In the Woods of Memory
Page 10
Fumi took a deep breath, turned around, and asked Yōichi to get the car. As Hisako watched him walk off, it occurred to her that Fumi’s last words were meant for him.
—Thanks for talking about your painful experiences.
—What painful experiences? Sayoko’s the one who’s had it rough. I didn’t do anything. I’ve been no better than the adults back then.
Hisako felt ashamed of her lighthearted words of thanks.
During the five-minute drive to the next location, the three were lost in their own reflections. Hisako watched the scenery outside the window while sometimes glancing over at Fumi, who was leaning back in her seat with her eyes closed. Compared to the black and white scenery of her memories, the green trees and colorful bougainvillea and hibiscus flowers seemed to be overflowing with vitality. Even so, she felt seized with the sensation that the island in her memory was now nothing more than an empty shell. She was glad to have heard Fumi’s account, but how would she be able to live with her memories of Sayoko? The question disconcerted her.
They drove along the coast, with the port visible on the opposite shore. Yōichi stopped the car in a vacant lot with several old abandoned cars. Fumi opened her eyes, nodded to Hisako, and jumped out of the car. Hisako ended up having to chase after her again. After walking four or five meters through tall grass, they soon reached the shore. Narrow concrete stairs led down a small slope and opened up to a gentle arc of steps about a hundred meters wide at the water’s edge. The sandy beach was gone.
—Is this it?
Fumi smiled wryly at Hisako’s question.
—Whenever I come here, I really feel disgusted at Okinawans. Even though it was small, this was a beautiful beach. As payback for accepting the US bases, they’ve been destroying the environment with public construction projects, and calling it stimulus for the local community. This beach was destroyed ten years ago. Some people opposed the construction and pointed out that the sea turtles would lose their spawning ground, but the campaign never got off the ground. I knew about the construction from the beginning. But that’s about the extent of my awareness. Besides the beach, we’ve also lost the screwpine thicket. The whole area’s changed beyond all recognition. I really can’t understand why we didn’t stop such a stupid project. But standing here like this, I can still picture what happened sixty years ago: how the Americans swam across from that port over there, came running up the beach here, and then carried Sayoko off to, uh ... I guess the screwpine thicket was over there, but it’s changed so much that I’m not sure.... You can remember, can’t you?
Following Fumi’s gaze, Hisako looked over and tried to picture a thicket of screwpine trees in the area covered with the terraced embankment. She then tried to picture several American soldiers carrying off a girl. But the concrete scenery seemed to plaster over what had happened here, leaving Hisako to fumble through her dim memories.
An old man with short gray hair was sitting on the steps watching the sea. His face, upper arms, and neck showed the dark complexion of one who’d spent many years in the sun. Hisako had been aware of the man as soon as they arrived.
Fumi whispered in Hisako’s ear from behind:
—That’s Seiji. He comes here when the weather’s fine. Even though the beach is gone, he sits and stares at the ocean. He’s been doing this for decades. Of course, he can’t actually see anything. I guess he just listens to the waves and imagines the ocean he knew so long ago. Back then, those who knew how Seiji had stood up to the Americans treated him with great respect, even though they must’ve had guilty feelings, too. But after twenty, and then thirty years, there’ve been more and more teenagers and children ignorant of the past. Some of them have made fun of him. But Seiji has never gotten angry or said anything in return. He just sits beneath the banyan tree at the community center and plays his sanshin banjo or listens to his radio. Then he comes here and sits facing the ocean. He’s been doing this for years. The sandy beach is gone, and has been replaced by these concrete steps, but he comes every day. Unless there’s a typhoon or heavy rain....
Fumi’s voice faded away into the sound of the wind and the waves. Hisako walked across the steps toward Seiji. When he sensed someone approaching, his face lit up. Startled at his reaction, Hisako stopped in her tracks. She noticed him furrowing his bushy eyebrows and twitching his nostrils. He must’ve been trying to determine her identity through his senses of smell and hearing. His swollen face revealed that he was in poor health. Then his chapped lips moved, revealing several brown teeth.
—Sayoko, is that you?
Hisako shuddered at the passion in his hoarse voice, but she couldn’t move any closer.
