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Page 6

by Kenya Wright

  “Let’s go,” I said. “There’s more to see.”

  She closed her soft fingers around my hand.

  Drumming sounds lessened as we walked away, but still, the constant thumping continued as if the room itself had a heart that beat. But more noise rose in this new direction.

  “Cut me,” a woman in a moon mask begged a man dressed as the sun. “Make the blood drip over my nipple and then lick it all up.”

  Shadows hid the couple, but the way the woman moaned, I knew she’d gotten her wish.

  Emi said nothing and it made my body even more crazy. What did she have in her head? Was she turned on or disgusted?

  Here the light dimmed almost to darkness. One could see shadows dance in the corners. Neo-classical chaise lounge sofas outlined all of the back walls. Any one of them could have been fit for Cleopatra herself. Each was six feet of rich ebony leather with gold hand-carved scrolled arms and footrests.

  And along those lounge sofas, masked couples already decorated the tops. Some held two or three people. And all of these guests were having fun. Hands slipped between thighs. Tongues lapped at necks. The sharp points of knives circled stiff, pink nipples that were exposed to all. One man slid the handle of a sword between the woman’s butt cheeks as she bent over in front of him.

  Emi’s gaze touched them all. A few times, she stopped us from walking and just studied the erotic masked creatures as they let carnal lust take them over.

  Holding her hand in mine, I traced tiny circles in her palm. “What are you thinking?”

  “That this is hot.”

  “It is?”

  The next words were lusty whispers. “Yes. Blood and knives are not my thing, but the fact that they’re turned on. . .it’s turning me on.”

  If this had been another time and moment, I would have taken her over to a private lounge sofa and explored this topic more. But it wasn’t another time. And no matter how wet my cock got with her, those women or I wouldn’t be safe, until Emi helped me out.

  “Focus,” I muttered to myself. “And stop thinking with your cock.”

  Emi turned to me and grinned. “What?”


  “I don’t have a cock,” she said.

  “I was talking to myself.”

  “You were telling yourself not to think with your cock?” she giggled.

  “Yes,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “And is your cock not a smart one. Has he not had any training?”

  “There you go.” I gently pulled her in. “There you fucking go, tempting me to do something I don’t have time for.”

  Her lips parted and she said nothing for a few seconds, just stared back at my mouth.

  “I need to focus,” I nipped at that bottom lip. Behind us a woman’s moans rose above the drumming. I pulled Emi in closer, until her breasts pushed up against my chest. “This is crazy.”

  “This room?” she whispered.

  “No, this fucking attraction I have for you. I don’t know how to deal with this.”

  “Me either.”

  My phone rang in my pants. I needed the distraction. Something had to save us since it was clear I couldn’t keep us on track.

  “Hold on.” I let Emi go and answered, “Hello?”

  “You’re five minutes late for room two,” Butter said over the phone. “Is everything okay? You’re supposed to be in the second room by now.”

  “We’re getting ready to go.”

  “What’s taking you so long?”

  “Nothing. I just wanted to show her the performance.”

  Butter sounded irritated. “Show her the performance? We don’t have time for a tour. Get her to the fourth room as soon as you can. Make it look normal. Stay on the plan. Get her through the other rooms with no problem, and then get her to the fourth one, before the devil gets there.”

  “Any sign of him?” I asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Call me, when you do. I don’t want him around Emi.”

  “Emi?” Butter’s voice shifted from irritated to nervous. “Did you just say Emi?”

  “It’s her nickname.”

  “Nickname? What are you two, best friends? Are you sticking to the plan or on a date?”

  “Everything is fine.” I hung up, before Butter could hassle me anymore.

  Emi stared at me like she’d been recording my whole conversation with her gaze. “Who was that?”

  I touched her mask. “Another partner.”

  Thankfully, she said nothing else. We couldn’t make any mistakes.

  “Are you ready?” I walked in front of her without even grabbing her hand. Touching her would not help this situation. If anything, I had to keep my hands off of her.

  “Yes. Let’s go to the next room.”

  I held the door open for her. “Feel free to ask any questions.”

  “I will.” She walked by, her gown slipping along my legs. It took everything in me to not rip that fabric away and suck and nibble her thighs.

  Fuck! Concentrate. What the hell is wrong with me?



  After the phone call, Roman gave me more distance.

  Who was this other partner?

  We got back into the hallway and the purple masked men came out with us. There was no more pretending between any of us. Their presence freaked me out. Although they wore masks, they couldn’t conceal the evilness radiating from those big frames.

  Was he good or bad? Why am I really here?

  Outside, Roman had drawn me close to him, brushed his lips against my ear, and whispered, “‘Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice.’”

  What had he meant? So far, I had only witnessed blood and knife play, and while that wasn’t my cup of tea, I certainly didn’t put it down for one of the levels of hell?

  I have to ask more questions that can get me closer to the answers without revealing too much to the spying ears.

  “Do you have a dangerous clientele?” As soon as I blurted it out, I knew it was a slippery line I was walking.

  Keeping a slow pace next to me, Roman glanced over his shoulders and probably noted the men too. “With any occupation, dealing with sex and women, there is dangerous clientele.”

