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Random on Tour: Las Vegas

Page 7

by Julia Kent

  “You guys decide. One at a time, or all three of us together?”

  I half expected them to do Rock Paper Scissors (don’t laugh, ‘cause they’ve done it before), but to my surprise, Joe cocked his head and looked at us with a half grin, then said, “I’ll wait. Save the best for last.”

  “Seriously?” Trevor’s voice betrayed his shock. Not shock at the sarcasm. Pure shock that Joe would accept going second.

  “One rule: Darla can only come for me.” Trevor gave Joe one of those looks I’ve never understood. The two of them have a language when it comes to sharing me, one I don’t speak.

  “But I have more than one orgasm to give, Joe!” I protested.

  “And they’re all mine.” That half grin turned wicked.

  “You expect me to have sex with Trevor and not come?” Now I wasn’t just protesting. I was resisting.

  “I expect you to have sex with Trevor. I’m saying that when you do, you save your orgasms for me. Understood?”

  “I’m not deaf. I heard you. What if I don’t agree?”

  A sudden smack on my ass, hard enough to sting and bring a brushfire of heat between my legs, was my answer. “There’s only one way to answer me, Darla.”

  Ah. We were playing that game, huh?

  I rolled off Trevor, dropped to my knees, put my hands behind me at the small of my back, and looked up at him through my eyelashes, blood pounding through me, all my skin on fire.

  “Yes, sir.” My modesty was fake, because I knew Trevor wouldn’t actually make me suffer. He’d just pretend along with Joe. I’d be taken care of just fine.

  Joe left. I turned around, started to step up, and found Trevor’s cock staring me in the face, thick with expectation.

  So I licked it, pulling him in deep, one hand cupping his balls as the other encased the shaft, my throat opening to give him all the wet warmth he needed.

  Well, most of the wet warmth he needed. I did have some needs of my own, too, you know.

  His hips arched toward me as his fingers combed through my hair, tangling fast as I deep-throated him, his cock so hot against my tongue. I reached back and clutched one ass cheek, enjoying the finely grooved muscle, my fingers struggling to find anything to grab that wasn’t honed and hard.

  My hand at the base of his shaft slid up slowly as my mouth did its work, until suddenly his cock popped out of my mouth and I found myself up in the air, then on my back, Trevor’s pants shucked off to the side and his naked body on top of me, my pussy a pulsing, begging heartbeat.

  I squirmed under him, taking him in, but pausing for a moment. “Please, Trev. Please,” I asked, my voice plaintive, almost a whimper. He grinned down at me, eyes triangled from a smile I wouldn’t quite call loving, closer to commanding, a teasing challenge that thrilled me. Nimble fingers suddenly undid my pants, my body clenching with a restlessness that was building.

  All my skin heated with a ripple of excitement, hairs standing on end as Trevor manhandled me, a little rough in a familiar way. He knew what I needed. Those hands, so masterful on a guitar, pulled my legs apart, cool air hitting my wet lips with an expectation that made the pulsing take over. I felt like one big, slick, live wire.

  Waiting to be plugged in.

  Not one finger, though. I got nothing as Trevor stripped off my shirt, then undid my bra so fast, it was like he did that for a living. I was naked, the soft scratch of the bedspread against my ass nearly enough sensation to make me come. Exquisitely sensitive, all I needed was a few strokes. A handful of licks.

  Even a strong thigh to rub against would do the job.

  “Trev,” I whispered, reaching out to him for a kiss.

  I finally got one finger.

  Except it was in my face, wagging at me, his eyebrows up with the chiding, dominant look of a man correcting his woman.

  “Ah ah ah,” he whispered as he nudged his cock between my breasts, pulling them close, encasing him. The inside of his knees pushed against my ribs and I gasped, the feel of his skin so intimate. “Remember the rules, Darla. You have to wait for Joe.” He let out a little chuckle, thrusting into the valley of my breasts a few times, thumbs gliding over my nipples as I moaned, his touch like pouring hot lava down my belly and between my legs.

