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Douluo Dalu - Volume 06 - External Spirit Bone

Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Grandmaster’s gaze swept across everyone,

  “Good. You can disband now, gather here early tomorrow. In addition, I do not want to see anyone absent at breakfast. Otherwise, you will receive special drills.”

  Resting for one day was good of course, however Grandmaster’s arrival, also made the students somewhat curious and apprehensive.

  Gaze following the teachers successively departing, Oscar standing at Tang San’s side, said in a low voice:

  “Little San, it appears this Teacher of yours is even more difficult to deal with than dean Flender, ah!”

  Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

  “Teacher’s work is always meticulous, as long as everything is done strictly according to his instructions there will not be any problems.”

  Dai Mubai smiling said:

  “Besides me and little Ao, you five are all the same age, I didn’t expect little San to be little three[ San (三) means three, it’s a pun.], and little Wu to be little five[ Xiao Wu (小舞) is a homonym to (小五) “little five”. It’s puns all the way down.]. This is an unexpected coincidence.”

  Fatty smiled mischievously, saying:

  “Three little sisters, let’s hear you say fourth brother[ Si ge (四哥) “Fourth [older] brother”, he wants them to address him as a senior. I will use “brother” and “sister” when they use their internal ranking with sibling suffixes, and occasionally mention whether it’s an older or younger sibling.].”

  Xiao Wu shot him a cold glance, holding out her hand, saying:

  “No problem, bring me a red envelope[ A red letter would contain money, either as a gift, a bonus or a bribe], I’ll say it at once.”

  Fatty stared blankly,


  Ning Rongrong cut him short,

  “Fatty, as long as your strength can match third brother’s[ San ge (三哥) “Third [older] brother” is Tang San.], I will call you that.”

  Zhu Zhuqing’s was the most succinct. Looking at Ma Hongjun with a cold gaze, only saying two words:

  “Make me[ Literally “win against me in a fight”].”

  “Let it be. I’ll endure.”

  Fatty somewhat gloomily waved his hand.

  “Isn’t there someone going into the city? It’s not at all easy to get a rest day, I’m going to stroll in Suotuo City.”

  Dai Mubai holding back for these days was also somewhat exhausting, however through the trip to Star Dou Great Forest, the relationship between him and Zhu Zhuqing had with great difficulty eased somewhat, naturally he wouldn’t wreck his just now established image. Raising his head to gaze at the sky, his appearance like it was no matter of concern to him.

  Oscar yawned,

  “Not going, I’ll go back to sleep. Finally at thirtieth rank, in the future I can idle a bit.”

  The three girls all glared at Ma Hongjun. They clearly knew this Fatty going into town was nothing innocent. Just then, Tang San suddenly spoke up:

  “I will go with you.”

  Fattys eyes brightened, stealthily glancing at Xiao Wu whose expression had subtly changed,

  “Old San[ (老三) or “old three” or “third oldest”. It’s a pun shower.], you are also enlightened?”

  Tang San stared blankly,

  “What enlightened? I have to go find a smithy and see if I can hire two ironworkers to make some things. Otherwise I’ll have to equip each of you with my strength alone, that would take forever, ah!”

  Ning Rongrong giggled,

  “I knew third brother wouldn’t be as dirty as you.”

  Xiao Wu’s expression stealthily recovered to normal,

  “I’ll go with you.”

  Tang San shook his head with a smile, saying:

  “Let it be. I’ll go on my own. This time you also suffered a lot. Rest at the Academy. I’ll be back very quickly.”

  Xiao Wu didn’t insist, nodding agreement.

  Fatty unhappily looked at Ning Rongrong,

  “Who are you calling dirty? I’m settling the issue of the Evil Fire, this is by the dean’s special permission. Little San, we’ll go.”

  Tang San said with a wry smile:

  “One moment it’s old San, another it’s little San, can’t you settle on one?”

  Fatty smiled mischievously, saying:

  “Then I’ll still call you little San, you are just two months older than me, that’s all. Let’s go.”

