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The Druid Breeders 4-Book Bundle

Page 24

by Eros, Marata

  Zach met the surges of her hips, using a finesse he didn't know he possessed to not cut her but give her the maximum pleasure afforded her. What he had not told her was there was a blunt nub on the pointer talons, situated like a dulled bulb that when used as an erotic abrasion against a woman's tender spot, high and deep in their pussy's channel, it was electrifying... a sure tool for orgasm. Seeing Holly trust him with her misgivings riding her was a turn on for Zach. He continued to rub that spot with his sharp talon, the nub sliding over the slick spot again and again.

  When her orgasm threatened to shatter them both, he slid his talon out of her drenched cunt and ripping his leathers down with one hand, he rammed his cock into her tight snatch to the root, grunting as her tight wetness accepted him like a slick fleshen glove, tight, warm and smooth. He drove his prick into Holly again, shoving so hard he tapped the end of her, his balls quivering as he met his mark.

  Holly shouted her pleasure as Zach moved over that spot high and deep in her pussy, his shaft ramming into the end of her. She couldn't hold back the orgasm that had been building since that dangerous claw had entered her slick pussy. She screamed and he muffled it with his tongue as he allowed a fang to pierce her lip so he could suck out a precious bead of her blood.

  Her pussy clenched around his ten inch prick, the girth he used as an erotic weapon of punishment on her weeping hole. He drove into her as he lifted his body off the top of hers, swinging his hips low and deep into her waiting pussy, her slick folds engulfing his entire length as she writhed beneath him and with a final mighty shove that she met with her hips, he poured his seed deep within her and that Druid womb sucked him dry, the deep pulses milking his cock of everything he had.

  When her channel finally released his dick he collapsed next to her and pulled her against the protection of his body, moving his back instinctively to face the door that led to the balcony.

  No one would take him unawares while the Queen rested beside him after he'd planted the seed of their race within her body.


  Holly carefully extracted herself from the dead weight of the limbs Zach had thrown over her, the sunrise zapping him from the living. His body cool, his pulse-slow. She grinned at her torn pants and thought... they probably wouldn't be worn again. Glancing over her shoulder at a slumbering Zach she headed for the bathroom to clean up and start her day. She had a bone to pick with him but that would have to wait until he rose for the night.

  A sly idea began to form in her mind and she smirked. Perfect, she'd convince Rachel and the two of them would be in business.

  That'd teach the Reapers to keep their Queen prisoner. After all, didn't mental health count for something? Holly felt like a damn shut-in.

  Except for that great sex. It made it almost worth it.

  Almost, she thought with a shiver, remembering the talon that he'd driven into her pussy.


  “No,” Rachel shook her head, “sorry, dumb plan.”

  Holly restrained herself from stomping her foot. “Come on,” she wheedled at Rachel, “I'm beyond bored, I know you are too.” Holly gave Rachel pleading eyes and Rachel turned her back on her newly discovered sister. She remembered what it was like to be nineteen. And she and Holly were no ordinary women, not anymore.

  Rachel sighed, pressing the on button for the coffee maker. It began to perk and Rachel slowly turned around. “Cole will kill me,” Rachel said in a flat voice.

  Holly jumped up and down, sensing a win. “Come on, Rach! They'll never know,” her eyes searched Rachel's and she saw the moment Rachel caved but it was Holly's last comment that tipped the scales.

  “The bad guys are vamps too... they can't get us when they're dead to the world, Rachel!” she squealed.

  Rachel sighed again. She guessed it was true. The faction had to rest during the day as well. She shrugged, it would be so good to feel the heat of the sun on her skin. Rachel smiled at Holly, she was right after all, it was high time they left the oppressive shelter of their new coven, if only for a few hours.

  The women got dressed and slipped out of the security of the coven, never sensing the Intimate as he lowered his binoculars when the women left the only protection left to them, their vampire hosts vulnerable during the day, unaware.

  He smiled, meeting the eyes of the huge Druid male that perched underneath the shade of the tree they'd used as camouflage. In the gloom of the cover his eyes almost looked reflective.

  “They leave, Master,” the Intimate noted.

  “Yes,” he said, his eyes caressing the Queen. He identified her by scent alone.

  He stood smoothly, his powerful legs accepting his weight easily. It would be perfect. He could smell that her womb lay empty. She was not properly matched or she would even now carry the seed that would changed the face of vampire.

  His lips turned up in a smile of cruelty.

  “Let us go,” Keir said to the coven's lead Intimate.

  “When do we acquire the females?”


  “Why only one, Master?” the Intimate questioned, his brow furrowing.

  “They will expect us to take both.”


  “The Reapers. They will sense their women gone and run headlong to the rescue. We will be waiting, using the one Druid as a distraction while we take the other.”

