Fame & Consequences

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Fame & Consequences Page 12

by Reese A. Stephens

  “Pete’s Pizza.”

  “Man, I love that place. I’ll let you eat. Call me when you get back to the hotel for the night,” he says.

  “Okay. I love you." I end the call.

  “Lover boy?” Carter asks. I nod. “Stop looking like your puppy was killed. He’ll be back Friday. Besides, you have me! Let’s live it up.” He stands. “Dance with me.”

  I bite my lip thinking. “Nothing nasty.” Carter shakes his head with a boisterous laugh. “I’m serious!” I smack his out stretched hand.

  “Fine, dance with me. I’ll be good.” Jared moves and I take Carter’s hand, and he leads me to the dance floor. He leans in to my ear. “Please relax. Everything is fine.” I nod, but have nothing to add. Truth is, I’m feeling very out of my element and trying to tamp down an anxiety attack.

  Carter twirls me around and slowly I relax enough not to look like I’m a drunk chicken trying to dance. “This is fun,” I tell him as he pulls me close to him during a slower song.

  “It is, and no one seems to notice you. I think you’re actually less noticeable without Elijah.”

  “I am, but sometimes they still catch me.” Carter twirls me out and back in so my back is to his front.

  “I think we’re in the clear tonight.” He gives me a loud kiss to the cheek before he spins me out again.

  The night is fun and relaxed. No one seems to realize who I am. I think it helps to be with my brother and Carter. By the time we are back at the hotel, I’m exhausted, but I still find time to call Elijah.

  “Hey, baby,” he answers cheerily.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m good. Trying to catch up on some reading. I found a few houses. I emailed them to you.”

  I grab my laptop from the night table and sit crisscross in the bed. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yep, I also talked to my real estate agent about showing us some things when we get back.”

  I open up the email and I’m blown away by the sheer size of them. Elijah's house is a modest size home, these are mansions. But, I’m immediately drawn to the third house on the list.

  “Wow! Are you sure these houses aren’t too much? I mean, I plan to pitch in, but I don’t think I can afford any of these.”

  “Tell me which one you like the best out of these three. They are an idea, to see what you like. Don’t worry about the prices. We’ll talk about that later.”

  I blow out a breath. “I like the Italian rustic house on Sea Street. The views are amazing, but it doesn’t seem to be over the top ostentatious.” It looks mostly one story, but you can tell that there probably is a second floor or at least some sort of vaulted ceiling as there is a higher area in the pictures.

  “I knew you’d like that one. It’s a four bedroom, lots of amenities. The pool house is actually attached by a portico which isn’t a bad thing. I’ll send you the link with the photos. It’s the lowest priced of what I sent too.” Elijah talks excitedly for several more minutes. I kind of space out, it’s so overwhelming to think that in a few short weeks we could actually own a home together and not long after that be married. “Soph?”


  “Did you hear me?”

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “I said the only downside is there are no storage buildings, but there’s a lot of land so we could build a big garage with offices for Hutch and the guys, like a home base.”

  “Oh, that sounds good.” I pause for a moment. “It’s a lot to take in. I do want to buy a home, but I didn’t realize all that would go into the process. I was thinking something the size of your house now. Are you sure this one isn’t too much?”

  “Sophie, we can get whatever you want. I want you comfortable. My house now is fine for a single person. I know I have several bedrooms, but the guys are using the pool house as their main office. It’s a little tight. Honestly, if we hadn’t decided to move in together, I’d probably rent office space or something. I like the idea of having everything in one place. Even our production company.”


  “I told you it was going to be both of ours. We are producing this movie together and hopefully many more to come.”

  “Eli, I’m on overload over here. I love you, but this is too much to think about at the moment. I’m so tired. How about you check out that house and maybe get a viewing scheduled then we’ll talk about the rest?”

  He chuckles. “Okay, baby. Whatever you need. What’s on your calendar tomorrow?”

