Book Read Free

Seven Sisters

Page 36

by Eileen Troemel

  “They haven’t,” Morgan said. “I’m sorry. I should have let you know.”

  “They are required to remain in the front hall,” Nic said. She pushed the door open to allow them in. Eldred kept close to Morgan’s side, attempting to shield her from the security detail.

  “Where are they,” Morgan asked softly. Her voice caught a little but she swallowed fast.

  “In the office,” Nic said. She saw the men glance in the direction of the office. She saw Landros stiffen when they did.

  “I won’t be waking them,” Morgan asked.

  “Not tonight,” Nic said. She glanced over her shoulder. “You three will have to wait here.”

  “We go with her,” the tall one in the middle said.

  “I don’t think so,” Nic said.

  “It’s our duty,” he said again.

  “On your heads be it,” Nic said. The door to the office stood slightly open. Morgan looked at Nic with a frown. “Go in. They’re expecting you.”

  Landros and Nic stood back as Morgan and Eldred pushed through the door stepping in behind them, cutting off the men from Morgan and Eldred. As soon as they stepped over the threshold, the door slammed shut behind them. Nic whirled around, grabbed the man behind her by the wrist and pushed him back. Her stunner in her hand, she pointed it at his head. While she grappled with him, a squad of six surrounded the men. Landros grabbed the man’s gun, pushed him back another step from Nic. “Search them,” he ordered in Hylatian.

  “You better hold still,” Nic said. “You don’t want to upset these men.”

  A scanned search revealed grenades and weapons. “This is why we clear people first,” Nic said. She leaned casually against the wall while Landros took charge of the three men.

  “You did well,” Landros said as the Hylatian men marched the invaders away.

  “I was lucky,” Nic said. “I won’t get cocky based on that. He looked at my size and assessed me as no risk.”

  “His mistake,” Landros said. With both hands on either side of her head, he leaned down. “You take my breath away.”

  Nic smiled, brushed her hand along his cheek. Going on tiptoe, she brushed her lips against his. “We’ve got others to worry about,” she murmured.

  “Yes,” Landros said.


  “Oh,” Morgan said as the door slammed shut behind her and Eldred. “You have to protect…”

  “We’ve got it handled,” Lydia said. “Look.” She pointed to the Holo image in the middle of the room.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” Morgan said. She sat suddenly.

  “We didn’t know what to do,” Eldred said. “They muscled their way in past our own security.”

  “When you didn’t show up,” Morgan said rubbing her belly. “They got ugly.”

  “I am sorry,” Mycos said.

  “They hurt you,” Lucas asked.

  “Not us,” Eldred said. “Our security. They got on coms to someone to ask what to do.”

  “They are in,” Gregor reported.

  “Let them come,” Lydia said. “We want to herd them towards the front foyer, don’t we?”

  “Yes,” Mycos said. “They may cause some damage.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Lydia said.

  “Tipping point,” Nic said. “We’ve got double and triple security on the evac sites, right?”

  “Yes,” Gregor said. “They will not get into even the halls leading to them.”

  “But shit happens,” Lydia said. “Keep our squads hidden until they’re in the foyer.”

  “You want to scoop them all up there,” Lucas asked.

  “Yes,” Mycos said not revealing any more of their strategy.

  “Don’t trust us much,” Lucas said.

  “You, we trust,” Lydia said. “Abraham and his people we trust.”

  “Information has been leaking from your people,” Gregor said.

  “How do you know,” Lucas asked.

  “We monitor all communications,” Landros said.

  The rapid report of three or four gunshots echoed. “One of the invaders decided to be brave,” Abraham said. “My people have them in restraints.”

  In the holo, Abraham’s squad surrounded and disarmed the invaders with little effort. “Do they not have any training,” Gregor asked.

  “It’s a fake-out,” Nic said. “They’re coming quietly so they can be brought into the house.”

  “Tell your men to hold them in the yard,” Lydia said. “Do they have a scanner on them?”