  “But you never made me wait before!” I protested. My words fell on deaf ears as his hand moved behind him, palm flat against my side. I made a sound of gratitude, the tremor in my throat surprising me in its ferocity. I needed him to touch me, to delve into my raging arousal, to unleash all the eroticism trapped in my blood until all we could smell, taste, see, and touch was our combined pleasure.

  “Your tits are fucking amazing,” he said as he let them go and moved his cock into my mouth, my own hands stuck at my side, not touching him, paralyzed by the realization that this was all part of a new game, one I was going to have to ride out.

  “Please,” I begged, the word muted by the obvious, but I had to try. Maybe that was part of the game? Waiting was torture. It was also fucking titillating as hell, making me overcome with an anticipation that turned my familiar guys into near strangers, dangerous men who had my body as a plaything.

  He let out a deep, quiet laugh that made my body go into a full-blown tingle all at once, like he sent a current of pure domination through my body, his cock the plug connecting all the circuits as he slid back inside my mouth. I moaned against his shaft, feeling his thighs tense around me, my hand involuntarily stretching down between my legs to let loose some of the pressure that had built in me. I had no control now. I was a living, breathing nerve without thought, an animal driven by pure need.

  He swatted my hand away, pulled out, and kissed me, hard and sweet, thoroughly devouring me while pinning my hand. I bucked up against him, out of my mind, seeking a spot to rub against, seeking a part of him that would let me climax, even as I was so fucking aroused by his control over my body.

  And then it hit me.

  Trevor really wasn’t going to let me finish. Here I was, naked and wet, throbbing like a bass drum, aching for release, and –

  Oh, God.

  They were serious.

  I really would have to wait for Joe.


  Riding her face was the second best way to have sex with Darla alone.

  The best? Having her ride my face. Technically, that was tied with being inside her.

  I really shouldn’t try to rank sex positions.

  But I have to say, this one was fine. Darla’s breasts rubbing up against my ass as her tongue played air guitar on the tip of my cock, her fingernails running up and down my spine while she had to hold back, made my whole body go into overdrive.

  A memory made me blink, Darla’s face blurring into two versions of her as I fingered the loose strands of her blonde curls spread out on the pillow. I braced myself with one hand against the wall, her luscious mouth curved around my cock, her hand on the shaft all lubed up and getting me to the point where all I could do was think of her face, smiling against the green grass in Ohio that day we made love in a wildflower field.

  Transported by memory, I became two Trevors, the one she was going down on, her mouth deep and rich, the flick of her tongue against the back of my cap enough to make my fingernails dig into the top of the headboard as my thighs cradled her chin. The other Trevor was back in Ohio, bursting with the intensity of my new discovery.

  “Darla,” I hissed, drawing out the end of her name as a warning, a thank you, a prayer. She answered by sucking harder, pulling me in until my hips curled toward her, thrusting in short, quick strokes, her hand going to my right hip, palm wrapping around so her fingers clenched my ass, thumb at my hipbone, and then she did something with her tongue that made me start to shake.

  I froze, coming inside her mouth, her hold on me absolute and rigid, pure lust shooting through my body at warp speed, pouring into her. She was golden and big, brash and giving, and all I could be right now was inside her mouth, being taken for who I am, unfiltered and unleashed,
raw and real.

  All she cared about was my pleasure.

  Turnabout is fair play.

  I backed off her, slowly, and kissed one of her breasts, the nipple salty. Her hips arched up, the thin wisp of hair at her pussy brushing against my knee as she begged.

  “Please. Please, Trev.”

  I owed her. I owed her so much more than an orgasm or three.

  Instead, I just patted her cheek and said, “Good things come to those who wait.”

  Her groan could be heard in Ohio.


  I walked into the bedroom to find everyone exactly the way I like them.

  Following my orders.

  And naked. Can’t leave out the naked part.