  “I have a signing at a local bookstore, those typically aren’t too bad. It’s from twelve to five.”

  “When’s your interview on Wake Up America?” he asks

  “Thursday, I have to be there at like three am. It’s insane.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot they want you there crazy early. You can nap after.” He chuckles.

  I smile as I sink down in my bed. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you.”

  “You’re not mad I took my ring off are you?” I ask after we are quiet for a few minutes.

  “Not even a little bit. I totally understand. Do what you feel is best. When we are ready, we’ll let people know. It’s okay if you change your mind tomorrow and wear your ring. Honestly, I’m okay with whatever happens.”

  “Thanks.” I yawn.

  “Get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Love you.” I don’t really hear his reply as I drift to sleep.

  I’m shaken awake some time later. I can see light around the curtains so I at least know its morning. “Peaches, wake up!”

  I rub my eyes as I slowly sit up. “What?”

  “Look.” He shoves a magazine in my hand and starts to pace, pulling at his hair.

  I stare at him in confusion, blink and rub at my eyes again, before taking the magazine. I groan. There on the cover of Celebs Star is a picture of Carter and me dancing. My back is to his front with his arms wrapped around my waist and his face buried in my neck. The expression on my face is a soft smile, but the headline reads: ‘America’s little sweetheart, may not be so sweet! Who’s the new man in her life?’ I turn, as instructed, to page fifty-two. It’s a two page spread of pictures of me, Carter, Josh and Jared from last night. I danced with Carter, my brother, and Josh. They are eating it up with the cheating accusations. This is great. Groaning, I throw the offending magazine across the room.

  “Does Eli know?” I ask.

  Carter stops his pacing. “I’m so sorry. I know you warned me, but this is so ridiculous. We were having fun. I didn’t kiss your neck!”

  I give him a soft smile, stand and place my arm on his. “Car, it’s okay. Did someone call Elijah?”

  Carter snorts. “He called here. Josh got an ear full. He was so loud that speaker phone wasn’t necessary.”

  I grimace. I grab my phone and see I’ve missed a call and have a text. It simply says, “Call me.”

  I don’t hesitate. I dial Elijah. “I’m sorry,” I say as soon as he utters hello.

  He sighs. “I took care of it. Pete’s has a no pap policy. The guy responsible for those pictures was inside when he took them and violated the clause. We can’t really do much for what’s been printed already, but that guy won’t be bothering you again. Problem is, now they all know you are in New York with two mystery men. They’ll be more diligent in their pursuit.”

  He doesn’t sound angry. “You’re not mad at me?”

  “Oh, I’m mad, but not at you. I’m sure you did nothing different from what you did at the party at your house. It’s just photos taken at a moment of innocence can appear different on film. They make sure of that. Josh should have been more careful. He should have been training Jared on what to spot. He’s on probation.”

  I gasp. “Eli, no. I made him dance with me. It was my fault. I had too much faith that no one knew who I was.”

  “Still, he knows better. There’s never a time you can let your guard down.”

  “Josh works for me. You can
’t fire him.” My voice is stern and unyielding. I pay his salary, and I will not let Elijah bully him.

  “You may pay him, but he is still a part of my company. I won’t put you in danger, Sophie.”

  I growl. “If you fire him, we will have problems, Elijah. This was not his fault.”

  He snorts. “Is that a threat? Is my fiancée actually threatening me over an employee?” He’s angry now.

  “No, I’m not threatening you. I’m telling you Josh is my employee, my responsibility. You can’t dictate everything in my life, Elijah. I put up with your possessiveness, because I honestly like that you take care of me, and you’re never demeaning or make me feel kept. This, however, is where I draw the line. Josh is my employee and you will leave him alone, and Jared too for that matter.” I try to keep my voice soft, but I don’t really succeed. I know he’s worried, I know that he will never do anything I’m expressly against, but he does have an instinct to protect first and think later.

  He doesn’t say anything for a long while. “Okay. I’m late for a meeting. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

  I don’t like ending this conversation like this. “I’m sorry I’ve upset you. I love you.”