SEIJI [2005]
Can you hear my voice, Sayoko?... Can you hear it riding on the wind and on the waves in search of you? The sun sinks in the west, the wind blows gently, and the air grows cool. How is it where you are? Are you facing the ocean? Do you feel the wind in your hair? Do you hear the sound of the waves?... I hear the wind rustling through the screwpine leaves, crabs scurrying across the sand, and small fish splashing out of the water as they flee a mackerel. But what I most wish to hear, Sayoko, is your voice.... I can’t see the physical world, but I see you clearly.... You’re walking on the white sand of the village road, a basket on your head, as you come toward me.... When you leave the shade of the Garcinia trees to cross the road, you squint your eyes. It’s so sunny today, you say with a smile.... I can’t say anything and drop my head.... Did you catch any fish today, Seiji? you ask. But I can only nod.... Even I know I’m pathetic. In front of you, I get so embarrassed.... I’m awkward with everyone, but with you it’s so much worse.... But you never get mad and you’re always so nice.... That’s why I ... That’s why what? ... What do you mean? ... I asked, Why what? ... Who the hell are you? ... Sayoko’s not here. She left the island long ago.... Who the hell are you?... She doesn’t remember you, and she’s forgotten the island.... What’re you talking about? Sayoko wouldn’t forget me. You’re trying to trick me. Who the hell are you?... Sayoko left the island decades ago. There’s no way she remembers you.... What the hell do you know? Do you know what happened here? Or how much I’ve done for her? You don’t know anything.... Forget about what you’ve done. Sayoko’s living happily. You gonna complain about that?... No, I’m not gonna complain, but... Well, then be happy for her! Sayoko’s better off forgetting what happened, and forgetting you.... Who the hell are you?... What do you mean, Who am I? I’m your friend.... My friend? ... Your best friend ... Hey, Seiji, look out! That American’s right beside you.... Where?!... Be careful not to get shot!... Ah, ha! You’re that Japanese-looking guy. You can’t trick me.... Why would I wanna trick you? You’ll hurt me if I don’t watch my step.... I know your ways.... I can’t understand this lunatic. . . . Your father was Okinawan, wasn’t he? Aren’t you ashamed to be fighting with the Americans? . . . Answer the question!... You don’t need to answer, Seiji. Don’t let them trick you.... Shut up, you! And you, too! Shut up!... You attacked four American soldiers in the ocean and stabbed one of them with your harpoon. Isn’t that correct?... Seiji, you should tell them the truth. Not all Americans are bad. If you tell the truth, they’ll forgive you.... Who the hell are you? How do you know my name? ... Don’t, Seiji, don’t let them trick you.... That’s right! Just be quiet! If you let these fast-talking Americans trick you, you’ll be executed!... And who the hell are you? Be quiet! Be quiet! You people don’t know anything about me.... Tell the truth! The soldier you stabbed was seriously wounded, but he didn’t die.... He didn’t die! Oh, Sayoko! When I heard that, I felt so frustrated!... If you tell the truth and apologize, we’ll reduce your sentence.... What do you mean apologize?! You apologize to Sayoko! ... Answer the question honestly.... I knew as soon as the harpoon went in that I didn’t get him in the vitals.... You stabbed him with a harpoon, right?... It’s tough to get the heart, so I aimed for the liver. If only I’d swum further and gotten closer.... How did you stab him?... Things didn’t go as p
