Fame & Consequences

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Fame & Consequences Page 13

by Reese A. Stephens

  She makes a yummy sound, which makes me cringe. Carter covers his mouth to hide his laughter. “Well, tell him to give me a ring.”

  “Aren’t you with Jonathan?”

  She snorts very unladylike. “Oh, he’s old news, sweetheart.”

  “Uh huh. Okay, well it was nice chatting with you, but I need to eat so I can get back to my event. Thanks for letting me know. That was kind of you.”

  “Of course, sweets. Ciao!” She hangs up.

  I give Carter a wide eyed crazy look as I set my phone down. “She wants you to call her.”

  “Really? Cool.” His face beams. I quickly save her number in my phone. “Why did she call you?” he asks.

  I peek up to Carter as I gather food on my fork. “Oh, to tell me there might be pictures of her and Eli in the next day or two.”

  “That was nice. Odd, but nice. Why didn’t he call?” Jared asks.

  I shrug, chewing my food. I don’t really care either way, but it was a weird phone call. I know Elijah and her are friends, but they don’t hang out often. I’ve only met her once, and it was briefly. I eat, deciding that is the most important thing before talking to Elijah. I have a long day ahead of me and then straight to WUA in the morning. I cannot believe I’ll be on that show. Although, three in the morning, is horribly early.

  We finish up the signing around eight in the evening and I’m tired. I sleep on the short ride to the hotel, and once in the elevator, my brother, who babies me often in his overprotectiveness, picks me up bridal style and carries me to the suite. I’m sure I could have walked, but I wasn’t arguing. I’m worn out! I spend a few minutes catching up with Eli via video chat before promptly falling asleep exhausted.

  11 Wake Up America

  “S ophie, Sophie.” The sing-song voice annoys me. I roll over. “Peaches, come on. Your alarm has gone off for twenty minutes. If you don’t get up now, you’ll be late.” I groan and throw a pillow at Carter. He laughs. “Come on, or I’ll pick you up and throw you in the shower, clothes and all.” I cover my head.

  The blankets are ripped off of me, making me scream and kick my legs out. “No!” He picks me up over his shoulder. “Carter! Put me down!”

  “I told you to get up.”

  “I’m up! I’m up! Don’t you dare throw me in the shower!” He sits me on the bathroom sink and turns the shower on. “I can do this myself.”

  He eyes me skeptically. “I sure hope those make-up people can work some magic.” He wags his finger around my face. “You look awful.”

  I turn and stare at my reflection. He’s not wrong. It’s obvious that I’ve had little sleep, but hopefully, once I get my old make-up off, I won’t look so horrible. Right now, I’m looking like a cousin to an angry raccoon. I hop off the counter.

  “Out. I’m getting ready.” I shove Carter toward the door.

  “I’ll be checking,” he warns as he backs out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

  I’m dragging right now. I’m so tired that it’s hard to get myself moving. Carter bangs on the door three times threatening to come in and help me. I forbid him, threatening his manhood if he does. It takes me a while, but once I’m finally ready, we head over to the studio where Amelia joins us.

  “Good morning. I have all the questions they are going to ask, here.” She gets straight to business as usual. She hands me a piece of paper. I’ve already read all the questions, but this is nice to have. “You’ll need to read over them again. There’s food and drink in your dressing room.” I just nod and follow her. She’s way too chipper for three in the morning. After we make our way to the dressing room, she turns to me again. “You’ll have about ten minutes before you’re needed on set for a mic test and some checks. Then you’ll come back here for about five minutes before you’re on. The outside portion will be explained after everything is over.”

  I just nod. Amelia has a tendency to speak about fifty miles an hour, and if you ask her to repeat anything, she gets huffy. She turns and leaves the room. I glance over at Carter who whistles wide-eyed as he rolls his finger around his ear in the universal sign for crazy. I giggle.

  “I know.”

  I flop down on the couch. “So, what now?” Jared asks.