  I hear him groan. “I love you too. We’ll work this out. I really am late, Adam is actually staring at me right now tapping his watch.”

  I chuckle at that imagining his friend. “Have a good day. We’ll talk later.”

  “Yep. Bye.” He hangs up. My heart clinches. I hate ending things like this, but I guess I’ll have to suck it up.

  “He’s angry with you?” I glance up to see Carter is still in the room. I shrug. “I’m sorry, Sophie. We’ll be more careful.”

  “It’s all right. It’s not like he’s not been photo’d doing worse. Right after he and I got together a photo surfaced of him and Keira kissing. I was devastated at first until I noticed their clothes looked a little odd. It was actually taken from the set of their movie. A closed set. The person responsible was fired and sued. It was messy, but eventually the truth came out. The only difference here is when the truth comes out that we dated …”

  He finishes the thought. “Things will be worse. I should go home.”

  I shake my head and wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug. “No, we can’t let them control our lives. You’re my best friend. I want you with me.” He squeezes me tight, making me grunt before he pushes me back at arm’s length.

  “I’m so glad you forgave me.”

  “Me too. I’m hungry, let’s eat.” He laughs, throwing his arm around my shoulders as we exit my bedroom. Things aren’t settled, but I can at least ignore them for the day. Right?

  “Oh good, you’re awake,” Amelia says. “Your signing starts in two hours. You need to hurry.”

  “How long does it take to arrive?” I bite into an everything bagel with cream cheese. It’s so good, I moan.

  Carter raises an eyebrow at me. “Do you need a minute alone?” he snarks and I nod.

  Amelia huffs. “It will take roughly ten minutes, but we need to be there forty-five minutes early if at all possible. So chop chop!” I stand at attention and salute her. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in exasperation. I hear her mumble. “They really don’t pay me enough for this.”

  I giggle as I take my bagel and coffee to my room to get ready.


  To say the bookstore is crowded would be a gross understatement. They had to start turning people away. I can’t help but wonder how much of this is fueled by Elijah, or those pictures from the article. I guess I should accept it and be grateful for the success I have found. After the reading portion of the event, Jared comes and stands beside me at the table where my signing will take place. Josh is at the other side of the table and Carter sits beside me as my assistant.

  “Dang, Soph. This is a lot of people. I thought there was a lot for the reading part, but they really held back.” Jared gives a low whistle.

  Inside the store there are about two-hundred people milling about, with who knows how many waiting outside for the signing part. “Miss Parker?” I turn to see the store manager.


  “We’ll be starting the signing portion in about five minutes. We are setting up barriers. People will buy the book, if they haven’t already, at the door, then follow along in the line for you to sign before exiting the store. We are going to try to keep this as fast moving as possible. Should you need a break, this is Melissa, if you need anything she will handle it.”

  “Thank you. Sounds like you have everything covered.” I smile.

  Amelia floats over. “Sophia, I think everything is about set. I suggest you use the restroom or do anything you should need now.”

  I nod. “I think I will.”

  Jared, Josh, and Carter all move at the same time to escort me to the back of the store where the employee restroom is. I step inside and lean against the closed door. I don’t know if Elijah is still in the meeting, but I really need to hear his voice. The worry over this morning has been plaguing me all day. He answers on the first ring.



  “How’s the signing?”

  I sigh. “It’s so massive. I think this is the largest event I’ve attended so far. They have people waiting outside. I can’t see the end of the line. There’s probably two hundred people already inside the store, waiting.”

  “I totally understand. I’ve been to comic-con events like that.” He briefly pauses. “I’m sorry about this morning. You were right. Josh and Jared work for you. I’m not happy with what slipped by them, but I won’t hold it against them if you don’t.”

  “I don’t. Thank you for understanding. I wish you were here so I could make up with you properly.”

  “Oh yeah? How would you make up with me?”