lanned. I couldn’t destroy the enemy. ... What’re you waiting for? Don’t you understand the situation? ... If I get another chance, I definitely won’t miss. . . . We’re at war. We could shoot you and say you were killed in action. That would be just fine with me.... They’re only saying this because they feel sorry for you, Seiji. You should tell the truth.... If you believe what this Japanese-looking guy is telling you, you’ll be killed, Seiji.... That’s right! He only looks Japanese!... But I don’t want to do that. That’s why I want you to talk.... I’m not afraid to die, Sayoko! Compared to your suffering, it’d be no big deal if I were killed.... If you talk, you’ll get a reduced sentence. That’d be much better for you.... I don’t care if I die.... You coward, Seiji! Don’t make me laugh. You’re just too scared to talk.... Who the hell are you? What do you know?... I know a lot. I saw you get shot, carried off on a stretcher, treated by the army’s doctors, and interrogated by that officer and his interpreter. I’ve seen everything.... You’re lying! Who the hell are you? You couldn’t possibly have seen all that.... You have nothing to gain by staying quiet. . . . I’ve got nothing to gain by talking.... This is no time for joking.... America is a democracy. If you tell the truth, even though you’ll be punished appropriately, no further injury will be inflicted on you.... A dummy like you who’s never gone to school wouldn’t know about democracy, would you? When I heard them say that, Seiji, I had to laugh.... Shut up! You’re always making fun of people.... You’re a fisherman, right? You’re a good swimmer, so you planned to attack them in the ocean, right?... Come on, Seiji, answer the question! Just tell them you’re a fisherman. If you don’t answer this time, you really might get shot.... Why the hell should I tell you! I’m not afraid to die! ... If you die, Seiji, you’ll never see Sayoko again.... They said if you answer, they won’t shoot you.... You’re pretty stubborn for an idiot.... You figured that in the ocean you’d have a chance, didn’t you?... Sayoko, the idea of never seeing you again was depressing, but I didn’t want the Americans to win.... Did you really think a guy like you could beat them? Don’t be so stupid! ... Everyone was so scared that they couldn’t do a thing. But I took action!... Listen to this! Seiji’s starting to brag again.... You’re the one that did it, right?... I wanted to see them die.... Why did you attack those four men? ... Sayoko, I’ll never forgive those men who made you suffer. . . . Were you acting on an order from the Japanese army?... The Japanese army can’t do anything. They’re all talk.... What do you mean you won’t forgive them? They’ve survived and gone back to America. What? Are you gonna go to America to get revenge? ... For Sayoko, who you love, huh?... I’m laughing so hard, it hurts.... Did the Japanese army tell you to do this?... Who’d take orders from them? I acted on my own.... Could Seiji really have done this by himself?... He might be an idiot on land, but he knows what he’s doing at sea.... Because his father trained him.... When I saw his father’s methods, I thought if that were me, I’d rather be sold into bondage, like they used to do in Itoman.... Is this your harpoon?... I did what no one else could do.... You knew what would happen if you stabbed someone with this, didn’t you? . . . Die! You damn Americans! . . . You wanted to kill them, didn’t you?... Yes, I wanted to kill them! I tried to kill them!... Do you really have the guts to kill someone?... Yes, I do. What do you know? I dove under him as he was swimming and stabbed him in the stomach.... Did anyone help you?... If you really wanted to kill him, why didn’t you get him in the vitals?... The light on the ocean surface was flickering, and the American’s arms and legs were creepy and long.... Start talking! Answer the question!... The light made it difficult to estimate the distance.... Don’t answer, Seiji! If you admit that you did it, you’ll be executed.... You can’t answer because you didn’t do it, right, Seiji? . . . What’re you talking about? Everyone on the island knows he did it.... And that caused trouble for everyone.... What trouble? You coward! Just because you couldn’t do anything.... Are you trying to protect him?... Every woman in the village has changed her opinion of him. They say Seiji’s the only one with courage.... That’s right. I think so, too. You were wonderful, Seiji.... You’re hiding something, aren’t you? ...
