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The Price of Love

Page 3

by Cassy Roop

  She was still wearing the same clothes from the courier incident earlier this morning. She wore an almost sheer white blouse with the top two buttons undone and a black pencil skirt with a wide red belt at the waist. Her skirt still had a tear at the bottom that split up a few inched at her side. The sheer stocking also had a run in them. I imagined those stocking being held up with a white pair of lacy garters and a sheer thong. I had to get control of myself if I was going to make it through this meeting without coming in my pants just from the sight of her.

  I couldn’t stop my leg from bouncing underneath the table with my nervousness.

  What is wrong with you? It’s not like you haven’t seen her before numerous times over the past eight years. Stop being a fucking pussy. I scolded myself.

  Kendall’s beauty was classic, not in a made up, high maintenance way. Her make-up was minimal. Just a few sweeps of blush, mascara, and a glossy sheen of lip balm made her look more beautiful than any cover model. My eyes left hers and scanned down her face to her perfect heart shaped mouth. It was almost like they were teasing me. Taunting me even. Her mouth was begging for me to kiss her. I wanted nothing more than to clear out this room and spread her out on this conference table and have my way with her.

  My cock twitched in my pants at the thought.

  Get a grip, Tristan! You know you could never have her.

  My desire for Kendall faded at that last thought. If she only knew how I had kept tabs on her over the years after her parents’ death and when she went to college, she would kick me to the curb faster than you could say fly by the seat of your pants. If she knew the real me, the real Tristan Price, she would never even give me the satisfaction of looking in my direction ever again.

  No. She will never find out the truth.

  Kendall said hello to the room after the initial shock of seeing me again finally started to wear off. The only two seats left available to her were directly across from me, so it didn’t leave her a choice but to sit where I could easily see her.

  Not that I’m complaining. I could look at her for a thousand lifetimes and never grow tired.

  Where the hell did that just come from?

  Kendall’s boss finally started to speak after introducing herself and Kendall and apologized for being late. After a few minutes of silence, my assistant who sat next to me tapped me on the forearm trying to catch my attention.

  “Huh? What? I’m sorry,” I stammered out gazing from my assistant to Kendall’s boss Laura. The older woman stared at me blankly with her hazel eyes. Her short black bob was styled so that it framed her face. Her bangs were almost a little too long and I wanted nothing more than to push them away from her eyes or cut them.

  “Are you ready to give us the details behind the deal I discussed with your assistant yesterday?” Laura repeated to me. She looked at me with a question in her eyes. I noticed her eyes follow mine over to where they stared at Kendall’s and back again. I really had to stop staring or I was going to give myself away.

  Clearing my throat, I stated with a voice of confidence, “Yes. Yes of course.” My young assistant Jill handed me a folder that contained pictures and information on the high scale hotels that we would be opening all over the world in the next six months.

  As I handed a holder each to Laura and Kendall, I started going over the details of my plan.

  “Over the next six months, we will be opening five new luxury hotels and resorts in five different cities. Our proposal is to feature one new hotel in your magazine monthly. Someone from your team would come on location and write up a full review after having the experience of staying at the hotel. In exchange for the publicity and marketing your magazine will do for our hotels, I will do an exclusive personal interview for you after the last hotel opening and article that is written.”

  My eyes scanned the room before landing on Kendall’s. She was gazing at me with a questionable look on her face.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Price, but if you don’t mind me asking, how does this even out for us? I mean you will be featured in five of our monthly editions but we only get one interview with you in exchange?” Kendall questioned. “I don’t understand how one interview with you is so important.”

  I focused my eyes on Kendall as I gave her a sly smile. People begged me for interviews. Often offered to pay me obscenely amounts of money just to hear what I have to say. The majority of the reason is because I didn’t want anyone to know about my past, but another is that I liked to keep my life private. Not offering interviews meant that nosey people stayed out of my business and no digging around in my past could occur.

  “Because, Miss Jones,” I said with a smugness in my voice, “I am somewhat to be…desired.” I went on as I pinned her with a heated look. The girl really was gorgeous especially when she had her hackles raised.

  I watched the heat flush her cheeks a wonderful shade of pink at my use of the word desired. I knew this girl was attracted to me. I could see it through her eyes. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her, but it was something that could never be. She could never know who I was or know about my past.

  Laura looked at Kendall with shock at the question she just asked. Her eyes were in narrow splits as she stared at Kendall as if silently communicating with her to keep her mouth shut.

  “Forgive her, Mr. Price, my assistant hasn’t been in New York very long and obviously doesn’t know much about you or your reputation.” Laura offered as way of explanation.

  “Oh I know all about his reputation.” I heard Kendall murmur under her breath. Laura was oblivious to Kendall’s answer to her statement, but I heard it loud and clear. Kendall looked up at me and her eyes opened wide. She saw the look I gave her and knew that I had heard her. She then flushed an even deeper red and slouched down deeper into the chair as if trying to make herself unseen.

