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Rhys (Secrets Book 1)

Page 19

by D. B. James

  Choking, it takes me a few seconds to recover. Talk about an unexpected response. When I ask for Tiger Lily, I get her. The outspoken hellcat comes out to play no matter who can overhear.

  “Dessert first, dinner later?”

  I am determined to take her out on the town tonight—she will be shown off. My plan for making Smith strike may work, or it may not. If he has anyone watching us, I want them to see us out of hiding. Living. Being brave.

  “You have yourself a deal.” She’s pulling me toward the truck. It seems like the days without each other weren’t only killing me.

  “I’ve been dreaming about us being alone for days, I’ve just been too tired to do anything about it. We definitely need more hours in a day.”

  “If those hours can be devoted entirely to worshiping you, I’ll agree to them.” I’d be insane not to.

  Opening her door, I help her into the truck before making my way over to my side. I’m in a hurry to get her home.

  “Well, most of them. I’d like to be able to read for pleasure again. As long as a couple of those extra hours per week could be used for me to read, I can agree to your terms.”

  “I could read to you.” Actually, I love reading, and it’s not a bad idea. Two birds, one stone.

  Narrowly making it through a traffic light, I notice I’m speeding. Shrugging, I realize I don’t much care. I’d pay the ticket; being alone with my girl is worth the cost, whatever it may be. Luckily for us, there are no cops around to see.

  “My man is in a hurry.” Her peals of laughter roll off the windows. “Someone can’t wait to get home.”

  “Says the woman who offered to suck my cock in public.”

  “Correction, I spoke the words in public, I didn’t offer to do the act in public. I think screwing in broad daylight against a car in a church parking lot is enough outdoor sex for the year.”

  “You have to admit it was hot as fuck.” I’ll atone for two lifetimes if I had to, but I’ll never take back my actions when it comes to taking her against Mystique. Unless the church had a surveillance system in place, no one saw us. It’s our secret to keep.

  Pulling into the driveway, I notice two issues at once. Brant is lounging on our front steps, and he isn’t alone.

  He is the biggest cockblock in the world.

  “You are on my shit list. Also, random company much?” It’s all I say to either of them while walking around to help Averill out. Why he’s here with Justin, the douche I nearly beat to a pulp in ’Bucks ages ago, I have no idea.

  “Why am I on your shit list? Be nice to Justin, he’s here for a reason. Hey T-Lil.”

  “You know why. Give me answers about Justin, but do it quickly. My girl and I have plans—private plans.”

  I’m not inviting them inside. Brant is always welcome; that doesn’t change when I’m pissed at him. Justin isn’t.

  “Can we go inside at least?”

  “Nope. If you can’t explain fast, I’m going to go check everything out and let Averill inside. He’s not welcome to come in. I don’t know him from Joe Blow. Besides, like I said, we have plans.” In other words, get the hell off my porch, ASAP.

  “Are you always such an asshole?” Justin has the nerve to ask me.

  “Yes, now get the hell off my porch. Goodbye.”

  Dismissing them both with a head nod, I brush them aside, clearing the way for Averill to get past. I’m unlocking the door when Justin drops his bomb.

  “I’m Rob Smith’s cousin.”

  “Excuse me?” Averill squeaks out.

  I’m standing in stunned silence.

  “You heard him correctly. He’s also an FBI agent. Doesn’t look the part, does he?”

  Mother. Fucker.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I make a motion, gesturing to Justin up and down. “This guy is FBI? Sure, and I’m a priest.” Considering what my plans consisted of for the evening, that’s obviously a lie.

  “Now can we take this discussion inside?” Brant is pleading with his eyes.

  “Yes.” Averill agrees a tad quickly for my liking, but who am I to argue? This guy probably is FBI with my luck. Actually, I should be counting my blessings Brant hasn’t leaked any of my secrets yet…has he?

  “You heard the lady, come on.”

  We all proceed into the house, and I hurriedly deactivate the alarm system then reset it once everyone is inside.

