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The Price of Love

Page 11

by Cassy Roop

  I walked back to the door and handed the kid his tip.

  “Thank you very much,” I said. Just as I was about to shut the door, he reached into his back pocket and produced an envelope.

  “Oh wait! I almost forgot. This came with the flowers.”

  I smiled and then thanked him again before shutting the door. I reached to the table and picked up the flowers carrying them into the bathroom with me where I sat them on the counter. I opened the envelope to find just a single notecard inside.

  See You Soon.

  I smiled. Tristan must be thinking of me just as much as I was him. I put the notecard back in the envelope and placed it next to the flowers on the counter. I stripped out of my robe and climbed into the tub. The warm fragrant water was a welcome feeling for all the frustration I was feeling.

  After my long relaxing soak in the tub, I changed into a t-shirt and my favorite comfortable jeans. I was starving after not having dinner last night due to Tristan dragging me from the club. I went into the kitchen to see what I could find. Peeking open the refrigerator all that was available was some wine and some eggs.

  Hmm. Not much I can make out of that.

  I walked down the hall that lead to Cassie’s room. I wanted to order room service, but thought I would ask Cassie if she would like anything before I did. I pried open the door to her room only to find it empty. Cassie didn’t come back to the penthouse last night.

  I wondered if she spent the night with Jackson.

  I left Cassie’s room to go in search of my phone to see if I had a message from her. It wasn’t like her to not leave me a message if she was not going to come home. I found my phone in the bottom of my bag and noticed that the battery had died. I took in over to the nightstand by the bed and plugged it in. After waiting for it to power up, I noticed that I had four messages waiting for me. Three from Cassie and one from Tristan.

  Cassie: You disappeared on me. Where did you go?

  Cassie: Jackson just found me and said Tristan is upset. What is going on? Where r u?

  Cassie: I’m staying with Jackson. Call me ASAP!

  I needed to call her as soon as possible so that she did not have a coronary. I closed out her messages and read the one with Tristan before I would call her back.

  Tristan: I will never forget last night Angel. I cannot wait to see you tonight. Have fun getting pampered today. See you soon.

  His message was sent this morning while I was in the bathtub. I smiled at the thought of seeing Tristan tonight. I decided that I needed to find a knockout dress for tonight that would make Tristan go mad. First, I needed to contact a certain shopping partner and drag her out from underneath a certain sexy security mogul.

  Me: Wake up you hussy! I need to go shopping! Wanna go?

  I waited for her response that only came about thirty seconds later.

  Cassie: OMG! It’s about time I heard from u! R u ok? What happened with T? Jackson won’t tell me anything!

  Cassie: And like u need to ask if I wanna shop!

  Me: Well get your scrawny ass over here then! And yes I’m fine. Talk to u when u get here.

  Cassie arrived back at our penthouse in about fifteen minutes. She came bursting through the door as she arrived.

  “I’m here, Ken-Doll! Where are you?”

  “I’m in the living room!” I yelled back.

  Cassie came barreling into my room a few seconds later. She had the biggest grin on her face as she bounced down onto her stomach on my bed. She held her head up with her hands and kicked her feet in the air behind her.

  “You are in a good mood.” I said smiling. “Did someone have a good night?”

  She smiled. I knew it! She slept with Jackson. Well at least one of us got some last night.

  “Oh my God, Kendall, the man is a freaking Sex God!” she exclaimed. “But I don’t want to talk about me. What happened with you and Tristan last night?”

  I told her about Tristan bursting into the club while I was dancing with that Matt guy and how he practically ran him off and then dragged me out of the club. I told her how he asked me to come back to the penthouse to talk to him and our conversation when we got here.

  “He was jealous!” Cassie said as she smiled. “I told you babe that man wants you.”

  I smiled back. I knew Tristan wanted me. He told me so himself last night, but for some reason he keeps pulling back from me. Well I was not going to let him do that. I was going to get Tristan Price to want me so bad tonight, he wouldn’t be able to walk away this time.

