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Grind: The Doyles, A Boston Irish Mafia Romance

Page 11

by Sophie Austin

  Connor and I make a great team.

  And I’ve tried to keep an open mind. It’s not always easy, going from one way of believing the world works to a completely different and more open point of view.

  But it’s worth it. Connor’s worth it.

  Like he feels my stare, he looks up and sees me standing there. Connor is already headed in our direction, and I can’t help but smile at his eagerness to see me. Shouldering his way across the bar, he moves toward me and pulls me in close.

  “You came, love.”

  I wasn’t sure when he’d invited me. Wasn’t sure I was ready. But if I’m going to love Connor – and I do– then it’s time to really become part of his life. Seamus moves around us with the beer, and Connor leads me to the table.

  An older man at the head of the table, big like Connor and with the same piercing blue eyes, watches us with interest. He looks a bit frail, but stands and starts toward us. People greet him as he walks across the bar.

  The storied Murphy Doyle. He doesn’t seem like a scary criminal. He seems like a tired older man that’s interested in who his son has brought to this family get-together.

  “Connor, who’s your friend?”

  “Dad, I’d like to introduce you to Ava. Ava Buchanan, this is my father, Murphy Doyle. Dad, Ava is…”

  There’s a pause. We haven’t really talked labels. But that doesn’t stop Connor.

  “Ava is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. And I wanted you to meet her, because she’s going to be around a lot more. All the time. For a long time, in fact, I hope.”

  Butterflies in my stomach flutter at those words, while tears threaten to sting my eyes. Quickly, I clear my throat and hold out a hand.

  Murphy’s looking from me to Connor with a more intense interest and a raised eyebrow. A familiar gesture, so like his son.

  “Mr. Doyle, it’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you,” I say as he clasps my hand in his briefly.

  He snorts, and gives me a grin – one that produces a dimple so much like the ones I’ve come to love. There’s a catch in my throat, as I realize that I’ve met this man so late.

  Too late. I’ll never really get the chance to know him.

  “Seamus tells me you’re going to be a lawyer,” he says sharply. “Most of what you’ve heard probably isn’t too good, aye?”

  All eyes are on me, and I smile. Reaching out, I wrap an arm around Connor’s huge bicep and an instant wave of peace washes over me. “Actually, most of it’s from your son, sir. And it’s all good. He tells me that you’ve done a lot of good in the community. Did you know that he recently followed your lead and endowed a law scholarship?”

  Connor coughs, looks away. We haven’t talked about that – yet.

  I continue, “The Claire Doyle Scholarship. It’s helping attorneys that want to support survivors of domestic abuse.” I’m so proud of him that my eyes burn.

  Connor clears his throat, and he shares a long silent exchange with his father.

  Murphy’s smiling broadly. “Good. Nobody better than Connor here to make sure the Doyles keep giving back. Making this city a better place.”

  He looks at me for a long minute, and gives me a surprisingly gentle smile that adds more crinkles around his eyes. “It’s a true pleasure to meet you, Ava. Connor here, he’s one of the good ones. You two take care of each other.”

  Then, as if the sentimentality is too much, Murphy waves a hand.

  “Come on, sit down and have something to eat,” he says and heads back to the table.

  Connor’s looking down at me, something unreadable in his eyes. Here we are, in the middle of his family bar, and everything else fades away. His head ducks down to my ear and he whispers, “Ava, you’re amazing. Thank you, I…”

  He pauses.

  I pick up where he left off. “I’m sorry, Connor. You can’t have your Red Sox shirt back. I’ve decided to keep it.” I’ve decided to keep you too, I add silently.

  He blinks rapidly, but before he responds I add much more softly, “I love you too, Connor.” And I hold his eyes, which widen and then grow heated with the promise of things to come.

  “Now, introduce me to your family.”

  Several sets of curious eyes are turned our way, and the small redheaded woman has stood and is making her way to us. “Hi, you must be Ava. I’m Molly, it’s so nice to meet you.”

  She turns flashing eyes on Connor. “Come on, you big lug. Introduce your girlfriend to your brothers and get her some food.”

  When there’s a moment of hesitation she adds, “Now, Connor!” before looping her arm through mine and leading me toward the table to introduce me to the Doyle family. As she talks, my eyes lift up and meet Connor’s.

  It’s going to be a hell of a ride.

  Epilogue - Connor

  One Year Later…

  The air’s barely moving in the stifling ninety-degree heat, the sun’s beating down unrelentingly, and my ass is numb from this cheap folding chair.

  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  “Relax, Connor. She’s almost up,” Seamus says, shooting an apologetic look to the woman next to me.

  My twitching is getting on her nerves, and she’s got nowhere to go. My huge brothers take up the entire row.

  My fingers slide into my pocket and curl around the small box there for the hundredth time that morning. A ring, an emerald Claddagh ring that had been my mother’s, is still there.

  The woman on stage is calling the list of graduates. She did it. Ava’s worked harder than anyone I’ve ever seen. Late nights, clerking internships, endless classes.

  And she’s crossing the stage, taking her diploma, with a confident nod and smile. I love the focused, intense, and sexy woman that she is. She’s descending the stairs and moving in the direction of the other graduates when she sees me.

  Surprising me, she changes direction and heads directly my way. I’m on my feet, pushing past my brothers, to meet her in the aisle.

  Ava crashes into my arms, and I pick her up as she lets out a little shriek.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby girl.”

  She wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my neck. It doesn’t get better than this. Until it does. All eyes are on us, but I don’t care. My focus is narrowed down to her.

  “We’ll meet you at the Kildare,” I tell Owen, my youngest brother, who is closest to the aisle with his fiery girlfriend, Molly. Molly gives me a knowing grin; there’s nothing that woman doesn’t seem know.

  Grabbing Ava’s hand, I stride up the aisle with purpose.

  “Get a room,” Ronan growls under his breath.

  That’s on my agenda, but not just yet.

  Ava doesn’t even throw a look back. She’s used to my antics at this point. And graduation behind her, I know every part of her is eager to jump into the future.

  It’s a beautiful day, and not too far of a walk to the park where we danced under the stars on our first date. Today it’s an explosion of color, all greens and brightly colored flowers. The area has been roped off, and a sweating Sully stands guard outside the only entrance.

  “Nice of you to show up, boss.” But he’s grinning and pats me on the shoulder as he heads off to give us some privacy.

  Ava looks at me expectantly. “I thought we were going to the Kildare!”

  She’s smiling and taking in every detail of the garden in full bloom. Slowly, she spins in a circle, and when she turns back around, I’m on one knee.

  Her eyes widen, her hand flying up to her mouth. She even takes a step back, which is exactly the direction I don’t want her heading. Toward me, darling. Not away. But it looks like I managed to surprise her for once.

  “Marry me, Ava.” The emerald catches the light and sparkles.

  It’s like I can’t breathe, and the moment between when those words leave my mouth and when she whispers “Yes” are maybe the longest ones of my life.

  I’m on my feet, my arms wrapped arou
nd her. She turns her face up to press her lips to mine. My girl. My wife. Everything feels right.


  Thanks for reading Grind! Ready for more of the Doyle boys? Check out Hustle to get Seamus’s story next. Or visit my Amazon author page for full details on the entire series and other future releases.

  Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list! Stay tuned for releases on Boston’s big-hearted tough guys and plenty of fun stuff along the way.






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