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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 46

by Tia Siren

  “Hanna, I wanted to say that I’m sorry about dashing off like that last night. I should’ve invited you to come out with Marcus and me. It was rude and I’m sorry.”

  “Why did you dash off like that?” she asked. When I didn’t step closer to her, she moved toward me, and I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep from physically reaching out to her.

  “I guess I just…needed fresh air. I ran into Marcus and we had plans anyway, so I took him along and we just left,” I said.

  “Why, though? Why did you suddenly need fresh air?”

  Her voice was smooth as silk, and she took a few steps closer to me. I could feel her body heat radiating off her skin. If she stepped any closer, her tits would be pressed into my chest. Her eyes were dark and wanting as wisps of her hair framed her face in a way that highlighted her innocence. In the sunlight of the morning, I felt my body magnetically drawn to hers.

  Fuck, I was in so much trouble.

  “Why, Kason?” Hanna prodded.

  I couldn’t give her an answer because I didn’t have one. What was I going to tell her? That I left because I wanted to stick my dick in her? That I left because I was three seconds away from crashing my lips into hers and taking her on her family’s couch? That I left because she felt so warm and her tits called for my teeth and I could smell her want wafting up from between her legs?

  “Kason,” she said, her voice soft and urging, “why did y—”

  I wrapped my tattooed arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. My other hand left my pocket and cupped her cheek tightly. I shoved my tongue into her mouth and lapped up the sweetness of that sultry tongue that sounded so good saying my name. Her body melted into mine and her hands clung to my back. In that instant, I knew I’d crossed a line I could never come back from.

  The little girl I’d grown up with had become a young woman, and my body was ethereally tethered to hers.

  Chapter 7


  Kason’s tongue felt so good dancing along mine. It was dominant and warm, and his arm fit perfectly in the crook of my back. My hands clung to his chiseled body, and his thick dick pressed against my body. He wanted me just as I wanted him. This was the moment I’d been waiting for.

  Then, just like at the party, Kason pulled away from me.

  “This is wrong,” he said.

  “What?” I panted.

  He dropped his arm and pulled away from me. My entire body sank to the floor in disappointment.

  “I’m not a child anymore, Kason.”

  “Obviously.” He spat the word like it tasted bad.

  “I’m not my brother’s dorky little sister with glasses and braces and pimples all along her jawline.”

  “I got it, Hanna,” he said.

  “I’ve grown into a woman. A woman I know you want.”

  He groaned at my statement, and I reached out and grabbed his hand. He wasn’t getting away from me, not this easily. Not after that kiss had exposed everything we felt for each other. I knew he felt it just like I did. I knew his heart was hammering just like mine was. I knew he felt my nipples puckered against his chest just like I felt his raging dick pressed against my body.

  I wasn’t letting him go without a fight.

  I tried to raise onto my tiptoes and kiss him, but he pulled away. My hand came up and cupped the back of his head, and I forced him to look at me.

  “Kason, please don’t fight this,” I whispered. “Please don’t. I’m a grown woman with wants, like a career and a life and children.”

  “What?” Kason asked.

  I looked him dead in his eyes and knew I had messed up. That wasn’t something I needed to reveal to him to get him to sleep with me, but dear god, I cared about the man! He was strong and virile with a manly musk I just could not pull away from. My body sang out for his, and all I wanted to do was waste all my energy falling into bed with him. I could give him so much more than they could, including the stores of energy I had to pour over someone. Why couldn’t he see that?

  If I had children, they would see that. They’d love me for the energy I had and the passions I could indulge with them. I’d have the energy to be in their corner and fight for them when they needed me most. I’d sacrifice whatever part of myself was possible for them to grow up and have the best possible lives, because the moment they graduated from high school I’d still have time to pursue my own dreams. Those were just a few of the benefits of being a younger mother. Of raising children during the prime of one’s life. I could run around with them and still have the energy to sit up late at night with a friend and talk. I could watch them raise families of their own and live to see my great grandchildren.

  I could give that to my children if only Kason would give himself to me for one night. Just one night.

  I wouldn’t even expect him to stick around.

  “I’m a grown woman, Kason,” I said firmly. “A woman with ambitions and wants for her life. I want a career and a home. I want a family, Kason. I want children.”

  “And you think I’m just gonna…give those to you?” he asked.

  “I was actually hoping so, yes.”

  “Are you—Hanna, do you hear yourself?!” he asked.

  “Loud and clear,” I said coolly.

  “I am not giving you children, and I sure as hell am not going to fuck you! Shit. Hanna, you haven’t even graduated college yet! Are you out of your mind!?”

