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Desire's Awakening

Page 2

by Gail DeYoung

  While Kaitlin read over the fine details of the contract, the Trainer motioned to the escort. The young woman walked over with delicate steps and bowed to him.


  “Have Corinne come here.”

  “Yes Sir,” she stated demurely while bowing, then walked backward a few steps before turning on the balls of her feet and walking quietly down the hallway. Kaitlin was amazed at how noiselessly she treaded on the tile floor considering the height of her heels. After Kaitlin signed the paperwork, she handed it back to the Trainer who perused it carefully, making sure she had answered all questions. He seemed pleased that she had marked most items on the BDSM checklist.

  “One more thing…from this point on, you will be called ‘girl’. You are being assigned a mentor who will guide you through the process of transforming from what you are into what you will become. Any questions?”

  “No, I guess not.”


  A few minutes later, another young woman arrived and bowed her head. She was taller than the other by at least four inches, with red, curly hair pulled back in a ponytail to expose the collar around her throat. She was exquisite with alabaster skin, delicate features and large, pouting lips. Dressed in a white corset to emphasize her tiny waist and her full bosom, she resembled a Goddess. Kaitlin couldn’t drag her eyes away from the huge, exposed nipples.

  “Yes Sir?”

  “Corinne, this is the new girl, Kaitlin. She’ll be here for a month. You will be her mentor. Show her to her room. She begins training tomorrow.” With that, he picked up the contract and left the room. No handshake, no nod, no smile, nothing. He was finished with his business and their time was up. Kaitlin felt a pang of sadness seeing him leave. Though he was rather abrupt with her at the end, she was very impressed with the interview and felt a strong attraction to him.

  “Yes Sir.” Once again, the sub bowed as the Trainer left then she looked directly at Kaitlin, bright green eyes giving her a quick perusal. A momentary scowl was replaced by a fake smile.

  “You will come with me,” Corinne said, leading Kaitlin down a long hallway past nine other rooms. The doors were all closed. Kaitlin concentrated on her escort’s beautiful thigh-highs, which were topped with lace. A floral trellis with rhinestone details ran up the sides. She wondered if that would be her attire while at the training facility. Before she could ask, they arrived at the last door on the left of the hallway.

  “This is where you will live for the next month.” Corinne opened the door into a small room furnished with a twin bed, nightstand and lamp. A white woven bedspread draped over the bed to the floor. Thick chains with shackles were imbedded into the wall facing the bed, one set higher than Kaitlin’s head and the other a few inches off the floor. A small wooden cabinet with five drawers stood near the chains. The only slender, rectangular window was located near the ceiling and had a dark film covering it so she could not look out if she wanted to.

  “The lavatory is across the hallway. You must share it with six other girls right now, but as Sir takes on other wards, you will be expected to share with them. No interaction with any other trainee is allowed.”

  “There are six others?” Kaitlin wondered how the Trainer had time to handle all of the women in the household.

  “Yes, it is a small group, but they are in various stages of their education. Two are experienced subs. Their Dominants have sent them here for further instruction to expand their limits. I know it is a lot to grasp your first day here.”

  “Why aren’t we allowed to speak to one another?”

  “Sir wants you to come to your own conclusions about the things you learn here. This is not about them; it is about you. Everyone has a different tolerance and where one may find something not to their liking, another may enjoy it. He doesn’t want you to be influenced by others. This is your opportunity to discover your true self and his job is to help you attain your full potential.”

  “Do you belong to him?”

  A hurt look flitted across Corinne’s features and she smiled weakly.

  “Sir Damien? No, none of us do. Ever since he lost his love several years ago in a car accident, he can’t bear to get involved in an emotional relationship like that again. Hence, he teaches and he’s very good at it.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “Yes. So you can appreciate that he keeps relationships on a very impersonal, professional status. This is his business. He is very busy and doesn’t have time to devote to developing a relationship. As you can imagine by the size of this house, his expenses are quite hefty.”

  “Yes, it would seem so.” Kaitlin was amazed at the number of rooms she had already seen and wondered how large the entire house was.

  “Therefore, keep your distance from him when not in training. If you have any questions, direct them to me. I will be working with your Trainer on certain aspects of your training. He is responsible for your growth and development and will give you as many experiences as necessary to ensure your comfortable transition into the lifestyle. You may not often like everything he does, but it all has a purpose. I will be your confidante and friend to help you along the way to complete submission.”

  “Thank you. Oh, I left my purse and luggage at the front door.”

  “Don’t worry. Your belongings will be stored. You won’t need anything you brought unless, of course, you decide to terminate the agreement and leave. For now you will be naked. Being a submissive is not for the fainthearted. Not everyone who comes here makes it, so don’t feel bad if it is too intense for you. Get acquainted with your room, freshen up and I’ll be back in a half hour to get you for dinner.”

  Kaitlin nodded. “Yes Ma’am.”

  Dinner was a healthy blend of fresh fruit, steamed vegetables, grilled chicken and brown rice. Kaitlin looked around the table at the six others in training with her, wishing she could ask their names. They all ignored her, concentrating on their meals.

