Book Read Free

Seven Sisters

Page 26

by Eileen Troemel

  “We have the meeting with the utilities and the committee,” Gregor said.

  “They’ll be here late morning,” Lydia said pulling her eyes away from Mycos. “Morgan’s bringing her sister. The others on the committee are bringing their families. The executives from the utilities are bringing their families.”

  “Abby does not want to come to lunch,” Gregor said. “I checked on her this morning.”

  “We know,” Mycos said. “We need to talk to her. Something is worrying her.”

  A little knock sounded on the door. Gregor opened the office door. “Abby,” he said. “What is wrong?”

  “I don’t want them here,” she said.

  “Them who,” Mycos said reaching for her. She ran across the room into his arms.

  “The govement people,” she said. “They’ll hurt Lyd.”

  “No,” Mycos said. “She is staying by my side. No one will hurt her.”

  “I don’t want you to go away,” Abby said.

  “We aren’t going anywhere,” Lydia said. “We’re sticking together like we always have.”

  “But if they’re mean to Mycos and Uncla Gregor, won’t they have to go away,” Abby asked.

  “If we have to go away, we are taking you with us,” Mycos said.

  “I can go see Avia for real,” Abby said.

  “When we go,” Mycos said. “Eventually we will finish our mission here and return to my home.”

  “All of us,” Abby asked.

  “All of our men, you and your sisters, the mates,” Mycos said. “Even some of the families are going with.”

  “But not the men in the masks,” Abby whispered.

  “What men in masks,” Lydia asked leaning closer to Abby.

  “I see them in my dreams,” she whispered.

  “How long have you been seeing them,” Gregor asked kneeling in front of her.

  “Since the Colnel came,” Abby said.

  “Is it his soldiers,” Gregor asked.

  “No,” Abby said. “I like them. These others I don’t like.”

  “Why not,” Lydia asked.

  “Member how we always ran from the police and the boys,” Abby asked.

  “Hmmm hmmmm,” Lydia murmured.

  “It always made me feel sick when we knew they were coming,” Abby said. “I feel the same way in my dream.”

  “Have you seen anyone like them when you are awake,” Gregor asked. He took her little hand in his large one. She patted his cheek.

  “No,” she said. “I’ve looked for them. They come into our hall and hurt the men.” Goose bumps pimpled on her arms.

  “What else do you remember from the dreams,” Mycos asked.

  “It’s night,” Abby said. “I’m sleeping and the men hurt our men.”

  Mycos and Gregor exchanged a look. “I’m sure it’s scary,” Sally said rubbing Abby’s back.

  “Nic and Landros fight,” Abby said. “I see them fighting. The masked men try to take her and hurt Landros. I wake up then. It… it’s all bad.” She pulled Gregor and Mycos closer, hugged them hard.

  “It will be all right,” Mycos said.

  “I don’t want to lose you,” Abby whispered. “If you were my dad would it stop?”

  “Why do you think it would help if Mycos was your dad,” Sally asked.

  “Nothing bad happens to people with parents,” Abby said.

  “You know that’s not true,” Lydia said.

  “I know but my parents were bad,” Abby said. “I don’t want you to be mama and him dad but if it keeps everyone safe I will.”

  Mycos hugged her tight. “You are my defur and I am your dearhar. If men in masks come here, we will protect you.”

  “But…,” Abby said starting to get wound up.

  “Ssshhh,” Mycos said. He rocked slightly with her. “We keep you safe. We keep you warm when you go outside, yes?”

  “Yes,” Abby said.

  “Do we eat food for you so you know it is safe,” Gregor said.

  “Yes but not no more cuz I trust you,” Abby said.

  “Trust us to protect you,” Mycos said.

  “What if my dream happens,” Abby said.

  “We will be here to protect you,” Gregor said.

  “If we,” Mycos pointed to Gregor and himself. “Are not in the house, the other men will be. You trust them, do you not?”

  “Yes,” Abby said. “They let me knock them down when we do self-defense, even though I’m too little to do any damage.”