  He was apparently already somewhat impatient, pulling Tang San towards the Academy exit.

  Looking at the two people departing, Ning Rongrong whispered by Xiao Wu’s ear:

  “Aren’t you afraid your little San will be led astray by Fatty? If it was me, I would definitely follow.”

  Xiao Wu smiled slightly, saying:

  “Men always need a little freedom. Besides, I’m not at all convinced little San can be led anywhere by Fatty.”

  Ning Rongrong said with a smile:

  “Look at you, so proud of yourself. A close couple hoping for love is I, your servant’s,[ Ning Rongrong uses qie (妾), a deprecatory self reference for women - practically the diametrical opposite of “I, your father”] wish for big bro and little sis[ She uses very familiar terms for older brother and younger sister (a ge 阿哥, a mei 阿妹)].”

  Xiao Wu’s charming face reddened, raising her hand to lightly scratch Ning Rongrong’s underarm,

  “Don’t speak nonsense. I and little San have a sibling relationship.”

  Ning rongrong cackled, teasing while running towards the dorm:

  “All right, you need not flaunt it. I know you are siblings. The kind of siblings more intimate than blood siblings.”


  Xiao Wu was never gracious enough to suffer a loss, immediately laughing and chasing after. The two girls were in the same dorm, naturally also ran in the same direction.

  Oscar yawned and went back to the dorm. Dai Mubai’s gaze then fell on Zhu Zhuqing,


  Zhu Zhuqing raised her head to glance at him,

  “I’m going to cultivate.”

  Finished speaking, she turned to leave.

  Dai Mubai in one big stride blocked Zhu Zhuqing’s way,

  “Couldn’t we chat properly? I remember, you weren’t like this as a child.”

  Zhu Zhuqing’s face revealed a sneer,

  “You then? Are you still like when you were a child? Twins, humph.”

  With a cold snort, she turned and walked away. Although she spoke a bit more than a few days ago, that ice bound gate still firmly rejected Dai Mubai.

  Looking at Zhu Zhuqing’s quick departure, Dai Mubai didn’t chase after her. On his face revealed a wry smile,

  “Don’t tell me this is my deserved retribution? To think I, the distinguished young master Dai, would have such a day, ai. Retribution. Perhaps it’s truly retribution.”

  Dai Mubai had never spoken with others about the relationship between him and Zhu Zhuqing, but if there hadn’t been any relationship between them, even if Zhu Zhuqing had been even more beautiful, how would the always arrogant Evil Eye White Tiger lower his voice like this?


  Suotuo City. Once in town, Fatty swiftly left Tang San, going to settle the issue of his Evil Fire. On the way he naturally numerous times enticed Tang San, hoping to pull him astray. However Tang San clearly had a resolute will, without anything distracting him. The gap with a twelve year old’s willpower was still immense.

  Suotuo City was bustling as usual, currently in the morning, the shops had already opened for business, the crowd bustling with activity a sharp contrast with the tranquility of Shrek Academy.

  Tang San’s goal for this trip was very simple: to find a suitable smithy. Although he rested early last evening, he had still considered Ning Rongrong’s proposal. If it was only for himself, then, his strength alone was sufficient to produce enough hidden weapons, but if he had to supply other people, then his own strength was clearly not enough.

* *

  [1] (李郁松) “Plum Elegant Pine”

  [2] (龙纹棍)

  [3] (卢奇斌) “Cottage Surprisingly Refined”

  [4] (星罗棋) That is Star Luo as in Star Luo Empire.

  [5] (邵鑫邵) No feasible translation other than the inclusion of a name particle indicating “prosperity”

  [6] (糖豆)

  [7] (玉小刚) “Jade Little Firm”

  [8] San (三) means three, it’s a pun.

  [9] Xiao Wu (小舞) is a homonym to (小五) “little five”. It’s puns all the way down.

  [10] Si ge (四哥) “Fourth [older] brother”, he wants them to address him as a senior. I will use “brother” and “sister” when they use their internal ranking with sibling suffixes, and occasionally mention whether it’s an older or younger sibling.