  “Since we’re not proceeding with our scheduled plans, would anyone like me to order dinner before we settle in for what I’m guessing is going to be a long conversation?”

  “No, Rhys, don’t go to any trouble. I’ll whip something up in a while. Why don’t we start at the beginning?” She slips off her shoes and takes a seat on the couch, making herself comfy. “Did you grow up in Santa Rosa?”

  “Yes and no. My parents moved away shortly after Rob raped my aunt.” He says this calmly, like it’s an everyday occurrence, as if all sons rape their own mothers.

  “Say what?” Brant shouts. I’d forgotten he wasn’t privy to this information. He was consumed with food the evening it came, and we waited until after he left to read over it all.

  “Sorry, man, it slipped my mind and I forgot to mention it. There have been other issues on my mind.”

  “I’d consider the rape of his own mother a pretty big piece of information. If he’s done something that vile, I can’t imagine what he’s done since. How old was he?”

  At least he doesn’t ask if he raped Averill. It’s bound to come out tonight, but that’s hers to tell. I overstepped when telling my parents. If she wants Brant and this stranger to know, it’ll be her sharing, not me.

  “He was barely a teenager. Before you ask, he served way less time than he deserved—a year, to be exact. When my aunt chose to defend him in court, my family decided to move away. That’s also when I decided to become an agent. There was no way I wanted to keep letting criminals like my cousin get away with horrible crimes.”

  He’s staring at me the whole time he makes his speech, like he knows I’ve committed crimes in my past. He probably does. Whatever. I stare right back. If it makes him uncomfortable, he doesn’t let it show.

  “I didn’t think you looked familiar. If you had lived in the area, our paths likely would’ve crossed. Rob was sort of my boyfriend, but wasn’t. It’s uh…complicated.”

  “What she means is her boyfriend Alix was Rob’s boyfriend. She basically had nothing to do with Rob. He was just, there.” She leans into me when I speak on her behalf, letting me know my words are welcome, so I continue. “She dated Alix for a couple years and thought they were exclusive, but he was having sex with Rob behind her back, until one day she caught them. Afterward, they had an agreement. Rob could join them in the bedroom but never touch her. She was Alix’s girlfriend, and it continued until Alix’s death.”

  My words stop. If she wants them to know the rest, she can tell them. If not, it’s okay. If Justin truly is an FBI agent, he can access the hospital records and see for himself what happened after Alix’s death. Also, maybe I won’t have to plan a trip out west to visit the police department after all—he can get the records on the murders from the local police.

  Instead of going stiff against me, she relaxes more. “You can go ahead and tell them.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I was going to tell Brant sooner or later, and I’d be surprised if Justin doesn’t already know. He sought us out for a reason.”

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pull her in closer to me, cocooning her in my strength.

  “About a month after Axil died, Rob brutally attacked Averill.” I pause to take a deep breath, and to stop the tears threatening to fall. “He raped her, beat her, and left her for dead. She survived, but her baby wasn’t as lucky. She’s been running from him since.”

  “Holy shit.”

  Before I take my next breath, Brant is grabbing her from my arms and pulling her into an embrace.

  “T-Lil, I’m sorry.
I knew something bad happened to you, but I never guessed it was this.”

  Letting them have their moment, I focus on Justin.

  “How long have you been an agent?”

  “Going on seven years now. I’ve been tracking Rob’s whereabouts for the last year. I’m not supposed to share information, but I think he’s been involved in several murders.”

  “Hm, you don’t say?” Unable to hide the sarcasm from my voice, I don’t try. Why bother? I’m not a good actor, and frankly I’m tired of hiding.

  “You knew?”

  “Let’s say I found out in an unconventional way and leave it alone.” No way in hell am I telling an agent I nearly beat a man to death. He may have deserved it, but I’m still not admitting to it. It’d be as good as signing my own confession, damning myself to time in prison. Maybe I should serve some time, but there are worse criminals out there; I’ll save them the room by keeping myself safe.

