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Desire's Awakening

Page 18

by Gail DeYoung

  Doc Fischer walked over and put her hand on Damien’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  Damien didn’t look at the doctor because he was too busy observing what Kaitlin was doing. He answered distractedly.

  “Yeah, I’m fine now. Victor got on my nerves. I was watching him from the other side of the room. I tried not to interfere, but when I saw her struggling and heard her call out the safe word several times and he didn’t back down, I had to act. I couldn’t let that situation get out of control.”

  Kaitlin and David had moved to the couch and David had taken a seat a respectable distance from her. Damien watched David say something, then smile and nod his head at something Kat said. Though he didn’t want to appear to be spying on them, Damien wished he was closer to hear what they were talking about. When David’s hand moved to the back of the couch near her head, a nervous tic worked Damien’s jaw.

  “Of course you did. She called her safe word and you had every right to respond the way you did. I overheard the other Doms and they all agree with you. It’s a shame that the incident happened because it ruined the party’s atmosphere, but things will go back to normal. Right now, though, you’re being a little too overprotective by watching her every move. You’re going to scare off potential suitors. Come. Let’s visit with my new friend Jeanine, because it appears that you’re jealous of what’s happening.”

  Jealous? Damien shook his head. It had nothing to do with jealousy. He was protecting his investment. She had just been attacked and his protective side had come forth. Why is she placing her hand on David’s knee? He looked at his friend and shook his head.

  “I’m not jealous. I’m just responsible for her until she’s placed with her Dominant, that’s all.”

  She arched a brow at him. “If you say so.”

  Damien looked back in time to see David’s head move close to Kaitlin’s as if he was saying something private to her. It bothered him that he didn’t know what was transpiring between the two of them.

  “Yes, I say so.”

  “Good. Because you’re not supposed to get involved emotionally with the girls you train. If the word gets out that you can’t be trusted with the submissives, you won’t have anyone offering to buy your training contracts or asking you to train their owned subs. Your business will go down the drain.”

  “I know.”

  “And you also know that the only proper way for you to have your own sub is to pay for one’s training package at the auction, just like everyone else. If that’s what you want to do, I say go for it.”

  Damien regarded the doctor and shook his head. “You know I really appreciate your friendship.” He patted her on the back. “Thanks, I needed that.”

  “You’re welcome. Now let’s get back to the party, shall we?”


  Damien walked with Doc Fischer over to a group of three Dominants and joined in their conversation. In the back of his mind, however, he couldn’t help but wonder what Kat was thinking or feeling.

  He observed her several times off and on during the night speaking to other Doms and always remained on guard in case she needed him again. Thankfully, she appeared to be fine. When she left the party around two a.m. on the arm of Sir David, a twinge of something possessive tugged at his heart. Though she was certainly not his and was following the proper protocol in mingling with his guests, an uncomfortable knot twisted his stomach. And when David leaned down to kiss Kat good night, Damien’s fists clenched. He turned away, not wanting to watch her reaction.

  The party ended around three a.m. Sir Timothy was the last one to leave. Damien walked him to the door.

  “Thanks for coming tonight. It looks like you and Melissa are doing well.”

  “Yes. I’m looking forward to bidding on her at the auction in a few weeks.”

  Damien smiled. He was glad he had introduced Tim to Melissa. They seemed to be a perfect match. Though he longed to have another relationship like the one he had years ago, he didn’t want another Corinne situation. Once she was out of his house, he hoped life would get back to normal.

  “That’s great.”

  “What about you?”

  Damien shook his head. “I don’t know. After tonight’s incident, I’m considering staying a bachelor for a while.”

  “You’re probably right. You’ve got a lot of responsibility here and a woman would most likely bring complications. Well, have a good night, Sir.”

  Damien turned off the lights and walked up the stairs to his room. A cool night breeze rustled the sheer, white drapes in front of the French doors. He walked over to shut the doors and saw a full moon shining brightly in the midnight sky. Out of habit, he walked out onto the porch and leaned against the railing, looking up at the moon. Instinctively, he glanced at the pool and his mind conjured a dark-haired beauty standing beneath the waterfall. Damien sighed heavily, shook his head and went back into his bedroom. Sleep would not come easily this night.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kaitlin was too depressed to participate in the volleyball game on Sunday. She made an excuse that she wasn’t feeling well when Dolly invited her to join the game. Though it was a free day, she couldn’t get motivated to do anything. The run-in with Sir Victor last night hurt her pride more than anything. But she worried that the spectacle they caused might have done harm to Sir Damien’s reputation. She kept replaying the scene over and over in her mind, wondering if she could have done something different that would have changed the outcome. Too late to worry about that now.

  Another thing weighed even heavier on her mind. With a little more than two weeks to go until the auction, she’d still have to interact with Sir Damien. It would be difficult to be so close to him and pretend she didn’t feel that strong attraction to him. If he hadn’t been so wonderful to her, she might not have fallen for him. She had no one to blame but herself for she had been warned. Now she’d have to distance her heart from him and perhaps feign interest in Sir David. She hoped Damien wouldn’t invite her into his room any more for that was when her heart was most vulnerable. The downside to her plan was that she would miss his wonderful kisses and the way he looked at her.