  I proceeded to tell Cassie about our sexual encounter from last night. I elaborated about all the feelings and sensations that Tristan made me feel. I talked about the passion, want and need that I felt for this man and the act that he committed that made me feel all of those things last night with his tongue.

  “It was amazing Cass. I never knew it could feel like that. How come you never told me how great that feels! I would have done it a long time ago!” I asked her.

  “I did try to tell you babe. You just wouldn’t listen. You have been so torn up inside from what that bastard did to you, you were afraid to allow something like what happened with Tristan last night happen.”

  “I know. I was just so scared, Cass. Brett hurt me, physically and emotionally. It’s hard to trust after something like that. In a way though, I am glad I waited. I am glad that I got to experience that with Tristan first. Am I reading too much into this?”

  “Sounds to me like someone is head over heels.” Cassie said as she smiled.

  “Oh God, Cass. I am. I so am and I am terrified. I’m terrified to trust him. I am terrified to let myself go with him. Most of all I am terrified of what would happen if I don’t.”

  “Well, I say go for it, Kendall. What is that saying? ‘It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.’”

  “I seriously cannot believe you threw that cliché at me Cass.” I laughed.

  Cassie laughed with me. “Come on. Let’s go shopping and get you something that will have Tristan Price falling at your feet tonight.”

  After grabbing a cab, Cassie and I started the search we called “Operation Knock Him Dead” to find just that exact dress that would make Tristan drool. I wanted him to look at me and only me tonight. I also wanted to find something stunning because I knew the paparazzi were going to be present tonight and that my picture would be taken.

  I was feeling a little self-conscience about being photographed on Tristan's arm tonight. After seeing magazine after magazine with Tristan on the cover next to some gorgeous goddess, I was fearful that the paparazzi would consider me a “Plain Jane”.

  Cassie and I found a really elegant bridal boutique that also sold gowns for special occasions. We thumbed through the racks searching for our perfect ensembles. I was starting to feel disappointment in the selections I was browsing in when I heard Cassie yell from two racks over.

  “Oh My! Kendall, get your ass over here!”

  I did as commanded and continued to look at the rows of dresses as I made my way over to where Cassie was. When I arrived, she was holding up a gorgeous cerulean blue floor-length gown with a lace embellished bodice, a scoop neck and cap sleeves. The back was completely open and had a beautiful flowing train and a sexy deep side slit.

  “You have to try this on,” Cassie said as she handed me the gown. Taking the gown from her I turned in the direction of the fitting room. Once inside I slipped off my jeans and t-shirt and slipped into the dress. I smoothed my hands down the sides. The lace embellishment had a nude underlay giving me the appearance of being naked underneath. I opened the fitting room door and walked out to show Cassie. Her jaw was hanging open as she took in the sight of me.

  “Wow.” I said smiling at Cassie. “If I can get that kind of reaction from you, then I can only imagine the one I will get from Tristan.”

  “Well, Tristan is going to have his work cut out for him because he is going to have to fight to keep every man off of you tonig
ht in that dress. Damn Ken-Doll, if I swung that way, I would go for you wearing that,” she said as she gestured toward the gown.

  “I guess this is the one then.” I said with a smile.

  Later that afternoon, Cassie and I were treated to another glorious spa day in our penthouse courtesy of Tristan. He had the chefs prepare us a delicious gourmet lunch and we polished it off with champagne and strawberries.

  We decided to style my hair in soft waves and pulled it back into a messy bun-like look at the nape of my neck. Having my hair pulled up meant that the entire back of my dress was visible, or should I say lack thereof.

  Cassie had her hair placed in an elegant side ponytail that left her golden locks to cascade over her right shoulder. It looked beautiful with her emerald green taffeta gown that had a sweetheart neckline and ruching at the side. No doubt she was going to have Jackson salivating at her feet.

  It was nearing seven o’clock by the time we finished getting ready. Cassie and I were sitting on my bed sharing the last of our champagne. The boys were due to pick us up any moment now. I could feel my nerves starting to heighten. I couldn’t wait to see Tristan.

