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Royally Relinquished: A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “What does she mean that you’re her family? She must have blood relatives,” I mutter.

  “That’s Cait’s story to tell. Maybe you should go and ask her,” Madison suggests.

  I excuse myself from the group, hearing Bee’s apology vaguely in the background and Madison’s assurance that all will be well. My focus is not on them, though, it’s on Riona and her obvious distress. I don’t know how to handle it—how to handle her.

  I’ve never been in a relationship before. I’ve fucked, and I’ve played at dating, but a true relationship, where you discuss backgrounds, pasts, and futures? I’m a complete novice, and this scenario is making me feel uneasy.

  I walk into the backyard and see her standing at the swimming pool’s edge, just staring into the distance as the sun sets. She’s gorgeous, as always, her dark hair still set in the braid she put it in earlier. She’s like a vision before me, an untamed, untrained vision, and it’s the most frightening thing I’ve ever encountered. With a woman of breeding, I know what to expect. With a woman like Riona, I have no idea what will happen, what she will say, or what she will do—she’s beholden to no one.

  “Talk to me,” I murmur as I wrap my fingers around her hips from behind, pressing my lips to the side of her bared neck.

  “I come from trash, Henrik. My mother has hopped from man, to man, to man my entire life. I left the day after I graduated high school, and I followed James and Madison here to Portland. They had been accepted to college; and even though that wasn’t my future, I came here with them anyway. I had to get away from my life. I’ve been working at the MediSpa for over five years, and I’m just a receptionist, Henrik. I’m nobody, and I’m nothing. This cannot work,” her last few words end on a choke, and I know that she’s crying.

  Unable to stand not looking into her eyes a moment longer, I turn her around so that she’s facing me. Pulling her in close, I shake her slightly until she lifts her tear stained face to meet mine.

  “One look at you, reading your book by the pool, not paying attention to anybody else around you, and I just knew you were somebody. When you spoke, I instantly knew that you were something. You, Caitriona, you are not nothing. Philip asked me if I was prepared to spend the rest of my life not waking up beside you, if I could live without knowing what could have been between us. I can’t live without knowing more of you, Riona. I couldn’t in Vegas, and I surely cannot now. You’re not nobody. You are a princess, my princess.” I declare.

  “Henny—,” she begins to object.

  I shut her up by placing my mouth on hers in a firm kiss that quickly deepens, as it seems to always do when my lips touch hers.

  Nothing else matters. Nothing except her and me.

  Together, we’ll face what needs to be faced. Philip was one hundred percent correct. When the sun has set and I’m lying in bed with my wife, who do I want at my side? The answer is crystal clear—my Caitriona Geneva.

  THE REST OF DINNER WASN’T as awkward as I had anticipated it to be. Philip and Beatrice are much kinder than I could have ever imagined. I truly hope that Beatrice and I can become friends of some sort, because she seems extremely sweet.

  Once dinner was complete and we cleaned up before dessert, we visited with each other for a few hours. The conversations weren’t anything deep or meaningful, everything was completely on the surface, but it still felt nice and even calm.

  As the evening grew late, Philip and Bee excused themselves to retire to their hotel, James and Mads also excused themselves to go to bed, and now Henrik and I are in the pool house, alone.

  “We leave tomorrow. Shouldn’t you be packing your things?” Henrik asks as he flops down on the sofa.

  “Leaving? Tomorrow?” I ask, unaware of travel plans.

  “Well, of course. I need to get back,” he announces as though it’s common sense and he cannot fathom that I’m shocked at all.

  “Henrik, this is too much, too quickly. I don’t think I can just up and leave like this. You didn’t even ask me or talk to me about it,” I murmur, thinking about what leaving truly means—to James and Madison, and my job.

  “You are moving with me, and you’ll be doing it tomorrow,” he states, his green eyes holding me hostage with their stare.

  “This is crazy. You’re crazy. I can’t just leave everything and everybody,” I try to explain. It falls on deaf ears.

