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Say Yes, Senator: A Best Friend's Little Sister Political Romance

Page 40

by Nicole Elliot

  Chapter Nine: Nate

  Every time I changed out of my uniform, I felt like I had been wearing it for years. It had become like a second skin of sorts, but it still felt like a heavy bag sometimes. Especially on days like today.

  I hadn’t seen a media circus like that in damn near two years, and to top it off, they all took to the fucking news networks about it. That put a bigger blunder on the case than they could imagine; copycats. It was always a possibility when things went so public. People would be looking to throw us off or cover their own asses, and it would be harder to decipher real tips from fake ones.

  I had been on the force for a long time, so I could see patterns from miles away.

  On the ride back to the station, we were mostly quiet. All thinking about Rose, probably. Maybe how dangerous this could turn out for her; we knew we wanted to protect her. Maybe keeping watch was a bit much, but it was better than outsourcing it. And none of us even knew why we were so drawn to her. Just that we were.

  We weren’t about to call dibs on first lay or anything; that would probably just make shit harder for everyone. It never worked like that. We just let things happen, and it felt like things were going to happen with Rose pretty soon.

  She was wound up—we all saw it. With work or some shit from her past, or both. I just knew that I wanted to make her feel better, and it would be hard to do with this case looming around.

  I didn’t want anyone snooping around so I took my own car out, the one I usually kept in the precinct garage. I headed back to her place by going to the crime scene first, and I had the route memorized by then. I didn’t like how close she was to the scene, for psychological reasons and the obvious ones; but there was nothing that would justify putting her in witness protection. It hadn’t gotten to that point yet, and parking outside her house every night would keep it from happening.

  I parked in that same empty spot with a view of her bedroom window. I didn’t even have her number to let her know I was out there, but I saw a lamp go on as soon as I cut the engine off. The thought of her up there made me all bubbly, I felt like I had drunk down three scotches.

  Rose was just so fucking gorgeous. I was right to trust Max.

  Her dark hair made her look like a mysterious goddess, especially with the smooth paleness of her skin and her supple body. I leaned back in my seat and imagined I was back in the car with her, with her scent surrounding me, and her fleshy thigh under my hand. Her body was so soft, touchable. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on all of it; hell, I was wishing I could get my hands on all of it.

  Something made me look up at the window.

  I could see the steam clouding the windows, and I knew it was from her shower. It didn’t take long for her to appear. She was in a big fluffy, blue towel that bounced off her smooth skin. Her long, curly locks were plastered onto her skin, between her shoulders as her back was to me. Just looking at her was getting my skin hot.

  I had spent so long with baseless hookups and shitty relationships that I knew a real connection as soon as I felt it. The kind that made me want to give her pleasure, watch her get pleasure. Everyone had their own reasons behind these kinds of relationships, and I wasn’t about to try and figure it out. I just knew that there was something about knowing a woman was with other men, and wanted to have you all at the same time.

  Like you beat their list of requirements and they needed you to fulfill them in some way.

  Rose needed some pleasure in her life, and I was ready to give it to her.

  I watched her disappear into another room, her closet maybe. Then she returned, and set something on her bed.

  My dick was hard as soon as her towel dropped.

  Fuck, the light was too dim to make out all the details, but I saw her body for what it was. Fucking perfect. She raised her arms over her head and ran her fingers through her hair, then she turned to the side and glanced out the window and I growled as I realized she was putting on a little show for me.

  My dick was getting uncomfortably hard in my pants, and I adjusted it as she turned to face the window. I could see the curve of her breasts, and the heave of her chest as she breathed deeply. My eyes drifted lower to the sweet pussy between her legs and I fucking wished I could throw her on that bed and devour her sweetness.

  She ghosted her fingertips over her breasts and I wished I could be there to see the color of her nipples, see how hard they were for me. I could barely make out her face, but I just knew she was flushed and wanting. I wanted to kiss every inch of that beautiful blush.

  I never knew cars were so small until I felt suffocated, sitting wishing I was in that bedroom with her. She turned slightly and slipped on an old tee shirt, and I was glad it wasn’t some overreaching, sexy piece of lingerie or something. It just suited her in its own way.

  She came closer to the window, and I could then see a slight smirk on her face. She reached to the side and then the lights flicked off.

  “Fuck me.”

  Chapter Ten: Rose

  It had been a week of tortuous build up. I didn’t know what exactly was building up, but I knew that I couldn’t stand it.

  Every night one of those deliciously sexy men was outside of my apartment keeping watch over me. And when I had two glasses of wine instead of two, they would just be watching me as I put on what I considered a show. I knew nothing about trying to be subtly sexy or trying to make men want me, but I guessed I was trying.

  At first it was insane thinking I could just be naked and then have the effect I wanted. Nate was my first try at it and I thought I did okay, except I had to pleasure myself at the thought of him just to fall asleep. It was the same with all of them. The night before last it was thinking of all of them that finally got me off.

  It was still very new to me, being attracted to all of them. Wanting the three of them together and separate…and together. I had no idea what to do with it, just that it was driving me insane.

