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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 75

by Tia Siren

  On first appearance, the store looked great. I could see gaps in the shelves where stock had been sold, and the overall decor looked just as I had always envisioned. On second appearance though, there was definitely something not right.

  That something was Kendra and Brody. In the corner of the store, I spotted the two fooling around with a cotton candy feather duster. Brody was bent over one of the shelves, sticking his butt in the air as Kendra pretended to spank him with it. As she did, Brody let off exaggerated squeals of pain. And as he did that, Kendra burst into laughter.

  Seeing the two tied my stomach into knots. Sure, on the surface, they were just playing. But the subtext was clear.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked as I approached the two. I made sure to stand back as I did, not getting too close. I wanted to give off the impression of authority. As if I were mad at what I was seeing. Which, truth be told, I was.

  “Oh, hey,” Kendra said when she spotted me. She was still laughing, and I was upset to notice that my entrance hadn’t disrupted the two at all. In fact, they made me feel like I was the one interrupting something. In my own store.

  “Hey, Mr. Marcus,” Brody said, chuckling and straightening himself up. “We were just cleaning up and—”

  “It doesn’t look like it,” I said coldly.

  “Brody, the store’s empty,” Kendra said. “You can go home.” She put the duster down on a shelf. Brody, about to speak up, took note of my expression, nodded his head, and hurried past me. It was only when he was gone from the store and I was sure that we were alone that I spoke up again.

  “Having fun?” I asked, my tone steely. My meaning obvious.

  “Trying to,” Kendra said as she straightened herself up and walked past me.

  “It’s the first day, so I’m going to let it slide. But this is a top of the line store, and I expect a more serious approach to the job from now on. Understand?”

  Kendra didn’t answer right away, making her way to the front of the store where she locked the front door. “We were just messing around. The store was empty. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you see. It matters what I see.”

  “Ah,” she said, smirking to herself knowingly as she walked past me again. This time to the counter. “He has a girlfriend, just so you know. And he’s a little young for me.”

  “Who? Brody? You think I’m honestly worried about the kid?” I didn’t feel nearly as confident as I tried to sound. Either way, my words seemed to have the desired effect, as Kendra bit the inside of her lip in thought.

  “What do you care anyway? You’re the one that had a date the other night. And how did it go?” She opened the cash register, paying meticulous attention to it. A little too much. I could tell she was trying hard not to look at me.

  “It went very well,” I said, making sure to smile for her to see. “The date, and after the date.” In truth, nothing happened. It was never going to. I knew that Loren wanted me, but I didn’t want her. And I only have what I want. Simple as that.

  “Well, I’m very happy for you,” she snapped as she begun to count the money. “And I wish you all the best in your new relationship.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship? The two of us are just friends. Kind of like you and me.”

  “Just friends? It was pretty obvious that you were more than that. At least, she wanted it to be.”

  She was getting pouty now. I could see it on her face. And I loved it. I loved the fact that what I did, and didn’t do, affected her so much. It was an incredible turn on, knowing how much she wanted me, all the while thinking that she would never have me again.

  “Hey,” I said, stepping around the counter. As I did, I made sure to step right up to Kendra, so she was forced to take a step back. And even as she did, I stepped in closer, so that our two bodies pressed against one another. I could feel her breasts pushing up against my chest as her breathing increased. “I don’t want you acting all pouty, okay? You’re starting to act like a spoiled little girl.”

  “And what are you going to do about it?” she said, her voice throaty. I could feel the heat of her breath on me as she spoke. Her left leg rose up just an inch to rub against my thigh.

  “So, tell me,” I said, suddenly taking a step back. “Did we have any VIP customers today?”

  My sudden reaction caught her off guard. She struggled to regain her composure. “Just the one couple.” Even then I could see her working to control her breathing.


  “They were a bit odd. But it was fine in the end. Brody ended up dealing with them.”

  “Brody? Were you not able to?” From the way that she looked down at her feet, I could tell that the memory of the experience made her uncomfortable. Hence, why I pressed her on it.

  “I could have, but they were just strange. I’m not a sex worker. I shouldn’t have to put up with that.”

  “You may not be a sex worker, but you do work in a store that caters to a specific clientele. In the future, you’re going to have to do better. Understand?”

  “Hey, I managed to make a sale, still,” she said defensively. I could tell that I had hit a nerve. Most sales assistants were like that, hating having their skills questioned.

  “Okay. What did you sell?”

  “I sold a butt plug. It’s the one that comes with the whipped cream and walnut anal beads.”

  “Get it for me.” The moment that she mentioned the butt plug, an idea came to mind. The tension between the two of us was palpable. I could feel it with every sentence, with every word. Pure sexual desire dripped off our tongues, and I knew that if I didn’t watch myself, I would take her any second.