  I dispensed with my clothing quickly and stopped before the bed, taking stock of exactly what I was seeing.

  Naked Trevor on top of Darla? Check.

  Writhing, flushed Darla under Trevor? Check.

  Giant boner of mine looking up at me and ready for some action?

  Double check.

  Make that ten checks. One for each inch.

  “Nine,” Trevor said, climbing off Darla and staring at my cock in a nonsexual way, because we never touch each other. Let’s be clear on that, right?

  “Nine what?”

  “Nine inches. At best. You kept saying ‘ten’ under your breath.”

  “I did not.”

  “You did. Like Darla. She’s rubbing off on you.”

  “She will be in a few minutes.”

  “SOMEONE RUB ME OFF!” Darla moaned.

  I gaped at Trevor. “You didn’t let her come?”

  “You told me not to.”

  “And you listened?”

  He shrugged. “Why not? Try something new for a change.”

  “Listening to me is something new.”

  “So is getting a blow job from Darla and not letting her get off.”

  “You like it?”

  “I feel kind of guilty.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  He tilted his head to and fro, weighing out the answer.

  “I am the Instant Pot of naked women over here, guys. You can make some damn fine, tasty treats with me, but if you leave me unattended and turned on for an unlimited time, I’ll blow!”

  “Did she just compare her naked body to a kitchen appliance?” Trevor asked.


  “It’s bad.” We grinned at each other.

  “She doesn’t look like she’s suffered enough,” I said, my heart starting to throb like the tip of my cock.

  “Be kind to her.”


  “You are going to let her orgasm, right?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “Joe, I’m not leaving the room unless you promise to let her come.”

  “Why would you leave the room?”

  He gestured at his definitely-not-ten-inches-right-now penis. “Because I already came, and my refractory period isn’t two minutes long any more.” Trev used to be legendary for his crazy-fast refractory period, but now that we’re getting old...


  He ignored that and started to leave. I grabbed his forearm. “Stay.”


  “I have an idea.”

  He peered at me. “You have a fantasy.”

  “Same thing.”

  “When we’re all naked together, that’s true.”


  “She always squirts when she’s pissed off,” Trevor murmured in my ear, clearly drawing this all out.

  “You noticed that, too?”

  A wicked smile met mine. “Why do you really think I went along with your orders?”

  Darla sat up and rolled over, her ass rising up and down in the air rhythmically.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Humping a pillow to get some relief. You two assholes aren’t giving it to me, sooooo...”

  “Oh, we’re about to give it to you,” I announced. “On all fours. Now.”

  Her eyes narrowed.

  But she obeyed me.

  Just the way I like it.

  The air was rich with sweat and cum, with Darla’s sweet, tangy scent and Trevor’s muskier one. He stood to the side, hands on hips, waiting for whatever it was Trevor waited for when the three of us were together.

  Two guys in the same relationship do the tango. A lot. We lead and we follow. We’re dominant and arguing.

  I’m more alpha.

  But that doesn’t make him beta.

  The three of us form a sexual world that makes the boundaries of the known universe the four walls and ceiling, the floor, the bed. The looks we share are our language, and as I reached down and ran my finger from Darla’s cheek to her nipple, it was her willingness to go along, to play along with this farce that made it all work.

  Trevor, too.

  Life is a farce, when you think about it. Every bit of it is artifice.

  As I walked behind Darla and dipped my left hand down between her legs, finding her soaked and swollen, I wondered if any part of how we interacted with each other wasn’t laced with artifice.

  Except for this.




  “Oh,” she moaned as I reached her sweet spot, that full ass pressing back against me, her hips grinding down against my hand as she sought more pressure. The pad of my index finger slid in circles around her clit, her butt tightening and her shoulder muscles rippling with anticipation.

  I withdrew my touch.

  She let out a sound that should have made me cave in. I should have given her what she needed. The hard look Trevor shot my way told me I needed to let her climax, that being in her and pounding that sweet ass while she begged for more, all at my hands, should have been fucking enough.