  “Yes,” Abraham said. “I’ll have them scan each of them.”

  “Let’s make sure there are no bombs,” Mycos said. “Tell your people to be alert.”

  Abraham spoke all the directions into his com.

  “The other group is getting pretty far into the house,” Morgan said. “You were prepared for this. How did you know?”

  “We have had,” Mycos said but stopped when Lydia put her hand on his arm.

  “We have our sources,” Lydia said. “Until the leak is found, we aren’t discussing those sources.”

  “It doesn’t matter what they are,” Eldred said. “In case you’re wondering, we’re ready.”

  “As is Tas,” Morgan said.

  “You aren’t the only ones,” Nic said. “Squad C needs to pull back.”

  Gregor spoke quietly into his com unit to direct the squad Nic noted. “They are but their location is not ideal,” he said.

  “Can they go out the windows if needed,” Nic asked.

  “It could be done,” Gregor said and spoke again into his com.

  “Where are they,” Lucas asked frowning at the images in the middle of the room. “I don’t recognize that area of the house.”

  “It is our private quarters,” Mycos said growling as they tried to open their bedroom door.

  “Will they get in,” Lydia asked reaching for Mycos.

  “Doubtful,” Gregor said. Even as he said it, they attempted to break through the door.

  “Are these doors made of something stronger than wood,” Lucas asked.

  “Something like that,” Mycos said.

  “You know the Premier would love to get this technology,” Morgan said. She waved her hands and suddenly teared up. “Ignore me. I’m …”

  “It’s all right,” Lydia said putting her hand on Morgan’s shoulder and squeezing gently. “We know what you mean.”

  “Care to elaborate,” Lucas asked.

  “There’s a forcefield around the doors,” Lydia said but only after Mycos gave her the slightest of nods.

  “Intriguing,” Lucas said. “The science behind it…”

  “Is years ahead of anything Earth has,” Nic said.

  “Corridors E2 through E10 are secure,” Landros said softly.

  “They’re headed this way,” Gregor said.

  “All they’ll know is a bunch of corridors,” Lucas said. “But they seem to know they’re being herded towards the front of the house.”

  On the holo, two of the leaders put their heads together to whisper to each other. Men tried opening doors, in order to escape from the corridors to anywhere. They couldn’t.

  “Sheep to slaughter,” Lucas said.

  “Jam their coms,” Lydia said. “Enough of this playing. Let’s get this done.”

  “Agreed,” Mycos said. Gregor and Landros worked on the two computer stations behind the desk.

  You have illegally entered Hylatian property. You will proceed down the corridor to the foyer. At which time you will be detained for questioning.

  The announcement repeated as all the lights in the house and on the grounds lit up.

  “Impressive,” Lucas muttered. “Who’s doing the interrogating?”

  “Aren’t you an investigator,” Nic asked.

  “I don’t work for the Hylatians,” Lucas said.

  “Would you like to,” Lydia asked. “Morgan, can you contact the Premier and see if she would allow Lucas to interrogate the people who have invaded our

  “No,” Mycos said. “She is indisposed.”

  “Am I a hostage,” Morgan said.

  “Hardly,” Nic said. “You’re pregnant and should be seen by Justinian to make sure everything is all right with you and the baby.”

  “They are in the foyer,” Mycos said.

  “Gregor,” Lydia turned to ask without saying anything.

  “Yes, I’ll step out,” he said.

  Nic grabbed his arm as he walked by her. “No worries,” he said patting her hand. “I have my armor and there are several squads.”

  “We’ll be scanning all of them,” Mycos said.

  “That was too easy,” Abraham said.

  “When dealing with a primitive culture, we take all precautions,” Mycos said.

  “So all the drills we did,” Abraham asked.

  “Good for morale and kept the soldiers and warriors busy,” Nic said. “It’s always best to fight with our heads first and our fists second.”

  “If Earth were stupid enough, would we have any chance,” Abraham asked.