  * * * * *

  Damien sat at his desk flipping through paperwork. He had been working all day long, trying to keep his mind busy. Last night’s party had almost been a disaster. The incident with Victor was unfortunate. Thankfully, his mingling with the crowd after Victor left renewed their interest in his work. He had been a gracious host and showed them his professional side. Among them were some repeat customers and he was pleased to note quite a few new acquaintances from Club Exotica. They were very impressed with his girls and indicated an interest in bidding on their training packages at the next auction.

  The apparent connection between Victor and Corinne bothered him. Though Victor hadn’t directly indicated her involvement in that little scene last night, he did give the impression that he had “insider” information and winked at Corinne. Damien had to be sure, so he scheduled an appointment with Corinne for a heart-to-heart conversation. When he heard her knock on the door, he took a deep breath.


  “Sir, you wanted to see me?” Corinne played the submissive role very well this time.

  “Yes. Sit.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk and watched her walk demurely to the chair with her head bowed.

  “Look at me. So what did you think of the party last night?”

  Bright green eyes met his. He noticed she had taken extra measures to make them look bigger by applying light green eye shadow and heavy mascara on her lashes. Where once he found it attractive, he now thought it was an intentional distraction.

  “Sir, it was…interesting.”

  “Yes, it certainly was. Especially the incident with Victor. What do you think gave him the impression that he could violate the rules of safe, sane and consensual with any of my subs?”

  Corinne’s eyes shifted to the bookcase behind him. She couldn’t look h
im straight in the eyes while answering his question.

  “I don’t know, Sir. But you know Victor’s a bit of a rebel. He never was one for formality, Sir.”

  He banged his fist on the desk and stood over her. She jumped in her seat and lowered her eyes.

  “Don’t give me that crap. You’ve been here six months and have attended many parties. Victor has been here before and never acted that way in public. I suspect he had some prodding. He believes Kaitlin is a pain slut. Did you tell him that when you two were talking at the bar?”

  Her gaze flew back to him, eyes wide and startled. “Me, Sir? Why would you think that? I would never do something like that.”

  “Then why did he wink at you?”

  “I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because he thinks I’m cute.”

  Damien studied her carefully. Though her words said one thing, her body language told him another story. She twisted her hands in her lap and bit her lip. Sweat beaded on her forehead even though the room was quite cool. This was not the self-assured woman who had been running the household for the past six months. This was a devious and scared Corinne. She was too clever to admit anything to him that would only incriminate her further and bring forth his ire. But he didn’t need to ask her anything more. He had enough information. She was guilty.

  “I see. All right, you are dismissed.”

  He resumed writing notes on the files on his desk.


  He lifted his head to regard the penitent look on her face. Then she dropped her head as she spoke.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve angered you in any way. Would you please reconsider your decision to sell my training package at the auction, Sir?”

  “No. I won’t change my mind. But I will respect your wishes when it comes to the highest bidder. If you feel uncomfortable with the choice, I won’t accept his offer and will place you on the auction block for another.”

  Corinne’s back straightened and her head rose to give him an icy stare. She placed her hands on her hips.

  “It’s because of her, isn’t it? You’re going to give her my place in this house once I’m gone, is that it?”

  Anger flared hot at her accusation. He felt it rising up his neck and flushing his face. Damien stood and braced his hands on his desk, leaning toward her. “It’s none of your business what my plans are with her or any other sub, for that matter. All you need to know is what I am doing with you. The last time I checked, I am still Master of this household and I make the decisions. And you had better stand down or you can leave the household right now and I’ll send you a bill for your room and board. Understood?”

  She dropped her hands to fold them behind her back.

  “Yes Sir.”

  “You are dismissed.”

  * * * * *

  At ten fifteen p.m., Damien paid Kat a visit in her room. He hadn’t seen her all day and was concerned that she was all right. She was lying upon the bed reading a book and set it aside when he arrived. He walked slowly toward her and thought it strange that she did not stand to greet him nor smile at his approach.

  “What’s going on? I hear you haven’t been around most of the day and you didn’t go for your usual swim. Are you all right?”

  She looked up briefly then lowered her head.

  “Sir, I’m fine. I didn’t want to be around anyone today. I’m truly sorry about what happened last night.”

  He sat on the bed next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. His heart went out to her. The poor thing must have been more affected by her bad experience than she had let on. He tilted her chin so she would look at him.

  “Listen, don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault. Victor was out of line. You did the right thing. Understand?”

  “Yes Sir.” The dark lashes fluttered down, concealing her eyes.

  “Good. Is there anything you wish to discuss?”

  “No Sir.”

  “You’re allowed to speak openly, even if you feel it may offend me. I will not punish you for speaking your mind.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I have nothing to say.”

  Damien felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. Something was not right. Kat was not acting normal.

  “Are you injured, in pain?”

  “No Sir.”