  “Why do you think jobs dealing with sex and women tend to draw in unsafe people?”

  “Sex makes all people wild in some way. For men, women are the ultimate trigger to get us to do the most treacherous things.”



  “Maybe for other men, but I don’t believe that of you.” I shook my head. “You’ve had women trigger you to do treacherous things?”

  “No. I’ve never had any women get me like others.” And then he paused from walking and pierced me with his gaze. “But tonight’s provided a lot of firsts. I may have a different answer in the future.”

  My skin warmed. “You’re a wonderful flirt.”

  “Is that what I’m doing? Flirting? I thought I was just answering your question.”

  “There’s no way I’m triggering you to do anything that you probably don’t usually do.”

  “Trust me, Emi. You’re triggering a lot in me tonight.”

  “It must be the blood and sex.”

  “No.” He licked his lips. “I was ready to taste you long before we entered the castle.”

  Taste me?

  That knocked me off guard. I even tripped a little on my gown and had to touch the wall to keep balance. I doubted Roman noticed, but the guards probably caught it.

  Okay. Don’t think about Roman tasting you right now. I can explore that later. Right now I have to get an idea of what I’m walking into.

  “So what are we going to see next?” I asked.

  “Have you ever heard of the Etruscan civilization?”

  “A little. They were the ancient people in Italy?”

  “Basically. A lot of their origins
and culture were lost in prehistory. By 500 BC, they were conquered and integrated into the Roman culture.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “So you’re a history buff?”

  He chuckled to himself. “I’m a fan of history, especially when it involves that culture’s sexual influences. My parties always deal with some sort of historic moment that happened in an erotic way.”

  He led me toward another door and gestured to the men behind us. I almost lost my breath, worried that something would happen.

  “Although in ancient times, the Etruscan women were equal to men in many ways. They maintained the same societal privileges.”

  “Love it.”

  “They even exercised in the nude.”

  I grinned. “Have you ever done that?”

  “Maybe, after all of this, you can come stay with me at one of my condos, and you can find out.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really?”


  I lowered my voice into a deep one and imitated him. “Come stay at one of my condos and maybe you’ll find out.”

  And then I winked.

  He frowned. “I didn’t wink.”

  “You probably should have. It would’ve gone with the arrogant statement.”

  “Arrogant or not. It’s the truth.” He walked right next to me, slipped his fingers along my corset, and whispered, “If we make it out of this, I’m going to do very nasty things to you. Your watching me exercising in the nude would only provide you with a break between my tongue and everything else.”

  “Everything else?”

  He practically hissed the next words. “My cock, sweet Emi.”

  I swallowed. Instantly, I imagined what his cock looked like. I’d already had some possible suggestions from masturbating to him in the shower, but now with him in front of me, I’d added some thickness and length to that lovely instrument.

  But just him saying the word cock drove me over the ledge. I loved hearing it on his tongue. The same tongue that I wanted inside of my pussy, circling my clit and dipping into my center. And I hoped his cock would join the fun too. How good was he? One who studied sex so much, surely should’ve learned some things in the process.

  But I had no time to go over all of the possibilities in my mind, as we got to next door. Instead of opening it and going inside, Roman stood there like he was waiting for the guards to catch up.

  What are you doing?

  “You two.” Roman pointed to the masked men.

  The tallest responded in a gruff tone, “Yes, sir?”

  “Why don’t you two make yourselves useful and open the doors for us,” Roman said. “I imagine you’ll be following us the entire time.”

  Neither agreed or said no. The bulky men just exchanged glances. They didn’t frown or smile, instead one of them went to the door, turned the knob, and opened it.

  Roman nodded. “Thank you.”

  Still, he didn’t take my arm like before. He continued to keep his distance. “So back to the Etruscans.”

  “Yes,” I said. “Back to them.”

  The door led us into a tiny hall. Further ahead, a lavender glow hovered around the opening. Moans sounded from the distance. Lots of moans—hot ones and mind-numbing ones, loud shriek ones and nipple stiffening ones. I couldn’t tell how many people would be around the corner, but I knew there would be a bunch and that they sure weren’t dancing.

  Roman stopped me from going forward. “I should explain, before we go further. First, you have to take off your shoes.”

  “My shoes?”

  “Yes.” He lowered to the ground, grabbed the bottom of my gown, and inch by inch lifted one side up. “Do you mind, if I help you with that?”

  “No,” I said, although a hungry shiver rushed through me. “No, go ahead.”

  There was so much under my gown—a slip and a boned hoop skirt, embroidered silk stockings with garters at my thighs. It all matched the white of my gown and I wondered at the time I put all of that on, if he’d planned even my undergarments out.

  “The Etruscans were known for having orgies, after dinner parties.” He captured one of my feet as I leaned next to the wall to balance myself. “Many times, there are reports of couples bringing men to their beds or other’s sharing their wives.”

  “So the Etruscans were the first swingers of humanity?”

  “Possibly.” He took the first heel with no problem, but his fingers lingered on my toes, studying and caressing them.

