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Royally Relinquished: A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Page 26

by Hayley Faiman

  “I look forward to meeting the lovely princess,” I hurry and say before I begin to walk away and inside of the building.

  “I swear, I didn’t know,” Henrik quickly says.

  “Is there a reason for me to be upset about her being here?”

  “I just, it’s your night, and I don’t want to upset you,” he rambles.

  “Are you going to ditch me to be with her?” I ask with a smirk on my lips.

  “Riona,” he hisses.

  “Henrik, it’s fine. You’re mine, right?” I ask, reaching up and wrapping my hands around his neck.

  “Always, every second of every day,” he murmurs as his hands go to my hips and bring my body closer to his. Then his lips touch mine in a sweet but brief kiss.

  We walk into the ballroom, and I’m glad to have had the warning about Princess Nicoline, because she happens to be the first person who greets us.

  “Nicoline, meet Caitriona,” Henrik says, gesturing to her with a sweep of his hand.

  “Pleased to meet you, Caitriona,” she says sweetly.

  “Yes, it is very nice to meet you as well,” I say with a smile.

  “It was nice to see you again, Henrik. Very nice to meet you, Caitriona,” she murmurs before she walks away.

  It’s a small exchange, but not unpleasant. I don’t know what he was so worried about. It almost makes me giggle. She was a woman he spent a few hours with against his will, at the wishes of his grandfather. I can’t hold that against him forever; nothing even happened.

  We spend the rest of the evening dancing, eating, dancing some more, and then there’s an auction at the end. I look at the auction sheet and gasp at all the things that are up for bidding.

  There are week vacations at villas all over Europe, spa days, meals prepared by a few famous chefs, jewelry, and even a specialty designed suit up for grabs.

  “Beatrice, how did you get all of these things in such a short period of time?” I ask on a whisper.

  “People can be very generous, especially when the royal family, children, and a much loved new princess are involved,” she grins before she turns away.

  “Much loved new princess?” I ask, turning to Henrik.

  “The world adores you, Riona. You must have seen the paps or the news. You’re quickly becoming a favorite amongst the people,” he explains. I stare at him in surprise and shock. “All the visits you made, the way you did it all so privately, and with true compassion in your heart? It’s made you endearing to millions.”

  “I just didn’t want it to be a big production,” I murmur.

  “Which is exactly why you’re endearing to so many people, precious. You’re just being you, and you’re sweet from the inside out.”

  “Henny,” I choke.

  “Don’t cry. Enjoy every second of it,” he whispers, placing his lips at my temple.

  Spending an evening at a gala is not my most favorite thing to do in the world.

  However, watching how the elite take in my beautiful wife, that is a favorite thing. They loved her, everybody I introduced her to, young and old, simply adored her.

  I made the absolute best decision of my life when I was pissed as fuck in Las Vegas and married a girl I didn’t know.

  Caitriona isn’t royalty, not even close to it. And yet, she’s loved and accepted by not only every person she’s met in my family’s circle, but also every single person she meets. She was definitely meant to always be at my side.

  Some people may think giving up my title, and the title of my heirs, wouldn’t be worth doing just for a woman. Then again, they haven’t met my precious Riona.

  “I’m so tired, Henny,” she whispers, cuddled into my side on the way home.

  “Let’s get you home, then,” I whisper, pressing my mouth to the top of her head.

  “I love you,” she sighs on a yawn.

  “I adore you, my love.”

  Six Months Later

  “HENRIK!” PHILIP SCREAMS AS HE comes bursting through my conference room. I’m in a meeting with my entire management staff and have asked not to be disturbed, at all, until it’s been completed. “Henrik, fuck, Henrik,” he rants.

  “Calm down, what’s happened?” I ask, knowing that it must be huge if it’s elicited such a grand response from my normally mild mannered brother.

  “Cait, she’s in the hospital. Fuck, Henrik, we have to go,” he says. I freeze. I can’t move. “She’s had the baby, Henrik, six weeks early. Nobody has been able to reach you. Hugh is there, but nobody will update him. Something is wrong, and they won’t tell him anything.” He continues to ramble, but it sounds as though he’s underwater.

  My feet won’t move. Nothing will move. My Riona, and my baby, something’s wrong.

  Philip grabs me behind my neck and physically pushes me toward the door.

  I can’t think. I don’t even know if I’m breathing properly. But as I’m led by my brother out of my office and into a waiting car, I look at the seat next to me and see Beatrice. She’s crying, and she wraps her hand around my forearm.

  “Bee,” I croak as the car lurches into traffic.

  “It will be all right, Henrik. Babies are born early every day. It will be all right,” she assures.

  The drive only takes a few minutes but it feels like an eternity. I don’t take a breath until we pull into the hospital’s parking garage.

  Luckily, there is parking close to the exit, and I jump out of the car and jog toward the hospital’s entrance, without a care, if Philip and Bee are anywhere near me.

  I hurry into the hospital and notice that it’s so bright, too bright, and I catch Hugh leaning against the wall, a solemn look on his pale face. I know, right then and there, that everything is not going to be all right, as Bee had tried to assure me in the car.

