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Nine-to-Five Fantasies

Page 4

by Alison Tyler

  Liza was the last to enter our suite, shutting the door and flicking the lock with enough flair that I could hear the satisfying click of metal, so similar to the snick of locking handcuffs that my pussy instantly moistened.

  Liza stalked toward me, extending a slender hand and running her fingers down my cheek, the soft scrape of her nails making my flesh tingle. My eyes fluttered closed as my face heated—a warmth that slid down my body and settled into my sex. My clit was pulsing in time with my pounding heart; I was a giant throbbing tangle of need.

  “All this velvet and lace,” she whispered as she circled my body. “You’re like a lovely present just for me.”

  As Liza stood behind me—unwrapping her gift—Dan approached me from the front. With a gentle hand, he tilted my chin upward. We shared a long, deep kiss as Liza’s deft fingers made quick work of my lacings, each tugging movement shifting my corset top and teasing my nipples. I moaned softly into Dan’s mouth, unable to keep my pleasure to myself. In that instant, he broke our lip-lock and pulled away from me, but it was only to assist Liza in stripping me completely. Corset, chemise, crinolines and gown. Each layer fell away from my body like so many petals falling from a flower, until I was clad in nothing but my boots.

  Though I’d been freed from my tightly cinched top, my breathing was still shallow, and it grew even more so when Liza embraced me. Her small breasts flattened against my back, the butter-soft leather of her corset whispering against my flesh as she writhed against me. She rhythmically rocked her body, her hands roaming my torso, petting and caressing me as she stoked my desire.

  “Daniel, strip for us. Slow. We want to watch,” she commanded.

  Dan was a take-charge kind of guy, so this sort of situation was new to him, but he adapted just fine. As he shucked off his waistcoat, Liza cupped my breasts and trailed kisses along my neck. But I could tell that her attention was focused on him. Mine was, too. He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his broad chest dusted with dark hair, and Liza purred with admiration. I felt like I was looking at him for the first time through Liza’s eyes.

  Dan toed off his shoes, and then brought his hands to his waistband to unfasten his belt. As he popped the button on his fly, Liza pinched my nipples harshly, delivering twin bursts of pain that made me whimper. She must’ve liked the sound because she did it again, even harder, and the volume of my reaction increased accordingly. Daniel’s head snapped up at hearing my cry, and he quirked a smile as he saw Liza give my nipples another evil twist. My breasts throbbed hotly, matching the pulse in my aching cunt.

  Once my husband was naked, Liza urged him forward with a come-hither crook of her finger. She reached around me to grab hold of his hair, pulling him down to her. As they kissed over my shoulder, I was pressed tightly between their bodies, feeling the electricity sparking between them.

  “Get on the bed, baby,” she murmured to Dan before giving me a sideways glance. “Bridget looks like one hell of a cocksucker with those fine lips of hers—and I want to see her in action.”

  Heeding her words, Dan spread himself out on the mattress. Liza, meanwhile, gave me a sharp slap on the ass, the burn only serving to fan the flames of my lust.

  “Upsy-daisy, sweetheart. You’re a pretty lady, but I bet you’ll look even better with a dick in your mouth. Start sucking that cock.”

  It was hard not to laugh, but I managed. After all, I had a handsome man with a hard cock that needed sucking and a sexy blonde barking orders at me—neither of which was a laughing matter.

  I settled myself on my knees between Dan’s spread thighs, leaning forward to bring my lips to his. My eyes drifted shut as Dan wrapped his arms around me and we shared a tender kiss; our lips were still locked as Liza’s hand delivered another harsh blow to my exposed cheeks. My immediate reaction was to rear up, but I couldn’t, being held tight by Dan’s embrace.

  Liza grabbed the back of my hair and turned my head, so she could look directly into my eyes.

  “You clearly can’t follow orders and need to be taught a lesson. You weren’t told to kiss him. You were told to suck his cock.”

  I began to move, but a firm hand on my back pushed me down against my husband. My breasts were squashed beneath me, the scratchy hair on Dan’s chest enflaming my already sensitive nipples, and his erect cock pulsed against my stomach.

