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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 44

by Tia Siren

  “So you didn’t throw up?”


  “Why don’t you wait until you turn over into your second trimester? For most women, the rate of miscarriage really drops during that time, and you’ll only be three months instead of four, so it’s a nice compromise.”

  Stacey mulled it over before she looked down at the pictures on the table. She gathered them up and shoved them back in her purse. I could tell she was holding back tears.

  “Water with lemon for you, and a blackberry iced tea for you,” the waitress said as she bounced over to our table.

  “Thanks,” we both said.

  “I’m really happy for you, Stace.” I smiled. I reached over and grabbed her hand. When she panned her gaze up to my face, I could tell how scared she was.

  “It’s gonna happen this time. I know it,” I whispered.

  “You said that last time.”

  “But this time my right tit is tingling.” I smirked.

  Stacey groaned. “Jesuuuus…”

  “And you know what happens when my right tit tingles.” I winked.

  “Hanna, your right tit can’t predict the future.”

  “It tingled when you met Brad, it tingled when I sent off my college application to Stanford, and it’s tingling now, sweetheart.”

  “Every woman’s tits tingle when they see Brad; my husband’s hot as hell. And it tingled with Stanford because you had a yeast infection at the time.”

  “What does a yeast infection have to do with a tingling tit?!” I asked with a laugh.

  “It makes more sense than your boobs being psychic!”

  We threw our heads back and laughed until we cried. I really wanted this pregnancy to go well for Stacey. I wanted to visit her and watch her grow bigger and bigger until she couldn’t see her feet. I wanted to go baby shopping with her and piss Brad off with how much money we spent. I wanted to wake up at 3 a.m. and rush home to be with her while she was in labor. I wanted to take every single picture I could while she held her little boy or girl in her arms.

  “God, I can’t wait to have a baby.” I sighed.

  “Well, once you graduate college and find someone, you can,” Stacey said. “And our kids can be best friends!”

  “I don’t know, Stace. I just…it’s bad. It’s really bad. I mean, I never really understood what you meant by clocks ticking and your ovaries pulsing or whatever…but it’s all I’ve been thinking about lately. It’s in my dreams, and every time I see a mother with her child, it’s like my chest leaps with a joy I can’t contain.”

  “Yeah… I know how that feels. But Hanna, what are you gonna do? Find yourself a husband in the next few months and get pregnant?” she scoffed.

  “I mean, why do I have to be married? I don’t necessarily want to be married. I just want to be a mother.”

  “Seriously, Hanna? Do you hear yourself?”

  “What?! Stacey, a child…it takes a great deal of work. Marcus, he got the best of my parents. Running around outside, swimming in the lakes, playing at the park until dusk. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that I came along later in their lives, but I don’t have those same memories. I don’t want to do that to my child. I don’t want my child to have a parent that’s too tired, too sick, or too old to play with them. I won’t have it. They deserve better.”

  “Hanna…a child is a lot of work. There’s a reason it takes two people to make one, and it’s because it also takes two people to raise one.”

  “Damn it, Stace. This is what I want. Yes, Stanford was an incredible opportunity and I wanted it, so I took it. I got there and realized I was smarter than half the idiots running around. I wanted to throw it in their face that a ‘nobody’ could snag the highest honor in my graduating class, so I’m doing it. I’m set to graduate as valedictorian, Stace!”

  “And you think you can still do that while pregnant? Hanna, do it in the right order like all of us did. There’s a reason it works like that. There’s a reason it’s better like that.”

  “What if I don’t want what you have?” I asked.

  “You mean a man to cherish you and love you through anything?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t understand…” I grumbled.

  “Look, there are plenty of women on this planet who have done it in the right order and still haven’t gotten what they wanted. The order isn’t just for your best interest; it is in the best interest of your child. Children raised in broken homes or with only one parent don’t always turn out the way you want them to, Hanna. Bringing a child into this world without being married—or at least having someone dedicated to you and the baby—it’s a detriment to that child.”

  I smirked. “You haven’t even asked me who I have in mind.”

  “Fuck,” Stacey said.

  “Kason Marx.”

  The name caused her to whip her head up and her jaw to drop to the floor.

  “Food for the two ladies,” our waitress said, setting our plates in front of us.

  “Thanks,” we both mumbled.

  “Kason Marx. Like, your brother’s best friend Kason Marx?”

  “Yep,” I said. “God, Stacey, you should see him now. He’s strong and determined and he has this beautiful tattoo. I just wanna—”

  “Hold on. You’re still on this love boat train with Kason? I thought you abandoned this years ago!”

  “You wouldn't think that if you’d seen him this morning like I did.”

  “You can’t just have a baby with Kason. Dear god, the man probably sees you as his sister more than he does the mother of his children.”

  “Tell that to his erect dick this morning.”

  “Hanna! What the hell has gotten into you?!” Stacey whispered harshly.

  “I know what I want. I want this degree from Stanford. I want to be valedictorian. I want a child. I want to be able to run around with that child. I want to be able to give my child the things my parents simply couldn’t give me while I was a child. That is what I want and that is what I’ll get.”