  Cassie and I were laughing together when we heard the doorbell ring. We both giggled with nervous anticipation. I was feeling the effects of the champagne and it was helping to try and settle my nerves.

  “Don’t move,” Cassie said. “I want to see Tristan's face when he sees you. Wait here I’ll get the door and then you can come out.” Cassie turned and glided elegantly in her stilettos to answer the door. I could hear muffled voices as the guys entered the penthouse. I heard Cassie squeal and I got up to peek out of the door to my room. Jackson had picked her up and was spinning her around in the air.

  My eyes caught Tristan's, and I froze. He looked mouthwatering in his dark tux. Hell, the man would look good in dishrags.

  I stepped out of the room, and Tristan froze. His eyes bored into me with a look so heated I could feel the dampness develop between my thighs. I swear I saw a slight falter in his step as he made his way over to me.

  I smiled.

  Tristan reached for my hand bringing it up to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. He then released my hand and leaned in to kiss my cheek. As he did he whispered, “You look breathtaking. I almost forgot to breathe when I saw you.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself, Sparky,” I replied as I reached up and fingered the lapels on his jacket and smiled.

  Tristan leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on my lips leaving a trail of fire when he retreated. I whimpered, actually whimpered.

  “I didn’t know you could have a dress made that matched the exact color of your gorgeous eyes,” Tristan said as he gazed right at me. “You look so incredibly sexy, Kendall. I almost want to blow this whole ball off and just go in that room with you and never leave.”

  I blushed.

  Oh yes please!

  “Hey! You two going to stand there and stare each other down all night or are going to go downstairs anytime soon?” Jackson teased breaking me out of trance.

  “Come on, Sparky,” I said as I patted Tristan's chest.

  The four of us made our way downstairs to the ballroom. I was in awe as I took in the expansive room that had been elegantly transformed for the party. Everything was white. White tables, chairs, and dance floor. Sheer white cloths draped the ceiling from the center where the beautiful chandelier made its home out to the perimeter of the ballroom. Beautiful white rose centerpieces sat high on crystal vases adorned each table. Tall pillar candles sat next to each centerpiece.

  The room was already full of people as we arrived. Almost instantly Tristan was crowded my guests wanting to congratulate him on the hotel. Everyone was dying to get a piece of him. I couldn’t ignore some of the looks I was getting from the female guests. To say they were not pleased to see me on Tristan's arm would have been an understatement.

  Tristan led us over to the bar where he ordered us both drinks. Jackson already had Cassie out on the dance floor showing off some stunning moves. They really looked good together. I looked at them and smiled. I like Jackson a lot. I just hope Cassie did not mess this one up like she had others in the past. He seems to be good for her.

  I brought my champagne up to my lips and caught Tristan staring at me. He smiled as he reached up to push back one of the tendrils that were framing my face.

  “Dance with me, Angel?” Tristan asked as he extended his hand to mine. I nodded and placed my hand in his. After sitting my glass down on the bar, I followed Tristan out onto the dance floor. He pulled me tight against him wrapping one arm around by back. I shivered as his hand touched my naked back.

  “This is the sexiest part about this dress,” he leaned in and whispered, “I love that I can touch your naked skin even though you are dressed. God Kendall, the things you do to me.”

  I could feel his erection pressed against me as we danced to Frank Sinatra’s “I’ve Got You Under My Skin.”

  How fitting.

  Tristan glided us both across the dance floor with grace. Was there nothing this man couldn’t do? When the song had finished, I excused myself from Tristan's arms needing to find a bathroom. Between the champagne upstairs and the glass down here, my bladder was feeling full.

  I found the restroom out in the main hall of the hotel. There were still guests filing in to the event. Opening the doors to the bathroom, I walked in and locked myself into the last stall. A loud creak signaled that the bathroom doors were opening and I froze as I heard voices indicating there was more than one woman who entered.

