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The Daddy Dilemma: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 102

by Tia Siren

  “Do you want to come?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she begged, her hands falling forward and landing on my chest.

  Her hips started to move back and forth faster and faster. I could feel the heat and knew she was close. I used my hands to rock her fast over me, bringing her to a frenzy.

  “Mason.” She moaned out the word on a long, low breath.

  I put my thumb between us and reached up a fraction to touch that little nub. I pressed against it, making small, slow circles, and felt her come almost instantly.

  She keened and moaned softly through her orgasm. I grabbed hold of her hips and pistoned up and deep inside her. I kept moving, holding on tight as her pussy gripped and massaged my dick. Her body convulsed over mine, and a sheen of sweat broke out over my body. I wanted to hold out and fuck her all night, but she was too delicious.

  “Fuck!” I shouted as my own orgasm started low and slow and then rocketed through my body, driving me harder inside her.

  Her body collapsed against my chest. My dick twitched inside her each time her tight pussy spasmed around me. Her breath came fast as she lay against my chest. My shirt was definitely going to be wrinkled now.

  She rolled to the side and sat up on the bed. “I couldn’t wait,” she said with a grin.

  “I noticed. You could have called me to come over sooner. I would have happily obliged.”

  “Waiting is good for a person. It teaches patience I hear,” she said with a smile.

  I rolled to my side and traced a finger over her thigh. “I don’t want to learn patience. You don’t have to learn patience either. You say the word, and I will drop everything and get to you in a hurry.”

  That pulled a giggle from her. “Somehow, I think I believe you.”

  “Not only for sex,” I said, pretending to be offended. “I will always be here for you. Sex will probably get me here a lot faster though,” I added, wanting to keep the mood light.

  I didn’t want to get into the baby conversation again. That had been a real mood killer last time.

  “I was looking forward to dinner, and then I started to get dressed, and I realized I was looking forward to something else even more.”

  “I didn’t know I could look forward to sex. I’m glad I didn’t know it was a possibility. I would have been hanging around outside your door for hours waiting to be let inside.”

  “I didn’t ask you to take me out for sex alone. It was one of those spur-of-the-moment ideas, but now that we got that out of the way, I’m hungry.”

  “You’re going to need to get some clothes on. I should probably wear pants,” I teased.

  She looked down at my limp dick and smiled. With her looking at me like that, I started to grow hard.

  Lara laughed. “Down, big boy. I thought we could order something in. Then we can eat naked.”

  I raised one eyebrow. “If you stay naked, only one of us is going to be eating,” I said, looking pointedly at her pussy.

  She grew flushed with what I could tell was a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. “Maybe after dinner. I’m starving.”

  I shrugged my shoulder. “Or I could just have an appetizer.”

  She got off the bed and walked to the doorway. “Chinese sound good?”

  I barely heard the words. My attention was fixed on her nude body on full display. I loved that she felt no shame walking around naked.


  I blinked and looked up at her face. “What?”

  That knowing smile that said she knew exactly what I had been focused on was all she was wearing. “Chinese?”

  “Fine. Order and then get your ass back in here. We’ll have a few minutes before dinner shows up.”

  Chapter 19


  I walked to the front door where my robe was pooled on the floor and quickly put it on before grabbing my phone out of my purse. When I had started to get dressed for the night, I had fully intended on dinner and then maybe a nightcap at home. Then I started thinking about Mason and sex and the next thing I knew I was naked, wanting and waiting.

  I pulled up the food app on my phone and quickly placed an order, paying for it with the click of a button. I wasn’t sure what he liked, but I had a feeling he was going to need lots of food to keep up with me tonight. He made me extremely horny. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Even now, I was craving his touch, his taste, and, most importantly, that lovely cock.

  I walked back into my bedroom to find him wearing his boxers and nothing else.

  “You got dressed.” I pouted. “You’re supposed to be naked.”

  He grinned. “I didn’t want to eat Chinese food with my dick hanging out. A pair of boxers is easy enough to work around. Besides, you have a robe on.”

  I smiled, untied the belt, and let it fall to the floor. His gaze traveled over my body. I ran a hand over my stomach and up to my breasts, which I cupped, thrusting them up and out.

  “Naked looks very good on you. Come here and let me have my snack. I’m famished,” he growled.

  I stood there shaking my head. “Ladies first.”

  His eyes turned a darker shade of green as he stared at me. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, which was about perfect for what I had planned. There was only one problem.

  “Stand up,” I ordered.

  He did as instructed, and I quickly pulled his boxer briefs down his legs. His hard dick sprang forward.


  He sat, and I moved forward, my breasts in his face. He leaned forward and suckled. I stepped back. If I let him do that, I wasn’t going to get my snack. I dropped to my knees in front of him and found myself face to face with his dick. He grew harder the longer I stared. I was panting with anticipation of what I was about to do.