  “I guess we wait.” I briefly scan the paper, everything looks the same, so I lean my head back and close my eyes. I must doze off because I’m startled when the door opens and a way too loud voice says, “Hi, y’all! I’m Gracie. I’m here for Miss Parker’s make-up.” She glances around the room, seeing that she’s obviously scared us all. Her hand flies to her heart. “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you’d be sleeping. I guess you’re not used to this kind of schedule, huh? I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, and no, I’m not.” Gracie, who tells me she too is from Mississippi, gets to work on my hair and make-up, and, as suspected, I appear to be completely refreshed and ready to go, even though I feel like death.

  “Wow, that’s amazing. She looked like crap before,” Carter says to Gracie in awe. I punch him, which has little effect. She blushes and giggles. I roll my eyes. I’m sure he’ll have her number before we leave here.

  I’m led out to the set and they perform their mic tests and walk me through where I’ll sit and all the little odds and ends that go into producing a morning talk show. When I’m finished, I have about five minutes before I go on, so I take that time to call Elijah, even though he’s probably still sleeping. It is only about one in the morning there.

  “Hi, Eli. I just wanted to leave you a quick message before I go on for the interview. I don’t know why these things have to be before the sparrow farts. Anyway, I love you. I hope you have a great day. Call me later.” I hang up.

  “Miss Parker, we’re ready for you.”

  I turn to see one of the stagehands. I nod and follow her to my spot. I’m thankful that for this show I’m seated as they come on the air. Walking in these heels more than I have to would not be a good option for my clumsy self. Matt Flair and Sonja Rivers are the hosts of the segment I’ll be in. I’ve already spoken with both of them this morning, and both were very professional and polite. I just hope that keeps up with the actual interview. I know they are allowed to go off script some, and that worries me.

  Outside the studio windows, people are gathered, holding up signs with their home states, or that say “I love you, Matt.” Some even say, ‘Eliphie forever’. I cringe internally at those. I’ve always hated the stupid name the media have saddled us with. It’s highly disturbing, really. The director signals it’s time. We are counted down, then Matt starts talking.

  “Welcome back, America! We’re here today with Sophia Parker, author of the murder mystery series, Marshall and Alyx. How are you today, Sophia?”

  “I’m great. Thank you.” I reply with a smile.

  “You’ve been in the entertainment news a lot lately. How are you handing all the interest?”

  I scrunch up my face in a bit of faux concentration. “Have I? I haven’t really noticed.”

  Sonja, clearly seeing through my act, says, “So you don’t stay on top of the gossip?”

  I shake my head no. “I really don’t, but of course I’m not blind. It’s a little overwhelming to be honest.”

  “Oh, I can understand that. Is it harder when you’re touring?”

  “Yes and no. I’m so busy that I only notice if it’s brought to my attention, or if I’m accosted by a group of fans. I don’t mind, I’m grateful for my fans, but it’s not something I’m used to at all.”

  “I bet.” Matt takes over, drawing the subject back to the books. “So, Dusk till Murder went to number one on its release day and stayed there for two weeks. How do you feel about that?”

  “Great. Even though I’ve had others at number one, it’s always exciting.”

  “So, tell us a little bit about this book,” he asks.

  “Sure. Let me first say, spoiler alert. If you’ve not read the last book, you may want to skip this next bit.” I sm
ile at the camera. “Twilight Escape, ends with Marshall being taken by whom they suspect is the serial killer, Tristian Highmount. So, Dusk till Murder picks up right where the last one left off, and we see Alyx on the desperate search for her partner. She goes about finding him in some unorthodox ways, which is totally not her, so her character is really growing and pulling out all the stops to get him back.”

  “Does that mean there’s going to be a love connection in this book?” Sonja asks excitedly.

  “As of the last book, Alyx is dating the District Attorney Josh Holden.”

  Sonja laughs. “You’re not going to tell us if Marshall and Alyx finally have a moment?”

  I smile. “Uh, no.”

  “Ruthless,” Matt chuckles.

  “Your first book in the series, Moonlit Hunt, is going to be coming to film. Do you think the others will as well?” Sonja asks.