  Dan had also begun to move, his arms sliding away to release me.

  “No, you don’t,” she said to him. “You hold her still while she gets what she deserves.”

  Dan’s hands returned to their place on my back as I became acutely aware of my naked and vulnerable ass. Dan’s heart was pounding as wildly as mine; I could feel it thumping against my chest.

  I heard the slippery rasp of fabric and waited a few minutes before I dared to turn my head in her direction. When I did, I saw that Liza had stripped out of her clothing and was now naked—except for her hat. Her small breasts were topped with puffy pink nipples, and her alabaster skin was smooth and flawless. While her beauty was stunning, what left me truly breathless was the sight of Dan’s black leather belt in her hand.

  Liza snapped the belt—hot, hard and sharp—across both cheeks of my ass. My lips parted in a wordless gasp of surrender. Dan gripped me more tightly, kissing the top of my head as Liza delivered another blow, which was quickly followed by more. The leather landed in measured, even strokes, taking me on a roller-coaster ride of sensations. When the belt connected with my flesh, pain shocked my senses, but it quickly faded into a deep burn that spread from my well-whipped ass to my aroused cunt. Every slap of leather made my slit just a little bit wetter, and before long, my thighs felt slippery with the undeniable evidence of my arousal. Keeping time with her strokes, I rocked my body against Dan’s, increasing the pressure on his cock with every one of my movements. In the haze of my arousal, I felt his fingers skittering along my spine as he struggled to maintain his control—even as he pumped his hips upward to eke out bits of indecent pleasure.

  My body felt boneless, all of the tension leaving me as I brought my full weight to bear on Dan and submitted to her fully, taking all she had to give. Sensing my complete surrender, Liza tossed the belt on the mattress, and a second later, I felt her hand caress my behind, her touch—though gentle—making me whimper.

  Liza’s fingers slid across my burning cheeks and down between my thighs, skidding across my lips. She pressed in deeper, gliding along my flesh and easily penetrating me. Fucking me fast and hard, she rubbed her thumb against my clit in perfect circles. Still being held by Dan, I thrust my hips back in little bursts of movement, wanting it deeper, harder. At the same time, Dan’s hands were clutching my back tightly and his breathing was becoming as erratic as mine. My belly felt slick from the precome that was leaking from his cock, making our bodies slide and writhe with even greater ease.

  When I was on the verge of coming, Liza stilled her hand. I turned to her, ready to beg—ready to say anything that would give me the pleasure that I craved.

  “Are you ready to suck that cock now?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” I answered, my voice sounding as shaky as my body felt.

  With a nod of her head, she instructed Dan to release me and with some effort, I slid downward to take his dick in my mouth. Wild with unfettered lust, I pumped my lips up and down his shaft. Dan was so worked up that he had to slow me down to keep from climaxing too soon. I eased my pace, stopping my mouth’s movement when he seemed close to coming again and simply holding him between my lips as I swirled my tongue around his cockhead.

  At the same time, Liza gripped his cock at the base, stroking it gently.

  She kissed my cheek and whispered, “Time to take a ride, baby.”

  I pulled back, the taste of Dan’s dick still on my tongue, as Liza held his shaft steady for me. I lowered myself onto his erection, my cunt already primed from all of her hard work. She pulled her hand away, and I seated myself firmly on my husband’s erection. As I enjoyed the sensation of Dan’s cock filling
me for the first time that night, Liza joined us on the bed by straddling his head.

  Liza was facing me, and as Dan grabbed her slender hips and pulled her pussy to his lips, I saw her eyes flutter closed. I began to ride Dan’s cock, inspired by the ecstasy that was etched on her face, as he lapped at her slit. The black cap still sat atop Liza’s head, but it was now slightly askew. She danced lewdly on Dan’s face, taking as much pleasure as she could get from his lips and tongue. Matching her rhythm, I ground my pussy against Dan’s body, until a climax fluttered through me, stealing my breath. He must’ve felt my cunt pulsing around his shaft because he groaned loudly, his cries no doubt vibrating against Liza’s wet sex. It was the dirtiest chain reaction I’d ever witnessed, with my orgasm setting off Dan’s, which made Liza’s follow soon thereafter. She was gorgeous when she finally came, her pale skin flushed as she gave in to her lust and shared in our pleasure.