  “Hugh, what am I walking into?” I ask.

  My voice cold and devoid of anything remote of feelings. When in reality, I’m completely and totally panicked and downright terrified.

  “They won’t tell me much, but I know she had to have emergency surgery and a blood transfusion,” he states as the doors to the lift ping open and we all step out.

  My girl, my beautiful precious Riona had surgery, a blood transfusion, and a baby six weeks early, and I was sitting in my fucking office holding a meeting where I announced to my secretary I did not want to be disturbed.

  I am a right bastard, as usual.

  I step straight up to reception, and all I can think about is finding out how Riona is and when I can see her. The nurse looks up at me with wide, shocked eyes and gasps, but I only vaguely notice. Right now, I just want answers.

  “I am here for Caitriona Geneva Grace Stuart. I need to speak to her physician about her condition immediately,” I state as professionally as possible.

  In my mind, I’m screaming—get off your ass and get me a fucking doctor.

  I have to know how my Riona is.

  “Uh, yes sir, your highness, sir,” she stumbles.

  Usually, I would smile and perhaps give a wink; but right now, I don’t have time for this shit. I need to see my wife.

  “Prince Henrik,” a man says, coming toward me in a pristine white lab coat. I know he must be the doctor.

  “Henrik is fine, doctor,” I say.

  He motions for me to follow him into his office.

  “Just Henrik in here, please,” he states to my entourage of Hugh, Philip, Bee, and Jasper at my back. “All right, then. Caitriona has delivered a baby today, which I am sure you are well aware of. As far as I can see, she had no signs initially of premature labor.

  “I have called her primary physician, and he confirmed this for me. He’s on his way over as well to evaluate her. Her water broke at home, and her guard brought her here. Less than an hour later, she was already dilated to an eight.

  “Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal; she’s early, but not terribly so. However, there was a very small placental abruption, where the placenta has partially separated from the uteru
s. That’s what caused the premature labor. It was likely so small that it went unnoticed, but unfortunately, during the delivery, Caitriona’s uterus ruptured, and I had to repair it,” he explains.

  I only understand a quarter of what he’s saying. I’m not a damn doctor, and all I can think about is my wife, alone in a room.

  “Your child, he’s in the NICU, and seems to be doing well on the ventilator,” he informs me.

  “Is Caitriona going to be all right?” I ask, my voice just above a whisper, as I feel so completely overwhelmed.

  “Usually, if we can’t stop the bleeding, we have to perform an emergency hysterectomy, but I want to avoid that as much as I can, and I think I have. We have given her a blood transfusion, and though her healing time will be much greater, I anticipate a full recovery. It won’t be an easy one, but I have high hopes that she will recover. She is asleep now and should be waking up shortly. You may also visit the baby,” he says with a smile and a nod, as if I am to leave.

  “Are you saying she and the baby almost died?” I ask, still in shock, still processing everything he’s just told me.

  “Yes, Henrik. It was touch and go there for a while, but she is healthy and strong. She rallied.”

  I nod and stand. I need to see her, to hold her, to know that she is all right.

  “The baby, is he going to be all right, too?” I ask, my hand on the doorknob.

  “Yes, he will be just fine. He will probably have to stay here a few days, maybe a week. As long as he is able to breathe and eat on his own, he should be free to go home fairly soon.”

  He… my baby… he. I have had a boy. I should be shouting from the rooftops and passing out cigars, not fearing for his and Riona’s life—my son.

  I run from the doctor’s private office, ignoring the questioning looks from Philip, Hugh, and Jasper. I have one place to be, and one place only.

  My wife’s side.

  I storm toward Riona’s door, throwing it open to find my precious girl.

  She is pale, her hair in complete disarray and wild around her pillow. She looks so fucking fragile in that bed. I run to her side and drop to my knees, taking her hand in mine and kissing her fingers one by one.

  I close my eyes and take in the sounds of the machines, the rhythmic beep of her heart. I hate myself for not being here at her side. I’ve always known that I didn’t deserve her—now it’s confirmed.

  I’m a shit husband.

  I am vaguely aware of a presence around me, my hand engulfed in a familiar warmth, and I can hear beeping next to my ear. I try to roll over, to move, but my body is heavy, and my limbs seem tied down.

  The smell is making me nauseous, and I try to calm myself so that I can understand the murmurings and buzzing around me.

  “Riona, my precious, please wake up, wake up,” I hear Henrik’s voice murmur. I want to tell him that I am awake.

  “Cait, you need to open those eyes,” I hear Hugh say from somewhere far away.

  I wonder just how many people are in this room. I wish I could just open my eyes and see for myself.

  “Precious, I love you, please wake up,” Henrik whispers.

  I feel my eyes fluttering open what seems like seconds later, and the room is shrouded in darkness. I can feel a slight breeze on my hand and look down to see a mass of wavy hair resting on my bed.

  His face is next to my hand, and his breath is tickling my fingers. I twitch them to try and wake him. All of a sudden, his head pops up and his eyes lock with mine. I give him a lazy smile and I watch as his furrowed eyebrows relax.

