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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 48

by Tia Siren

  “Hanna,” Kason said. His voice was hard, commanding.

  “No. Look.” I looked up into his eyes and drew in a slow breath through my nose, but part of me was craving the idea of sleeping with him without getting pregnant. He was so beautiful and so headstrong and so fucking…everything.

  “I set out a deal,” I said as I stepped away. “If you accept the terms of this deal, then it’s on. But if you can’t accept the terms, then there’s no deal. You of all people should be able to understand that.”

  Kason shook his head. “I can’t do that to you, Hanna.”

  I sighed. “Then I can’t sleep with you, Kason.”

  He shoved his hand down his pants and rearranged himself. I had to ball my fists up to keep from reaching out and shoving my own hand down his pants. He marched by me with frustration oozing from his pores, and I heard him storm down the steps before he slammed my front door shut. Tears rose to my eyes as I stood there, hoping to god he would throw the door open and come running back up the steps to me…but he never did.

  No one ever ran back to me, no matter what I did or what I had to offer.

  But if I had a child, they would run after me.

  Time and time again.

  Chapter 10



  I barreled through the front door of my parents’ house and ran my fingers through my hair. Hanna was absolutely insane! Part of me wanted to tell her parents and her brother what was going on. I was sure this was some sort of harassment that could be dealt with swiftly and easily. Maybe then Hanna’s mother would get her foot out of her ass and stop pressuring her daughter into being the sweet, obedient, stay-at-home wife she was so desperate for her to become.

  But holy fuck, Hanna looked good. I mean, she had probably looked that good going off to college, but you could tell that woman went to the gym. Her thighs were defined and strong, and it made my mouth salivate just thinking about how she would squeeze those things around my head while I devoured her until she screamed. And her stomach. Oh, god. She had this bit of excess behind her belly button that would fit perfectly in the palms of my hands. God, I’d sink my teeth into it and mark every inch of it while my fingertips pressed down into her hips, keeping her steady while bruises and teeth marks shone in the darkness of her house.

  And fuck, those tits. God, they had been bursting forth from that cute little orange bra she’d had on. They would be more than handfuls, and my dick was pulsing just thinking about them against me. Yesterday, I’d felt her hard nipples puckering against my shirt, but fuck, they’d feel so damn good pressed against my skin. I’d lick and suck on those bad boys while I fingered that tight little pussy of hers, and if she was a good girl, I’d make her fall over the edge time and time again without my tongue ever touching the throbbing clit I knew was sitting between her legs.

  When she had straddled me, I had smelled all of her. Her tongue and her lips had been so sweet, but the salty twinge in the air that had wafted from her panties had hardened my dick against her thigh. Never had I been so entranced by the scent of a woman. If I’d had it my way, I would’ve thrown her down onto that bed, ripped her panties to shreds, and licked up every dripping drop of her juices until she was so fraught with pleasure that she passed out. Hanna had turned into a vivacious, intelligent, and fucking sexy woman, but there was just one hiccup she couldn’t get past.

  She wanted to get pregnant, and I refused to ruin her life like that.

  My cock pressed achingly hard into the fabric of my pants, and when I looked down, I saw a wet stain appear on the front.

  I groaned. “Of course.”

  She was an absolute lunatic if she thought I was going to get her pregnant. First of all, I didn’t want to be a fucking father, but if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t abandon the kid and its mother. Fuck that nonsense. I saw enough of that in my own world: men paying off women every month while they went on with their lives after ruining the life of another. Sure, I slept with every beautiful woman I could find, and yeah, I liked my parties and booze and sleazy blowjobs, but there was no way in hell any woman carrying my child would be abandoned.

  Not a chance in hell.

  Plus, she hadn’t even graduated yet! If she got pregnant now, she’d fucking work her internship as my secretary and, god, I’d probably want to bend her growing body—round with my child—over my fucking desk time and time again. I’d get no work done because all I would do was smell her overactive libido while she was trying to work, and then she’d be a mother before she graduated college.

  What kind of crazy-ass bullshit was that?

  I stormed up the steps with my pants tented and busted into the bathroom. I had to find a way to calm myself down, and I needed to get rid of this throbbing issue between my legs. I peeled my clothes off and tossed them onto the floor. Then I ran the hottest shower I could stand. I didn’t want a cold shower—that would result in my balls hanging low with want until I had some preteen wet dream about her tits. I was going to take a hot shower, imagine my face planted in every part of her body, and then I was going to come all over the walls of this bathroom while her name dripped from my lips.

  If I couldn’t have her in real life, I could have her in my fantasies.

  I soaked my skin with water before I ran my hands through my hair. I just couldn't get over how crazy Hanna sounded. I knew how headstrong she was, and it frightened me that I knew she wouldn’t let this go. She’d sunk her head into the idea of being a single mother with a career and a child fathered by me, and I had no fucking clue as to why.

  “Damn, Hanna,” I whispered.