  “I’m not sure. I think it will be determined based on how the first movie does.” I honestly think this is the dumbest question people ask. How can I know? Hollywood is a fickle business.

  “I heard Elijah Stone was going to be in the movie as well as producing. Is that true?”

  I groan internally. This question was not on my list, but thankfully something Elijah and I had already discussed. “Uh, that was rumored early on, but he’s actually producing and directing, so I doubt he’ll have a starring role in the movie.”

  Sonja smiles. “How is it working with your boyfriend? Does it make things more difficult?”

  “Not at all. I love working with Elijah. We actually work really well together.”

  “Work so well that you’re getting married?” She prods then points to my left hand.

  I gasp. I’m so busted. My face turns red. “Busted,” I murmur. I can’t think of anything else to say.

  She laughs. “Oh no. Did I just get you in trouble?” She’s totally feigning regret. Journalists, they’re all out for the next big thing.

  “Oh, no. We haven’t planned on officially announcing anything. I’ve been wearing my ring on a necklace, but I obviously forgot today.” I shrug.

  “So, you don’t mind being found out?” Matt asks.

  I shake my head. “No. We’re not trying to hide it, it’s not a secret. We were just trying to keep it personal for a little while longer, but no worries.”

  Sonja beams. “Well, I’m glad we’ve found out first. Congratulations. I think you both are wonderful people, and a fantastic couple.”

  “Thank you.”

  Matt takes over. “That’s all the time we have for now. Thank you, America for tuning in and be sure to read Sophia’s book Dusk till Murder, and check out the movie based on her first book, Moonlight Hunt, when it comes to the big screen later next year.”

  “That’s a wrap,” the director calls.

  “Thanks,” Matt says, shaking my hand before walking off stage.

  “Hope you aren’t too upset. I just couldn’t not bring it up once I saw,” Sonja tells me as her mic is being removed.

  “Not at all. It’s fine.”

  “We’ll I’ll see you in a few for the signing.” She gestures to the fans behind her. I nod and walk off the stage and right into my brother’s chest and wrap my arms around him.

  “That bad, sis?”

  “I forgot to take my ring off,” I mumble. “I gotta go call Elijah. Hopefully he didn’t watch.” I pull back.

  Jared smiles sadly at me. “You sure you’re okay?” I nod.

  “You know he won’t be upset,” Carter tells me as I take my phone from him.

  “I know.”

  I walk over to a corner where there’s no one around and call him. Again I get his voicemail. It’s early there, but he told me he’d be up to watch me. Maybe he is sleeping. I leave him a quick message, telling him about my slip. I’m about to hang up when I remember the email he’d sent me after we got off the phone. He had the realtor send us photos of the inside of the house we’d both agreed on; it was perfect, so I told him so.

  “Miss Parker, we’re ready,” the stagehand tells me. I quickly end my call, hand my phone back to Carter, and follow everyone over to security.

  The director of security is a tall, slim man dressed in a suit and tie. His appearance screams, ‘I mean business,’ but his eyes are kind. “Miss Parker, I’m Tony Hollands. I’ll be leading the security detail for the next little bit. Your guys will be directly around your person, and Miss Amelia will be with you as well, to field any off putting questions. Please follow their leads and don’t stay in one spot too long. There’s a limo at the end of the line to take you back to your hotel.”

  “Got it. Thank you.”

  He and several of his men go out first, then Matt and Sonja. The crowd goes wild as they begin to sign and take pictures with their fans. When they are about ten feet into the crowd, Josh and Carter exit with Amelia, me, and Jared following. Carter and I have been told several times already on this trip that we are to stay between the two at all times. Signing and talking to fans is always fun and easy. They say random things about Elijah, my books, our engagement. Everything is positive and quickly paced.

  I’m talking to a lovely group of girls from South Wales when something wet hits my shirt. Stunned, I glance down at my shirt. It looks like a red splash of paint. Like someone has thrown a water-balloon full of paint at me. Carter quickly wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me away from the crowd and toward shelter. I’m so shocked by what’s happened, that I can’t really make my legs work and Carter practically carries me. I hear my name being called by a voice I’d know anywhere. I glance up as Carter releases me, to see Elijah running toward me, but just before he reaches me something hard hits my head and my world spins. I can hear fans screaming. I feel myself falling, but I never hit the ground, because Elijah’s arms wrap tightly around me, pulling me into his firm chest.