  “Did you see who he was with?” asked a woman with a squeaky high pitched voice.

  “Yes, and did you see what she was wearing? I mean really, can the girl try any harder to look easy?” replied another woman.

  “She is out of her element. She can play Cinderella all she wants, but the Prince will be leaving with me,” squeaky voice girl said.

  “Has he seen you here yet Miranda? If not, he is in for a surprise.” The other girl said as she giggled.

  The two girls finished in the restroom and left all the while I remained in the stall. They were making fun of me. I already felt inadequate as far as Tristan was concerned without their help. I wonder who this Miranda girl was and how well Tristan knew her.

  I left the stall and walked up to the mirror. The girl staring back at me had lost the confidence she had earlier in the evening.

  Am I just kidding myself with Tristan?

  He did have a reputation for an indulgence in women. It was a weakness that my one and only boyfriend use to have. No. Tristan was nothing like Brett. I haven’t even seen him with any other girl since we have been…what have we been? I can’t call him my boyfriend because technically he wasn’t, but I could not say that we weren’t involved either.

  Straightening myself before leaving the restroom, I made my way back out to the ballroom to find Tristan, Cassie, and Jackson. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I walked in to find a stunning blonde hanging on Tristan's arm. She was staring at him with doe eyes and had her hands placed on his chest. Jealousy shot through me like a steel rod.

  As I approached, I noticed Cassie and Jackson over at the bar laughing and having fun. I smiled briefly. At least they were having a good time. I approached Tristan cautiously as the blonde noticed me. She looked up at Tristan and laughed like he had said the funniest thing ever. Hearing the high pitched squeal brought me back to moments ago, and I pieced two and two together. This was Miranda.

  “There you are, Angel,” Tristan said as he reached out to put his arm around my waist.

  I remained quiet, not knowing what to say. Miranda still clung to Tristan like a leach. I looked up at him as if to signal with my eyes for him to introduce me.

  “Kendall this is Miranda Newsham. Miranda, Kendall,” Tristan said by way of introduction.

  “Miranda’s father is on our Board of Directors for Cashman Enterprises,” he elaborated.

  Miranda extended a
boney, polished hand to me, “Nice to meet you Kandice.”

  “It’s Kendall,” I said as I shook her hand.

  “Oh my apologies, I am horrible with names my dear,” Miranda said as she briefly narrowed her eyes at me. I know she intended for me to see it.

  “Oh Tristan darling, please say you will save me a dance,” Miranda said before she turned to walk away. She turned and added over her shoulder, “Nice to meet you Ken-dall”. She enunciated my name sarcastically. The gesture did not go unnoticed.

  Jackson and Cassie walked up just as Miranda swayed her hips a little too much when she walked away. I could not help but notice the brief icy stare that Jackson sent in Miranda’s direction.

  “What the hell is she doing here man?” I heard Jackson whisper to Tristan.

  “I don’t know. I did not invite her. I assume her father did. Don’t let her cause trouble,” Tristan replied to him.

  Tristan then turned to face me giving me a smile. He was trying to pretend that the whole interaction with Miranda never took place. I could tell he was hiding something, but decided against asking him about it.

  I was starting to grow tired off all the nasty looks I seemed to be receiving from nearly all the women in the room. I straightened my back and decided I was going to tell all these women off the only way I could think of. My being in Tristan's arms.

  “Dance with me?” I asked him as I batted my eyes.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he said as he bowed to me, “it would be my pleasure.”

  Tristan lead my by the hand to the dance floor and I had to try and stifle my smile. He turned around and faced me drawing me into his arms as we started to sway to the music. I snuggled up a little closer to him and could feel my nipples harden as they brushed up against him. I laid my head against his chest. The rhythm of his beating heart helped to calm me.

  “Mmm,” I mumbled as he held me against him. It felt so wonderful every time I was in this man’s arms. I could feel all the heated stares we were getting by being so close, but I didn’t care. I wanted to show every woman in this room that Tristan was mine, even if only for the night.


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