  “Do they,” Gregor looked stern. “I will talk to them to make sure they do not.”

  “It’s so I feel I can… complish what they teach,” Abby said. She struggled with the word.

  “Do you feel you can do the moves they teach you,” Sally asked.

  “I can do them,” Abby said. “I don’t think it’s gonna matter if someone as big as them picks me up.”

  “Can you scream and holler,” Sally said.

  “No one expects you to fight with someone as big as Mycos or Gregor,” Lydia said. “But you can let people know there is danger and you’re being taken.”

  “I should do what I’m able,” Abby said looking from one adult to the next. “You think screaming will help?”

  “Yes,” Mycos said. “It alerts us to a problem.”

  “But, don’t scream if there isn’t a problem,” Sally said.

  “I read that book,” Abby said. “No crying wolf. We read that at the library, right Lyd?”

  “We did,” Lydia said.

  “Should we practice like we do the fighting,” Abby asked.

  Gregor looked at Mycos who shrugged. “Only when we tell you,” Lydia said.

  “Or if something bad happens,” Abby said. “Like men in masks.”

  “Yes,” Sally said.

  Abby reached up and hugged Sally and Gregor, before pulling Lydia and Mycos into a hug. “We’re family,” Abby said. “We hafta look out for each other, right?”

  “Yes,” Mycos said. “All of us.”

  Abby scooted down, grabbing Gregor in another hug before she scooted away. “I’m goin’ back to my studies. I have lots more to learn about your world, dearhar. I want to know everything before we get there,” Abby said.

  “What do you think brought on all of this,” Gregor said as he rose from kneeling.

  “It’s possible she’s feeling afraid with all the changes,” Sally said. “Nic has been the physical protector.”

  “Not really,” Lydia said. “She’s getting to be more of one now.”

  “You fought for all of them,” Sally asked.

  “I’m the oldest,” Lydia said. “Mostly we hid. Mostly we were ignored.”

  “But you and Nic were getting more notice,” Mycos said.

  “We were,” Lydia said. “Is it possible she’s having premonitions?”

  “Children are said to be more open,” Sally said. “I’m not discounting it but it's more likely she’s feeling stressed with all the changes and new people.”

  “But a recurring dream,” Mycos said. “Perhaps we should check with mother. She will know more about how seers are discovered.”

  “You think she might be a seer,” Lydia asked.

  “The two of you are open to this concept,” Gregor asked. “Do you not have people who foretell the future?”

  “Most of the famous ones have been proven to be fraudulent,” Sally said. “There are some who have skills but it’s not something which is valued here.”

  “We have at least one on each of our worlds,” Mycos said. “Often there are a few so they gain the training from those who are already seers.”

  “Mycos, you should ask your mother,” Lydia said. She glanced at the clock. “We need to get ready for our guests.”


  Gia tugged her thin coat around her thin body. “I think it’s the next place,” she said.

  “We need to hurry,” Molly said her brunette hair sticking out from a worn red hat. “This temp won’t be good for the
others in the bus.”

  “Do you think they’ll help,” Tess asked as she hurried her steps.

  “They did all the medical stuff,” Gia said. “They’re helping the poor. We’re all over eighteen. It’s legal for us to go with them.”

  “It’s not like we’ve gotten any help from anyone here,” Molly said.

  “All the "uncles" hit my mom,” Tess said. “I’m not gonna be with a guy who hits me. Even if it’s destiny.”

  “I’m not taking crap from anyone,” Molly said. She put her arm around the small woman. “You don’t have to either.”

  “Doesn’t matter if they’re human or alien,” Gia said. “Look. This is the right address.”

  “How do we get their attention,” Tess asked.

  “How may we help you,” Aniton said over the com. His face appeared on the screen by the gate.

  “We need help,” Gia said. “We heard you wanted mates. There’s a bus full of women and some kids.”

  “It broke down a couple blocks back,” Tess said.

  “I will send assistance,” Aniton said. “Please wait there.”

  “You do know it’s cold out here,” Molly grumbled.