  “Your world would not have been contacted, except for it being foretold our mates were here,” Mycos said. On the holo, the men invading sank to their knees. Two men surrounded one man at a time, scanned him, and removed any and all weapons. Systematically they stripped them of weapons and restrained them.

  “Because our world is so primitive, they took precautions,” Lydia said.

  “The technology you’ve shared,” Abraham asked.

  “Centuries old,” Mycos said. “When we leave, it will cease to work.”

  “You’ll be leaving soon,” Abraham asked.

  “We will,” Lydia said.

  “Because humans are too volatile,” Abraham said.

  “Humans are,” Nic said. “Some humans are.”

  “Mo chroin,” Mycos held out his hand to Lydia.

  “I’m ready,” she said moving to his side. “Let’s make the call.”

  “You all should be quiet,” Nic said.

  Lydia stood facing a screen and waited while Mycos worked the computer. They went through channels and got delayed as people dodged connecting her to the Premier.

  Abraham shook his head. Lucas pulled out his tablet, worked on it, checking details.

  They waited as people kept telling Lydia the Premier was not available. After twenty minutes, Lydia lost her patience. “You will put me through to the Premier immediately, or the Hylatian government will make decisions on what will happen to the soldiers, Earth’s soldiers from all appearances, who invaded our territory,” she said.

  “One moment please,” the voice on the other end said.

  “We wait two minutes,” Mycos said softly.

  “Less,” Lydia said crossing her arms. Mycos recognized the stubborn set to her body and grinned.

  “Yes, milady,” he said.

  “Lady Lydia,” Premier Valerie Rivera said. “I am in the middle…”

  “Your soldiers have invaded our compound,” Lydia said.

  “We have not,” Premier Rivera said. “If you’re having difficulties, perhaps it comes from…”

  “We know exactly where these soldiers come from,” Lydia said. “We have identified all of them. The three who kidnapped Morgan and Eldred Richardson as well as those who invaded this compound. Might I remind you this is the compound of the Hylatian people. This is an act of war against the Hylatian people.”

  “Now Lady Lydia, I’m sure you’re upset,” Premier Rivera said.

  “I’m not upset but how will you explain to the families of all these soldiers they died because they were ordered to invade the compound of guests on your world,” Lydia said.

  “I’ve issued no such order,” Premier Rivera said.

  “You’re lying,” Lydia said. “You think I’m naïve. You think the Hylatians are unfamiliar with the politics on this world. You’re wrong in both cases. Now, this is exactly what you will do.”

  “I… I do not take orders from…” Premier Rivera blustered.

  “You will recall the rest of the people you have on standby and take the weapons off the ships in space,” Lydia said. “If that is not done immediately, I will give the order for them to fire as needed to protect the people onboard those ships.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Premier Rivera said as her eyes darted to someone off screen.

  “Will you make me prove the superior power of the ships,” Lydia asked. “How many will die if we target the facility in North Dakota?”

  “You’re guessing,” Premier Rivera said.

  “At 47.5515° N, 101.0020° W,” Lydia said reading them off the computer. “How many?”

  “Are you threatening the lives of our people,” Premier Rivera demanded.

  “I’m protecting the Hylatian lives,” Lydia said. “You have thirty seconds to comply.”

  “Where is Colonel Brown,” Premier Rivera asked.

  “What makes you think we’d allow any of your people into our compound,” Lydia asked.

  “Morgan Richardson,” Premier Rivera asked.

  “Power down those weapons immediately,” Lydia demanded as Mycos pointed out the weapons were preparing to launch.

  “On your heads be it,” Lydia said. She looked to Mycos who nodded and gripped her hand. “We’re done speaking. You will regret this.”

  Mycos moved to disconnect them but paused as the Premier said, “Wait. Wait. Let’s not be hasty.”

  “Those weapons are not going offline,” Lydia said.

  “Give me a moment,” Premier Rivera said. She stepped away. Lydia and Mycos heard whispered conversations. When she came back, she looked more worried and less confident. “I’ve issued the order for the weapons to power down.”