  The Intimate smiled as cruelly as his master. “Ah. That is steeped in understated cleverness.”

  Kier nodded. He'd thought it through after the bungled mess with the Druid pair. Now they roamed free, needing to be recaptured. However, now that the Druid Queen had been located, the priority had shifted to the acquisition of her.


  The two used the plentiful shadows that bordered the trees by the park, following the women at a safe distance. Boosting their false security. Perfect for future acquisition.


  Zach's eyes snapped open, nightfall a whisper away, twilight's kiss pushing against the glass of the windows. He slapped a large palm out and found empty bed.

  He sat straight up and the bed sheets fell away, his eyes piercing the gloom of the shuttered room with ease.

  Zach felt off-kilter, something was missing. It was not exceptional for Holly to not be in their room at the moment of his awakening but...

  There was no noise. No clatter of dishes, murmuring of feminine voices.

  Panic stuck Zach like a well-placed sucker punch and he sprung from the bed just as Cole slammed the door open, the knob shattering against the wall as it slapped into the plaster like a torpedo.

  Zach said it best, “They're gone.”

  Cole nodded. “We don't have much time.”

  Zach didn't need to be told twice, they threw on their leathers, shitkickers, grabbing their weapons belts they clipped them into place and tore into a night that had snuck in like a thief around them.


  “Oh my Gawd! They're so cute!” Holly exclaimed. Rachel grunted acknowledgment. They obviously hadn't been getting out enough as she'd heard Holly say the same phrase ten times if she'd heard it once. Rachel didn't think the earrings were that special but... she missed some very human possessions she'd been forced to leave behind in Anchorage, her mind on her cat, Caesar, before remembering that Michelle had him. A small relief. Rachel sighed, melancholy washing over her momentarily. She shook it off with effort as she glanced outside the shop they were in.

  Rachel looked at the clerk quickly. “What time is it please?”

  “Nearly six,” he replied, pushing his geek glasses higher on the bridge of his nose.

  Shit, Rachel thought, they were so busted. The Reapers would be awake and Cole would be beyond pissed.

  But not if they beat feet back to the house.

  “Come on, let's book. We've got to get out of here!” Rachel prompted an enthralled shopaholic named Holly.

  “Ah! I want these...” Holly said with a pout.

  “Look at the sky,” Rachel hissed at he

  Holly gazed at the sky and her mouth made a small “o” of surprise as she watched night edge around them, daylight hanging on by a thread. “Oh shit.” Holly said without any grace and the clerk cleared his throat, his expression telling her without words what he thought of her language.

  She frowned at him. “Fuck off, dweeb,” Holly said and his expression went from snob superior to shocked and I-just-got-pumped-by-the-neighbor's-cat look.

  Rachel thought it was a good look for him. But lingering was out, she grabbed Holly's elbow and hauled her away, a gale of giggles trailing behind them as they went.

  “Gawd! Did ya see his face?” Holly shrieked into the wind that had come up, storm clouds moving above their heads.

  “Crap, it's going to rain too,” Rachel said looking up at the pewter boulders roiling above their heads, towing Holly behind her. The day was going to hell in a handbasket.

  Rachel broke to the right and squeezed into an alley as a shortcut, her head down and against the wind.

  When the punch cracked across her jaw she was utterly unprepared to protect herself and Holly had dropped forward even as a huge guy grabbed her.

  Holly screamed, the wind stealing the volume and squeezing it out like a washrag wrung.

  Rachel smacked into the wall, her hands keeping her upright with an effort. The man that had Holly hissed at Rachel, “Do nothing and we won't take you.”

  He said it like it was an option while Holly's wide eyes pleaded with Rachel.

  Rachel steeled herself. She realized it was ultimately her fault. This guy wasn't a vampire or the little bit of daylight which remained would have cooked his gonads off. Instead, he was all that was vampire but not suffering the Get Torched by Sunlight problem.

  “You're not taking her, prick,” Rachel said, a fine tremble running through her voice.

  Kier admired her courage, not wanting to start a war he turned to leave and there were the Reapers, shadow hopping to rescue her at night's entrance.

  The faction moved in, hidden from sight until Keir gave his subtle signal.

  The Reapers lined up, five in all, and watched as a fullblood Druid vampire held their Queen and the other Druid female, a large welt laid on her jaw, stood on shaky feet, her eyes shocky and frightened.

  Cole stepped forward and Zach put a hand on his shoulder, flicking his eyes behind the male.

  “It is a stalemate, Reapers,” Kier announced, in a deep and melodious voice.

  And with an imperceptible chin dip, the faction moved toward Rachel, Cole's roar reverberated in the closed space of the alley. The diversion worked seamlessly as the Reapers went after Rachel.