  Henrik stands and stomps toward me, his jaw set and clenched, his eyes narrowed as he makes his way to me. I gasp when his fingers find the buttons of my shorts. Before I realize what’s happening, he’s pulled them and my panties down simultaneously.

  I’m too shocked to react to his bold move. I’m frozen until he moves my body and positions me the way he wants me—bent at the waist over the arm of the sofa.

  “Henny,” I whisper.

  “Quiet,” he mutters as his hand slides up the inside of my thigh to my center, cupping me.

  The room is completely silent, until I hear the rustling of his clothes behind me; the clanking of his belt opening, the teeth of his zipper as he pulls it down, and then the thump of his heavy jeans as they hit the floor in one big whoosh.

  I gasp when I feel his cock at my entrance. He pushes in just the tip and holds his body completely still behind me. I feel his hand slide up my spine and fist my hair before he pulls back my head and twists my neck so that I can see his face.

  “You’re my wife. You come with me, wherever that may be. This is us now, Caitriona. You’re at my side, not in a completely different country where I can’t protect you, hold you, and fuck you,” he grunts as he pushes further inside of me, centimeter by centimeter.

  “I’m scared,” I confess.

  “Right, of course you are. Let me protect you, Riona. Give us a real chance,” he murmurs as he seats himself completely inside of me.

  He doesn’t move, his green eyes completely focused on mine, his jaw still clenched, and his face like stone.

  “Move, Henny, please,” I beg, needing him to move inside of me before I cry out of frustration.

  “You’re coming with me tomorrow?” he asks. I can hear a smile in his voice.

  I don’t verbally answer him. Instead, I move back as much as I can before I slip my hand between my body and the sofa. I reach down, grazing my fingernails against his tight balls before I move my hand to my clit. I need relief, and I aim to have it, even if I have to give it to myself.

  “You play dirty, precious,” he groans.

  Without another word spoken, he pulls out of me and slams back inside, hard, causing my breath to hitch. He doesn’t slow, doesn’t stop, and doesn’t lose his forcefulness as he fucks me against the arm of the sofa. He’s relentless in the way he’s taking my body. My scalp screams as he keeps ahold of my hair and seemingly tightens his grip with each thrust of his hips.

  “Make yourself come all over me, Riona,” he groans.

  I move my fingers against my clit, chasing my climax. When it hits, I don’t even try to hold back the sob that escapes me.

  “Fucking hell, precious,” Henrik calls out before he stills inside of me.

  He sounds so far away, muffled and in the distance as I try to focus on the simple act of just breathing.

  I feel his chest press against my back before his lips touch my neck and he releases my hair.

  “I know it’s scary. The future is terrifying, but if we’re to make a true go of things, we need to be together,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear, his lips brushing my skin with each word spoken.

  “Okay, Henny, all right,” I sigh.

  “I’m your husband, just as you’re my wife. We’re united.”

  “My prince,” I murmur.

  “Fuck yes, I am, precious,” he chuckles before he releases me and slips from my body.

  “There’s something else we need to discuss,” I announce. He freezes, midway through pulling his jeans up.

  I continue to pull my own shorts up before I speak. Not wishing to have this conversation that
makes me feel extremely vulnerable sans pants.

  “Each time we’ve been together, it’s been unprotected,” I announce.

  I watch as Henrik blinks slowly and then grins before shaking his head.

  “I thought it was something serious, precious,” he chuckles.

  “I think no protection is very serious.”

  “Right, well, you’ve been my wife since the first time we were together. There’s been none other than you. I have physicals regularly, and you’re the only woman I’ve ever shagged without protection. I’m clean and safe,” he shrugs.

  “Eugenie?” I ask, arching a brow in question.

  “I think my dick would probably get fucking frost bite if it came within ten feet of her. I’ve never touched her, not like that. Only you, Riona,” he shivers in disgust as he finishes pulling his jeans up. He zips them, but doesn’t bother buttoning the top.

  “Okay, but what about children?” I ask.

  Henrik’s face pales as he sits down on the sofa.