  “Sophie!” His voice is so frantic more worried than I’ve ever heard it before.

  “Eli,” I whisper.

  “You’ll be okay, baby.” He looks up. “Someone call an ambulance!” He yells. He looks back down at me, pressing something against my head. “Help is on the way, sweetheart. Hang in there.”

  “I’m on with the ambulance,” Carter says.

  My head is absolutely killing me. I feel something wet on my face, and I reach up. My hand is red. “Blood.”

  “Yes, but you’ll be fine, baby. Head wounds bleed a lot, that’s all. Just keep talking to me. Stay awake.”

  “I love you,” I tell him.

  “Don’t say that yet. Not like this.” By the look on his face. I know it’s more serious than he’s let on. He looks like he’s going to cry, but he clears his throat and wipes his face against his bicep. “Hey, I got your message. I set up a viewing for that house. We can see it as soon as you want.”

  I try to smile. “Okay. Carter?” I try to reach for him.

  “I’m here. You’ll be okay. There’s help on the way.”

  “Tell my family I love them.”

  “You can tell them when you see them, Peaches.” I can see tears in his eyes too.


  His face appears above mine. “I’m not saying goodbye. Don’t do this to me. You hang in there, Sophia.” I try to nod, but the motion sends sharp shooting pain into my head.

  I can’t keep my eyes open any more. “I’m so tired.”

  “Stay with us, Sophie. They’re almost here. Open your eyes, baby,” Elijah says, kissing my face. “Where are they?” he shouts.

  “Love you,” I whisper before closing my eyes.

  “Sophie, Sophie,” Elijah screams, but I can’t open my eyes anymore as the darkness surrounds me.

  12 White Light

  E verything is pitch black. I try to see myself, a hand, leg, anything but I can’t. It reminds me of the blackness I experienced as a kid, when my grandparents took us to a natural cave, and our tour guide turned out the lights. Oddly enough, I’m not frightened. I’m just confused, really. Wher
e am I? I try to think back to what was happening earlier, before the blackness, but I can’t. I can’t think of anything. I can’t remember. I have to find a way out.

  “Hello?” I yell. “Can anyone hear me?”

  No one answers. I try walking, but find that though I can, I can’t see. I feel my way around cautiously. I seem to be on solid ground. I start to run, but it’s like I’m running in place. I’m getting nowhere. Panic starts to rise inside me.

  “Help me! Please, someone help me!”

  I wait, but there are no replies. I scream but no one hears, and no one comes. Slowly, I sink to my butt and curl my legs into my chest and cry. Time seems to have no meaning. It could have been five seconds, it could have been days. I have no idea. Suddenly, something touches my shoulder. I scream, scurrying back away from whatever has touched me.

  “Shh, love. It’s only me.”

  I rub my eyes because surely I must be seeing things. “Mom?” I ask softly.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” Her smile is breathtaking, and her voice is as lovely as I remember, soft and sweet.

  “Mom!” I leap into her arms and she hugs me tightly. I notice I’m no longer in the dark abyss, but in a white room. “Am I in heaven?” I ask.

  “No, it’s not your time.” She brushes the hair out of my face and smiles broadly at me.

  “What is this place?” I ask.

  “This is your space. It is what you make it. I’m here because you wished it,” she explains, running her hand softly and comfortingly up and down my arm.

  “My space?” She nods. This is so weird. I have no idea what’s going on. “So if I wanted Dad to be here, he would?” She nods then my father appears beside her. “Daddy!”

  “Hey, baby girl.” He kisses my head and holds me against his chest. I’ve missed them both so much.

  “Why am I here?”

  “We’re not sure. There must have been an accident. Do you remember? Dad asks.

  I try to think, but the harder I try, the further away those memories seem. “I can’t remember.”


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