  I had each of their numbers at that point and they gave me daily updates on who was keeping watch and whatnot, but we never talked about anything else. Not about the case or anything either. I wanted to send them some racy texts a few times, but I decided against it.

  “You have been oddly happy all morning.” Dina cornered me as I was resting at the nurse’s station. I had just got done with three beds and two admissions; those always take forever because of the transfer of files. But us nurses try and work together, so we can make our lives easier.

  “Um, I haven’t.” I tried to lie but Dina saw right through it. I just laughed, and she sat on the desk in front of me.

  I never knew how she could keep her full face of makeup looking so good throughout the day.

  “Come on, you have been acting super weird the past week. Is it because of that crime scene near your place?”

  I sighed. I should have known she would figure it out soon enough. She watched the news just as much as I did. I knew I didn’t want to keep the truth form her anymore either, but I knew even the slight truth would open the entire can of worms. Still, she was my friend. Even if she was only a work friend, though I knew she was more than that. Our work just didn’t allow for much free time outside of the job.

  I took a deep breath. “You know that witness they keep talking about? The one that called 911?” I raised a brow at her. She shrugged in response, saying yeah.

  “It was me. I was there walking Parker. He went crazy and I followed him. I saw the whole thing, except the shooting. That happened when I was running away,” I blurted.

  Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped and her face went over a whole flurry of emotions. It was insane. But she slowly realized everything and then squeezed my shoulder gently.

  “Oh, Rose. Are you okay? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I twisted my lip. “I don’t know. It wasn’t real yet. It still kind of isn’t. I made a statement, but I don’t know if they really need me yet.”

  “Holy shit. And you’re okay with going back there? You should
come and stay with us!”

  “That’s okay. I have people watching me,” I said before I realized it. She gave me a funny look and I knew she wasn’t going to give me any peace before I explained everything.

  “These cops…they were at the scene. One of them is the detective I gave a statement to and the other two are cops. Of course, they are all gloriously beautiful, but…I don’t really know what’s going on. The first day I was with them, I realized they were into me. And I’m into them too, all of them.”

  “Seriously?” she whispered. I nodded with a guilty smile.

  “Yeah. I mean, we haven’t done anything. Well, when they watch me I undress in front of the window but that’s it.” I giggled nervously.

  She started laughing and then we were both laughing hysterically. It was kind of funny, and it felt good to finally be honest with someone about what I was going through.

  “I never would have thought you could do that. I’m so proud. Why haven’t you done anything? Are you not into it?” she hinted.

  “It isn’t that. I think there is just a bunch of shit going on.”

  “Hmm. Sounds like life. Well, if you need a break from the watchmen, you can come and stay with us.” She smiled.

  “Thanks. I might need it if I have to go another night so sexually frustrated.”

  We both laughed and got back to work.

  Chapter Eleven: Rose

  My shift was busy and I was eager to get home to Parker. It was dark and around nine when I was getting on the subway to go home when my phone rang. It was Nate.

  “Hello?” I answered. I stopped trying to use a pretty voice when I answered the phone, so I sounded just as tired as I was.

  “Hey doll, it’s me. Listen I have to get another officer to watch you tonight. Max is on duty and I have to take care of something.”

  He sounded pent up and worried about something. A bit frustrated, too.

  “What’s wrong? Did something happen, are you okay?” I rambled. I stepped to the side of the pay box so the crowd wouldn’t run me over.

  “Uh, don’t worry yourself. I can fill the officer in on what is going on with you.”

  “I don’t care about that, Nate, I just care that you’re okay. Are you?” I pried. Maybe I was trying to convince him I was interested in more than just some fantasy with him, or undressing in front of the window.

  I couldn’t deny the feeling I got when I even thought he had been hurt. I couldn’t ignore it either, or write it off as something as simple as physical attraction.

  “Rose, I’m fine. It was Alex, he’s in the hospital. He got jumped.”

  I gasped in shock. “Oh no. Is it bad? Which hospital?” I asked. I had literally just left; I wondered what my luck could possibly be at that point.

  “I’m not sure yet, we’re on the way. But it will probably be the same one you work at; the precinct has some weird policies with it. But he’ll be fine.”

  “Well I want to meet you there.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  But I had already turned around and planned to head back to the hospital.

  “I want to, I can have the best doctor look at him.” I made some friends in the hospital, but only because I was nice and not manipulative.


  “Nate, I’m going to meet you here. It’s best that I’m with at least one of you.”

  I heard him sigh in defeat. “Okay. I guess that’s best anyway, since I have to get back to work. I’m on duty since I was the one who…it’s complicated. I guess I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. See you.”

  I hung up and frantically got a ticket back to the hospital. It was crowded as always, and I walked the short two blocks to go back to work. A few people gave me weird looks when I got to the ER, because they knew I already left and wondered why I was back. I went to the nurse’s station and asked Kelly if she knew anything. Dina was already gone too.

  “Hey, did an officer come in here? I mean a detective. And another cop should be with him too.” I tugged my sweater closed and crossed my arms. I fidget randomly when I was nervous.

  “Uh, no. Didn’t you leave already?”