  I reached out and took him firmly in my hand, relishing the feel of all that hardness. I leaned forward and slowly licked a circle around the head. The silky smoothness of the tip was a strong contradiction to the hardness below.

  With gentle laps, I covered the length of his dick before sucking his balls into my mouth.

  “Lara,” he groaned above me.

  His hands moved down to my back and then into my hair, his fingertips massaging my scalp. I wrapped my mouth around his dick and slid down until it was touching the back of my throat. I bobbed up and down, bringing my mouth to the tip before sliding back down. My hand worked his balls, massaging and kneading them.

  “Lara.” His voice was strained. I could taste his seed on my tongue. I was ready to swallow him but didn’t get the chance.

  His arms lifted me and pushed me back on the floor, and he was over top of me within seconds. He pounded into me with quick thrusts as he came.

  The doorbell rang at almost the exact time he stopped moving. We both burst out laughing.

  “Perfect timing,” I said, pushing him off me.

  I grabbed my robe, tied the belt around my waist, and headed out to get our food. I wasn’t embarrassed by my dishevelment. I had a feeling delivery people saw this sort of thing quite often. Once the door was closed, Mason emerged from my room wearing only his boxers.

  “I’ll grab some plates,” I said, putting the large paper bag on the table.

  “Smells delicious.”

  We quickly ate, both of us more interested in getting back into the bedroom for another round of sex.

  It was late by the time we had gotten our fill of each other, and both of us were exhausted from the physical exercise.

  “Stay?” I asked, not sure if I was being too forward.

  “I’d like that,” he said, pulling the covers back and climbing into bed beside me.

  I rolled to my side and he wrapped his body behind me, his arm thrown over me and holding me tight. I fell asleep almost instantly. The warmth and security of his body cradling mine was pure bliss. I could get used to the feeling.

  When I woke, he was stroking my arm.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he
whispered in my ear. “Sleep well?”

  “I did. What time is it?”

  “Almost seven.”


  “Are you late?” he asked.

  “No. Not yet. I’ll start coffee,” I said, throwing the covers off me and suddenly feeling self-conscious about my nudity.

  He rolled to the other side of the bed and sat up. I grabbed my robe and tied it as if it were protective armor.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, coming to stand close to me. “Don’t feel weird.”

  I brushed him off. Easier said than done. I knew my hair was a mess. I had gone to sleep with makeup on, which meant I probably looked a bit like a raccoon at the moment. I couldn’t look at him.

  “Hey,” he said, grabbing my chin with his finger and thumb. “It’s okay. You’re beautiful.”

  I finally looked up and met his eyes. “Thank you. I’ll get that coffee.”

  “Can I jump in the shower?”

  My eyes widened at the thought of him naked and in my shower. It felt very intimate, but after what we had done to each other’s bodies last night, it was nothing in comparison.

  “Of course.”

  I walked to the kitchen and went about making coffee. My mind was focused on him, naked and in my shower. An idea sprang to mind. I left the coffee in the pot and headed back into the bedroom. I took off my robe and walked into the bathroom, which was filled with steam.

  “Got room for one more?” I asked, opening the shower door.

  “Damn straight. Get that fine ass in here.”

  I stepped in, and he moved out of the shower spray to let me stand under it. I was very familiar with his body, but it still got me excited every time I saw it. I reached out and ran a hand over his chest. He stepped closer, his chest brushing against mine. The water sprayed over us as we caressed each other’s bodies.

  “I need to wash my hair,” I told him.

  “I’ll do it.”

  He reached for the bottle of shampoo and ordered me to turn around. I stepped back a couple inches and let him massage my scalp as he lathered the shampoo in my hair.


  I did, and then he started the process all over again with conditioner. It was an extremely erotic act, and I was aching with need. We were short on time. I knew we couldn’t, but it didn’t stop me from stroking his dick with my hand.

  “My turn,” I said, grabbing my loofah and giving him a thorough body wash, paying special attention to the area of his body I loved the most.

  “We better get out before I bend you over right here,” he whispered in my ear before kissing the side of my neck.

  “You’re right. I need to open the store today. It’s Kali’s day to come in late.”

  He sighed and reached behind me to turn off the water. “Until next time.” He squeezed my ass, pulling me against his engorged cock.

  I stepped out and grabbed a couple towels. We quickly dressed and managed to make it out the door with a couple minutes to spare. I kissed him good bye in the parking lot, and we went our separate ways.

  On the short drive to work, I did a quick rewind of the morning. It had been very odd to brush our teeth together and watch him get dressed. It was a lot like being married. Once the initial awkwardness had passed, we’d worked together in perfect harmony. I had made his coffee while he’d dressed.