  And it should have been.

  My palms flattened against the lush swell of her hips, then moved forward as I kissed her ass, right where the cleft began. She moaned and I looked at Trevor.

  “Under her.” I waggled my tongue in silent communication.

  He frowned, then had an aha! look.

  Then a WTF? look.

  As Darla started to pant, my hands cupping her breasts, loving her heat, Trevor slid under her, mouth going where I wanted it.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped. “I just sucked you off. You can’t – ohholymotheroftonguewhatareyoudoinnnnnnnggggggggg”

  Trevor started licking her clit at the exact moment I stepped back, pulled her ankles closer to me, and entered her, hard.

  She was warm caramel, hot velvet, every cliché and more.

  As I pulled out, then entered her again, she shook, her whole body tightening then tremoring, the feeling like an aftershock in the flesh. My heart raced as I felt that first layer of transcendence kick in – the feeling that you’re still yourself but you’re about to let go of it, about to be both more and less. Blood poured through me like a mountain melt in June, rushing to reach the next-largest body of water, the ultimate goal to find refuge in an ocean, to be part of everyone and everything.

  Especially Darla.

  Especially now.

  I’d played it cool until I’d actually touched her, and then all my restraint ripped away, like a tornado rushing into the room and peeling it off, flying far away. I couldn’t touch her enough, my cock welcomed by her depths, her moans urging me on as she caught me in a vise grip, her orgasm going on and on in waves like rhythm divine, my body driving into her, Darla taking it as Trevor licked her underneath, her pleasure our singular focus.

  She cried out, the sound like nothing I’d heard before, fading as my own coming took over, my ears drumming like the world relied on the beat of my blood, and I swear in those seconds as we came together, Darla’s heart caught mine. My thighs rammed into her ass and she caught all my thrusting as her pussy clenched around me, gave it back, pushing hard from
her knees to take me in, my orgasm so big I finally leaned forward, holding onto her amazing tits for dear life, my cheek against her back like she was my lifeboat, my redwood, my earth.

  Hot sweat covered us both, Trevor groaning as his tongue took her that extra bit over the edge, his hands on her hips, guiding her through a second, subliminal beat. She was all sexual syncopation and by the time I came down off my own climax, I realized she was shaking to the core.

  “Don’t stop!” she moaned, her hips moving against Trevor’s mouth, the trembling deep inside her growing. A crescendo was building within her and I marveled at it, because I could tell she’d already come and come and come.

  There was more in her? We were making more?

  Bring it on.

  I pressed forward, lengthening my stroke, keeping it intense and willing my cock to give her what she needed. With every push against her, my tip hitting her pleasure points, I felt her quiver to the point where her body became one long, drawn-out shudder, her skin pink, her essence glowing, her pussy squirting all over, the rush of hot wetness on the bedspread a sex trophy. We were Sexual Grand Prize winners, all three of us.

  In awe, I touched her, kissed her ribs, traced a line down her spine as she rolled on and on through what felt like one long orgasm, majestic and regal, almost otherworldly. She smelled tangy and sweet, my tongue licking her skin just to feel that much closer to her. As if tasting her vibration made me more a part of it.

  And just like that, she collapsed, flattening on the bed, knees giving out.

  Trevor, trapped under her, started laughing, hard. I pulled out of her and stepped back, letting the two of them untangle as my cock chilled out, chilled off, and hung there between my legs like a well-trained pet ready for a nap after a long run.

  Darla was boneless, beautiful and luminous, resting on her stomach as Trevor rolled next to her, wiping his face with the edge of the bedspread, his ribs retracting and expanding as he chuckled, the sound resoundingly smug and much earned.

  I moved to her other side and found her heat, all three of us in a pile of wet skin and happy grins, sated and drained.

  “You two,” she muttered into the bedspread. “You fucking two.”


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