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Measured Love (Sweet Steamy Nights Book 1)

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by Haven Rose

  Greta shifts toward me and whispers, “you’ll get it, dear. Just let us have our fun planning this. It won’t be as big as we’re making it sound. We’re simply excited.” Fudge. Can’t really be upset about that now, can I? Greta winks at me, and I can’t help but wonder if I’ve been had.

  Emmett pats my knee under the table and says, “You have.”

  I glare at him, not that I’m really mad, but I have to play the part as I inform him, “Couldn’t give me a heads up?”

  He pretends to think about it, then mumbles, “My bad?”

  Leaning close, my breath tickling his ear, I warn him, “I can always tell them whose idea it was to take that quick trip this weekend.” Emmett and I had talked and we knew our parents – the moms – would more than likely go overboard, and we wanted them to have that as we’re both only children. However, he and I decided to have our own day, just for the two of us. So…we eloped. Maybe at some point we’ll fess up to it, but right now we’re enjoying the fact it’s secret. If our respective best friends could’ve been there, I know they would have without hesitation. They all sent their love and full support. It’s funny that all three of us girls seem to be finding our forevers at the same time, though I guess it’s a testament to how strong our bond is.

  Of course, Emmett slipped earlier and referred to me as his wife, causing my dad to side-eye him something fierce. Mom sighed, telling him how sweet it is that he already calls me that. My reaction to it was completely different. I dragged him to my old room, now serving as a place for guests, where I proceeded to drop to my knees and show him exactly what I thought of it. Before I took him in my mouth, I had said, “My husband,” and I’m surprised the heat blazing from his eyes at that didn’t scorch me and the entire house. We’d quietly made our way back to the others after that, thankful they were so engrossed in wedding planning that they hadn’t even noticed we’d left.

  Two hours later, everything is in place, to do lists are passed out, and we’ve all eaten dinner together. With our assignments in hand, Emmett and I, as well as his parents, walk out the door and head to our respective residences. We’d offered to let them stay with us, but they’d politely declined. They did accept next door to us, where Emmett used to live, saying that way they’ll still be close to “their baby boy,” as his mom called him, yet allowing space for both couples.

  I’d nudged Emmett, whispering that they wanted to get freaky without disturbing us, to which he’d paled and shuddered. That made me evil laugh, along with making the observation, “It’s only funny when it isn’t your dad and mom, huh?”

  That had led to him carrying me over the threshold, which he’s done every time we enter our house since we got hitched, and enacting his own revenge. Of course, it didn’t last long as withholding my orgasm meant he didn’t get one either.

  Today, though, that won’t be the case. Our escape at my parents wasn’t enough. We both need more. “Strip,” Emmett demands. He’s a laid-back guy, but when it comes to our sex life? His voice deepens and this other persona kinda takes over. Oh, my Emmett is still there, but he has moments when he needs all the control.

  And I gladly give it. It’s hot as fuck. When I’m down to nothing but my rings – which surprisingly, no one mentioned that I’m now wearing a set and Emmett has a silicone band. He’d chosen that as it’s safer for him due to his job. My wedding ring resembles a sunflower. The center is a chocolate diamond while the petals are citrine, their color that of a bright yellow just as they are in nature.

  Emmett circles me, a growl leaving him as he does so. I’m shivering in anticipation, knowing by the time he’s finished with me, my legs will be jelly, barely able to hold me up. I can’t wait. A touch on the small of my back urges me forward, his silent instruction on what he wants me to do. I kneel on the bed, his curse as my position opens me to his gaze making my lips curve in a smug smile. His fingers trail over me, lingering in some places, bypassing others on purpose. I spread my legs a little more, tempting him, and earn a swat to my right cheek. We both enjoy the connection a spanking brings, so we look for ways to incorporate them here and there.

  This continues for what feels like hours, yet is probably half of one at the most. When he stands behind me, the light dusting of hair around his stomach tickling the rear of my thighs, I let out a sigh.

  Now the fun truly begins.

  Epilogue One


  August 15th…

  Our moms came through brilliantly. We didn’t give them much time to make it happen, but they did. And it was perfect. Kenna and I realized they’d tricked us as the day approached. They were messing with us, acting as if it was going to be a big event, but it was low-key and consisted of those closest to us. Which is exactly what we wanted. Yet neither she nor I regret our secret ceremony.

  Of course, as Kenna and I sway to the music, our first official dance as husband and wife – so our family and friends believe – I make a confession. “This is the only time I actually wouldn’t mind all those cameras following me around.

  She leans back, clearly shocked as she stares at me. “You said you hated that part of it, that you were glad when they finally started leaving you alone.”

  “I did and I was,” I confirm.

  “Then why the sudden change of heart?”