  Besides, I mostly keep on the right side of the law.

  “I’m here to offer you a deal, Rhys.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “I know who you used to be employed by. I know everything.” He maintains eye contact while I glance over to notice both Averill and Brant have gone silent. Her gasp of surprise is the only thing giving any sign of our knowing what he means.

  “Well, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He knows it’s a lie as soon as it slips from my lips; the expression in his eyes tell me he knows.

  “Cut the shit, Rhys. I know. None of my associates know. I didn’t know it myself until I found your implant at the rehab center. Secrets were spilled, not enough for me to know everything—I had to do some digging to find out about Martinelli—but I do know you’re the reason my cousin is in the condition he’s in. I’d shake your hand, but I still don’t like you.”

  “The feeling’s mutual. Tell me what all you know and the deal you’re offering.”

  Averill returns to her seat next to me and I lift my arm to welcome her back to where she was before Brant stole her away.

  “Before you go on, I’d like you to know you can speak frankly in front of me. We have no secrets from each other.”

  There’s my girl, letting them know who we are to each other, supporting me no matter what. Placing a chaste kiss into her hair, I glance back over at Justin, nodding for him to continue.

  “In my research, I found out you were a lawyer for Martinelli. From time to time you also served as an enforcer, though not a typical one. You’re not a killer, but you have a special way of making people talk. A couple months ago, you had the unfortunate circumstance of being contacted to work with my cousin. I know you saved a man from him and nearly killed him, but for what exactly, I’m not certain. I’m here to offer you an immunity deal if you help me bring down Robert Michael Smith.”

  You can hear a pin drop in the silence that surrounds us for the next several minutes. If I didn’t feel myself and Averill breathing, I wouldn’t be sure either of us were.


  For doing exactly what I plan on doing.

  For helping put a murderer away for life.

  For bringing Smith down.

  For justice.

  For Averill.

  “You have yourself a deal.” I offer my hand out for him to shake. “Agent…?”

  “Milks. I’m Special Agent Justin Milks.” He takes my hand and this time, we do shake. It’s a silent vow to now trust each other and wipe the slate clean of our past judgments.

  It’s not the evening off we had planned, but somehow, it’s still a nice one. Over the next several hours, we share information with each other. Averill makes dinner for the four of us and by the time they leave, we’re once again too tired to do anything more than climb into bed.

  There’s always tomorrow.

  Waking the next morning to an empty bed leaves me feeling…discombobulated. Normally, I wake first, shower, and then wake Averill. Reaching for her pillow, I find it cool to the touch, and there are no sounds coming from the en-suite bathroom.

  Where the hell is she?

  Venturing out of the bedroom, I don’t bother to put on any clothes. I have one thing on my mind: finding my girl.

  What’s throwing me off more is that it’s not quite dawn, and neither of us are morning people. I barely make it out of bed most mornings, hence why I love to sleep in on weekends. During the week, my alarm clock is usually met with a grimace. Another weird thing…I’m up hours before schedule.


  Entering the kitchen, I find nothing, no Averill. It’s completely empty.

  “Come on, babe. Where are you?” My voice is pleading. I’m scared as hell.


  “Who else would it be?” I snap out a tad too harshly.

  “Well excuse me for verifying. Kiss my ass.”

  “Gladly. I’d rather bite it, but kissing will do.”

  “You’re insufferable.” Her comebacks are coming out slightly pissed but I also hear sadness in her tone.

  “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you in bed? It scared the hell out of me when I couldn’t find you.”

  “I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I came out to the couch to think.”

  Finally making it into the living room, I see her curled into herself, lying on the couch. I don’t waste another second before she’s in my arms.

  “You’d never disturb me. You should know that by now. Next time this happens, wake me up. I’m always here for you. Always.” Cradling her in my arms, I carry her back to our bed. “What’s bothering you?”

  “The better question would be, what isn’t?”