  “Kiss you for starters. I’m not sure what else, because I’m hiding in a bathroom, but that has possibilities.”

  He laughs loudly. I can imagine his whole body shaking uncontrollably. “Listen to you! I’m corrupting my sweet angel.”

  “I’m not corrupted, but I do like it when you hold me close.”

  “Me too. I should let you go. Have fun and send me a pic. I miss seeing your face.”

  “You do the same. I love you, Eli.”

  “Love you too, baby.” We end the call and I do my business before heading back out to my seat.

  Once we are all settled, I pull out my phone, and turn to Carter. “Elijah wants some pics. You mind taking some while I work?”

  “Sure, if you do a selfie with me.”

  I roll my eyes, but oblige him. He wraps his arms around me, motioning for the guys to move in. Amelia takes the phone from him and snaps a quick picture of the four of us. Carter takes one more of the two of us. He sends both to Elijah, telling him he has my phone. I take a deep breath as Melissa announces that we are ready to begin. Carter squeezes my hand under the table and throws me a wink.

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m so excited to finally meet you. I’ve read all your books!” The excited reader tells me.

  “Thank you.” She hands me a book and the little card she was given to fill out with whom to address the book, I do it quickly, then take a selfie with her, before it’s off to the next person. It goes on and on in the same fashion.

  “Hi, I’m a huge fan. Are you really cheating on Elijah with this guy?” She asks, pointing to Carter.

  I open my mouth, but Amelia and Josh step forward. “Thank you for coming, but we would like to ask you to leave. Miss Parker’s personal life is strictly off limits,” Amelia says, with Josh standing intimidatingly behind her. Amelia takes the lady’s book from me and hands it back to the reader.

  “But she didn’t sign it,” the reader protests.

  “I’m aware.”

  “Amelia, I’ll sign the book.” Amelia glares at my out-stretched hand for a long moment before relenting and handing me the book.

  I smile at the girl. “I’m not cheating on Elijah
. This is Carter, my best friend from back home.” I wink.

  She smiles. “Thank you. I wasn’t meaning to be rude. I apologize.”

  “No worries, have a great day.”

  Amelia leans in close and whispers. “That is not what we discussed. Elijah wants to keep you protected.”

  I turn and stare at her with my head cocked to the side. “He is not my boss, and I am tired of lying or hiding. I have no reason to be ashamed.”

  I turn back to my next reader and continue the process happily. After about three hours, I need a break. My hand is cramping, and the line doesn’t even seem to be slowing. Carter rubs my shoulders as Melissa steps up to the microphone.

  “Miss Parker will be taking a twenty minute break. Please remain in the line and she will be with you shortly.”

  “I have some food for you,” Amelia says, handing me a bag. “They’ve cleared the employee lounge for you.” I nod and follow her back to the room.

  There are several tables, but I don’t want to sit any longer. I open the bag and start to nibble on my food. I glance at Carter and raise my eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’ve gotten a call from Los Angeles three times, should I answer?” I nod.

  “Hello?” He pauses to listen. “Yes, she’s here, but she’s busy at the moment. Can I give her a message?” He smiles. “Oh, okay. Hold on a minute” He hands me the phone. I raise an eyebrow but he laughs.


  “Sophia! I didn’t realize the signing was today, but Stone would not shut up about you, so I’m sure I probably confused things.”

  “Huh, who is this?”

  “That silly boy didn’t tell you? It’s Keira, of course.” I’m totally taken back and off guard.

  “No offense, but why in the Sam Hill are you calling me?”

  She roars with laughter. “Stone was right, you are precious.” I’m not sure if I should take offense to that or not. “We had a cast thing this morning and there were paps there when we were leaving. I tripped, and he caught me. I didn’t want you to worry if a picture turned up out there. I saw the ones with your friend. He is yummy, by the way. You’ll have to introduce us. Is he the one who answered the phone?”

  “Yes.” My response sounds like a question. I can’t help it, this is just so weird.


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