed this to his harsh upbringing in the household of his cousin Francis, and the loss he had had from a young age. Yet of course there was no doubt the boy was a bright spark. Though he rarely spoke unless to correct someone, or express a physical need, the boy was still a child, with a child’s desires and energies. His losses had not defined his life; they had only created an iron core within him. Burke respected this, and in time came to love him for it. He saw much of himself in Curtis. Though the boy was still rather attached to Janie, Burke found that they all worked as a unit together. He had come, in many small ways, to think of the child as his own. Sponsoring him financially was only part of that.

  He looked in at the two sleeping children and felt perfectly content. Life in New Orleans had been good to them, throughout it all. The house was nothing like his cabin back in Rickshaw, which had been closed-off and private. He missed the hot springs, the seclusion of the countryside, and especially his dog, Kojack. But Burke had made up for all these things in other ways. He was doing this for Janie, the woman he loved, and that was enough.

  He entered the bedroom he and Janie shared. She was sitting on the bed, peeling off her stockings. The action alone seemed to Burke incredibly erotic. Her foot extended, and the stocking came off the long slope of one leg, then the other. She was so graceful and elegant.

  He slid next to her, his arms circling around her back and pulling her down to the bed next to him.

  “You were amazing tonight,” he murmured in her ear.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He nibbled the soft skin at her throat. “Watchin’ you up there with the lights all in your hair, I could hardly believe that was my Janie. You looked like a Queen. Or a goddess. Comin’ to smite us all.”

  Janie leaned her head back against his shoulder. His hands circled ever-closer to the twin mounds of her breasts. Since Jem’s birth they had grown very full and round. They sat perfectly on her chest. Right now she had constrained them in a skimpy lace bra; a French design. If Burke were to slide the red dress off her shoulders, he would see her dark blackberry nipples poking through the lace fabric, stiffening, peaking, under his gentle attentions. Attentions that grew more insistent and crude the longer he played with them.

  “What do you want me to do to you?” he asked softly. His hands came back up under the dress. Thank God for those wicked slits. For her breasts, for her fat bottom and plump pussy. All of Janie was his, just as he was hers, and he longed for her now with a fierce passion that erupted suddenly inside him- just as he would soon erupt inside her.

  He pulled her body alongside his. The pregnancy had given her some weight, but Burke thought it made her more beautiful than ever. Her height balanced it out evenly. Janie had always leaned towards a thinner figure, but now she was fleshy and heavy, soft and beautiful as a woman should be. He imagined her as some sort of fertility goddess, all breasts, stomach, thighs and bottom. He longed to plunge himself into her moist depths again and again.

  As if by instinct her hand came up to cup his hardness through the fabric of his trousers. With the ring he’d bought her burning on her finger, her attention to his stiff cock seemed more elegant and regal than ever before. She drew his length out of his pants, a hand coming up to wrap around the base, stroking upward in agonizing slowness. Her soft mouth followed. Saliva coated his cock as he made the first thrust towards the back of her throat. Janie gave a choked moan; music to his ears. He lay on his back, cradling her head between his hands, as he used her throat to fuck him. She didn’t need to use her hands, her tongue and soft wetness was enough.

  Burke raised up on his knees over her, drawing her head down again all the way to the base of his cock. He fucked into her like this, relishing the soft gags and mewls she made as he posessed her. Once she had pleasured him to his satisfaction, Burke drew his cock out of her mouth and bent her over on her knees.

  This was his favorite position to have Janie; she presented him with a wonderful view of her rear, and spread her asscheeks open so he could have an even better view of her pink wet pussy. He plied one thick finger into it. It really was amazing how women could have such tight pussies that opened up like flowers as they got more aroused. Janie was tight against his fingers, but she became wetter and wetter the more he worked her. It was so easy to get her to this state- and Burke was an expert by now. It was hard to imagine that the innocent Janie from a few months ago, who had never been touched or claimed by a man, was the same woman kneeling in front of his cock, presenting herself to be fucked. He pushed against the soft round button inside her. Wet moans and the squelching noises of her soaking pussy filled the room; she cried out again and again as orgasm tore through her. She came off his fingers once; he held her down against him and pushed two digits in this time, working her up even more.

  Janie was ready for him now. Cream dripped from between her nether lips, coating her dark skin and running down her thighs. Burke readied himself to take her. He undid his trousers, letting the full length of him spring out. With a lustful groan he rubbed the head of it at her moist entrance. She shivered and angled her body to accept more of him. He had planned to just draw her down over his length in one thrust, but with sudden inspiration, changed his mind.

  “Come here,” he ordered. Janie swiveled under his guidance, bringing her bottom to sit directly over his face. He pushed her down over to suck on his staff. The heat of her mouth was too good to resist; and besides, there were few things he enjoyed more than having Janie’s supple, round ass planted firmly over his face so he could suck on her clit and tongue-fuck her pussy to his heart’s content. He did this now, plying her soft wetness with his tongue expertly. Janie quivered and shook above him. Her lips did their best to service his cock, but distracted as she was by the pleasure she received from Burke’s tongue, she slobbered and drooled clumsily over it until he did what he loved best- held her head and simply used her mouth.

  He loved when she sucked the cum right out of his dick. Janie knew better than to spit it out- and she wouldn’t have wanted to, anyway. He blasted one load down her throat, then groaned, his cock twitching, and sent another over her chin and face. When he pulled her up to look at hi handiwork, she was smiling. Good girl. Janie knew how to take a dick well, and she knew how to smile and say thank you for the loads of cum he gave her. As she should.

  But Burke wasn’t finished with her. Far from it. She still hadn’t cum yet, and whenever he fucked Janie he wanted at least one
load deposited in her steaming fertile pussy. For one thing, it felt amazing to hold her down and blast load after load inside her. For another, watching his cum leak from her tight lips- evidence of his possession of her- was one of the most erotic things he could think of.

  He was ready for her now. Again she came to her knees, and again he positioned himself at the tight entrance to her pussy. He’d have it no other way- she had to be on her knees the first time he entered. The creases of her ass showed just how endowed she was; the stretch marks on the sides of it showed that she was all woman- a woman ready for him. Ready to give him pleasure with the use of her soft, hot little body.

  He thrust into her slowly. One hand maintained an iron grip on the meaty portion of her ass. One clenched around her bounteous hair, holding her in the position he desired. That way he could control the direction her body moved, and the pace she held as she ground her ass up and down his length. He grunted at the slickness and tightness inside her. Already he could feel a load getting ready in his balls. Once Burke had pulled out of her and shot a fat wad of cum all over her asscheeks, back and hair. It had been nice to watch it slide down the curve of her bottom to pool in the moist heat of her pussy. He briefly considered doing that again. Or perhaps he would just raise her up and fuck the last of it into her throat for her to swallow. As long as it was planted inside Janie somehow, he was content.


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