  “With Kason,” Stacey said.

  “With Kason.”

  “You can’t really sit here and tell me that what you’re saying doesn’t sound insane,” Stacey said.

  “You’ve had trials and things in your life that I thought were absolutely insane, and yet I supported you. Why can’t you support me?”

  “Are you really comparing my marriage and miscarriages to your incessant need to be a mother at this very second?” she asked with narrowed eyes.

  “Look, all I’m saying is, I’ve made up my mind. If it was so crazy, then my mom wouldn’t be pushing it on me all the time.”

  “Lisa’s insane! We all know that!” Stacey exclaimed.

  “So aren’t you gonna ask the next question?” I smirked.

  “Shit...okay. Assuming I bypass the fact that you’re being a selfish, spoiled brat who is talking about having children without being married to a woman who has already lost two children, how long do you have to convince Kason of this crazy plan?”

  “One month.”

  Chapter 4


  I dragged Marcus to a new speakeasy that had opened downtown. The owner was the brother of someone I worked with. I’d told him I’d give it a shot while I was in town. The dinner with my parents had gone all right. Hanna had worn a skimpy little number that hugged her tits and ass in all the right places. I had to keep reminding myself not to stare at her enticing figure. A few times, I caught Marcus looking at me while I was looking at his sister and thought he was going stab me under the table. But then I had slapped his back and talked to him about his problems and finally gotten him to open up.

  Apparently Marcus was trying to get his business off the ground but it wasn’t working. He had his own web design business but he couldn’t get anyone in the door to sign contracts with him. He was starting to burn through his entire savings.

  “Dude, why didn’t you tell me this shit sooner? There’s plenty of shit I have to do with the company

  “Don’t you have someone on-site to keep up with that stuff?” Marcus asked.

  “Two whiskey sours for the handsome men in the corner.”

  The waitress set two drinks in front of us, and I couldn’t help but glance at her tits. They were obviously fake, but you could wrap a fake toy in anything to make it look appealing. Her smile was bright and her makeup was caked on. She licked her ruby red lips lightly before her eyes flickered to Marcus.

  “If there’s anything else, please let me know,” she said.

  “Will do, doll.” I smirked and turned back to Marcus. “Anyway, as I was saying. I paid a flat fee up front to have the entire thing designed, and then they walked me through how to upkeep it. I touch it sometimes, but I’m too fucking busy to update it regularly. Wanna give it a shot?”

  “Kason, I’m not here asking for favors. You asked me what was up my ass and that was it. I got this.”

  I snickered. “Obviously, you don’t. But it’s all right. I was fortunate in how I got my start, but some people aren’t. I’ve seen the work you did in high school. If you can do half that shit now, I’ll hire you on.”

  “I don’t need your handout,” Marcus said, a bite in his voice.

  “Look, do you want the contract or not? It’s time for a redesign anyway, and the information is sorely outdated. Quote me for the initial fee and the monthly installment; then use that shit to land other customers.”

  He groaned. “Kason…”

  “I’m not going to pressure you any more about it after this. Get a proposal in my hand by tomorrow or keep struggling until you’re broke and crawling home to your parents. I don’t give a shit either way.”

  Marcus smirked. “You know you do.”

  “Yeah, I fucking do. You’re my best friend, and I’m pissed you didn’t tell me you were struggling earlier.”

  “Pride and all that, I guess.”

  “Yeah, well, get rid of it. Tell me what’s on your mind, all right, dude?”

  “Fine,” Marcus said.

  “So.” I swallowed. “How’s Hanna doing in school? Last I heard was something about some dumbass internship she had to do.”

  “Yeah, Kason. I was there. That was this morning,” Marcus said.

  “Right. Well, I talked to a few people, and there are some spaces she’d be good for. Did you know my company actually has an in-house psychologist working for my HR department? Who the fuck knew?”

  Marcus chuckled. “You don’t know who works in your own company?”

  “Not individually! I know the departments and their heads and shit, but not all the details.”

  “So, you think one psychologist needs an intern?” Marcus asked.

  “I called, and she said she could use someone to help with the paperwork, but that would be it. Hanna wouldn’t get any hands-on experience working with anyone. But, there is a place where she would. It just has nothing to do with her degree.”

  “Well, what is it?” Marcus asked.

  “So, each department head has a secretary. HR, IT—even the main security office that hires the security guards does. But I don't.”

  Marcus choked on his drink, and I thought he was going to drown in the whiskey he’d sucked back. I reached over and slapped his back a few times. When he finally regained his composure, I posed the question to him again.

  “She’d have her own desk and office, and I could probably write some money into the budget for her, so it’d be a paid internship. She’d sit in on my meetings and take minutes, schedule and reschedule meetings, all that shit. So, it’d fulfill her requirement for school, give her some money, and she’d have some work experience to fall back on. Hell, she could even use it as a job until she found one that suited her career path if she wanted. I don’t give a shit.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you wouldn’t,” Marcus murmured.


