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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 53

by Tia Siren

  “I don’t know why being a mother is such a bad thing,” I said, grabbing my drink. “Mom loves it. I watched her move around the kitchen cooking for her family. I watched her set up for the holidays to surprise my father when he got home. I watched her support him all throughout his life—support all of us throughout our lives-- and I want that. I want to be that for my child. But, I can’t be that for my child if I’m tired from my own old age, Kason.”

  “But, you also can’t be that if you don’t have a man, either, Hanna,” he said.

  “Well, people compromise all the time in their lives. This is my compromise. Having the energy to run around with my child and be there to watch my grandchildren be born is more important than wasting more time cultivating a relationship with a man that might not even work,” I said.

  “Is that a smart compromise, though? Hanna, you’re an intelligent woman. Just take a deep breath and think about it.”

  “That’s the thing, Kason. The thing no one seems to understand,” I said. “I have thought about it. A lot. Frequently. I see it when I close my eyes at night. I see it when I should be studying for tests. I watch mothers with their screaming toddlers in the store as well as the mothers cradling their newborns and I get the same sensation. I don’t crinkle my nose at one but love the other. I want it all. Every single part of it,” I said.

  “And no one’s questioning that,” Kason said as he reached for my hand.

  My neck was soaked with my tears and my mind was lost in my own reverie. Kason was destroying everything I had set my mind to, and I was angry with him. I was angry and I hated him.

  In that very moment, in that restaurant full of people, I hated him.

  “But you have to understand,” Kason began as he took my hand, “there are so many things you aren’t thinking about. Things that you don’t see in those snapshots you are privy to. There are sleepless nights when you have no help. There’s medical bills you’d have to pay on your own and hospital visits you’d have to brave by yourself. You’d be alone giving birth and you’d search for schools on your own. You’d have to be both the caretaker and the sports fanatic if you had a boy, both the makeup connoisseur and the harsh appraiser of boys if you had a girl. You’d be their parent, not their friend, which would mean punishments and time-outs. You’d be solely an enforcer for the first few years of their life. And what happens when your child first tells you they hate you? It happens. I yelled it at my father more times than I care to count when I was a teenager. Are you telling me you want to do all that on your own?”

  My chest was hiccupping with the sobs I was trying to keep at bay. I ripped my hand away from his. It felt too good to have him touch me, and I knew if he continued talking to me the way he was—comforting me the way his was—I’d go back on everything.

  Everything I’d put my mind to.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “You don’t seem too sure of that,” he countered.

  “Well, who the hell is sure of anything?” I exclaimed.

  “I’m sure that I want to spend time with you,” Kason said.

  “Whatever,” I said.

  “Can’t you at least see how confused I am? Just a little?”

  I thought long and hard about what he had said, and when he put it that way, I could see how weird it sounded. Maybe if I was in my thirties and hadn’t settled down yet, people would be more willing to accept me as a single mother. But, no one around me liked older mothers. There was this massive double standard in the way I was raised. It sucked, but it was there. Younger mothers were praised for their bravery and selflessness, but older single mothers were seen as people who prioritized everything else over a family. They were branded terrible mothers before they could even give birth to their child.

  I understood the reasons why my mother wanted me to have children young. She was being protective the only way she knew how. She wanted me to have my dreams and wishes without living with the notion that people would look down on me for my choices. And I was in her corner. She didn’t have to worry about me not wanting children.

  But I could see how Kason—or anyone else for that matter—might find it was odd that I was seeking this out before I’d even graduated college or found a career.

  Or had a home of my own.

  “I suppose…”

  “Look, just…stay on birth control. You’re on the pill, right?”

  I sighed. “Yeah.”

  “Stay on the pill and let’s just have some fun. I love your body, and I can tell by the way you look at me that you love mine. So let’s just have some fun while we’re home. Take the internship, fill out the paperwork—we’ll work out a pay scale at a later date—and let’s just enjoy one another, Hanna.”

  I blushed at his comments, but when my eyes flickered to the employee paperwork, Kason handed me a pen.

  “They’re yours if you want them, the internship and my body.”

  I shocked even myself when I agreed to his terms.

  Chapter 18


  After finally talking some fucking sense into little Hanna, I took her home. I was beyond thankful that Marcus was elsewhere because he would’ve thrown down had he seen me pull up with his little sister in my car. I had told her to tell her parents we were finalizing things for her internship, but I knew deep down that unless I showed Marcus the paperwork Hanna still hadn’t filled out, he would still suspect something was going on between me and his sister.

  “I’m glad you finally came to your senses,” I said.


  “You still seem upset.”

  “Nope,” she said, exaggerating the “p.”

  “Hanna, what’s—”

  She turned to me in the car and threw herself on top of me. Once I registered what was going on, I threw the car in park and caught her around the waist. I cloaked her back and our tongues danced with fury. Her body was trembling with desperate need against mine. She moaned into my lips and sucked the bottom one between her teeth. I knew I couldn’t let her go home until I had her. I’d finally talked some sense into her, and now I was going to ride this train as much as I could for as long as I could.