  But I couldn’t do that. To give in would show weakness. It would let her know that I truly desired her. The moment she knew that, my power over her would evaporate. The moment that she knew that, I would become that weakling high school boy that she dumped all those years ago.

  She returned a moment later with the butt plug in hand. “You see? Just one of these.”

  I took the plug from her, examining it. “Drop your skirt.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I didn’t stutter.”

  She didn’t do anything at first, except look at me to see if I was joking. I wasn’t. Maintaining eye contact, I indicated again to her skirt. She slowly nodded her head, moving her hands to the pencil skirt and unhitching it.

  As it fell to the floor, I fought to control myself. Her red corset hugged her waist and ran down to her pussy, completing itself with a red pair of panties. There was just a hint of moisture there, and even from where I stood, I could see that she was wet. She crossed her knees nervously, waiting for me to give her a command.

  At first, I said nothing. I simply admired her. I let her stew in the moment. Her mind surely raced with thoughts of what was going to happen next.

  “Turn around, bend over, and touch your toes.”

  “Wh... why?” she stuttered.

  “Don’t ask questions.”

  Obediently, she turned around and bent over. The moment that she did, I could feel my dick harden. Her big ass was so fat and round that her red panties did little to cover her cheeks. And more than that, the way that her plump pussy stuck out between her thighs as she reached down made me want to drop to my knees and bury my face in her, there and then.

  But I didn’t.

  “Have you ever used a butt plug before?”

  “No,” she responded, her head between her knees. Her breathing was deep and controlled, and I could tell how excited she was. “Won’t it hurt?”

  “I hope so.”

  I ran my hand over her smooth skin, savoring the feel of her ass. My entire hand cupped it, giving it a gentle squeeze. I then traced the outside of her panty line before peeling it to the side. It made a sucking noise as it peeled off her, indicating just how wet she was.

  The butt plug was about three inches in length and only about two in di
ameter. Her ass hole was so pure and untouched. I could tell instantly that she had never had anyone play with it before. With my index finger, I stroked the outside of it gently, enjoying the way her whole body shook as I did.

  I grabbed a bottle of cherry lube off a nearby shelf and drizzled it over her virgin hole. She shivered as it dripped over her. I rubbed the lube around her ass, giving it a nice liberal coating. Then, I applied the lube to the plug.

  “Are you ready?” I asked, holding the butt plug in my hand. Ready to insert it.

  “Yes,” she said, speaking in no more than a whisper.

  Using just the right amount of pressure, I slowly inserted the plug into her anus. Her body tensed up as it slid inside her. She took in a deep, commanding breath, moaning as she did. But she didn’t recoil. She didn’t stop me. She took the entire thing up to the hilt.

  Once it was inside of her, I took a step back, taking a moment to admire the sight.

  “Okay, pull your skirt up,” I commanded.


  “You heard me.”

  With some effort, Kendra grabbed her skirt from around her ankles and hoisted it up as she stood up straight. She then shimmied into her skirt, keeping her knees crossed the whole time, as if the plug might fall out. I could tell how uncomfortable it was for her. I loved it.

  “You’re going to keep that inside you until you get home. You’re not to take it out beforehand. Every time you feel uncomfortable, you’re to think of that sale you didn’t make and what you would have done to make it yourself. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she said. She didn’t look away from me, though. She kept my eyes on hers. I would have loved to have known what she was thinking. How turned on she was. If she was at all? More than that, I would have loved to have followed her home and taken the plug out myself.

  “Good,” I said, offering her a warm smile. “Oh, and text me tonight when you’re home. And make sure to include a picture of yourself on your bed with the butt plug still inside you. So I know you obeyed my command.” I then turned to leave.

  “Wait? Where are you going?”

  “Oh, I have dinner plans with Loren tonight. You understand.” Her face dropped as I continued on my way out the store.

  I didn’t really have dinner plans with Loren, but she didn’t need to know that. With that lie in place and the butt plug sitting neatly inside of her, I knew that I had regained control. She would think twice now before flirting with Brody, or anyone for that matter. Now she knew who her boss was.

  Chapter 14


  It had been a long week, and I was glad that it was finally coming to a close. And it wasn’t the work that had made it so long and arduous either. On the contrary, the job had actually been a highlight. I was worried at first that I wasn’t going to be a good fit for such a job, especially after the couple on the first day. But as the week progressed, I found myself warming up to the products and clientele both.

  No, what had made the week so long and drawn out was Grant. Or more specifically, thoughts of Grant. As I hadn’t seen or heard from him since Monday, thoughts were all that I had. I dreamed of him almost every night and found myself daydreaming about him at random moments every day.

  I didn’t want to, of course. I would have been happier if I was able to just forget about him and move on. But I couldn’t. Every time I thought I was getting past him, something would happen, and I’d be dragged back to images of him. His gorgeous face, that smile, and those eyes. Or his perfect body, so toned and taught. Or his cock.