  “Look, I saw the way you were looking at my sister. All through dinner you kept asking her questions. ‘How’s school going?’ and ‘Dating anyone lately?’ and ‘What are your plans after college?’ and ‘Where do you think you’ll live?’”

  “The fuck is wrong with those questions?” I asked.

  “Dude, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had a crush on my little sister. My baby sister, Kason!”

  “I was just making small talk with her. Fuck, Marcus, I hadn’t seen your sister since she left for college!”

  “You better not try anything with her. And this secretary thing? It better not be some weird-ass fantasy shit of yours.”

  “The fuck does that mean?” I asked

  “If you pull that shit with my sister, I’ll kill you and leave you to the birds.”

  I stared hard at Marcus, and all he did was stare back. I could tell this had been eating at him all night, and it made me so angry. I had no plans to ever pursue his sister. She was twelve years younger than me. Hell, I’d grown up with her! I’d protected her from bullies! It was like she was my fucking sister, too!


  But I couldn’t help but tug on Marcus’s strings, especially since he was so worked up.

  “Now why would you go and do a thing like kill your best friend over your sister?” I asked. Then that woman walked by again. The one who had served us drinks and whose fake tits were spilling out of her top. The one with her cut-off jeans riding so far up her ass crack that I could see the under slope of those beautiful cheeks. I wanted to cup them in the palms of my hands. I caught her eye, and she stopped to look at me. Just as Marcus began to answer my question, she stopped at our table and bent over.

  “I’m sorry, but are you Kason Marx, that tech billionaire guy?”

  I smirked. “Maybe.”

  The woman was on me faster than Marcus could finish his answer. I knew he was pissed, but I wasn’t fucking with his sister. I had told her I’d get her an internship, and I felt she needed more human interaction than HR could give her. Fuck him if he thought I was trying to get in her pants. I had women, just like this one, flinging themselves at me every single day.

  I didn’t need some little girl twelve years younger than me to sit on my face.

  The waitress shoved her tongue into my mouth, and her tits brushed against my chest. She took my hand and tugged me to my feet. I happily left Marcus behind and followed her into a back room. She shoved me into a velvet chair and spread my legs wide. When she sank down onto her knees, my dick hardened inside my pants.

  “Fuck yes,” I whispered.

  She looked up at me with her doll eyes, taunting me while she slowly and torturously pulled my dick free. She licked her tongue along the pulsing ridges of my thick dick. When she wrapped her mouth around it, I relaxed back into the chair. Her mouth was so warm, and her tits were pressing into my legs. I wrapped my hand in her hair and began thrusting deep into her throat.

  “That’s it. Take that dick.” I groaned. Her ruby red lips were leaving lustful trails behind on my skin, and I pressed my hips so far into her face that her nose touched my skin. She swallowed and hummed in delight, her cheeks tugging at my dick as she sucked me dry. My balls were hanging low with need. I raised my hips and fucked her face, standing up from the chair while her hands gripped the backs of my thighs.

  “Fuck!” I cried out.

  My orgasm hit my body with a fury, and I fell back down in the chair. My legs grew taut and my body shook. Her cum-greedy mouth gulped down every single drop I had to give. I bit down on my bottom lip and tried to catch my breath. When she cleaned me off with her mouth and released me with a soft pop, I crooked my finger under her chin and guided her in for a slow, warm, delicate kiss.

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” I murmured against her lips. I reached into my wallet and pulled out a few bills that I pressed against her palm. I stood up, buckled my pants, and left.

  I walked back out to the table and sat down beside Marcus. When I grabbed my drink and brought it to my lips, Marcus said two words that caught my attention.
/>   “That’s why.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about. You forget that I grew up with your sister, too. She’s like my own sister. You don’t have anything to worry about, dude.”

  “I better not.”

  Chapter 5


  Of course, in wonderful dual family fashion, Kason’s family and mine connived dinner plans behind our back. Kason and I had only been back in town for a couple days, and already the Marx family was ready to cater an entire meal and throw a massive party in our honor. I told my parents that I came home all the time so there was no reason to include me in the party, but they wouldn’t have it. I really should've known better. My mother never needed a reason to throw a party, especially when she could team up with her best friend, Mrs. Marx.

  My mom kept telling me how wonderful it was going to be, and Kason’s mom kept going on about all the food that would be there. With both our families combined and all the people who would eventually flood in to check out the spread, there would be a least forty people dipping in and out of this party.


  Stacey said she would bring Brad to relieve me of the circus fest, and I was thankful for it. I still hadn’t convinced Stacey to tell Brad about the pregnancy, and she’d sworn me to secrecy, so I’d told her that I would keep my mouth shut. I understood why she didn’t want to tell Brad right off the bat in case something went wrong in the beginning, but a part of me wanted to celebrate with them. I wanted to throw my arms around them both and whisper that this one was the one, that it was going stick and be okay. In seven months’ time, I would descend upon the hospital with blankets and toys and snacks for the new parents who had just ushered their child into the world.


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