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside before someone sees.”

  “But I don’t want to—”

  “I meant my house,” I said softly.

  We turned off the lights of my car and pulled into the driveway. Then I threw her over my shoulder and ran into the house with her. I dashed up the stairs as she choked back squeals of delight. Then I tossed her onto the bed, watching her beautiful body bounce for me.

  “You know I go back in two weeks, right?” I asked.

  Hanna smirked. “I figured you had to go home sometime.”

  “You know,” I said as I started to slowly take my clothes off, “if we wanted to continue this for longer than two weeks, I could always just fly you out to my house.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really,” I said, dropping my clothes to the floor. “It would erase the…sneaking around we’re doing now.”

  She giggled, and I watched her body flush with delight. When I was in nothing but my boxers, I put my knees on the edge of the bed.

  “Honestly? I kind of like the sneaking around.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” I grinned. Her eyes locked on my aching cock that was growing at the mere sight of her on my bed, and before I knew it, she had scrambled out of her dress and tossed it to the floor.

  “I do,” she said.

  “Come here,” I said seductively.

  She crawled toward me, and I got back to my feet. She reached out to slowly peel my boxers down my body, and then my cock sprang free. It leaked from its rock-solid tip, and before I could give her my first lustful command, she darted her tongue out and lapped up the drop I had for her.

  “Take it between your lips,” I commanded.

  She quickly wrapped her mouth around it, and my hand tangled in her hair. I reached down with my other hand and unsnapped her bra.
She tossed it to the side quickly. Her mouth felt so good sucking and licking my cock, but there was so much else I wanted to do with that beautiful little mouth of hers.

  “Now open wide,” I said. I slowly thrust my hips into her face, trying to help her get acquainted with having my throbbing dick down her throat. She opened her throat as wide as it could go. She was being such a good little girl for me, and I rolled my head back in pleasure when she hollowed out her cheeks.

  “Just like that, Hanna,” I whispered. “Oh, yes.”

  My thrusts got heavier and heavier, and soon her nails were clawing at the backs of my thighs. Spit dripped down her chin, and her beautiful doe eyes stared up at me. She looked so sweet sucking my rock-solid cock, but that was not how I wanted to come.

  Not today.

  “Take off your panties and go stand against the wall.”

  She released my dick with a pop and scrambled off the bed. Once she finally took off her panties and tossed them to the side, she promptly backed herself up to the wall. I stepped out of my boxers and strode over to her. When I stopped in front of her, she threw her arms around my neck and jumped. I grabbed that tight little ass of hers and pinned her to the wall with my chest. When her tits were nice and tight against my chest, I slowly slid my cock right into her glistening pussy. I licked the pulse point on her neck as she sighed in sweet contentment, and when I began to thrust, her walls were already fluttering around me.

  “So wet and ready for me, Hanna. God, you feel so good.”

  “Please, Kason. Harder,” she begged. Oh, god. She was begging me and I knew I wouldn’t have as much resolve as I wanted to. I thrust harder and harder into her, raking her back along the wall while her fingernails raked down my back. My lips encompassed hers and swallowed the moans that threatened to burst forth from the walls of my bedroom. When her pussy began to clench down on me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in it.

  “Yes. Oh, yes. I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m—”

  Her body trembled against my chest and her legs tightened around my waist. Before she was done, I wrapped my arms around her body and backed up from the wall. I threw myself down into a chair with her now sitting in my lap. The waves of her first orgasm subsided just as I grabbed her hips.

  “Ride my dick,” I commanded in a low voice.

  She planted her hands on my shoulders and swirled her hips around, and fuck me, I could feel her juices dripping down my balls. She was so wet for me, and I was rock solid in the depths of her pussy. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I coated her body and marked her as mine again. Little Hanna Rendon was little no more. When she lightly kissed my lips, she began to slam her hips down onto mine.

  “Fuck, yes,” I grunted.

  She moaned. “You fill me so good,” she said.

  I drew one of her puckered nipples into my mouth and slathered it with attention. Her hands migrated to my hair and pulled me closer to her perfectly rounded tits. The harder she bounced on my body, the more they slapped my face. I dug my fingertips into the meat of her hips and started thrusting up into her body. When my balls pulled up after hanging so low with want, I slid my finger in between her pussy lips and started massaging her clit.

  “Oh!” she cried out. “God, Kason. Oh, sh—yes. Yes. Keep doing that. Please, god.”

  She wrenched my head back and captured my lips in a desperate, teeth-clattering kiss. When her walls began to pulsate around me again, I thrust harder and faster into her body. I wanted every single inch of her to be touched by me, kissed by me, covered in my smells and sounds and fluids. I wanted to ruin her for any other man she would ever come across who would have the absolute pleasure of taking this woman for a spin.