  Lydia waited for several heartbeats. Mycos nodded, the weapons were offline. “We will be monitoring,” Lydia said. “If they come back online, we will not hesitate and they will be destroyed without warning.”

  “I understand,” Premier Rivera said.

  “As to Morgan Richardson, your people upset a pregnant woman. She’s resting and being seen to by our healer,” Lydia said.

  “We need to discuss where we go from here,” Premier Rivera said.

  “Where we go from here,” Lydia said raising her eyebrows. “Do you honestly think the Hylatians are willing to trust you or the government at all?”

  “What will happen to the soldiers,” Premier Rivera asked.

  “The council will decide,” Lydia said.

  “We’d like a representative…” started to request when Lydia interrupted her.

  “Doubtful,” Lydia said. “You seem to think this is something you can negotiate. It isn’t. You’ve broken our decrees. There are consequences to the actions you’ve taken.”

  “Where’s your proof,” Premier Rivera demanded.

  “We’ll contact you when we’re ready,” Lydia said. Mycos cut off the communication.

  “They will pester you until you answer them,” Abraham said.

  “We are prepared for this,” Lydia said. “Some of this has to play out, including us being unreachable for a time.”

  “What happens now,” Lucas asked.

  “You two will go back to your locations,” Mycos said. “Communications in this area have been and will remain disabled for another hour.”

  “Making it so we can get back and settled in,” Abraham said.

  “Do you expect us to lie to them,” Lucas asked.

  “Nope,” Nic said. “Tell them what you want. It doesn’t matter. Do you know the penalty for invading Hylatian territory?”

  “Death,” Lucas said. “At a guess.”

  “In general,” Mycos said. “No. In this case, yes.”

  “You’ll kill all those soldiers,” Abraham asked.

  “We are detaining them for now,” Lydia said. “If this were Hylatian space, they would already be dead.”

  Lucas and Abraham exchanged several long looks. “You should know,”
Lucas said. “I never connected Senator Weatherton to any of the attacks and certainly not the bombing.”

  “We know,” Mycos said. “But you did discover something.”

  “I was able to find out the orders for the explosives came through channels,” Abraham said.

  “Did you plan to tell us,” Mycos asked.

  “We … we were attempting to track the orders back,” Lucas said.

  “He’s trying to give me an out,” Abraham said. “I discovered the orders went back to our Intelligence agencies.”

  “Which ones,” Nic asked.

  “Several of them,” Abraham said. “Lucas and I were discussing what to do about this.”

  “You were put here as a spy and to infiltrate our facilities,” Mycos said.

  “Not to my knowledge,” Abraham said. “My orders were specific. I did not at any time give them the layout of your facilities.”

  “Someone did,” Nic said.

  “I think it was Kramer,” Lucas said. “I’ve known him a long time and he’s never gotten lost as he has in your home. There are other things he did, but I think Carlton Baker was his contact.”

  “My father,” Morgan said. Eldred moved closer to offer comfort to her.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Lucas said. “I don’t have proof.”

  “Proof is important to you,” Landros asked.

  “It is,” Lucas said.

  “We have a file,” Lydia said. “We’ll allow you to see it, but not until this mess is cleared up.” She pointed to the holo where all the men were finally restrained and led out of the foyer.

  “We’ll return to our headquarters,” Abraham said rising from the chair. “Will we be allowed back?”

  “Probably,” Lydia said.


  “Not a drill,” Abby yawned as Gregor tucked her in.

  “No, you were right to be concerned,” Gregor said. “All is safe now.”

  “Can we go home now,” Abby asked curling up under the blankets.

  “You are home,” Gregor said.

  “No, your home, the planets,” Abby asked.

  “Soon,” Gregor said. “It will be soon.”

  “I wanna see your home,” Abby said. “I wanna ride in a spaceship.”

  “Do you,” Gregor said smoothing her hair away from her face.


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