  [11] A red letter would contain money, either as a gift, a bonus or a bribe

  [12] San ge (三哥) “Third [older] brother” is Tang San.

  [13] Literally “win against me in a fight”

  [14] (老三) or “old three” or “third oldest”. It’s a pun shower.

  [15] Ning Rongrong uses qie (妾), a deprecatory self reference for women - practically the diametrical opposite of “I, your father”

  [16] She uses very familiar terms for older brother and younger sister (a ge 阿哥, a mei 阿妹)

  Chapter 039: “Iron” Smithy

  Part 1

  Originally when Tang San was at Tang Sect, he was specially in charge of making hidden weapons, and before he leapt from the cliff he had already reached the rank of outer sect manager. He was extremely familiar with the manufacturing process for Tang Sect hidden weapons. Tang Sect’s income relied practically exclusively on the outer sect’s manufacture of poison and hidden weapons, after Tang San carefully reflected, he decided to copy this method to Douluo Continent. Although some of this was already somewhat difficult, it was still possible to try it out.

  Thus, Tang San decided to take advantage of today’s holiday to find a smithy to cooperate with.

  Entering the Spirit Elder realm, as long as he again underwent the rank test next month when he went to Spirit Hall to draw his stipend, Tang San would each month have a hundred gold coin income. As blacksmiths were a low rank occupation hiring them was cheap, he believed he was able to afford it. Furthermore with all the hidden weapon manufacturing costs split among everyone, money was no problem.

  The reason why he made the resolution to find a smithy to cooperate in making mechanism type hidden weapons, was because Tang San decided he had to make several kinds of even more powerful hidden weapons. This world was after all different from his previous world, all the materials had to be collected by himself. Making even more powerful hidden weapons naturally required even more time and effort.

  Of course, Tang San certainly wouldn’t tell others the craft of making Tang Sect hidden weapons, he only needed to contract a smithy to make hidden weapon components, doing the final assembly himself was sufficient to maintain secrecy. More than the smiths being unable to copy, whether they could even make what Tang San wanted was impossible to know.

  After asking several passers by, Tang San finally found his destination, the largest smithy in Suotuo City. This smithy’s name was very simple, just called ‘Smithy’[ The Chinese characters are (tie jiang pu 铁匠铺) which translates literally to “Iron Craftsman Shop”. The chapter title is then “‘Iron’ Craftsman Shop”.], without any additional words.

  Without entering the smithy, he could already hear the intensive hammering noises, the sound concentrated and melodious. Clearly there were numerous blacksmiths working.

  From its external appearance, this smithy was clearly much larger than the one Tang San worked at in Nuoding City. Easily five or six times larger than Shi San’s smithy. In the wide anteroom were laid out various kinds of finished products arranged by type, divided into three large areas: everyday implements, weapons and armor, respectively.

  Of these, everyday implements occupied roughly half the area, the remainder split equally between weapons and armor. The store’s anteroom was separated from the main work area by long black curtains, the curtains were three meters wide, with a white one meter in diameter ‘iron’[ (tie 铁)] character, looking very imposing.

  In the shop’s anteroom were six or seven assistants in charge of receiving customers, meeting those arriving and sending off those departing. The division of labor was extremely clear. Some were in charge of receiving customers and doing business, some were in charge of delivering finished goods. Furthermore a tall and sturdy middle aged man sat behind a counter responsible for collecting money.

  Tang San stepped inside the shop, heading directly to the counter.

  A shop assistant hurried over to meet him, obstructing Tang San,

  “Young mister, what do you require?”

  Tang San smiled inwardly. A mister was mister, but they still unfortunately added the word ‘young’. Although his height still approached an adult’s, a childish face showed he was a youngster.

  “I want to talk about a business deal.”

  Tang San said with a smile.

  The assistant sized up Tang San several times. Tang San’s clothes were very plain, made from cloth without anything special. Appearance average. Stature well built. Looking like an ordinary person.