You helped with the search just because the Americans told you to. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? ... If we didn’t, well, who knows what would’ve happened.... Answer the question! If you don’t talk, your family’s going to be in trouble, too. . . . Don’t worry about us, Seiji. We’ll be fine. ... I’ll take care of Mom, Seiji. . . . The men on this island are cowards. . . . You complain about Japanese soldiers not committing suicide and becoming prisoners, but you’re no different.... What could we have done? Even our army couldn’t do anything.... So no matter what happens to the women, you just pretend not to notice, huh?... Hey! We’re pretty angry, too.... Well, then, fight like Seiji has! . . . You’re in no position to criticize. . . . Seiji, don’t worry about your family. We’ll take care of them.... You won’t talk, so we have no choice. Take him away!... They should just execute him.... Don’t say such a thing!... Dad, forgive me!... Now the Americans suspect me because of him. They took my boat and all my fishing gear. How am I supposed to live? ... Some people have praised Seiji.... I guess we’ll have to beat you to death.... They’re pretty strong, so if they do start beating you, you’ll be dead soon....Japanese soldiers were no match for them, so he must be pretty crazy to fight them on his own.... Give him the barest minimum for meals.... We should just let him eat dog shit.... What did Seiji do, Mom?... Your brother is a brave man. You should be proud of him.... Make sure he doesn’t bite off his tongue.... I’ll put a gag in his mouth.... Mom, forgive me! ... I’m always worried about you, Seiji.... You’re shaking violently. Are you cold? Hurry up and confess! Then you can get out of here... What happened to Sayoko?... The Americans did something bad to her.... Something bad?... You’re no match for the Americans, so don’t be so proud. Apologize, and let’s go home.... She spends every day crying in the back room.... She doesn’t eat and sometimes goes crazy.... You’re a fool.... I heard her making strange noises like a dog in heat... . Why would you say something like that? . . . We’ve provided food for everyone in the village, and we treated the wounded. . . . She was assaulted by some Americans, wasn’t she?... What do you mean assaulted?... American men are well endowed, so I’m surprised they could get it into her.... Aren’t you ashamed to be talking like that? You’re classmates from the same village!... Cooperate and follow our instructions.... Oh, lighten up! We’re just kidding.... That’s right. Everybody knows all about it.... You’re just saying that because you’re jealous of her.... I’m not jealous. What’re you talking about? ... If you cooperate, we’ll do our best for all of you.... Because she was so pretty.... Ever since she was little, all the boys liked her.... Even Seiji, huh?... I wonder if he really thought she’d have anything to do with him.... Sayoko was kind, especially to people like him.... So he must’ve misunderstood. . . . Let’s work together to rebuild this beautiful island.... I know he’s stupid, but couldn’t he even figure out that a girl would never fall for someone like him?... That’s precisely why he couldn’t figure it out. Because he’s so stupid.... Stop it! I don’t want to hear anymore! ... Maybe that’s why he stabbed that American with his harpoon. Because he’s stupid.... No sane person would’ve been able to do anything like that.... Maybe that’s why the American army didn’t execute him, because they thought he was crazy.... America is a democratic country.. . . How can you say such horrible things? Can’t you consider how Sayoko and Seiji feel?... Can you? ... Acting morally superior, and pretending like you know something.... America will bring freedom and peace to Okinawa.... Did you suffer, Sayoko?... So when she was running, her face was contorted, her mouth was open, and tears were running down her cheeks?... Were you in pain, Sayoko?... And blood was dripping down between her legs.... I heard she got naked and ran down the road in front of the banyan tree.... Why was she running to the woods?... Come and hide in this cave, Sayoko!... You could see her tits, and down there, too.... Come! Come and be