  She was not opening up and that bothered him. He had told her not to worry about what happened last night, yet she didn’t respond the way he had expected. She seemed different somehow. Cool. Distant. He leaned over to kiss her, but she didn’t turn her face to him. Instead, his lips brushed her cheek. Annoyed, he released her. What the heck was going on? Where was her appreciation for what he did for her last night?

  “You’re acting very strange. I want to know what is bothering you.”

  She shook her foot nervously. “It’s nothing, Sir. Truly. I’m just anxious to get back to reading my book. It’s a very good story.”

  Damien studied his favorite sub. Her whole body seemed tense. Where was the alluring young woman who had stolen his heart? Her unresponsiveness was very disconcerting and a big turn-off. He didn’t want to be around her if she was going to act stand-offish.

  “I was going to invite you to my room, but apparently you are not interested. This is not proper behavior for a submissive.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Did you wish to punish me?” Her reply angered him. She didn’t say she wanted to be with him tonight.

  “You mock me! I’ve treated you very well and this is your thanks?”

  “Sir, no, it’s that…well, I need time to think. I was wondering if I’ll be ready for the auction.” She looked up to meet his gaze.

  Her words cut deep and a big lump formed in his throat. The auction was still more than two weeks away. Why was she so anxious to leave him? Had she met someone last night that she really liked? Although he normally would have been pleased to hear that a sub had made a good connection with a prospective client and was ready for auction, he just hadn’t expected to hear it from Kaitlin, especially after what they had shared.

  “Yes. You’re close to completing all of the items on your BDSM checklist. And there are a few more things we need to do. I’ll take you to Club Exotica this Friday night to expose you to a real scene and you will attend one more party here. By the time the auction comes, you’ll be ready to play with the big boys.”

  “Sir, I just don’t want my training package to be sold to Sir Victor. That wouldn’t happen, would it?”

  He took her hand in his and covered it.

  “Victor will never get near you again. You have my word on it.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “I saw you speaking with Sir David and several other Doms. You will have an opportunity to speak to others also before the auction.”

  “I would like that, Sir.”

  He sighed. The experience last night had apparently taken its toll on her, physically and emotionally. It hadn’t been an easy couple of days for him either. Perhaps they did need a little time apart.

  “Okay, well, if there’s nothing else, I’ll say good night.”

  “Good night, Sir.”

  He stood and looked down at her. It hurt him to see her spirit so wounded. He decided to give her the space she wanted. He closed the door quietly behind him.

  Kaitlin turned off the light and the darkness enveloped her. She buried her face into her pillow and cried deep, soulful tears.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next week passed quickly. Kaitlin rarely saw Sir Damien except for training sessions on Monday and Wednesday as he was very busy training the new girls. On days when she didn’t have training appointments, she was instructed to research specific websites and told to read as much as she could about the lifestyle. Her training session on Friday would be the trip to Club Exotica.

  On the few occasions when they passed in the hallway, Sir Damien would look briefly at her and smile, then return to his work. He hadn’t invited her back to his bedroom. Though she was relieved, she wo
ndered whether he had found someone else to warm his bed. Despite her resolve to get over him, the thought of him with one of the other girls was too much to bear.

  She reflected on the Doms she met at the party. Sir David was very sweet and considerate. He didn’t try to push himself on her like Sir Victor. In fact, she was impressed with what a gentleman he was. He seemed quite intelligent. They spoke a lot about Canada and his temporary job in the states. He was in the United States on a six-month visa. If she had an interest in him, she would have to move to Canada. She had difficulty picturing herself in a place where winters were so cold. She had never experienced snow or temperatures below forty degrees.

  Then there was Sir Stefan. At first she was attracted to him because he was extremely good-looking, with a full head of thick hair the color of golden wheat and a wonderful smile. She liked the fact that he loved to dance as much as she did. His only drawback was that he enjoyed being the center of attention—he didn’t dance with her as much as he danced for her, or actually he danced for the entire crowd in the room. A man as self-centered as that would be hard to please. She wondered if he would even pleasure her or whether the relationship would be all one-sided with him being on the receiving end.

  The few others she talked to at the party were a blur. She disregarded them for one reason or another…smoker, too old or too young. She wondered if she was being overly picky. Why was it that the only one she really considered to be her perfect mate was the one man she couldn’t have? Or did the fact that she fell in love with him color her opinion of him?

  Her heart felt as if it had been scooped out and tossed into the trash. It hurt so bad that just taking a breath was a chore. Dolly commented on her lack of enthusiasm for the tasks she had been assigned and even remarked about the dark rings and puffiness under Kaitlin’s eyes. Kat couldn’t hide the fact that she wasn’t sleeping well at night. She lost interest in going to the gym or the pool and avoided others wherever possible. Once she even considered asking to be released from her contract, then realized that was exactly what Corinne wanted her to do. No, she had signed up for this program and she was going to finish it. If there was one thing she had discovered in the few weeks she had been in the Trainer’s home, it was that she had found her niche. Despite a few unpleasant encounters, she truly enjoyed being a submissive and this lifestyle was what she wanted from now on. Vanilla partners just wouldn’t satisfy her anymore.


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