  I have to admit that I hadn’t thought our wedding night would include a kinky threeway, but I was thrilled by how the evening had turned out. I’m glad we let Liza steer us down the road less traveled.


  Heidi Champa

  This storm is a big fucking deal.”

  The room was silent as Don continued, his serious tone soon devolving into his usual sardonic delivery.

  “Anyone who doesn’t want to be stuck here all night, better go now. The snow’s getting worse. If you’re not essential to tonight’s broadcast, get out now while you still can. And, for god’s sake, be safe out there. It’s too expensive to replace any of you.”

  A small laugh went through the room and suddenly the gravity of the situation hit us all.

  “We’ll keep everyone posted about tomorrow. Until then, scram!”

  A chorus of groans from those left behind was overshadowed by the giddy conversations of those that were getting to leave work early for the day. With his words, Don, our station manager, managed to make and ruin nights all at the same time.

  “Those of you lucky enough to be essential, I hope you’re ready to stay here all night. Remember, the couch in the lobby only fits two people. The rest of you will have to make do in the conference room chairs.”

  The snow had been steadily falling all day and the roads were getting closer to impassible every minute. Everyone else who was, like me, essential to making news shows run, looked defeated and angry. I was quite the opposite. I’d been waiting for a snow day like this for weeks. Winter had been stingy thus far, giving us only a few inches here and there for the last month. But I was finally getting the blizzard I wanted and needed. My scheming mind was distracted by a grumpy voice.

  “What the hell are you smiling about, Kenna?”

  I hadn’t realized that I was grinning like a fool until my coworker David brought it to my attention. He seemed less than thrilled at our predicament, but as head of graphics, he had no choice but to stay. Even though I was a lowly teleprompter operator, without me, the anchors would have nothing to say. David’s scowl deepened and I wiped the smile from my face before I spoke.

  “I just like snow. It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”

  “Right. Just my idea of a good time. Curled up in a horrible chair all night, freezing our butts off because the station is too cheap to turn the heat up past sixty-five at night. Yeah, gonna be a real hoot.”

  He looked at me with disbelief and shook his head as he turned back to his computer screen. At that moment, Jacob Weisman, resident meteorologist and the hottie who had haunted my fantasy life for nearly two years walked into the room, his microphone in one hand, a few pieces of paper in the other. Our eyes met and he shot me the million-dollar smile the people of our town had come to rely on for all their weather needs. He winked right before he pushed open the door to the frosty air outside and left me breathless.

  When he returned a few minutes later, I nearly gasped when I saw him. He looked so damn good covered in tiny flecks of white, his deep, dark hair dotted with winter wonderland. After a quick glance my way, he was gone again, and I was left trying in vain to stay focused on the task in front of me.

  I knew the rest of the night would tick by slowly, but it was becoming interminable. The delicious anticipation of putting my long-held plan into action was tempered by the mundane tasks of my job and the mindless chatter that was going on all around me. The evening newscast went by without much fanfare, everyone already looking ahead to the eleven o’clock broadcast. In the short break we had in between the chaos, I took a moment to stare out the window, watching everything turn into a sea of white calm. The roads were deserted and the only noise was the soft hum of the ancient furnace pumping out a dry, warm breeze.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it, Kenna?”

  I’d jumped at Jacob’s voice, but as he got closer to me, my heart kept pounding for a completely different reason. He stood a couple of inches too close and focused his eyes straight ahead.

  “Yeah, it’s amazing. Probably not much fun to stand in doing a weather report though, huh?”

  “You’d be surprised. I love it. Especially on nights like tonight. I do love this job. Except for the whole sleeping in my office thing. Not great.”

  “At least you have an office. The rest of us end up on a pile of giveaway windbreakers in the conference room.”