  “Could you be?”

  I shake my head, afraid to let him imagine children for another moment longer.

  “After Vegas, it was a possibility, but I’m not. As soon as I was certain, I went to the doctor, and I’m on the pill,” I explain.

  “We don’t need children yet. One day, but not yet,” he mutters.

  “No, we certainly do not.”

  “One day, when we’re past all of this newness, when we’re ready, I’m going to give you those four boys and a princess, just as I promised you,” he murmurs, wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to him, between his spread thighs on the sofa.

  “You remember?” I choke.

  “I don’t remember everything, but there are bits and pieces, and I recall that vow very clearly,” he admits, looking up at me.


  “Pack, precious. Let’s go home and build this life we both desire,” he sighs.

  “Okay,” I agree with a nod.

  How can I deny him? There’s no way I can’t give him everything he wants, not when his green eyes are looking at me and focused completely on me. Not when he’s promising to take care of me and protect me as we prepare to wade into unknown waters, together.

  We’re taking a complete leap of faith, together, eyes open and running directly into the pitch black future. I’ve never been more scared or more excited all at the same time. If there’s anybody I want to do this with, it’s Henrik.

  I spend the next few hours packing my largest suitcase. I don’t have much that is solely mine here, aside from clothes and shoes. Henrik falls asleep in bed before I finish, and it’s hard to concentrate on what to bring and what to donate when he’s sleeping in my bed.

  He looks younger, more at peace as he falls deeper into sleep. The stress and worry from his face fades away, and he looks more like the carefree man I met in Vegas. I wish there was a way to keep his face this way always, like in Vegas, like in sleep. I sigh, knowing it’s probably not possible, and continue to pack, trying to decide what to take and what to leave here, knowing that I’ll have to ask Madison to donate it to charity for me.

  Once I’m finished, I change into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank before crawling into bed and curling into Henrik’s side. He moans out a sigh and wraps his arms around me, pulling me deeper onto his side before he throws his bare leg over my thigh.

  I wait for his eyes to open, or for him to speak, but neither happens. He’s lost in dreamland, and I smile as I close my own eyes, happy to be wrapped in his arms.

  The first night of the rest of our lives.

  It’s going to be a total roller coaster, but if the good times are as wonderful as I imagine, every headache will be worth it in the end.

  I wake before the sun rises, and I look to the woman curled into my side. Caitriona. She’ll be right here from now on. The thought doesn’t scare me or fill me with panicked dread, like it did when I imagined waking up next to Eugenie, or anybody else for that matter. Instead, it excites me. I can’t wait to see what our journey will bring. I just wish that the gloom and doom of the paparazzi and my family were already over.

  My phone rings and I reach over to answer it.

  “The press release is live, and Eugenie is talking,” Philip murmurs in my ear. I can tell he’s probably been awake as long as I have.

  “What’s the cow saying?”

  “She’s saying it’s all come as a surprise to her. That you lied to her, you played her for a fool. That you cheated on her with Caitriona. Poor pitiful Eugenie,” Philip mutters.

  “Of course she is,” I exhale. “I don’t even care. She can say what she wants.”

  “The plane leaves in three hours. We need to get back and try to do damage control. Father has already called me five times.”

  “Nobody has tried me,” I say, confused as to why he’s been calling Philip and not me.

  “He’s angry; probably wants to save his screaming for in person, when he can scream at you to your face,” Philip chuckles.

  “Oh, grand.”

  “Bee and I will be round to pick you up in two hours. Be ready,” he says before he hangs up the phone.

  I gently wake Caitriona up and urge her to start to prepare to leave. Groggily, she makes her way toward the bathroom. Once the shower has started, I get up and head outside for some fresh air.

  “You’re leaving and taking her, aren’t you?” Madison’s voice cuts through the crisp morning breeze.

  “We leave in three hours,” I admit.