  I didn’t expect him to understand. I honestly didn’t expect anyone to understand at this point. Yes, from the outside I looked like some desperate daughter wanting to fulfill her mother’s wishes and make her happy, but that wasn’t at all what was going on. I wanted a family of my own. Guys in college, they drank and smoked and slept around with floozies, and when they did end up getting one of them pregnant, the woman demanded they stay. They demanded their love and their attention, and it sucked the life right out of them. Rich men were paying women off just so they could keep their single lifestyle. Those who tried to stick by the women were abused and mistreated. It made me sick.

  I could never do that to someone who gave me the ability to have my children. I would never expect him to stick around or drain him for all he was worth like those other idiotic bitches. I’d want him to go off and be happy. I’d want to start my own career and take care of my own child because I knew I could do that. I could raise a child the way I knew a child should be raised without the constant input of a stupid man who had stupid expectations for me and his children just because he had gotten me pregnant. Sure, Kason was wild and hot and sexy all the way to his core, but there was more to him. I knew him and I trusted him. I knew he wouldn’t stick around to force his opinions on me.

  It was the perfect scenario, and I just had to make sure he understood that.

  “Kason, you know I wouldn’t expect you to stick around, right?” I asked.

  “What?!” he exclaimed.

  “I wouldn’t expect you to stick around. I wouldn’t take you for your money or anything like that. Hell, I’ll sign something if that makes you more comfortable with the situation.”

  The way he was looking at me said I was crazy, and it quickly pissed me off.

  “I’m not crazy. I just know what I want,” I said.

  “And what you want is to be a single mother and have absolutely no way to fund the needs of a child?” he asked.

  “Why would you care about that? You wouldn’t be around!”

  “Of course I’d at least try! It would be my child!” he roared.

  “No, you wouldn’t, Kason! You’d just go back to your bimbos with red lips at the speakeasy!” I yelled back.

  “Not all red-lipped women are bimbos, Hanna! If I recall correctly, you had red lips at that damn dinner our parents hosted!”

  I wasn’t explaining myself clearly. I took a few deep breaths to calm down. I needed to tell him what was going through my mind. I needed to stop viewing him as everyone else and see him as a person who was open to negotiations. I was broke
ring a business deal, and I knew Kason would understand that language.

  “Look, I would be an incredible mother, but I do not do well with other people dictating my life. I’d be better as a single mother because I’d have full and complete control. I’m going to have a wonderful career that will allow me to raise my child and have the monetary means to do so, so some man interjecting his opinions and money because he thinks he can control me and the way I raise my child won’t be necessary. And honestly? I’d rather have the child come from someone I trusted and knew rather than a sperm bank.”

  His eyes were wild as he searched my face, and I tried to steady my breathing. I’d been sitting with this premonition for a few months, so I couldn’t expect him to digest it and accept it within a few minutes. But he was the one who had kissed me! He couldn’t back away from that! He had to own up to how he had felt in that very moment!

  “Hanna…” he said quietly.

  I lurched forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. I barreled my lips into his. Without thinking, I pressed my body hard against his and felt his cock throb through his pants against my leg. I needed to remind him of how he had felt in the moment when he first kissed me. I needed his eyes to stay on the prize, and I needed him to understand that his feelings for me were okay.

  That it was fine and natural and that I was fully accepting of it.

  His lips moved in tandem with mine and his arms cloaked my back. He pulled me off my feet, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I swallowed his groans when I rolled my hips into his body. Dear god, he tasted like coffee and toothpaste, and I drank him in as I ran my tongue along the roof of his mouth. He carried me into the sitting room and pressed my back against the wall. When he finally released my lips, his cock throbbed again, reminding me that it was there and it was ready.

  The wet spot forming in my panties reminded me that I was, too.

  “This is wrong, Hanna,” he said against my lips.

  “Come on, you know you want me. I can feel your cock pressing against my body.”

  I captured his lips in yet another kiss, but this time it was light, delicate. It had percolated underneath the pressure of the last two, and when I began to run my fingers through the locks of his freshly gelled hair, his hips rolled involuntarily into mine. His hands pressed into the wall, and he pinned me between his buzzing body and the cool plaster of his parents’ home. I knew this was it.

  He was going to cave just like I knew he wanted.

  In that moment, I imagined everything. I imagined his body covering mine in a dark room while his lips roamed over my body. I imagined what it would feel like for his large, strong hands to pin my wrists above my head. I thought about what it would feel like to have his tongue lick the depths of my pussy and how wonderful it would feel to run my fingers through his hair and pull him in deeper. I thought about the tip of his dick pressing against my entrance, pulsing with need while his tongue licked across my lips.

  I imagined what my name would sound like tumbling from his lips and all the positions he would take my body in. I imagined my breasts bouncing in his face while I rode his cock and my ass jiggling for him while he sheathed into me from behind. I imagined him covering my body in bite marks as he bent me in half, slinging my legs over his shoulders and pinning me so I couldn’t move even a millimeter. I thought about how good it would feel to yell out his name in a darkened room before he captured my groans with his lips. I thought about how beautiful my body would be while it grew with his child.