  The butt plug incident had pushed me over the edge. Up until that moment, I thought I had a handle on him. I thought I knew what he was about and how to, dare I say, control him. How wrong I was.

  What was worse was how much the whole thing turned me on, too. The way he inserted the plug into me and then left on a date with Loren should have made me furious. But for some reason, it didn’t. By the time I got home, my car seat was soaking wet from how horny I was, and I instantly went to my room and used the dildo on myself with thoughts of Grant. I left the plug in for hours longer than I had to. I just couldn’t bring myself to take it out.

  In short, I was obsessed. The only consolation I had was how much better I was getting at my job. I had even managed to deal with a couple very similar to the first one without feeling uncomfortable or weirded out. But that was a very small consolation.

  As the week rolled on, I found myself constantly wondering where Grant was and why he hadn’t come into the store. Was he mad at me? Was he over me? I felt like an obsessed school girl. And then Friday came.

  I had just come back from my lunch break when Brody approached me. “Kendra, Mr. Marcus is here and wants to see you,” he said.

  “What? How long has he been waiting? Where is he?” My face suddenly flushed red. My first thought was of my lunch and how I wished I hadn’t eaten so much. My second thought was about my panties and hoping that I had the right ones on.

  “He’s in the VIP room. He said to send you right in.” I was about to ask Brody if there was anything else, but at that moment, a customer called him over, and he darted off.

  Composing myself, I quickly made my way to the VIP section, not wanting to keep Grant waiting any longer than I had to. I knew how he got when I kept him waiting.

  “Lock the door,” his voice rang out as I entered the room. I obeyed without question.

  The room was dark, much more than usual. I noticed that only one of the four booths had their light turned on. I instinctively walked into it, only for it to be empty.

  “I’m in this one,” he called out from the adjacent booth.

  Surprised, I walked into the booth where his voice was coming from. Grant sat on the bench, shrouded in darkness. He was dressed in his usual classy manner, a gray suit with a white shirt. And, as always, he looked incredibly sexy. The darkness seemed to only add to his mystique. It was alluring and annoyingly sexual.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible. I didn’t need him knowing that just seeing him made me weak at the knees.

  “I came here to apologize,” he said simply.

  “Apologize?” I asked, unable to keep the surprise from my voice. That was honestly the last thing I expected.

  “Don’t sound so shocked,” he joked. “The butt plug that I made you wear. It may have been... slightly harsh. I hope that you haven’t been holding it against me.”

  I tried to read his voice, looking for signs of insincerity. But there were none. That only served to confuse me further.

  “I... I didn’t expect that from you,” I said truthfully.

  “What? An apology?”


  “Here.” He reached forward, his hand wrapping around my waist. As it did, he pulled me into him, and I willingly let him, falling onto his lap. “I need you to know that I do actually care about you, Kendra, despite how I may act sometimes. I need you to know that.”

  “I do.” Well, after he told me that, I did. I looked into his eyes as he told me that, seeing the truth of it behind them. There was something different about them, something that wasn’t there before.

  “Good.” Then, without warning, he reached up and touched me under the chin, indicating that I should lean in closer. I did, and as I did he leaned up too, kissing me on the lips.

  It was the first time we had kissed since high school. But it was different from what I remembered. There was a passion behind this kiss. A purpose. It felt like he was trying to make a point. Like he was trying to mark me as his own. And if that was what he was doing, then I was totally fine with it.

  “I want to see you later,” he said as he pulled his lips from mine.

  “Later? Aren’t you going to see Loren later?” I regretted it the moment I said it. I knew his temper. I knew what he was like. Such a comment might revert him back to his old self.

  “Would that be a problem?”

  “Well, honestly, yes.” Even more so
now than before. Now that he had told me how he felt, that he cared. I could feel my stomach twist into knots at the thought of him with Loren.

  “Tell me,” he said with a grin. “How did you like the butt plug? And be honest.”

  I looked away in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks flush again. “Honestly? I really liked it. When I got home I... when I got home I left it in as I played with myself. Thinking of you.”

  “That’s what I thought,” he said seriously. “You may worry about Loren, but I would never do anything like that with her.” As he spoke, I could feel him getting hard beneath his pants. He wasn’t trying to hide it. He moved his leg, positioning himself so his hard, throbbing dick pressed itself against my leg.

  “What’s that?” I asked, smirking.

  “It’s a present for you and you alone,” he said as he reached down, grabbing the outside of it through his pants. “Something Loren will never have.”

  “Really?” I said, knocking his hand away as I wrapped my own hand around it. As I did, I felt it get even harder, pulsating in my grip. It was even thicker than I remembered.

  “Only you can turn me on this much,” he whispered, breathing in my ear. His breath was hot, sending a shiver up my spine. I squeezed down harder on his cock, relishing the way it quivered in my grip. He grabbed my hand, pulling it from his member. “You’re going to have to save that for later. I have a meeting I have to get to.”


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