  I leaned my forearm against the shower wall and placed my forehead on it. Then I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock. I closed my eyes and thought about that beautiful pussy being spread open for me, like a dinner buffet at the country club, and I slowly began to pump my thick dick. I bit into my arm as I thought about how she would taste and all the juices that would come tumbling out of her because of how well I’d lick that clit. I thought about the way she would run her fingers through my hair and how her thighs would clench around my ears. My dick leaked with wanton lust as I groaned against my arm.

  I thought about how angry she would be when I backed off just as she was about to come. She’d pound her fists against the bed and lose all control of her body. She’d beg me and tell me what a bad boy I was being and how I deserved to be punished. She’d rip away from my lips and pull me up onto the bed. Then she’d sit that fat pussy on my face and force me to eat my punishment.

  I groaned. “Good fuck, Hanna.”

  I pumped my hand faster as my dick leaked thick streams of cum from its tip. I thought about how she would ride my face, covering it with her glistening silk as she panted and groaned with pleasure. I thought about how my fingertips would sink into the meat of her thighs, leaving bruises so deep my fingerprints could be identified.

  “Oh,” I whimpered.

  I thought about how she would feel wrapped around my dick, with those lip-glossed lips leaving sparkling trails behind while I choked her with my thick cock. I thought about how those doe eyes would look up at me, begging me for more while my balls drew up into my body. I thought about wrapping my hands in her hair and fucking that sweet little face, ruining her body for any other man who might come along and want a taste of what she had to give.

  “Hanna. Oh…Hanna,” I grunted.

  My balls pull up into my body in the shower as I thought about my dick sinking deep into her body. I thought about the claw marks I knew she’d leave on my back and the bite marks I’d leave in the crook of her neck. I thought about what it would sound like for her to wail my name out in pleasure while her pussy milked my rock-hard cock for everything it was worth.

  “Such a greedy little girl,” I growled.

  I squeezed my hand around my cock one last time and shot my essence onto the shower wall. As I did, her name dripped from my lips as I imagined pouring myself inside her. I imagine
d her whimpering and shaking with desperation, exhausted from the orgasm that had shot through her body, while her chest glistened with a sheen of sweat and my own beads dripped onto her forehead.

  “Fuck, Hanna,” I said.

  My god, she would’ve been so sweet and so adventurous to have in bed. She would’ve tasted like succulent honey, and her pussy would’ve squeezed me in a way no other woman ever had. I would’ve ruined her, but she would’ve ruined me just as much in return.

  I slid down to my knees and twisted so my back was pressed against the shower wall. As the hot water continued to beat down on my body, there was only one thing I could think.

  I had to have Hanna.

  I had to have her, and I had to find a way I could do that without getting her pregnant in the process.

  Chapter 11


  It had been two days since my failed encounter with Kason, and it was still rattling around in my head. I couldn’t believe he had turned me down after I’d thrown him everything he could’ve ever wanted. I was still secretly fuming. He had sent me a few text messages since that night, wanting to talk about various things, but all I did was ignore him.

  He knew my terms, and if he didn’t want to accept them, then there was no deal.

  “Hey! You two want to go out for some breakfast?”

  Marcus and I looked up from our books and newspapers. When we saw how bright Mom’s face looked, neither of us could turn her down.

  “Sure, Mom. Give me a few minutes to change.”

  “I’ll be right behind her,” Marcus said.

  We ran upstairs to change, and fifteen minutes later we were off to breakfast. Mom had this favorite joint in downtown Seattle that Dad hated. They had the best pancakes and French toast in the entire state, but it was expensive and my dad had always been a frugal person. Mom always told him that if he just went with her, then they would only be paying for two people instead of three, but he always insisted she find another joint, which she never did.

  I, personally, thought it was Dad’s way of Mom having this for just her and us. We knew our mother had struggled with empty nest syndrome ever since I’d “flown the coop” and gone off to Stanford. Marcus and I hypothesized that this was Dad’s way of helping Mom cope whenever we were both back in town.

  “So! What does it feel like to be home?” Mom asked.

  “It’s nice. I told you that Kason hired me on as the website and blog guy for his company, so we’ve been going over designs and color schemes. We’ve almost got it down to where I can start working.”

  Mom smiled. “God, Mason, I’m so happy for you.”

  “It’s gonna be a really great experience. Kason’s going to let me try out a lot of experimental plug-ins and use their website to showcase what they can do.”

  “That’s going to save you a lot of time!” Mom exclaimed.

  Marcus smirked. “And give me a living and benefits in the process.”

  “God, we’re so lucky to have him in our lives. Hanna, sweetheart, have you made any progress with him on your internship?”

  “Yeah, Hanna, has he accepted your offer yet?”

  I felt Marcus’s eyes on me, and I knew he wasn’t asking about the internship. Mom wanted to know everything about it, so I started there.

  “Well, there was a position he offered me working with the psychologist he employs in their HR department, but the downside to that position is that I wouldn’t actually get interpersonal interaction with anyone. I’d just be a paper pusher.”

  My mother sighed. “Sounds absolutely boring.”