  “Precious,” he mutters.

  I let that one-word wash over me with his raspy voice.

  “Henny,” I croak, my throat dry and tired.

  “Sshh, Riona, don’t talk. I’ll get the doctor,” he says as he picks up my phone.

  I want to ask him what has happened. Why would he have to get a doctor? And where is my baby?

  I remember my water breaking, not being able to reach Henrik by phone, and having to call Hugh. But everything after arriving at the hospital is a blur, a complete blur. I tentatively touch my stomach and notice that I am, in fact, no longer pregnant.

  I want my baby, and I want to know that he is all right.

  Just as I begin to freak out, a handsome older man in a white lab coat arrives.

  The doctor starts asking me questions about pain level and such as he takes my vitals. He starts telling me about the delivery, talks about ruptured uteri, blood transfusions, and my baby being in the NICU. My heart starts to pound inside of my ribcage at his talk of the NICU.

  “I want to see my baby,” I say softly.

  The doctor nods and tells me he will send a nurse in with a wheel chair to take me to him and walks out.

  “Have you seen him?” I ask Henrik. He shoves his hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes.

  “I have not. I was worried about you. I wanted us to go together,” he murmurs.

  “Henny?” I ask in confusion, not understanding why he hasn’t seen his new child. I’ve been out for almost an entire twenty-four hours.

  “I couldn’t, not when you hadn’t held him first,” he explains as his eyes tear up a bit.

  Just then the nurse comes in and helps me into the wheelchair. It is probably one of the most painful experiences of my life. Henrik helps, but nothing can dull the pain of simply moving.

  I am wheeled down a bunch of hallways, and I notice that there are police officers and guards everywhere. I look over to Henrik in question, and he just winks and shrugs.

  Once I’m taken inside of the NICU, I know it’s my baby before I’ve even gotten close to him. When my eyes meet my beautiful, tiny baby boy, the tears flow. God, I haven’t cried as much as I have this past year in my entire life. It is draining.

  The NICU nurse says that I may hold him, so she places the tiny bundle in my arms. He is so small and weak looking, I don’t ever want to let him go. I want to hold him to my chest and protect him forever, from everyone who would ever cause him any pain.

  I wonder how I will protect him. My own body couldn’t protect him long enough to deliver him healthily. How will I fair for the rest of his life?

  “He’s beautiful, Riona,” Henrik whispers from my side.

  He’s crouched down and taking in the sight of our beautiful boy.

  I nod my agreement, words failing me.

  “What will you name him?” The nurse asks.

  I look down at my boy and close my eyes. He looks so much like his father already.

  “Only one name will suit him, don’t you think?” I ask, looking to Henrik.

  “That is?” Henrik asks, a smirk on his lips.

  The bastard knows, he’s just making me say it out loud.

  “Henrik George William Richard Stuart II.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks.

  I nod, unable to say anything else without crying even more.

  “That going to be his name, then?” the nurse asks, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

  “It is,” I nod.

  This beautiful boy in my arms, and this beautiful man at my side, they are everything to me in the world. Without them, I would be a lost soul.

  “I love you both, so much,” Henrik exhales.

  “I love you more than you could ever imagine, Henny. Thank you. Thank you for this treasure,” I whisper, looking down at our boy.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t with you during everything,” he mutters.

  “You’re here now,” I say softly.

  “I am, precious, I’ll always be here for you.”

  Henrik is the man that loves me and I—I love him with all of my heart.

  Every single part of me loves every single part of him.

  Our family is anything but conventional. We’re spread out overseas, with James and Madison in Oregon; and Henrik’s family is literally royalty—but there is more love than I could have ever imagined possible in the people around us.

  Henrik’s fami
ly may have been surprised by our Las Vegas nuptials, and initially they disapproved, but over the past few months they’ve been fantastic.

  Henrik’s father and even grandfather have accepted this new dynamic, the fact that Henrik relinquished his royal title, and it seems that the bond between the three of them is stronger than ever.

  Bee, Helena and I have also grown very close together, working alongside each other and becoming more than just relatives, but also friends.

  The story of our life isn’t over—it’s just beginning. I honestly cannot wait for more. I can’t wait for what awaits us, for the ample love that will fill our lives, for the craziness that Madison will bring when she comes for a visit with her own little family, for the roller coaster that is our life, and has been since I met him poolside in sin city.

  My prince—my Henny.

  Also by Hayley Faiman


  Pitching for Amalie

  Catching Maggie

  Forced Play for Libby

  Sweet Spot for Victoria


  Owned by the Badman

  Seducing the Badman

  Dancing for the Badman

  Living for the Badman

  Tempting the Badman

  Protected by the Badman

  Forever my Badman (Summer 2017)

  Betrothed to the Badman (2017)

  Chosen by the Badman (2018)

  Healing the Badman (2018)


  Rough & Rowdy

  Rough & Raw

  Rough & Rugged

  Rough & Ruthless

  Rough & Ready (June 2017)

  Rough & Rich (2017)

  Rough & Real (2018)


  Royally Relinquished

  Caught Cold (December 2017)

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