  His laughter was quiet, but it still managed to make my insides turn over.

  “Well, maybe we should see if we have any of those extra fleece blankets from the last promotion. They were pretty warm. They might work a little better than those awful windbreakers.”

  Anyone else’s sarcasm would have irritated me at that moment, but with Jacob, it only made him more endearing. In that moment, I decided to be bold. I turned to face him, ready to say or do something stupid, but before I could, we were interrupted.

  “Jake, we need you for a minute.”

  It was some production assistant whose name I could never quite remember. If looks could kill, he’d have been on the floor in a pool of blood, but instead Jacob smiled at me before laying a hand on my shoulder. It was innocent enough, but felt anything but.

  “Well, see you later, Kenna. I’ll get my report for the prompter to you in about an hour. I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but it’s snowing like crazy tonight.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  “Hey, I’m not the best weatherman in the biz for nothing.”

  He disappeared down the corridor, leaving me shivering by the window. And I wasn’t even cold.

  The show went by without a hitch, most of the half hour dedicated to the snowstorm. Jacob was in all his glory, getting to go on and on about radar, accumulation and blizzard-like conditions. I watched his every move from the control room, slowly turning the knob that fed the information to the little screen below the camera that he read with such ease.

  When the broadcast came to an end, there was the usual bullshit session for all the anchors after, which on nights like this included a few drinks to pass the time until everyone retreated to his or her office to try and get some sleep. Jacob would have to be up bright and early for the morning broadcast, filling in for the morning meteorologist who was already snowed in at his farm out of town.

  I sat on the cool leather couch in Jacob’s office waiting in the dark with one of the station’s fleece blankets around my shoulders. He was right; they were warm. I could hear voices in the distance and I felt every hair on the back of my neck stand up. As the footsteps in the hall got closer, I could hardly believe that my plan was finally coming to fruition.

  The door pushed open and before he had the chance to flick on the lights, I spoke up.


  It was his turn to jump from surprise, but he recovered quickly. Except for the hand that involuntarily flew to his chest.

  “Kenna? I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

  I moved a bit on the couch, trying to keep myself calm. My whole body was flushed with heat and my throat was suddenly dry.

  “I couldn’t
face a night in the conference room.”

  I expected him to protest or throw me out without another word, but instead he plunked down next to me on the couch, rubbing his hands up and down the thighs of his expensive suit pants.

  “I don’t blame you. Although I see you managed to find a blanket. Where was it hiding?”

  “The storage closet next to the old tape room.”

  “Good to know. Did you bring me one?”


  The corner of Jacob’s mouth twitched right before he smiled. I could smell his cologne and every inch of my body was tingling. My heart nearly stopped when he slid across the leather until he was right next to me.

  “Was the plan to share, then?”

  It was my chance. All I had to do was open my mouth and say yes. He was being deliberately provocative and goddamn was it making my pussy wet. I gathered every ounce of my strength and licked my lips, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

  “I thought it might make sense, you know, since we’ll be sharing the couch, too.”

  His eyebrows raised and I waited for the rejection I knew was coming. Instead, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap, my legs on either side of his before I knew what was happening. Jacob ran his large hands up my back and down again, squeezing my ass as he drew me closer.

  “If we’re going to share, then maybe we should get a bit more comfortable.”

  Before I could answer him, he pulled me closer still, his soft lips gently teasing mine before kissing me hard. I gripped his shoulders as I felt his tongue sweep into my mouth. His hands moved to the hem of my blouse and starting lifting it. Our lips parted long enough to let my shirt pass over my head and land somewhere on the floor behind me. Jacob’s eyes dropped to my lace bra, and I felt a fresh wash of moisture between my legs.

  I was frozen as he reached up with two fingers and flipped open the front clasp, exposing me. The chill in the air made my nipples peak, which Jacob assisted with the tips of his fingers. When his lips closed around one sensitive nub, I couldn’t stop myself from running my fingers through his TV-perfect hair. He slumped back into the couch and started unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes fixed on mine.


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