with me, Sayoko!... Crazy people can run fast, so her parents couldn’t catch her. . . . Don’t cry! Are you afraid? The Americans will never come again, Sayoko.... Where was she going, I wonder? ... You never know. Maybe she was running to those American guys.... Yeah, because you never forget your first man.... You guys are the lowest. How can you talk about Sayoko like that? ... I’ll protect you from now on, Sayoko.... The lowest? Are you talking to us?... You think you can get away with comments like that?... You women should stop fighting. It’s unbecoming.... Maybe we should make you go running naked. . . . You’re awful! Come on! Knock it off! ... Apologize!... What’s with that look! You must really wanna go running naked? . . . I’m sorry. . . . Who is this Sayoko you’re talking about?... Some woman who lived on the island a long time ago. . . . She was raped by some Americans and went crazy.... Too bad! If you’d moved here sooner, you could’ve seen her running naked, too.... She’s not on the island anymore?... The entire family moved away.... Some guy from a nearby village impregnated her, so they left.... Because she used to run around naked.... Nearby village? It was one of you guys, wasn’t it?... You gotta be kidding! We wouldn’t touch a woman like that.... Keep talking garbage, and I’m gonna beat the shit out of you.... Go ahead, Seiji, say that again.... Were you eavesdropping on us?... They say blind people have great hearing. I guess it’s true.... You think just because you’re blind we won’t hit you, huh?... If you bastards make fun of Sayoko, I’m gonna make you pay.... Listen to this! Seiji says he’s gonna make us pay.... So how are you gonna do that? Let’s see what you got.... Hey, Seiji, what are you swinging at? . . . We’re over here, Seiji. . . . Sayoko! If I could’ve seen those guys, I would’ve stabbed them with my harpoon!... Check it out! The dimwit’s crying!... I was so frustrated.... Disgusting! Stay away from us! You stink!... Seiji, you don’t wanna make us angry! . . . Boy, you’re easy to knock down. Remember, you’re the one that started it.... Knock it off! You might kill him. And then what’ll we do?... A guy like this? Who cares? His family will be glad to be rid of him.... If you make fun of Sayoko, I’m gonna make you pay.... He still talks like a man.... If he’s got the energy to talk, he’s not gonna die. . . . Don’t kick him in the stomach! No, not in the head, either!... Seiji, you fought against the Americans, didn’t you?... Try to stab us like you stabbed them.... If I weren’t blind, I’d kick your asses.... Come on, that’s enough! Let’s get out of here. If we don’t knock it off, there’s gonna be trouble.... Seiji, if you try to act tough next time, we’ll beat you to death and dump you in the ocean. . . . Oh, forget it! Leave the guy alone. Let’s get going.... They knocked me down, and I couldn’t get up. The ground was so cold against my back, Sayoko.... Check it out! He looks like a frog run over in the street.... My face was swollen, and I couldn’t open my mouth.... His lips are twitching.... I tried to spit out the blood, but there was too much of it.... Ugh, red slobber is dribbling from his mouth! Disgusting! ... Don’t go near him. Pretend you don’t notice.... I tried to get up, but I couldn’t move my arms or legs. Just like when the Americans shot me.... You’re an idiot for fighting with kids who are just goofing off.... Sayoko, I’m so tired. I just want to sleep.... You can’t sleep here! You’re causing a nuisance. . . . Who are you?... It doesn’t matter who I am. Get up. I guess playing the sanshin and drinking are your only pleasures in life, huh? . . . Thank you.... Don’t misunderstand. I’m only helping because you’re in the way.... Sayoko, I can play the sanshin, even though I’m blind. If we meet again, let me play you a song.... Hey, mister, what’re you doing?... I’m playing the sanshin.... Wow, you’re pretty good.... Kids are so cute, Sayoko. They’re happy to talk to anyone, even me.... Mister, are you blind?... Mister, why do you have those cuts on your face? ... If only I had kids like this.... Mister, you smell! Have you been drinking?... Mister, don’t those cuts hurt?... Sayoko, do you have any children?... Mister, what are these bugs called? . . . Mister, why are you barefoot?... Kids are soft and smell nice, Sayoko.... Mister, is it true that sprites live in this banyan tree? . . . Yes, it’s true. . . . What’re sprites?... Little creatures about your size, but with red hair.... So they have hair like our friend Sāchi?... But you’re blind, so you wouldn’t know.... Do sprites eat people?... No, but they eat fish eyes.... That’s weird.... Why do you say that? Fish eyes are delicious.... I heard eating them makes you smart.... Really?... Is it true that sprites kidnap kids and throw them in the ocean?... Are sprites scary?... They run away if you fart, so if you’re scared, just let one go.... I can’t fart on command! ... Well, then, if you see a sprite, call me. I’ll show you how it’s done.... Mister, that stinks! ... That made me laugh, Sayoko. The only time I ever laugh is when I’m with kids.... Mister, were you really shot by the Americans?... Yeah, the bullet went in right here.... Wow! It’s all lumpy.... Let me touch it, too.... Does it hurt, mister?... Not anymore.... Are those cuts on your face from the Americans, too? ... Yeah, they also hit me.... Why’d they hit you?... Why did they shoot you?... I don’t know. I can’t remember. . . . Did you do something wrong?... No, I didn’t.... They hit you even though you didn’t do anything wrong?... And shot you?... That’s right. I didn’t do anything wrong.... You’re lying! You must’ve done something really bad. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have hit you.... Or shot you.... I didn’t do anything wrong!... Seiji, stop talking to the kids.... What did that guy do to you? Tell us.... There’ve been a lot of complaints, and the ward chief warned me.... He did something strange to you, didn’t he? Tell us what he did.... He didn’t do anything.... Stop lying and tell the truth! ... I am telling the truth!... The villagers are watching you, Seiji.... We can’t understand when you’re crying. Settle down, and tell us what he did to you.... You’re blind, so you can’t tell, but everyone’s watching.... Scary, isn’t it? I always thought he might do something.... I heard he touched Kinjō’s kid, too.... He’s your brother, isn’t he? Can’t you take care of this? ... If he does it again, I’m calling the police.... Seiji, is it true that you touched a girl?... If I don’t touch them, I can’t tell what they look like, or how tall they are.... Is it true that you wouldn’t let go, even though she was crying?... She wasn’t crying.... So you admit that you touched her?... Where did he touch her?... She’s a kid, so she was crying and couldn’t say.... I heard he put his finger in her, and that she was bleeding.... Unbelievable! That’s horrible! ... The girls are scared and can’t go outside.... I haven’t done anything wrong.... Seiji, if you do it again, the police are going to arrest you.... I haven’t done anything wrong.... The open area near the banyan tree is a place for kids to play. As ward chief, can’t you drive him away?... That’s been his reserved spot for years and years now.... He blasts his radio from the crack of dawn.... I’ll ask him to turn it down.... We feel bad that he’s handicapped, and we don’t really want to complain, but there were those incidents with the kids. . . . Don’t let him off just because he’s blind. . . . Ward chief, don’t let these women say whatever they want.... We’re not gonna sit here and listen to these groundless accusations. . . . Would Seiji really do such things?... We’re just protecting our children.... If we wait until something horrible happens, it’ll be too late.... Seiji, go ahead and play your sanshin as much as you like. And listen to your radio, too.... Hey, Seiji! You molest another girl, and we’re gonna break your arms!... I haven’t done anything.... A scumbag like you? Those Americans should’ve shot you. . . . Where’d you insert your finger, Seiji?... Not just your arms. We’ll break your fingers, too.... You’ll never play the sanshin again.... Seiji, we brought some rope, so you can hang yourself from this tree.... I never did anything wrong. That’s the truth, Sayoko.... What’re you grinning about?... You screwing with us? You’re gonna get yourself killed.... He always was kind of weird.... He thinks he’s a big shit ‘cause he got in a magazine, and everyone’s making a big deal about it.... He also got a big photo spread.... That damn Japanese reporter’s article was half lies! ... It called him “the old man who sings the tragedy of the Battle of Okinawa.”... Wh
at a joke!... I heard he was a spy for the Japanese army.... Really?... Yeah, that’s what my grandfather said. He said Seiji was in the Defense Corps and on great terms with the Japanese.... Is that right?... But I heard he was a spy for the Americans.... If that were the case, why’d they shoot him?... Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense.... Spies are usually eliminated in the end.... Some people say the Japanese army shot him.... You’re both wrong. He wasn’t shot at all.... That’s what I heard, too. He’s senile, so he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.... My grandmother saw him get shot. She said he was shot in the shoulder, and that he was covered in blood when they carried him off on a stretcher.... In the middle of the woods, right? Hiding in a cave.... Why was he shot?... He stabbed an American soldier to get revenge for his girlfriend.... That old man? Don’t make me laugh.... Seiji, can you hear everyone laughing?... In other words, we want you to get the hell off the island! ... People are scared of you.... You’re an eyesore.... They’ve built a new bridge, so tourists will be coming.... How about going into an old folk’s home? ... What’re you saying? You guys have no idea what great things this old man’s done.... I’ll be happy if I can just sit here.... Mister, aren’t you cold? Here, have a steamed bun with meat.... Thank you.... It’s beautiful when the cherry