  “A moment, please,” Aniton said. The com went blank.

  “I hope his moment is really only a moment,” Tess said shivering.

  “Do we just stand here,” Molly said moving closer to the other two in the hopes of sharing some warmth.

  They huddled close to each other. Each second seemed to take ten. “Damn, I don’t like the cold,” Gia said.

  A rumbling sounded behind them, they turned to see the bus puff its way towards them. They stepped aside as a man drove the bus to the gate. He opened the door. “I am Jetaime,” he said. “I was sent to assist.”

  “How did you get,” Tess asked staring into his eyes. She liked the look of him.

  “Does it matter,” Molly said pushing onto the bus.

  Gia walked around Tess. “Come on. Let’s get out of the cold,” she said.

  “You said your name was Ja-tem,” Tess said pronouncing his name slowly as she stood near him. He grinned broadly as she pronounced his name correctly.

  “Yes,” he said staring into her blue eyes. “Your eyes are the color of the summer sky on my home world. Beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Tess said. “I’m Tess.”

  “A name as beautiful as your eyes,” Jetaime said. He put the bus in gear and drove it through the gate. She stumbled as the bus started. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to him.

  Tess caught her breath, bit her lip as he tore his eyes away. “Have you found your mate,” Tess asked.

  Putting the bus in park, Jetaime pulled her closer, gazed into her eyes. “Yes, I have,” he said.

  “Oh,” she said disappointed.

  “You are… but we are to wait,” Jetaime said. “I came this week. I am uncertain how to proceed.”

  “Oh,” Tess said. “I’m your mate?”

  “Yes,” he said pulling her onto his lap, brushing his lips across hers. “We were told to wait. Human females need time. I am being… Lady Lydia called it… forward. Forgive me.”

  “Jetaime,” Aniton said quietly.

  “Sir,” Jetaime said softly. Shaking himself, he turned to the other man. “Sir, I am sorry. I could not help myself.”

  “These women are cold,” Aniton said.

  Jetaime touched Tess’ cheek. “Mo chroin, forgive me. We need to get you and all these other women inside to warm up.”

  “I’ll help with the luggage,” Tess said.

  “The men will get the luggage,” Aniton said. “Please come out and we will get you inside and warmed up.”

  “But,” Tess said.

  “Go,” Jetaime said. “I will be with you as soon as I can.”

  Tess looked deep into his brown eyes. “Don’t forget me,” she said stepping down out of the bus.

  “Through the door and to the right,” Aniton said. “Adon, Pip, go to the back exit and start with the luggage.”

  From the group, two men headed to the back of the bus. Adon opened the door and caught three bags as they fell out of the bus. Pip brought a hover cart to put the bags on.

  “We want to talk to the person in charge,” Gia said.

  “Lord Mycos and Lady Lydia are in a meeting,” Aniton said. “My instructions are to get you comfortable, see to any health issues, and offer food. As soon as they are done, they will join us.”

  “We’ve come a long way,” Gia said.

  Aniton nodded, “I understand. Their meeting will be another hour or so. We have rooms available for you to freshen up, privately. Cook is preparing food but needs about twenty minutes or so.”

  Women stepped down off the bus. Aniton put his hand up to aid any who wished to take his hand.

  “There won’t be any funny business,” Gia said.

  “Of course nooot,” Aniton slowed his words as a tingling zipped up his arm. He smelled the creek from home and measan orins. He turned to look at the woman holding his hand. “You are?”

  “My name is Magnolia Smith,” she said with a twang from the south. “You are yummy. are all you all as strong?”

  Aniton fought his need to sweep her into his arms and carry her away to make love for hours. He cleared his throat. “You will have to judge for yourself,” he said but his lips brushed across her knuckles.

  “Oh my,” Magnolia said.

  “Magnolia, watch where you’re going,” Gia said.

  “It is warm inside, mo chroin,” Aniton said. “Please go in and take care of your needs.”

  “Will I see you later,” Magnolia asked.