  “So, he offered me a possible paid internship as his secretary.”

  “His secretary?!” my mother squealed. “Oh, wow. You know, that’s how some romances start.”

  “Mom, are you fucking kidding me?” Marcus asked.

  “Language, big brother,” I mocked.

  “I’m just saying, Kason’s a good-looking man who is well established. You two grew up with him, so we obviously trust him. And you’d be around him a great deal! Who knows what could happen when you’re his secretary?” Mom trumpeted.

  “You’re not seriously suggesting that Hanna go for my best friend, are you?” Marcus asked without emotion.

  “Well, it’s about time that boy settled down! Every time I turn on the television he’s got some new woman on his arm. Flavor of the month time was when he was in his twenties. He’s in his thirties and successful and established. He needs a good woman behind him in order to keep him motivated.”

  I smirked. “I agree wholeheartedly, Mother.”

  “Hanna, what the fuck?” Marcus asked.

  “Language, Son,” Mom scolded.

  “And, Marcus, to answer your question, no, he has not agreed to my offer yet.”

  “And what offer is that, honey?” my mom asked.

  Marcus hook his eyes onto me, and I knew I was finally stuck in a corner, but the lie dripped from my lips easier than I thought it would…and I sort of felt myself hoping it would go in this direction.

  “I offered for the paid internship to turn into a full-time job after I graduate,” I said.

  “I thought he offered that,” Marcus said.

  “Nope. I did. Or at least I led him in that direction. Men like Kason have to think all their ideas are theirs when, really, it was the woman’s idea all along.”

  I winked at my brother, and I could see him getting more infuriated by the second.

  “Hanna, sweetheart, I think I’ll make a wonderful woman out of you yet,” my mother said.

  “She’s already a wonderful woman, Mom! She’s at the top of her class and about to graduate from a prestigious university with a degree in a male-dominated field! What the hell else could you want from your daughter?!”

  “Language!” my mother and I said at the same time.

  I knew Marcus had no actual proof of what was going on between Kason and me, but it was nice to know my mother would approve if something did happen. I was about to ask her how she felt about me and Kason having a family—just to really mess with my brother—but then my phone rang.

  “Hold on…” I sighed. “Hello?”

  Stacey was on the other end of the line, and all she was doing was crying. I heard some fumbling on the other end before the line went silent, and when a voice finally spoke again, it was Brad’s.

  “Hanna? It’s Brad.”

  “Hey, Brad.” I took a deep breath. Marcus and my mother eyed me suspiciously. Before Brad even began talking, I knew exactly what had happened.

  “You should probably get to the hospital,” he said weakly. “Stacey could really use her best friend.”

  “I’m on my way,” I said.

  “Hanna, baby, what’s wrong?” my mom asked.

  “So…um…Stacey told me at…at lunch that she and Brad were…uh…”

  “Oh, shit,” Marcus whispered.

  “Watch your damn mouth,” my mother growled.

  “I have to get to the hospital,” I said.

  “Sweetheart, please be careful. Let me know when you get there.”

  I barreled out of the restaurant and jumped in my car. I raced through yellow lights and gunned it through stop signs to get to the hospital as fast as I could. I threw the car into park and paid the parking attendant for the next few hours. My legs didn’t stop running until I’d finally found the room Stacey was in. Her face was red with grief and guilt, and Brad looked like he had been physically sick. When she saw me, Stacey held her arms out.

  “Oh, my god, Stacey,” I said.

  “Why does this keep happening to me?” she sobbed.

  This was Stacey’s third miscarriage in two years, and my heart broke for my best friend. Brad was staring mindlessly out the window, and I could tell by the way his shoulders shuddered that he was crying. I knew Brad probably hadn’t known until they’d had to make this hospital trip, and I could only imagine how he felt, both being in the dark about her pregnancy and scared for his wife, who had prob
ably done a lot of bleeding before they were admitted.

  “He’s gonna hate me,” Stacey said in my ear.

  I tried to soothe her. “No one hates you for anything, Stace. I’m right here. No one’s angry at you.”

  “Why does this keep happening?” she sobbed.

  “Stace, I know you don’t like doctors and invasive procedures, but I think if you want kids, you and Brad need to figure out what’s going on. This isn’t normal. And I’ll be at every appointment if you want me to be.”

  “Hanna, now’s not the time,” Brad scolded.

  “No, no. No, she’s right.” Stacey sighed. “She’s…she’s right.”

  I sat down beside Stacey’s bed, and I could tell Brad had a great deal to say. When Stacey finally fell asleep, I let go of her hand and then took Brad’s arm and led him out into the hallway.

  “All right. Your turn,” I said.

  “How the hell could she not tell me?!” he whispered harshly.

  “Brad, she wanted to save you.”

  “From what?! From this? She didn’t tell me and it still happened! I should’ve known, you know. We’ve been through this two other times, and she’d been sick both of those times.”

  “She wanted to see if she could get to her second trimester without telling you. She did some research—”


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