  Eating in total silence was weird. The sound of utensils, plates and cups clicking against the glass table was magnified when they were set down. She wondered why music wasn’t played to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere. But then, she seemed to be the only one who worried about the lack of conversation.

  Kat looked around at her table companions. Two subs were naked as she, one was dressed in a French maid’s apron, one had on a thong and push-up bra and two wore corsets. None of their clothing covered their breasts or their bottoms. All appeared to be in their late twenties or early thirties…her age bracket.

  She recognized the girl who greeted her at the door. Most of the girls were pretty, except for the homely one at the end of the table. Three were thin and tall, two were full-figured girls, and another matched Kaitlin’s perfectly proportioned figure. Working out regularly had kept her in top shape and she wondered if she would be able to continue that routine here.

  Just as they were finishing dinner, a matronly-looking woman walked into the room. She directed her comments to Kaitlin first then spoke to the rest gathered at the table.

  “I am Mrs. Swenson, the Activities Director. After dinner, you may watch TV or videos in the recreation center, take a swim or work out in the gym. Remember, girls, lights out at ten o’clock. You must be in your rooms by then or accept discipline for disobeying the rules. You have three hours.” Kaitlin snickered to herself about the woman’s thick Swedish accent.

  The girls stood in unison and lined up to place their dishes into the sink. Each went her separate way and Kaitlin pondered her choice. A swim would feel wonderful and would probably be the highlight of her day. She was the only one who headed in that direction.

  The warm night air caressed her naked flesh as she gingerly entered the cool pool. Spotlights highlighted the trees from below and soft blue lights illuminated the water. She backstroked to the far end, watching the moon slowly cross the night sky. The sound of the waterfall grew louder as she approached. Once there, she paused and stood beneath it to feel the vibration
s pound against her back, easing her tension.

  She detected movement on the upstairs porch overlooking the pool and turned to see who was there. Sir Damien leaned over the railing and stared at the moon. He was dressed in a black silk robe hung loosely over his shoulders. A brisk wind fluttered the ends open and she could see that he was naked underneath. His hair was no longer tied back, but fell in soft waves around his face. She knew he had to see her standing under the waterfall for she was a mere fifteen feet from him. However, he did not acknowledge her presence.

  She lifted her hands to draw back her long hair from her face so she could see him better. How sad for a man to be alone with all these women in his house. He could get sex, but not companionship. Did he ever want to love again? She sighed and shook her head. A few moments later, he turned and went inside.

  After an hour workout in the pool, Kaitlin headed for bed. Tomorrow was going to be her first day of training and she needed to be ready for anything. She reflected on the list of BDSM items, especially some of the more punitive ones. Had she been too hasty indicating her acceptance of those items that could be painful in hopes of pleasing him? Could she pass muster or would they recommend she terminate her contract? Only time would tell.

  Chapter Two

  The next morning, Kat awoke startled when Corinne walked into the room, flipped on the bright overhead light and dragged the coverlet from Kaitlin’s naked body.

  “It’s time to begin your training. Get up, shower and meet me in the living room. Make sure you are totally shaved at all times, including that landing strip of public hair you have.” She tossed four leather cuffs with metal rings attached to them on the bed.

  “You will put these on your wrists and ankles for every training session, just in case the Trainer wishes to use them. This will be your morning routine.”

  Kaitlin yawned and stretched. “What time is it?”

  “Five thirty. You are the first on his schedule today.”

  “Do I get breakfast before we begin?” Kaitlin’s day always started with a hearty meal.

  “You will eat when Sir decides. Now hurry. You have twenty minutes and you don’t want to be late or you will suffer the consequences.”

  Kaitlin hoped her empty stomach wouldn’t growl embarrassingly during her training. She dragged her weary body across the hall and jumped into the shower. The cool water brought her to her senses. In the corner sat a cup with razors and shaving cream. After ridding herself of the pubic hair Corinne pointed out, Kat felt her armpits and legs and decided they could both use a good swipe. How she yearned for a cup of steaming hot coffee to take the chill from her bones! The air conditioning must have been set low in all the rooms because her nipples were at full attention when she wiped the fog from the mirror to regard herself.

  A pink toothbrush with “Kaitlin” taped to the handle was waiting for her on the countertop. She gratefully used it to rid herself of morning breath. Squaring her shoulders, she looked into the mirror and said, “Well, this is it.”

  She padded down the long hallway on the cold tile. All the other doors were closed and it appeared that no one else was awake. The house was quiet and dimly lit until she reached the living room where the bright lighting gave her a perfect view of Corinne draped over the Trainer’s lap, her bare bottom flaming red, his hand paused in midair.

  Today he wore a black leather vest and chaps and his unbound hair fell softly around his shoulders. If it were possible, he looked even more handsome and sexy than he did yesterday. He turned at her approach and his gaze scanned her nakedness, pausing to stare at the vee between her legs. Kaitlin suddenly felt moisture dampening her pussy lips and became very self-conscious. In an effort to hide her body’s reaction to his inspection, she crossed her hands in front of her. Immediately a scowl crossed his features.

  “Did I give you permission to cover yourself, girl?”

  “No, you didn’t.” She quickly unclasped her hands and held them at her side.