  “Because I want the whole world to know you’re mine. What better way to do that than to have them get the word out?” She shakes her head at my possessiveness, but it’s an act. She loves it.

  “Caveman,” she mutters, pressing more firmly against me, leaving no space between us. Which is what I prefer. I’d spend all day glued to her side. Thankfully, she feels the same.

  School starts soon, but not before we’re able to take a honeymoon. Nothing too extravagant, though I tried. Kenna said maybe someday, after we start our family, because it’ll be a once in a lifetime opportunity for them.

  Instead, she and I are taking a road trip. I visited so many states due to my previous career, yet I never got to enjoy any of them. Then again, I really didn’t want to as it was just me. Seeing them now, with my wife, will make them even more special.

  “I got you a present,” I tell her quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment as I withdraw her flowers for the day, this time a charm bracelet, a daisy already dangling from it. Kenna doesn’t let me spoil her as much as I want to, yet she accepts my floral gifts without complaint, knowing each comes from my heart. For example, the garden I planted for her, with Grady’s expert advice on placement. She loves sitting on the bench I added, our initials carved into the wood, as she stares at it. Even though its beauty could never compare to hers, she adores it. Because I did it for her.

  I’d added her to all my accounts and vice versa the day after I proposed, and she’d closed her checking and savings, combining it with mine. It just made sense considering, which resulted in her falling speechless for about an hour once she’d seen the balances. I’d shrugged, knowing professional athletes get paid a shitload of money and being smart with it financially only earned me more. Her first words had been that our children would never have to worry about tuition for college or where there next meal would come from. That’s it. Her heart is so pure, is it any wonder she stole mine?

  Epilogue Two


  Five years after meeting…

  “Well,” I pant, trying to catch my breath from the vigorous sex Emmett and I just had, “that should do it.” My eyes dart to the flowers I’d place there, which he still brings me in some form every single day. This time, they were a precursor to a vigorous round of lovemaking. That and we’re trying to hurry our next child’s arrival as I’m a week over my due date.

  He chuckles, though it’s barely a puff of air as he’s attempting to regain his own. “Unless our daughter is as stubborn as you.”

  “Me?” I ask. “You’re the one who continues to insist it’s a boy when none of the sonograms have shown any twigs or berries.” Honestly, the doctor can’t make
anything out, the baby keeping their legs closed each time we attempt to find out.

  He shakes his head at me. “Sweetheart, I love you, but you have to stop calling them that.”

  “Make me,” I taunt. And wouldn’t you know it, that’s when our second child decides to make their presence known, informing us they’re ready to meet the world.

  Emmett knows my body almost better than I do, having spent a lot of time exploring it, so he rolls over and grabs the first clothes he can. “Already cockblocking me,” he mutters, though I can hear the happiness in it. He is such a great father, completely doting on our oldest. Daddy’s little girl.

  The second she was placed in his arms, he’d cried. Then told me he owed my dad an apology. That if what he felt in that split second, his mind racing ahead to the future and boys wanting to be around her, was even a smidge of what mine felt after meeting him, he doesn’t know how my dad didn’t kill him.

  They’ve since bonded over that, both saying they need to acquire gun collections prior to her being old enough to date. Dad claims he sold all his when I met Emmett, but I’m not buying it.

  Emmett’s calmness is in full effect as he helps me stand and put on a sundress. After having Petra Iris – of course, we had to get a flower in there – almost four years ago, her first name being in honor of her maternal grandpa, I vowed no more pants or shorts for the subsequent labors. He grabs my suitcase from where it was placed beside the door just last week, and helps me to our SUV. Petra is actually having a sleepover with Emmett’s parents tonight, which seems like fate now.

  It only takes minutes to drive to the hospital, where I’m quickly checked in and whisked to the delivery room. Our son – dang Emmett for being right – is born an hour later, his cry immediately ringing out and capturing our hearts.

  Calls had been made as we waited for my labor to fully progress, so our loved ones are already here and impatiently waiting to meet the newest member. Once he’s cleaned up and we’re given the all clear, they descend on us, oohing and aahing over Finn Emmett Cole.

  “He looks just like his daddy,” Greta declares through her tears. She then grabs her cell phone, making me wonder if she’s about to show us proof as she’d had childhood photos of his scanned and stored on her cloud.

  My mom removes her own from her purse and does just as she did when Petra was born. “Ella may have had grandchildren first, but mine are cuter.” Emmett and I snicker. Their competition is still going strong and mom routinely sends her pictures of Petra, proclaiming her the best granddaughter in the world. Thank goodness we had a boy, giving her a grandson. Otherwise, that could’ve been awkward.