  Only Zach went to Holly, never distracted from the sight of Holly's wide eyes on him.

  Apology brimming in them and something else. Something soft that transcended fear.


  Zach flew toward Kier, dismissing the sure knowledge of his superior strength, reflexes... all. The only pulse that beat within Zach was that Holly would be captured and subjected to the unspeakable; bred to the entire coven.

  Kier dropped the Queen hard, allowing her to fall against the ground with a thud, hoping to dispatch the fellow rogue as he did, injuring her in the process.

  He justified the harm with the knowledge it would slow her escape attempt.

  Everything working toward the end that Kier had planned.

  Holly fell to the ground with a hard toss and bashed her head and she sorta felt like spraying puke. When she saw Zach come for her she wanted to warn him, seeing the talons that lay like greased weapons of slaughter behind the back of the vampire who'd held her a moment before. She opened her mouth to scream and the vampire's jacket got thrown on her head, momentarily disorienting and blinding her.

  Holly screamed, hearing the thump of fists hitting flesh and a low gurgle sounded.

  She tore the jacket off and was greeted with the sight of Zach's esophagus exposed like a knotted rope of flesh.

  Holly puked where she sat, her guts heaving the delicious foods onto the pebbled street that she and Rachel had consumed on their shopping trip.

  As Holly watched the vampire she'd given her virginity to bleed out in front of her, tears cascaded down her face. She crawled over to him, his blood bubbling where his throat should have been. Holly's hand reached out to touch his head, “I'm sorry,” she whispered.

  Holly never knew if he heard it, as she was ripped off the brutal gravel of the alleyway by the vampire that had torn her vampire lover's throat out.

  Holly shrieked Zach's name until her throat became raw.

  No one noticed, they were too busy battling with the faction while the huge Druid male sprinted off in the dark recesses of the buildings, using the inky shadows as covert highways. She beat her fists at his back, while he held her thighs against his chest as he ran.

  Holly lay against him, bouncing against his back as he ran, exhausted.

  Without hope.

  The brutal image of Zach dying following her as the distance lengthened between her and security.


  “Shush,” Beau put a finger to his lips and Aubree glared at him, clamping her lips shut.

  “I hear something,” he said, bringing her behind him.

  They rounded the corner and saw a shower of blood and gore, vampires, at least fifteen, were battling for their lives. A lone woman splayed against the side of the building, looking like she was in the beginnings of shock.

  “Stay here,” Beau said and Aubree grunted in answer. He joined the fray as Aubree disregarded his instruction, leaping into the danger zone, making a beeline for the woman.

  Rachel saw a young woman, athletic and fierce, rush her and Rachel's instinctive first thought was vampire.

  And then she felt it like a hammer striking glass, her chest tightening in that special surge of recognition.

  No, not vampire, Rachel clarified to herself, as the war between the faction and Reapers raged.


  The End

  Books 5-8 of the Druid Breeders series available now: SEED, PLOW, THRESHER and DRUID BREEDERS, a novel


  A Druid Breeder short story

  by Marata Eros


  Copyright © 2012 Marata Eros

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved.

  Edited by Hazel Novak

  Adult Reading Material

  The material in this document contains explicit sexual material that is intended for mature audiences only and is inappropriate for readers under eighteen years of age.


  Druid Breeder Fans everywhere

  Chapter 1

  Lucia threw her head back, her mouth slightly parted and Tarrin watched her ride him, her hair swinging against his hips. The soft spirals tickled his dark skin and a groan escaped him as the moist velvet glove of her pussy pressed him to finish before he desired.

  This was always a problem between them, if one counted it as such.

  Tarrin did not.

  In the few years they had ruled be
side Kier and Holly, Tarrin had become even more convinced that Lucia was meant for him and him alone.

  “Daydreaming, my dark angel?” she asked, grinding her golden mound on top of his with a finesse that was criminal in its execution.

  Tarrin could not hold back and came inside her heat in a delicious rush of hot seed that was torn from his balls by his lovely mate.

  “No!” he barked and she gave a low throaty laugh, finishing up her twirling push against his vampire cock in a lazy circle and then began to move away.

  “No... not yet, Lucia,” Tarrin said, grabbing her with his dark hands.

  She gave a feminine yelp of surprise as he buried his hand in all those dark blond curls and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “I will take it upon myself to give you proper discipline later...” he promised.

  “And I shall like it,” she breathed in return.

  He kissed her then with an almost bruising force and her lips parted beneath his.

  Growling softly, Tarrin broke the erotic tongue tie, Lucia smirked at him.

  “Let us go and meet with Kier and Holly,” Tarrin suggested, his fingers trailing off her rounded ass as she moved to get dressed.


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