  The Trainer lifted Corinne off his lap and walked toward Kaitlin. With each step that drew him closer, her heart beat louder in her ears. When he stopped in front of her, Kat’s knees almost buckled.

  “Clasp your hands behind your back.”

  Kat swallowed hard and obeyed his command.

  The Trainer slowly circled her, his fingertip sliding down her one arm and up the other.

  “You have a beautiful body. There is no reason for you to hide your charms. You will soon feel comfortable with your nakedness. I will not discipline you for your behavior today, but know that such action in the future would be an infraction of my rules and as such is punishable.”

  Kaitlin nodded her understanding.

  “Come then, let us begin your training.”

  The Trainer took Kaitlin by the wrist and led her to the couch. He sat and pulled her down over his lap.

  “I like to begin my days by spanking my submissives. This is not a punishment, but simply something that pleases me. I love to see rosy buttocks on my girls.”

  Shocked, Kaitlin first felt the chill of his cold leather chaps against her stomach then the heat of his cupped hand landing squarely on her right buttock. The sting brought tears to her eyes and a scream from her lips.

  “Quiet, girl! You’ll wake everyone.” Another hard whack smacked her left cheek. The burning pain emanated out from the point of impact to race across the nerves of her unprotected flesh.

  “Please stop! It hurts!” she cried, hoping he would have mercy on her first day.

  Her hands flew back to protect herself.

  “I only intend to give you six good smacks, but if you don’t take your hands away, you will receive an additional one for each time you try to prevent me. Since you are a novice, this one time I will allow you to indicate when you are ready for the next stroke. Simply say ‘Okay’. I’ll ease up on the intensity of the strokes for now.” His voice was calm and reassuring, yet authoritative.

  Kat knew she had to endure only four more spanks if she could keep her hands still. She took a fortifying breath then said, “Okay.” Instinctively, she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth against the pain she knew was coming.

  She counted the blows, noting that he paused in between waiting for her to give him the go-ahead for the next stroke. With every slap on her rear end, the stinging sensation sank deeper into her tissues, even though the last few strokes were less intense than the first two. Finally, he stopped and massaged her tender flesh. The movement seemed to draw some of the heat.

  “There now. Easy does it,” he soothed. She could still feel the imprint of his hand on her buttocks when he lifted her to her feet. She stood before him, shaking with shame. Tears streamed down her face. He smoothed back her hair and lifted her chin.

  “Look at me, girl. Was this your first spanking?”

  She raised glazed eyes to him and nodded.

  “You have permission to speak.”


  “Well, it won’t be your last. Understand there are two types of spankings. One is for discipline and the other is for play. Both can be quite intense, but you will know the difference. I will always inform you when you are being punished. That is the way you learn. I can almost guarantee that you will enjoy the spankings as much as the other girls. Sometimes I use my open hand, sometimes a belt and other times, I use the paddle for play. That is my preference. Other Doms may choose another implement.” With his thumb, he brushed away a tear that trickled down her cheek.

  “Now what do you say?”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Follow me to the dungeon.”

  She walked silently beside Corinne, feeling the heat radiating from her skin. The bulge between her legs annoyed her and she realized that she had become very aroused by the spanking. Now that was something she didn’t expect.

  Lights in the shape of torches lit the way down six stairs into a large room illuminated by a dozen more torchlights.

  As Corinne led the way in
to the dungeon, Kaitlin scanned her surroundings. She could make out a large wooden “X” against the far wall. Various lengths of chains and shackles hung from the ceiling. A wooden carpenter’s horse covered with a cushioned leather top sat to the right of what appeared to be a gynecologist’s table, complete with leg stirrups. There was a lounge chair and several hard wooden chairs. Every size of multi-tailed whip, crop, rope and paddle adorned the wall.

  Ball gags, dildos, feathers, ribbon, leather ties, vibrators, clear plastic wrap, clothespins, clamps, gynecologist’s tools, candles, plastic face masks and cans of latex lay spread out on a long table. The toy store he bought this stuff from must have made a fortune off him.

  “Come here,” he ordered, pointing to the gynecologist’s table. “I want to examine you further to ensure you shaved everywhere.”

  She lay upon the table and was securely strapped into the foot holds with Velcro wraps. Her arms were similarly tied down.

  Pausing, he looked down between her legs and smiled. His long fingers explored inside her, sliding along the liquid that flowed so easily from her. The sensation nearly drove her wild. When he displayed them to her, his fingers glistened with her come.

  “It seems as though someone liked the spanking, despite all that fuss. Here, taste yourself. Lick my fingers,” he said, placing his fingertips against her lips.

  She tentatively stuck out her tongue and tasted herself for the first time. It was actually sweeter than she thought it would be. His fingers moved in and out, giving her mouth a good fucking.

  “That’s right. Lick it all off. You’re going to have a lot of practice sucking before your time here is through.”

  He pinched a nipple and a jolt of electricity ran along her nerves to her clit. She felt it jump in reaction. The man was definitely testing to see how far he could push her, even though they had only spent a few minutes together. When his palm pressed down against the soft flesh of her pubic bone, she raised her lower body off the table to greet his hand.


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