  With promises to visit again tomorrow, Emmett and I are left alone with our children. Petra had been asleep in her grandpa’s arms, only waking minutes before they left. Not wanting to miss a chance for the four of us to get some family time, we’d kept her for a while, his mom telling us to call her later and she’d pick her up again. She knows there’s no way Emmett is leaving us here without him, no matter what the staff tries to enforce. When Petra was born and the nurse mentioned it was time for him to go, that they’d take care of us, he refused to budge. She’d tried again, and he calmly stated he’d buy the place just so they couldn’t make him go. He doesn’t throw his money around, both of us choosing to use it for charities and to ensure our family is set for many generations, setting up scholarships for those who couldn’t afford college otherwise, and so on. But his family is priceless to him, and he won’t hesitate to take any steps necessary to keep us safe.

  “I love you so much,” Emmett says as we’re all cuddled in my bed. It’s a tight fit, but we make it work with Finn in my arms and Petra in his lap. He places a kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering as they always do on my skin.

  I’m so happy I’m about to burst with it as I tell him, “I love you, too.” A thought strikes me and I have to ask. “Honey, out of curiosity, what would you have done if you hadn’t won me over before your deadline? Would you really have conceded defeat?”

  “Never. We were meant to be. I would’ve simply tried harder to make you fall for me. After all, a lot of games have been won because of extra innings.”

  Be sure to look for Grady and Helen, All Fired Up, releasing February 2021.

  If you liked Emmett and Kenna’s story, please take a moment to leave a review. Not only are authors happy to know they’ve brought enjoyment to someone’s life by providing an escape from reality, even if only for a short time, but they are a way for others to decide if they’d also be interested. The greatest way to share your love for their work is by word of mouth, whether it’s literally, or through your own written word in a review.

  Stay Connected

  You can email the author, if you’d like, at Haven has created a Facebook page for those interested in connecting with her or for updates on current works in progress and future books – You can also follow her author page on Amazon ( on BookBub ( Her website is, and she has created a closed reader group on Facebook. If you’re interested in becoming a member, please visit The Rose Garden at

  Thank you for taking the time to meet this couple, and those near and dear to them, as well as characters you may see in future books.

  About the Author

  Haven Rose spends her days high atop the world in a tower overlooking a beautiful meadow, waiting for her prince to find her. No? That's a different story? Okay. In real life, the author, who prefers to remain a mystery, met her true love at a very young age and the two have been enjoying their lives together ever since. Has it had its ups and downs? Yes, but their love for one another has endured it all and only grown stronger. He is the foundation upon which her Heroes are created. She knows things can never be perfect in a relationship, at least not outside of books, which is why the pen name of Haven Rose was created, allowing readers, such as herself, to escape into a world where problems are easily solved, love is instant and true, and the story is always safe.

  More by Haven Rose

  A Tangled Web Series

  Grave Secrets (

  Lethal Memories (

  Final Truth (

  Love Found (TBD)

  Accidental Connection Series

  The Hopeful Heart (part of the Forever Safe series) (

  The Enduring Heart (

  The Patient Heart (

  The Redeemed Heart (November 2020)

  The Believing Heart (December 2020)

  Holidays in Jasper Series

  Trick or Treat (

  Thankfully Yours (

  Marry New Year (

  From the Heart (

  Shamrocked (

  His Firecracker (

  Summer’s End (

  Holiday Ever After (a collection of bonus short stories – 2020)

  It’s Complicated Series

  A Home for Noelle (part of the Forever Safe Christmas series –

  A Place for Daniel (TBD)

  A Family for Garrett (TBD)

  Matter of Hart Series

  That Day (

  Getting Lucky (

  Love’s Draw (2020)

  Just Right (TBD)

  Made to Order (TBD)

  Full Circle (TBD)

  Giving Chase (TBD)

  Deep Desires (TBD)

  The Perfect Position (TBD)

  By Design (TBD)


  Pieces of You (


  XOXO Series

  (Christmas 2019)

  Ex Scrooge Me
by Brynn Paulin (

  Mistletoe Magic by Haven Rose (Meant to Be #1) (

  Candy Covered Kisses by Loni Ree (

  His Christmas Delivery by Pixie Chica (

  (Valentine 2020)

  Series page -

  (Sweet Surprise (Meant to Be #2) (

  (Spring Love 2020)

  Billionaire Bunny by Brynn Paulin (

  A New Start by Haven Rose (Meant to Be #3) (

  Mr. Boss Man by Loni Ree (

  A Royal Payne by Pixie Chica (

  (Halloween 2020)

  Titles to be Announced

  Sweet, Steamy Nights Series

  Measured Love by Haven Rose (

  Put a Ring on It by Pixie Chica

  Postcards in the Sand by Brynn Paulin

  (We’ll see you again in February 2021)

  Love’s Valley Duet (with May Gordon)

  Spark of Love and Lesson in Love (

  Tarpley VFD (a part of Susan Stoker’s World)

  Multi-author series featuring

  Fighting for Elena by Silver James (


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