  But then, just before I could latch my lips onto the bulging veins of his neck, a knock came from the door and he dropped me to my feet.

  “Are you expecting anyone, Kason?” I asked.


  He stepped away from me and shoved his hands down his pants to fix himself. The only thing I could think was that I wished that hand was mine. I fixed my shirt, and he smoothed out the fabric of his. When Maria opened the door, my brother’s voice echoed through the house.

  “Kason! You here? I’ve got some stuff I want you to see!”

  “Yeah! I’m just in here. Gimme a sec!” Kason yelled back.

  “Really? You weren’t expecting anyone?” I asked without emotion.

  “So, I’ve got some outlines for redesigns, and—”

  Marcus came around the corner and saw me standing there. Even though Kason had backed away, I could tell by the look on Marcus’s face that we were still too close. His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied us with great intent. Then he asked the question I really wasn’t sure how to answer.

  “What the hell is my sister doing here?”

  “Well,” Kason began, “I figured if we were going to talk shop later today, I’d go ahead and get all the shop-talking done in one day. I had Hanna come over so we could talk about the internship.”

  I looked up at him and watched as his face settled a bit. My eyes prodded him for more information.

  “Well, you gonna take it?” my brother asked.

  “We haven’t quite ironed out the details…”

  “She wanted to talk with you about how you felt about her being my secretary. I told her I talked to you about it, but she didn’t believe me.”

  “Good on ya, sis.” Marcus smirked. “But we did already talk about it. If you’re comfortable working as his secretary for the school year rather than with that boring psychologist in HR, he’ll make a good deal for you.”

  “Oh! Really?” I asked. I shot Kason a look, and he nodded his head lightly. I drew in a deep breath through my nose before I nodded my head.

  “Well, if everyone’s all right with it, then I’m sure it would be just fine as long as it doesn’t clash with my classes,” I said.

  “Get me your schedule for the semester and we’ll go over times you can come in to work. I figured if you wanted to give me more hours than they were requiring for the semester, I could make it a paying job and you could use it as actual job experience on your resume after college.”

  “Wow,” I said. “Thanks. I really appreciate that.”

  Kason and I stared at each other for a while, and neither of us broke it until my brother cleared his throat.

  “Well, Kason and I have some confidential shit to go over. I’ll see you at home?”

  “Sure, yeah,” I said.

  I walked past Marcus and gave him a quick hug before I left. I hadn’t known Kason would offer me an internship. I was surprised and excited. That plus the fact that he had just hired my brother as well solidified my certainty that I wanted to have a baby with him. He was hot, intelligent, and he gave a shit even though he pretended like he didn’t.

  “Oh, and Kason?” I asked.


  “I’ll consider your offer if you consider mine.” I smiled.

  Chapter 8


  What the fuck was she thinking?

  I watched Hanna leave with her words still tumbling around in my head, and when I came to, I realized I had been staring at her ass the whole time. It was so tight and juicy. It had felt so good in the palms of my hands when I’d caught her jumping on me. Dear god, the things she was already doing to my body… I hadn’t felt anything like it since the first time I’d sucked on a pair of tits. I could still feel my erect cock in my pants, wanting to rage and come to life.

  But holy hell, she wanted me to get her pregnant? She had said she wanted me to get her pregnant! What the fuck was Hanna thinking? For the love of everything holy and good, she hadn’t even graduated college yet. Apparently her mother’s bullshit about settling down and having children had only half registered. I knew Hanna was independent and strong-willed, but this was insane. Getting pregnant and then telling the father he didn’t have to be a part of the child’s life might have been a godsend for other men, but not for me. If I wasn’t working my fingers to the bone at my tech company or sinking my dick into a nice piece of ass to relieve stress and tension, I was doing whatever I could to keep my family happy and comfortable. I
didn’t see them as much as I wanted to, but I loved them nonetheless. I had been raised with the idea that family was everything and that without them, you didn’t have shit.

  But that kiss. Fuck, she had tasted so good, and her body had felt so sexy pressed against mine. I had felt how hard her nipples were, and the only thing I’d wanted to do was rip her shirt off and gnaw on them until they were black and blue. I wanted to make her scream with pleasure. I wanted to mark every single part of her milky skin so that whenever she went out in public, she knew who she belonged to. Her thick thighs had been soaked with her want, and I had been surprised when I’d dropped her and not felt a wet spot on my pants.

  I would’ve licked her dry before ripping her in two with my cock.

  I bet I could’ve convinced her to let me fuck her with a condom on. I could feed her some bullshit excuse about how it was easier for two people who were having sex with each other for the first time but promise her I’d poke a hole in it or something. Then I just wouldn’t poke the hole. There was no way in hell I was getting little Hanna Rendon pregnant, but dear god, I knew if she had one carnival ride with me, she wouldn’t give a shit if I got her pregnant or not.


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