  “Nothing will keep me away,” Aniton said. He brushed his lips across her knuckles again.

  “Oh,” Flora exclaimed as she leaned over the luggage at the back.

  Adon caught her, prevented her from falling out. “Are you all right,” he murmured as he caught the woman with an infant in her arms.

  “I’m clumsy,” Flora said. “I need Stella’s bag.”

  “She is your child,” Adon said lifting her and the baby down from the back of the bus.

  “Yes,” Flora said.

  “She is beautiful,” Adon said. “It is a rare gift to have a daughter.”

  “I… I… thank you,” Flora said.

  “Do you not have a mate who aids you,” Adon asked.

  “He left when he found out I was pregnant,” Flora said. “I let him know when she was born but he wants nothing to do with her.”

  “Foolish,” Adon said. “Allow me to aid you. Which bag do you need?”

  “It’s the green backpack,” Flora said. “I’ve got her supplies in there.”

  Adon looked through the luggage on the hover cart. He reached into the bus and found the bag under one of the back seats. “Is this what you require,” he asked.

  “Yes,” Flora said. “Thank you.”

  “Allow me to carry it in for you,” Adon said.

  “I will take over,” Pip said watching as the two walked away.

  “Thank you,” Flora said over her shoulder.

  “Tell me what you need and I will bring it to you,” Adon said.

  “She’s ready to nurse,” Flora said. “I need a quiet and private place.”

  “I will take you to a room and see to it you are not disturbed,” Adon said. He led her past Aniton who saw the look on his face and smiled, understanding the joy and draw now.

  Aniton turned back to Gia. “I assure you,” he said. “All of you are safe here. We will not hold you captive or harm you.”

  “None of us have much of anything,” Gia said. She bit her lip, watched the stream of women walking into the house. “They didn’t want us and gave us this bus with just enough money to get gas and food to get here.”

  “Who did,” Aniton asked helping another woman down from the bus.

  “The mayor of our town,” Gia said. “It wasn’t just my town but several small towns. They took up a fund and boot
ed us.”

  “Were you living on the street,” Aniton asked.

  “Some of us,” Gia said. “Others were living in rundown buildings. We’ve got kids with us and women ranging in age from eighteen to thirty seven.”

  “You want refuge here,” Aniton said.

  “We want mates who will protect us but not beat us,” Gia said.

  Molly stepped down, the last off the bus. “We don’t need people to tell us how to live, but we want partners,” she said.

  “Even if one of your men here doesn’t want us as a mate, we want to go to your worlds,” Gia said.

  “As I said,” Aniton moved from the bus towards the door so the women would follow and get out of the cold. “Lord Mycos and Lady Lydia will make the final decisions and they are tied up for another hour or so.”

  Stepping inside the house, the women stopped short on seeing the large foyer. “It’s huge,” Gia murmured.

  “Aniton,” Nic said marching into the foyer. “There’s a woman asking for you.”

  “Do you know who,” Aniton asked.

  “Magnolia,” Nic said. “She’s upstairs in the room above Abby’s.”

  “If you will excuse me,” Aniton said deserting his duty to go to his mate.

  “Hi,” Nic said. “I’m Nic. This is Landros.”

  “Gia Galway,” Gia said. “She’s Molly Weston.”

  “You are upstairs,” Nic said. She motioned for them to follow. “I think there’s enough room for all of you to have your own room.”

  “We can convert some of the basement if not,” Landros said.

  “You’re cute,” Gia said. “Are you taken?”

  Stunned, Landros didn’t know what to say. “He’s taken,” Nic said a hint of anger in her voice.

  “You aren’t old enough,” Molly said.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Nic said cutting her off.

  “We go up the stairs,” Gia said smiling a little.

  “To the right once you hit the top of the stairs.

  “Kailen, Demel,” Landros called to two men.

  “Sir,” they said together.

  “Escort these women upstairs. See they get a room,” Landros said. Nic started to turn away from Landros but he grabbed her arm. “These two will be in the hall if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” Gia said.

  “Let go,” Nic said once they were alone.


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