  I was about to answer her before the door busted open and I saw Nate walking in with Alex practically dragging by his side.

  “Nate!” I ran to the double doors to meet them. I started shouting my usual commands and led them to an open bed, but I knew I couldn’t do anything since I was off the clock. Kelly came over and I was glad it was her taking care of him.

  “Hey.” Nate hugged me briefly and we stepped aside as Alex started being checked out.

  I told a passing nurse to get a doctor down asap.

  “What happened?” I turned to Nate. He combed through his hair and sighed.

  “I don’t know yet. He was doing a checkup and next thing I know I’m getting a call.”

  “Oh no. Someone wanted to hurt him.” My throat was getting so closed I thought I was going to cry. Nate gave me an odd look and rubbed my shoulder.

  “We’re cops, Rose. Someone is always going to want to hurt us. For any reason. It just comes with the job.”

  I nodded slowly as his words sunk in. I realized that feeling would come with being involved with them, too.

  “We can uh, wait in the waiting room. Do you want some coffee? I can get you the good kind for the nurses,” I told Nate.

  “Yeah, please.” He offered a small smile. He glanced back at Alex before he walked off with me. I knew he was worried about his friend. It was sweet, but it sucked that the situation was so bad.

  What if it had been worse? Alex could have been gravely injured, or even shot. I didn’t see much, but it just looked like a busted nose and bruised cheek.

  I told Nate to wait outside the lounge and I got him a fresh hot cup and cream. I nearly cringed when I saw him drink it black. We sat on the over-worn couches by the ER.

  “How was your day before all this?” He slung his arm behind me casually.

  I never got used to how hot he looked in uniform. And the way he leaned back and knocked his legs open like he wanted me to come kneel between them…how could my mind be in the gutter at a time like that?

  “It was okay. Nothing too crazy. What about yours?” I turned to him. I inhaled deeply to disguise my breathing in his scent. So masculine and intoxicating.

  “The same as always.”

  I stared into his deep eyes for a moment. I turned and rested my head on his shoulders. It was so easy to be around him. Around all of them. Way too easy.

  “Why don’t you guys tell me about the case? I can handle it.”

  He sighed, and I felt him grin. It was weird, Nate not cracking a joke.

  “I don’t know. We just agreed not to.” He tsked his jaw.

  I groaned as I realized it.

  “I get it. I admire you guys’ friendship. But when you decide to trust me, I can handle it.”

  He kissed the crown of my head.

  “We know.”

  Chapter Twelve: Rose

  Alex was cleared by the doctor and I was glad he didn’t have a concussion. When I saw him again, he didn’t look nearly as bad. Bruised cheek like I suspected, and a split eyelid on the left. He was up and walking around and I felt lucky. I hugged him tight like it was a lifeline.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” I muffled into his chest. He looked so dapper and smelled so good.

  I loved how he dressed in his slacks and vest and dress shirt. I wondered how he used to look in his uniform, but he looked good that way too.

  “I’m okay, Rose.” He smiled, a crooked one, but just as knee-weakening.

  Nate got us in his cruiser and drove us to Alex’s place, since he had to go to work.

  “I don’t mind staying to help you, I am a nurse after all,” I told Alex as we arrived. He lived near the city in a duplex.

  “Okay.” He nodded. Nate grinned at the both of us as we got out. I wondered what he was thinking.

  I hugged Nate
goodbye, and then we went inside.

  Chapter Thirteen: Alex

  I didn’t want to think about what happened to me because I knew what it meant. This was a real shit storm and it was too damn late to evacuate. I didn’t want to tell Rose what happened, either. Neither of us wanted to tell her about the case at all. We wanted her to be safe and we didn’t want her to worry.

  We knew she was strong and could hold her own, but we didn’t want her to have to. She was just so sweet and innocent, she didn’t deserve any of this. The only reason she was in this situation was because she was such a good person. Wanting to do the right thing even in a tough situation.

  And I just fucking wanted her so badly I couldn’t think straight. We all wanted her.

  Rose was so fucking smart and sexy and irresistible. She didn’t even know it. Even with teasing us in her bedroom window every night. I wanted to show her exactly what she did to me. I wanted to taste her and eat her up repeatedly.

  Then she was in my house, looking like a fucking night raven just to torture me. My ribs were so fucking uncomfortable, yet still I wanted to throw her over the couch and fuck her into tomorrow. Maybe even the day after.

  “You look so tired. Are you hungry? I can make something.” She looked around for the kitchen, but it was behind the living room wall.

  My place wasn’t anything special. My bedroom was upstairs, and I used the other one to hang my boxing bag up. My living room was pretty sad; the leather futon was rarely used, and the entertainment unit was almost dusty by how rarely I used it. I had some pictures up of me and the guys, but that was pretty much it. I once tried to have a plant, but that ended badly.

  “Yeah, food sounds good.” I took off my gun strap and vest and laid it down on the couch.

  I led her into the kitchen and got her a bottle of water from the fridge. I had just upgraded all my appliances, and they were almost never used so they were still super shiny.

  “I hope you actually have food in here.” She giggled and set her bag down on the counter before she opened up the fridge.


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