  “At least now we officially have the law on our side. I mean, it’s not like I’d have ever incriminated myself, but we’ve officially taken up with the FBI. There’s a certain protection in knowing that now…right?”

  Sighing, she lays her head upon my shoulder. “I guess. It’s not me being scared about what happens to you. I was never afraid of you going to prison. Before tonight, it never crossed my mind. I’m scared Rob—Smith, whatever he goes by—could potentially hurt you, Brant, or someone else I care about. You may be his official target, but now he knows I’m involved, and he’ll strike for those close to me too. What about Tessa?”

  Does it make me a bastard if I haven’t given Tessa’s safety a second thought? Probably, but until the words flowed from her mouth, I hadn’t. I’d only thought of those closest to me, not the other way around. My main concern was, and shall remain, her safety, above all else.

  “When we meet with Justin later, we can ask if he thinks Tessa should be put under protective custody. My parents are aware now, so we know they’ll be okay. My father won’t let anything happen, even if he’s not at full health. Brant is good, too; he’s trained enough to be able to handle himself. You have me and we both know, so you’re golden.”

  She lets out another deep sigh. Maybe I should convince her to call off of work today, let her staff handle things for the whole day, spend the day together.



  “Take the day off. We could spend it doing whatever the hell we want, until our scheduled meeting. We could make love.” I press my hips into hers and she feels how much I want her, how much I always want her. “Afterward, we could go out to lunch. Maybe go shopping. Or you could go to the spa, get pampered.”

  “Mm, all amazing suggestions. Nice subject change, by the way.”

  Feigning innocence, I guide my hands from around her waist, up to her breasts, cupping her in both hands, gently massaging them. When her nipples pebble under my attention, I pinch them. “Your body likes my suggestion.”

  “Everything about me likes everything about you.” She reaches back around between our entwined bodies and guides her hand to my throbbing cock. “I do remember offering to suck this.”

  Instead of verbalizing my answer, I press harder into her hand, and my teeth nip at her exposed neck. It’s
all the answer she needs.

  Pushing out of my arms, she presses on my shoulder. “Lie back, Rhys.”

  “Has Tiger Lily come out to play?” I ask while, granting her all the access she needs. We’re both already naked, as we have been every night when we go to sleep. We’ve had plans other than sleep, but our bodies have had other plans. Each time, our exhaustion has taken over before we’ve done more than share a few kisses.

  “Roar,” she says right before grabbing my cock and slowly crawling down my body, placing soft kisses and nips down my chest as she goes. When she reaches my muscled thighs, she starts on the right side, replacing her kisses with licks as her hands stroke up and down my shaft.

  “Mm, baby, you feel good.”

  She treats my left thigh to the same treatment, licking a slow path up, placing gentle nips every so often while her hands continue to stroke. Suddenly, she sucks my balls into her mouth and my back arches up toward the ceiling.

  “Fuck, Tiger Lily. Be careful, those are sensitive. I’ve never had them sucked before.”

  No answer is needed. She hums with my boys in her mouth, and holy shit. It’s all I can do to keep from going off before I’m in her mouth, before we’ve even begun. “Babe, I’m going to explode if you keep it up.”

  Gently she releases them from her mouth. “We wouldn’t want that to happen. I’ve barely had time to play.”

  “Ah, so this is the way it’s going to be, huh?” Good thing two can play this game.

  “Yep.” The P sound pops from her lips, and she doesn’t give me time to recover, has my cock sliding into her mouth before I can finish my next thought.




  The lips of her mouth meet the flesh of my pelvis.

  Of all the things she’s done to surprise me, this right here leaves me utterly speechless. I’ve never had the pleasure of being taken this far down someone’s throat before, and it takes everything I have left in me to tap her shoulder, silently letting her know now’s the time to release me, before I cum down her throat. Instead of releasing me, she sucks harder, telling me she wants all of me. Not three seconds later, I’m moaning out her name, grabbing her head as gently as possible, twining my fingers in her hair, holding her close. My back stays arched off the bed, and it’s the most intense orgasm of my life.


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