  It was no secret that I dated around. I wouldn’t even call it dating really. Naturally in my position I had a lot of functions and public appearances in which I was to attend. It was also no secret that I usually made those appearances with a different girl on my arm every time. Rarely did I make an appearance with the same girl twice. Those girls know what my agenda was before they even attend any event with me. Non-disclosure agreements were signed to keep their mouths shut about anything that happened while they were out seen with me. Sure, I was a selfish bastard who often took those girls to bed to fulfill my needs. I was a red-blooded male after all. This arrangement worked out best for me. No emotional attachments were made, but I still got what I wanted. It was a win-win situation. I had never wanted to spend any more time with those girls than necessary.

  “No apology is necessary, Laura. She had no prior knowledge that I wasn’t one for interviews.” I said in Kendall’s defense. Kendall looked from Laura to me sheepishly.

  “So what do we need to do in order to get this deal started?” Laura asked me. What she didn’t know was that I had a plan in place. I needed to look like I didn’t have anything prepared so that no one was suspicious of what I was about to propose.

  “Well for starters, we can go over the details of the hotel openings in order and set a game plan for the person who will be writing the pieces. We need to time the visits and openings prior to the deadline of the magazine.” I said speaking to Laura.

  “I think that sounds like a good plan, Mr. Price. I will get with my journalists and see what their schedules look like so that we ensure that there will be no complications on that matter.” Laura spoke as she started stacking some of the papers in front of her. “When is the grand opening of the first hotel Mr. Price?

  “It is scheduled to open in five weeks, so that doesn’t give us much time to prepare. I do apologize for that. I was only approached by my marketing team with the idea for this concept a few weeks ago.” I offered as an explanation.

  “Understandable Mr. Price. We are just very pleased that you have chosen Lively as the magazine to go forward with the concept.” Laura said enthusiastically. No doubt this w
ould cover her entire marketing budget for the remainder of the year. “We plan to market this project as a six month subscription special to our readers. Only those who subscribe to the six issues will receive the copy of the special issue that contains your personal interview. We feel that it will give the readers incentive to order the subscription just to receive the interview edition.” She said with pride in her voice.

  “I think that is a wonderful idea, Laura. That will help Lively sell more copies and will put an extensive focus on the opening of our hotels.” I replied.

  “Kendall and I will get with our team this afternoon to get a writer and art team together so that we can get the ball rolling.” Laura said with a smile. Laura shook hands with me as well as the other members of my team that were present in the meeting. Now was a good time to put my plan into action.

  “Laura, I think I know exactly which member of your team would do an outstanding job for this project.” I said looking at her. My eyes then scanned over to the cerulean blue eyes that could stop my breathing with just a glance before I continued.


  Chapter 3


  I had trouble concentrating in the meeting. Being in the same room as Tristan Price was intimidating. Especially with the way he kept looking at me like he was starving and I was his next meal. I remember faintly hearing conversations about hotel grand openings and magazine subscription deals as I looked at the man sitting across from me. If looks could kill, I would gladly die a happy woman right now. It was no wonder he had women falling at his feet. Those green eyes were like shining emeralds as he spoke.

  I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts. I had to pay attention if I was going to be any help to Laura on this project.

  “Laura, I think I know exactly which member of your team would do an outstanding job for this project.” I heard Tristan say as I finally brought my head out of la-la land to pay attention.

  “Kendall.” He stated as he fixed those striking eyes on mine.

  “What?” Laura and I both said simultaneously. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I just sat there like some dumb bump on a log.

  Did he just say he wanted me to write the pieces on the hotels?

  I finally found my voice hidden behind my utter shock at his statement. He couldn’t possibly want me. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and tried to speak as smoothly as possible.

  “With all due respect, Mr. Price, I am the assistant editor. I haven’t actually written any stories or articles in several months since I was promoted in Dallas and moved here. I have only been in New York for a few weeks. Surely you would be more interested in someone who has been writing pieces for this magazine for longer than I have been here.” I said a little more shakily than what I wanted.

  He looked right at me and stared for a bit longer than comfortable before finally speaking to me.

  “Seeing as the first hotel opening will be happening right here in New York, I think you would be perfect for the job, Miss Jones. You will be able to give an unbiased opinion because you are new to the area,” he stated with confidence. “Besides, I have read some of your past work, and I think your work is brilliant.”

  Holy Hell! He has read my work? How? When? Why? I was beyond flabbergasted at his revelation. I honestly started to question this gorgeous man.

  “You’ve read my work?” I said a little sheepishly?

  “Yes Miss Jones. I did a little research prior to bringing this deal to Lively. Your publication is not the only magazine that we considered after giving the green light on this project.” Tristan said as he looked from me to Laura. Laura only nodded as if she understood that it was his choice to choose us and that we should be lucky. Laura narrowed her eyes at me as if mentally telling me not to ruin this deal for us.