  We’d sipped from our mugs, talking about what we each had going for the day as if we had done the exact same thing a hundred times in the past. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I was leery of falling into old habits and routines. I couldn’t let myself get hurt again. I was afraid of how I would feel if he decided we weren’t meant to be together. It had been awful with Mitchel, but if Mason were to do what Mitchel had done, I wasn’t sure I could live through that.

  I knew it would hurt far worse. It would devastate me. I had to protect my heart.

  By midafternoon, I had worked myself into a real tizzy, stressing out about when Mason would dump me or tell me it had been good while it had lasted but he was over it. It was all in my head. My rational side got that, but the freak-show emotional side was giving me fits.

  “Hi!” Kali breezed in just before lunch. “Uh-oh, you look like you are about to snap. What happened?”

  I started laughing uncontrollably. She stood in front of me, staring. I couldn’t find the words to explain to her.

  “Nothing,” I blurted out. “There’s nothing wrong, which is exactly what is wrong.”

  “Uh, okay. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing. Help me understand.”

  “Mason. He’s perfect. Sex is phenomenal. He stayed the night and this morning was—well, perfect.”

  She slowly nodded her head. “I can see why that’s wrong.” It was said with heavy sarcasm.

  “Exactly! It isn’t wrong, but I’m so freaked out that it could go wrong that I am a neurotic mess!”

  “I think you need to relax. Enjoy the moment. If it doesn’t work out between you, then it doesn’t. You are going to give yourself an ulcer and ruin what you have. Relax. Enjoy it. Mason isn’t Mitchel.”

  I nodded. “I know. You’re right, and I keep trying to tell myself that, but the crazy side of me keeps showing up.”

  “You’re happy. I can see that. Tell that crazy bitch to sit her ass down.”

  We both started laughing.

  “What about you?” I asked. “You seem like you’re pretty happy.”

  She grinned. “I had a date with Brian last night. I didn’t sleep alone.” She winked.

  “Really? I didn’t know you guys were going out last night.”

  “I didn’t either. It was a last-minute thing. We had a nice dinner and then we went back to my place.” She fanned a hand in front of her face. “Your brother—”

  I held up a hand and stopped her. “No. Don’t even say the words. I don’t want to know the details of my brother’s sex life. I know I usually love to hear about your dirty deeds in the bedroom or wherever you end up, but not this time. Sorry.”

  She giggled. “Fine, but you are missing out. They are some fabulous details.”

  “Stop! Gross!”

  “Fine. You can tell me all about your night. I can handle all the dirty details.”

  “I think I’ll keep the details to myself, but suffice it to say he is a talented man with a great deal of stamina. All that swimming he does is paying off.”

  Kali waggled her eyebrows. “Sounds exciting.”

  Chapter 20


  It was a typical day at work, except that my mind was focused on Lara. I didn’t get to see her yesterday, which had left me feeling empty and irritated. I had been stuck with an emergency at work and had to cancel on her at the last minute. Thankfully, she would have had to cancel if I hadn’t. Her relief at work had called in sick, and she was stuck closing the store. We both promised to see each other tonight. I had been looking forward to it all day.

  “Dr. Chambers, you have a phone call,” one of the nurses said.

  I walked into my office to pick up the line. “This is Dr. Chambers.”

  I expected it to be a patient frantic with worry about a procedure. My staff was good at putting calls through that were urgent enough to warrant my attention. Calls that were nonemergent were generally handled by Junie or one of the other doctors.

  “Hey.” Lara’s voice came over the line.

  “Lara?” I asked surprised to hear her on my work line and not my cell.

  I immediately fished the cell out of my pocket to see if I had missed her call or a text. Nothing.

  “Yes. Sorry to call you at work,” she said.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, immediately worried about her health.

  “Yes, fine. I called you on your work line in case you were with a patient. I was planning to leave a message, but I wanted you to get it sooner rather than later and didn’t want to risk you not seeing it on your phone. I hope I’m not bothering you.”

. I’m in between patients. What’s up?”

  “I wanted to let you know I have to go out of town for a couple days—Laguna Beach—which means I won’t be able to see you tonight. I have to check out a potential new organic clothing line before I make a buying commitment,” she explained.

  “Oh, that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing you.”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to see you as well, but if I don’t secure this deal, my competition will get it. I want it exclusively, but before I make that kind of an offer, I need to make sure it is worth it.”

  “Are you going alone?” I asked.

  She chuckled. “Yes. I have done this a few times in the past. Kali has to watch the store.”

  “I can go with you,” I offered, imagining a nice getaway with her for a couple days.

  “No. I couldn’t ask you to do that. It’s short notice. I don’t expect you to drop everything. I know you have a busy schedule. I just wanted to let you know. I’ll call you when I get back on Saturday. Maybe we can go out for dinner.”

  “That sounds great. Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you? I can move my schedule around. I would love to spend the time with you,” I said, trying not to sound like I was begging.


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