  “I figured you’d be heading out today. I want to tell you to take care of her, and that if you don’t, I’ll chop your dick off; but I have a feeling you’ve been handed enough shit, and there’s only more that will be flung your way before this whole ordeal settles. So I won’t say those things, but…”

  “You’ve been reading the gossip rags,” I chuckle.

  “I have a feeling you’ll have a whole fan club awaiting your return. Let that bitch have it, though. Calling Cait the other woman. I’m glad she lives in England and not here,” she practically growls.

  “Go inside and talk to her. I’ll stay here until you’re done,” I say, jerking my head toward the pool house.

  I don’t watch Madison run toward the little house. I keep my gaze directed at the man who is watching us, James. The other man in Riona’s life; a man she has known for years, whom she adores and loves. He’s looking at me like he might feel great satisfaction from dismembering me at any moment. I ignore his evil glares and make my way toward him.

  “You’re taking her away. I should beat the shit out of you right here and now,” James announces.

  “You and Madison are always welcome at mine. Any day and anytime—always,” I offer.

  “You’ll be taking care of her, of all her needs?” James asks.

  “Any single whim she could dream up, it’s hers and I’ll give it to her.”

  “Good. She deserves everything and more.”

  “Thank you for taking such great care of her all these years,” I say, holding my hand out to shake his.

  James shakes my hand, but we don’t speak to each other. We separate, an understanding now between us. I’ll take care of her. He cared over Riona like a sister for so long, it must be hard to let her go, especially since I am taking her so far away. I can only hope that I’ll be able to make her blissfully happy—the happiest woman on earth. I hope I don’t fuck this up completely.

  MORNING COMES TOO EARLY. WHEN I step out of the bathroom, Madison is sitting on my bed with tears in her eyes. There’s nothing to be said. My bags are packed and ready to go; it’s obvious, and she knows that I’m leaving. I wish I weren’t.

  I wish I could stay here in Portland forever, with her and James, but I can’t. I have a whole new life waiting for me, and it just happens to be across an ocean. I wish it weren’t, I wish we could be closer; but it’s Henny, and I can’t deny that I’m drawn to him. I have to know what lies in store for us.
  “I want baby updates, daily. I want FaceTime every Thursday during lunch, I don’t care what time of day or night it is for me, and I want you to swear you’ll be coming to visit, regularly,” I demand as tears stream down my cheeks.

  “Yes to all. Fucking yes,” Madison sobs as she pulls me in for a hug. We clutch onto each other.

  A few minutes later, James is here, and he joins our hug. The three of us, best friends from five years old, inseparable and yet, here we are, doing just that—separating.

  It seems surreal, completely and totally surreal that it’s happening. I’m leaving, and it hasn’t fully hit me yet. I have a feeling that when it does, it will hit like a freight train.

  “Stay strong, Cait. Seriously, don’t let those snooty, uptight, ice crotch Brits get you down,” Madison whispers in my ear.

  “I won’t,” I chuckle.

  James and Madison leave me, and a few minutes later, Henrik walks through the door. He brushes his lips against mine before he makes his way to the bathroom to shower, wordlessly.

  I take one last, long look around my tiny home. I haven’t lived here long, but it felt more like a home than anywhere else I’ve lived. What I’ll miss most isn’t the pool house. It will be James and Mads. The past twenty years have been the three of us, living life, making mistakes, and loving each other.

  “Philip will be round soon to get us. Are you ready?” Henrik asks gently as he walks out of the bathroom.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know,” I admit truthfully.

  “Riona, you’re going to be all right. I swear to you that I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs, cupping my cheeks with his palms.

  “I hope so,” I whisper.

  I hear a car pulling up in front of the house, interrupting my insecurities, and I know it’s time. I feel like someone should be playing the bugle in the background, or there should be a lone drummer boy beating his drum or something. This, all of this, feels so final.

  I know where I’m going. I will have no friends and no confidants. I am going to be lost and very alone. I’m not sure how I’ll be able to handle it all. I’m so anxious and nervous about the entire thing. I honestly just want to run away with Henrik, just the two of us, and never look back.


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