  Again more shivers came my way, and all of the moaning off in the distance didn’t help me. If anything, I wanted him to study more than my feet. Thank God, those masked guards remained by the door just a few feet away, a constant reminder that things were more serious than his or my lust.

  He set my foot down. “Although many births came out of some of these orgies, they didn’t even care if the children were their own or not. Everyone helped with child rearing anyway.”

  “And how do we know all of this?” I watched him tuck my shoe under one of his arms.

  He went to my other foot. “A lot of the civilization’s art were preserved. We’re talking about figurative sculptures, bronze casts, wall paintings, and metal-workings. A lot of these collections depicted sexual acts involving many couples, as well as men making love to men.”

  “And this room honors it?”

  “Yes.” Again, he slipped my heel off and massaged the softness of my foot for a few seconds. It drove me crazy. The movements were so subtle, I yearned for more. And with his voice and the other’s moaning, I almost begged him to just raise his hands further up my leg and massage some more.

  “You have beautiful feet.” He put the other heel under his arms too.

  “Do you have a foot fetish?”

  “Apparently, now I do.” He rose and stood right in front of me. I looked down at his crotch. There was a nice bulge there, that hadn’t been pushed in front of his pants before.

  Damn. It’s probably even bigger than I imagined.

  “No, Emi. Don’t look at it, baby.”


  “No.” He adjusted himself right in front of me. Pain glazed over his eyes as if the mere greeting of his fingers to his cock, shoved him further into a lusty haze.

  “But what if. . .” I decided to leave things alone. It was better to not taunt him, even though I loved how all that confidence that he had outside of the castle was now gone. Instead, it appeared, he was losing control.

  “What were you going to say?” he asked.

  I leaned back on the wall and glanced at that lovely bulge. Roman had done a horrible job at hiding him, if anything I could see it more as it stretched the fabric around one of his thighs.

  “Say it, Emi.” He set my heels on the floor, placed his hands up on the wall that I leaned on, and trapped me right there. “What were you going to say?”

  “I was just going to say, but what if I like to watch you touch your cock.”

  A low groan left him. “You’re not helping me focus.”

  “No?” I rose on the tip of my toes, placed my arms on his shoulders, and whispered in his ear, “Then tell me how high the stakes are.”

  He nipped at my ear and buried himself into the curve of my neck. “I can’t. The ears are too close.”

  Panting, I pretty much forgot what I was going to ask him next, as he sucked on my skin. The whole time he kept his hands on the wall, but his cock, oh my God, he rubbed it against me. Even through all that fabric from the gown, I could feel the pressure. And I had no idea what the hell the guards were thinking as he ground his crotch into the center of me, rocking his hips and nibbling my skin.

  I mumbled, “Oh. Take this damn dress off.”

  “And do what?” He rocked into me again.

  My nipples begged to be released from the stupid corset. My pussy hoped to get rid of all the fabric between us.

  “You know what I want?” I reached for his cock.

  And he left me like that, before I could just touch it one
time. And still moans flooded the space. Other sounds rose in the air, skin slipping against skin. Sloshing sounds as well as smacking and grunting.

  With both hands, he rubbed his eyes, pushing the mask a little bit above his eyes. It gave me a great look at that sculpted face of his. I’d forgotten how handsome he was. There would’ve been no way I would’ve kept my clothes on for this long without him wearing that mask.

  “Damn.” Roman turned to the guards, cursed under his breath, and then looked back at me. “We should go. This is getting out of hand.”

  I gestured to his erection, certain that it would burst open his pants soon. “Are you sure you should walk around with that? It could hurt somebody?”

  “Careful, Emi. If it’s going to hurt anybody. . .”

  I giggled. “You’re being a bad boy again.”

  “I know.” He glared at the guards and signaled for all of us to come his way. “Let’s go, everybody. Take off your shoes, you two. The floor is made out of a mattress material. It will be hard to walk without falling.”

  Maybe, you should’ve just let them fall around. Perhaps we could’ve out-walked them or something. Or would two others come right along after them? Are there cameras in here? Probably. If it was me spying, I would have a team on us right now.

  I looked up at the ceiling, but didn’t see anything.

  If there are cameras, they probably hid them well.

  Roman held his hand out to me. “Are you ready, Emi?”

  “Yes.” I gave him my hand and we walked forward.

  When we rounded the corner, lavender light shone all through the huge space. Crystal chandeliers of the same color dangled from the ceiling. As Roman had said, the floor was soft and bouncy like a mattress. In fact, the entire floor had been transformed into a massive bed that extended from wall to wall. And people were making use of that soft ground.

  Holy shit.

  It was a sea of half nude men and women. Most kept their masks on, but their costumes and gowns had been scattered across the floor. Fabric peeked out here and there. Moans flooded the air. Their bodies shone wet and slick. Ankles rose in the air. Toes pointed to the ceiling. Mouths spread open and made the lushest sounds. Breasts bounced and fat bottoms jiggled. All sizes, they slid in and out among each other, tasting one person and then another. Cocks pushed into moist pussies. Lips spread for stroked tips that burst out white cum onto welcoming faces.


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