  “If you want something made, you can speak directly to me.”

  Tang San said:

  “You might be unable to, this is a long term deal, if possible, a permanent collaboration.”

  While speaking, Tang San took out a paper from his chest,

  “Can you read this?”

  That was a hidden weapon component design diagram. When Tang San made hidden weapons himself, he also required advanced drawings, carefully measured and calculated to later be able to make. It wasn’t something anyone could remember in their head.

  The assistant took the plans and with only a look was nonplussed. On the plans were drawn several complicated designs, let alone reading it, he couldn’t even understand what this thing was.


  The assistant once again looked at Tang San, then said:

  “I will trouble you to wait a moment. I will consult the shopkeeper at once, to see whether it is something we could make.”

  Finished speaking, he immediately turned and ran for the counter.

  The sturdy middle aged man behind the counter quickly took the drawing handed over by the assistant. In a moment, his face was already filled with an astonished expression, saying something to the assistant, he came out from behind the counter and was led by the assistant to Tang San.

  “Young man, did you bring this plan? I can’t see why you would want these things made. Could you explain it?”

  Tang San said:

  “You don’t need to know what they’re needed for, I only want to know whether you can make them. They must be made from the highest quality refined iron, ideally forged from iron essence[ (Tie jing 铁精) Doesn’t seem to have a real world counterpart. Google will suggest it’s forge ash, which is supposed to have medical implementations, or hematite powder.].”

  The middle aged man frowned,

  “I’m the boss of this shop. I’m called Tie Xin[ (铁心) “Iron Heart”. So the English equivalent of this would be for a smith named Smith to run a smithy called Smith’s.]. Young man, do you know the price of iron essence? Adding to the manufacturing cost that is no small amount, you’d best ask the adults of your family to come speak.”

  Tang San’s heart suddenly shifted, from the middle aged man before him he could feel the fluctuations of spirit power. Unexpectedly the boss of this smithy was a Spirit Master?”

  “Of course I know the price of iron essence, I won’t hide it from you, I’m also a smith. Only I’m simply not strong enough, I can’t make this many things by myself, therefore I’ve come to you here. The price of iron essence, by weight, one kilogram of iron essence is ten gold spirit coi
ns, sure enough. With the the scale of your place, I trust you should be able to refine iron essence.”

  The middle aged man nodded, saying:

  “You have the price right. But you should know that the toughness of iron essence is far higher than common refined iron, so forging it is naturally much more difficult. When using it to create any goods, the cost of processing it is equal to the price of the iron essence itself. In other words, to use one kilogram of iron essence to forge anything, we have to charge ten gold spirit coins for processing expenses. And the objects on this schematic of yours are also so complex, we must still charge another fifty percent.”

  If an ordinary person was here, hearing the smith speak of forging something unexpectedly weighing the price in gold coins, would certainly be greatly shocked. But Tang San knew that the price this boss Tie Xin spoke of was already unusually fair. In his heart his favourable impression immediately increased.

  “Uncle, your price is no problem. If the quantity I need made is comparatively large, is it possible to have some discount?”

  Although Tang San wouldn’t haggle too much, he would still strive for a necessary discount.

  Tie Xin muttered:

  “Certainly. If you order iron essence to forge these things, even if it’s our biggest customer, the material cost can’t decrease, I can’t lose money. But I can strike off ten percent of the labour cost for you. If your order of iron essence exceeds ten kilograms, then I can go down to eight tenths. The lowest I can go is also eight tenths.”

  Tang San nodded straightforward, saying:

  “Then it’s decided. I will trouble you to make ten according to the plans I gave you. I already calculated it in detail. Each one should require roughly two kilograms of iron essence. Altogether it’s twenty kilograms.”

  Tie Xin looked startled at Tang San,

  “You want so many? This is indeed twenty kilograms of iron essence. Including labor costs it’s five hundred gold spirit coins. Even if I give you the labor cost for eight tenths, it’s still four hundred forty gold spirit coins.”


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