blossoms come into bloom.... Airuyan na (Is that right?).... I’m sorry, mister, I don’t understand Okinawan dialect. . . . The white-eyes are singing. . . . White-eyes? You mean those tiny green birds, right? My grandfather told me about them. . . . Sayoko, can you hear the white-eyes singing?... Seiji always had birds when he was a kid.... They were always singing.... When I went to catch white-eyes in the woods, the leopard plant flowers were in bloom.... Ah! I can see the yellow flowers before my eyes.... Mister, it’s a shame you can’t see all these flowers. They’re in full bloom.... There were red azaleas in the woods, too.... One time, he climbed a cliff to pick some azaleas for Sayoko.... I tried to give them to you, but my hands were shaking so bad.... Mister, I heard you fought with the Americans over a girl.... That’s right. I fought all by myself.... That’s so cool.... I dived under the water and stabbed one of them with my harpoon.... Did he die?... No, but there was a lot of blood in the water as he struggled to survive.... But why’d you stab him? ... Sayoko, when I heard you crying behind your shutters, I almost went crazy.... Did the American do something?... The Americans weren’t the only evil ones.... Hold down her arms.... Stop struggling! You let the Americans have their way with you, so why not us? . . . I’ve been crazy ever since I heard what happened.... Ever since? Don’t make me laugh, Seiji. You were crazy from birth.... Spread your legs! No matter how much you scream, no one’s gonna save you! . . . Crazy! I’m going crazy! What the hell is happening to me?... Hurry up! It’s my turn!... I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them! Anyone who hurts Sayoko is gonna die!... This old man was crazy to begin with, and now he’s going senile. Nothing he says makes any sense.... That’s not true, is it, mister?... I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them!... Ow! That hurts! You bite me again, and I’m gonna knock out your teeth! . . . Mister, what’s your girlfriend doing now?... Sayoko, what’re you doing now?.. Jeez, you really stink for a girl! Take a bath once in a while!... I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them! I’ll kill them!... Haven’t you seen her?... I want to see you.... ‘Cause we wanna spend more time with you.... Don’t you know where she is?... Sayoko, where are you?... I’ll kill them! I’m going crazy! I’ll kill them! My head aches! I’ll kill them! Words are buzzing inside my head like little bugs! I’ll kill them! Everything’s so mixed up! I’ll kill them! Voices are swarming all around me! I’ll kill them!... Sayoko, look at your belly!... I’ll kill them! Sayoko, what are you doing now? I’ll kill them! ... She was crying in the woods. Crying and crying and crying.... It’s too late. An abortion would be dangerous.... In the darkness of the woods, the red fruit of the screwpine looked like a setting sun.... Still, we’d like you to go ahead with it.... I’ll kill them! Sayoko, I’ll kill those that made you suffer! I won’t allow it! I’ll kill them! ... She was just sitting on the crushed grass staring at that red fruit.... You can’t kill them. Sayoko wouldn’t be pleased.... That’s right, Seiji. Sayoko doesn’t want you to suffer any more.... Tell me where she is. I’ll go to her.... I’m sorry, Seiji. I don’t know either.... Are you gonna spend the rest of your life thinking about Sayoko? Look, there’s a woman standing next to you.... I already knew that. Two women and a man.... She’s been staring at you for a long time.... But it’s not Sayoko.... She’s looking at you and crying.... It isn’t Sayoko.... A woman crying for a man like you? How unusual.... Sayoko, when will you return to the island? ... It doesn’t have to be Sayoko. She wants to talk to you.... I only want to talk to Sayoko.... Don’t glare at her with those unseeing eyes of yours. You’re scaring her.... The sound of the waves has faded.... She’s given up because you look like that... . The wind has grown heavy.... She wiped away her tears with her handkerchief and bowed to you, Seiji.... The scent of the sea has grown stronger.... The other woman bowed, too. They’re standing side by side looking at you. . . . It’s gonna rain tomorrow, Sayoko. . . . They’re leaving with the man. Say something, Seiji.... But I’ll come even if it rains, Sayoko.... You’ll never see them again. Say something!... Are you staring at this ocean and listening to the waves?... They’re gone.... Are you listening to the sound of this wind?... The lunatic is hopeless.... Riding on the waves, riding on the wind, has my voice reached you? . . . Could it possibly have reached her?... It will reach her, Seiji, without a doubt.... Even now, I’m still thinking of you!... Will it rain tomorrow?... Can you hear my voice, Sayoko?