  “I’m so close. I’m so close. Please, Kason. Oh, god. Pl—”

  Her orgasm beat her to the punch and her pussy clenched down around my cock once again. When it did, I thrust deep into her body and released my own. We came together while we held each other close in the corner chair of my childhood bedroom. Her name dripped from my lips like an endless whispered prayer.

  “Hanna. Oh, god. Yes, Hanna. Fucking hell.”

  When she collapsed into my arms, my head was spinning from the intensity of my orgasm and she was wheezing against my chest, trying to catch her breath. Her body was shaking and our juices were spilling out over my thighs. I gathered her into my arms and held her close.

  My little Hanna Rendon.

  “That was incredible,” she said.

  “What was?” I rumbled.

  “You telling me what to do.”

  “We could do it more often if you’d like.” I chuckled. “I’d have no issues with that.”

  “Oh, yes,” she said.

  We heaved together until we could finally catch our breath, and when her body finally stopped shaking, I stood and carried us to the bed. I slipped our bodies underneath the covers and pulled her close to me. Her tired smile made something in my stomach churn with delight while I ran my fingers through her hair.

  “Would you like to do this again?” I asked her.

  “Mhmmm,” she hummed. The smile on her face was nothing short of bliss, and my heart raced at the idea of being able to have her again.

  And again. And again. And again.

  “Then that’s that. We’ll have as much sex as we can in the next two weeks.” I smirked.

  She giggled. “Now I didn’t agree to all that.”

  “But you know you like the idea of it.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I do.” She smiled.

  I brought her close to me for a slow, deep, sensual kiss.

  Chapter 19


  I went outside because I’d left my phone charger in my car. I saw Mrs. Marx talking to Kason in their driveway. I went over to my car, but when Mrs. Marx called me over, I knew I was in trouble. I could hardly look at Kason since our encounter, much less be around him, and my blood was already pumping through my veins as I walked over without even stopping at my car.

  I didn’t even know what Mrs. Marx was asking me or saying, so if she wanted me to answer questions, I was sure I looked like an idiot. I was painfully aware of how close Kason was standing next to me, and his body heat warmed the top of my skin. He smelled so good. He had on this cologne that I wanted to lick off him. It took effort not to look over at him and grab his hand. His mom kept droning on about the city and Kason’s plans to go home or some shit, but all I could think about was that cock of his shoved down my throat. It had been hard to adjust at first, but I’d found out two things about myself that day.

  One, I liked Kason telling me what to do, and two, I would do anything he wanted at least once.

  “Well, I need to go ahead and get to work. Pies won’t bake themselves, and I wanted to take one over to Stacey and Brad,” Mrs. Marx said.

  “If you want to make a specific one, Stacey’s favorite is apple,” I said.

  “Do you know how they’re doing, Hanna?” Kason asked.

  I turned to look at him and became rooted to the floor by his mesmerizing eyes. He looked absolutely gorgeous in the afternoon sunlight, and I suddenly felt my knees grow weak.

  “The last time I talked to her, she seemed in higher spirits, but it’ll take a while before she’s back to normal.”

  “I would assume. Is she at least laughing a bit?” he asked.

  “I cracked a little joke on the phone and she giggled. It’s better than nothing.” I said.

  “Does Brad have a favorite? I could make them each a pie just for them,” Mrs. Marx said.

  “Blackberry.” I smiled. “And that’s really kind of you. Thank you.”

  “It’s the absolute least I can do.”

  Kason and I watched his mother go back into their home, and a part of me wanted to dash into my own house. I felt vulnerable and exposed standing next to Kason with his eyes on me, but I loved the attention. I couldn’t stop thinking about how his body felt diving into the depths of mine, and my thighs started to w
arm while his eyes cascaded up and down my body.

  “What were you concentrating so hard on, Hanna?” he asked softly.

  “Honestly? I was trying not to think about yesterday.” I smirked and shot him a side glance, and he licked his lips. A smirk appeared on his face, and he chuckled to himself but then said something that rocked me to my core.

  “I can understand that feeling.”

  I decided to be a little brave. I turned my body toward him and hooked my eyes onto his smile. Then I leaned forward and placed my hand lightly on his arm.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” I murmured softly.

  Kason grabbed my arm and wouldn’t let me go. His stare grew dark when the words flew from his mouth.

  “When and where?”

  “Midnight. My mother’s greenhouse out back,” I whispered.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the possible encounter all day. There was something primal about seeing Kason’s body covered in sweat because of the humidity of the greenhouse, and I thought about how his sleeve tattoo would glisten in the moonlight. I thought about our bodies dripping while he pinned me to the ground, and I thought about the shower I was going to beg for by the time he was done with my body.

  Once I knew everyone was asleep, at around eleven that night, I took off all my clothes and slipped on a large shirt. I put on a pair of socks so my flip-flops wouldn’t make any noise across the floor, and then I slowly slipped out the back and headed for the greenhouse. I walked in and left the door cracked open behind me. I started lightly calling out for Kason. I walked the rows and checked the back corners, and then I started to get worried.


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