  “Oh.” I blushed. Honestly I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed what with all the events that happened with Tristan this morning and now with this meeting with him and his suggesting that I write the pieces for this project. Pretty much it all came down to Tristan. This man was having an effect on me like no man ever had before. After everything that Brett stole from me, I could never bring myself to trust a man. Sure I dated here and there, but I never let a man make it past the third date. What was the point? I was not looking for a relationship. My experience with men had only lead me to heartache.

  “I really hope that you would consider heading this project Miss Jones. I think it would be beneficial to both of us.” Tristan said as he pinned me with a glare. His green eyes soft as if trying to send me support and comfort with that one look.

  “Yes, well Kendall and I will have a meeting together to discuss how we will choose to go forward in the project Mr. Price. We will get in touch with you and your office by tomorrow morning.” Laura interrupted the stare down between me and Tristan.

  “Very well.” Tristan replied as he rose to shake hands with Laura. I busied my hands gathering the papers that held the information about the deal and stuffed them into the manila folder. Tristan then turned to me and offered his hand to me. I hesitated briefly. The last time I felt his touch it felt as though my hand would catch fire. I had no doubt that this time would be any different.

  As I slowly slid my hand into his, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Kendall nothing would please me more than to work with you on this project.” I felt the warmth of his breath across the side of my cheek and ear. Goose bumps formed on my body and I had to fight the urge to shiver. He pulled away as quickly as he leaned in and turned to follow his colleagues out of our conference room. I couldn’t help but follow him with my eyes as he walked away from me. Tristan’s backside was almost as beautiful as his front. I couldn’t help the devilish grin that crossed my mind at that thought.

  I turned to find Laura glaring at me with a not so pleased look in her eye. “My office, now.” She said sternly as she turned away from me and walked out of the conference room. I stood in that empty conference room for a minute or two trying to catch my composure.

  What the hell just happened?

  I walked out of the conference room and knocked timidly on Laura’s office door. She looked up at me from holding her head in her hands as she sat behind her desk.

  “Come in, Kendall and have a seat. Shut the door behind you.” I did as she said. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Laura finally spoke to me.

  “Kendall, I can’t believe how disappointed I am in you. First you were late to work, and then your interaction with Mr. Price.” She shook her head before she continued, “You came so highly recommended by the Dallas magazine. Why were you late this morning? And on all days when we have a meeting with the highest profiled client this magazine has ever had!”

  “Laura, I am so sor…”

  Laura interrupted me before I could give her the explanation about the bicycle incident this morning and that the biggest reason I was late was because of said important client.

  “Never mind. We don’t have time to go into that now. We have to get started on this. I had every good intention of sending Jim to do this project. That plan is now out the window. For some unknown reason Price wants you. We have no choice but to follow through. He may not go through with this if we don’t. You have to be the one to write this project, Kendall. We need his interview.” She said with exasperation.

  “Maybe we can persuade him to go with another journalist. Maybe we just need to convince him that someone else would be better.” I told her.

  “No. I don’t want to press our luck with him, Kendall. We are going to give him what he wants. Price is a man who is known for getting what he wants and he wants you.”

  After I left Laura’s office, my thought were all over the place. I returned to my cubicle and grabbed my cell phone that was sitting on my desk. I touched the screen to activate it and noticed that I had a text message waiting from Cassie.

  Are we still on for lunch? Not at office so I will have to meet you.

  I gl
anced at the clock on my computer and noticed that it was already a quarter after noon.

  Yes. I have so much I need to tell you. Where do you want to meet?

  Her reply came a minute later.

  How about Joe’s? I could go for a meatball sub.

  I laughed to myself. This girl could consume every carb in sight and not gain an ounce. Me, if I just smelled carbs, they went straight to me hips. I hated her.

  Sounds good. I’ll meet you there in 10.

  I grabbed my purse and jacket and made my way to the elevators. I kept reliving all the events of my morning in my mind as I rode the elevator to the lobby of the Cashman building. The elevator and the lobby were both cramped with people, and it didn’t help alleviate my anxiety in the slightest. My chest felt heavy and my breathing was accelerated. I cannot believe that Tristan specifically suggested me as the point writer for this project. Just being in the same room with him was overwhelming. How was I going to be able to work with him? This man exhumed power and demanded attention. Not to mention that he was an oh-so-sexy billionaire who makes girls melt in a puddle at his feet.

  What am I going to do?

  Joe’s was a hole in the wall Italian restaurant only three blocks from our office. The wonderful smells of butter and garlic filter through your nose as soon as you step foot through the doors. It was an old fashioned Italian restaurant complete with red and white checkered table cloths. Each place setting had a laminated map of Italy and a set of silverware. The restaurant was small. It only had about ten tables.

  Joe, the owner, kept it dimly lit so that he could provide a “romantic feel” as he called it. All along the walls was either pictures of major places in Italy such as the Trevi Fountain and the leaning tower of Pisa or foods like tomatoes and pasta. I felt sorry for anyone who walked by because the aromas coming from this place would make anyone stop in a heartbeat to dine and ruin any low carb diet.


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