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Recovering Ivy

Page 21

by Riley Edwards

  “I got you, Ivy.” I flinched as Declan reached for me, very aware I was only in my bra and what was left of my torn panties. “I need to get you out of here, the car is right outside the door.”

  Leo had already yanked the comforter up and was trying to cover my mostly nude body.

  “I’m gonna carry you out of here,” he told me. His voice was soft and reassuring. Why wasn’t I jumping up and running out of the room? I should be. But I was frozen. I didn’t want anyone to touch me but Zane. I wanted him, only him.

  “Get her the fuck out of here!” Zane shouted.

  “Come on, Ivy.” Declan didn’t give me an option this time. He scooped me up and carried me out of the room. Leo opened the back door and Declan climbed in with me on his lap.

  “Zane?” I whispered.

  “He’s right behind us. I promise. He just wants you safe.”

  Leo climbed in the driver’s seat and took off.

  “You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you,” Dec tried to tell me.

  I was so tired, which should’ve been impossible. I’d slept all day it seemed. Leo took a sharp corner and my stomach jolted.

  “I’m gonna throw up,” I warned Declan.

  “So throw up,” he told me.

  “I can’t throw up on you,” I argued.

  “Sure you can. You wouldn’t be the first woman and I doubt you’ll be the last. I’m not letting you out of my arms and we’re not stopping. If you have to puke, puke. Get it all out. When we’re far enough away, we’ll toss the blanket and buy new clothes.”

  “Is Zane okay?”

  “Now that you’re safe, yes.”

  “You’re weird,” I told him and settled back now that the feeling had subsided.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because you told me to throw up on you.”

  Both men chuckled, and we fell into a comfortable silence.

  I watched as the trees flew by and realized how lucky I’d been. If the guys had been even a few minutes later, I would’ve been…

  “You’re safe, Ivy. Nothing’s gonna touch you.” Declan’s arms tightened around me and he rocked me back and forth.

  “Thank you.”


  “Saving my life. I wouldn’t have lived through that.”

  “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but did he touch you?” Leo’s gravelly voice had me jumping in Declan’s lap.

  “No. Just what you guys saw. He um… got my clothes off… and was getting himself ready. Then you guys came in before he could.”

  “Thank fuck,” Leo huffed.

  “Where’s Zane?”

  “Taking out the trash. He’ll be right behind us soon enough.”

  “The trash?”

  I didn’t know what that meant, but by the look on the guys’ faces I was pretty sure I could figure it out. Whatever Zane was doing to Lance, I hoped he made sure he could never hurt another woman again.



  “Come on, motherfucker. You said you liked to hear begging. So beg.” I waited for Lance to respond but it never came. I suppose the fact that he was now missing most of his teeth and his mouth had already swelled, it was a little hard for him to speak. In the last twenty minutes or so I’d heard him beg enough. However, I would think a man who was getting ready to have his cock removed from his body would try to say something. With my gloved hand I squeezed his tiny dick harder and with my free hand flicked my knife open, the shiny metal blade reflecting the overhead light of the small motel bathroom. I situated myself over Lance, straddling the bathtub the best I could, and I pressed the serrated edge at the base and leaned in. “You think raping women is fun?” I dug into his flesh, pulling a scream from him. “I heard what you said to my woman. You like ‘em to fight, huh? Does it make you feel like a man when you take a woman against her will?” Lance had snot and tears mixing together and dripping down his chin. I was almost through the soft member when I stopped and pulled my knife back. “You’re the worst kinda scum hurting innocent women.”

  “Please don’t,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry.”

  Lance’s head snapped back against the plastic insert of the tub from the force of my punch. If he’d had any teeth left from his previous beating, they were gone now. One more jab for good measure had the sickening sound of bones crunching.

  “Too late for sorries, motherfucker.” And with that, I lowered my knife and finished. Lance’s dick was severed.

  His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body slumped. I dropped the bloody piece on his chest and closed my knife. “You’re lucky I couldn’t stomach holding your dick a moment longer or you’d be gagging on it.”

  “Clean up is two minutes out, we need to leave,” Jaxon called from the doorway.

  With one last look at the man who’d attempted to steal Ivy’s innocence, I pocketed my knife and walked out of the bathroom. Seeing the man bloodied and left for dead did nothing to calm my racing heart, nothing to quiet the echo of Ivy’s screams.

  “Zane?” Linc called out.

  “Not now.”

  “She’s safe, brother. He didn’t touch her.”

  “He did. He tore her clothes from her body. He had her on her stomach. He terrified her,” I seethed.

  “But you got to her in time. All she needs is you. She’s safe.”

  I ignored Linc’s last statement and got behind the wheel of the waiting SUV. Jaxon and Linc got in and I drove around the motel to the exit, happy to see the police hadn’t been called. It was a goddamned miracle no one had called in a noise complaint. Soon, someone would come and fetch Lance’s dead carcass and dispose of his disgraceful ass.

  No one spoke for the first hour of the drive. It was both welcomed and a curse. The silence allowed me to run through all sorts of alternate scenarios in my mind, scenarios where we didn’t get to Ivy in time and Lance was able to hurt her. The images of her broken were so vivid in my mind I had a hard time differentiating them from the truth.

  Linc’s phone dinged and I glanced at him as he read the incoming text.

  “They pulled off at a rest stop fifteen miles ahead,” he informed me.

  “Tell them to continue on.”

  “Ivy’s asking about you.”

  “Tell them to continue,” I repeated.

  “The fuck, Zane. Your woman is half-naked, sobbing in Declan’s arms, and you want me to tell them to continue?”

  “I’m not ready to see her.” My grip tightened on the wheel and my head started to throb. She could’ve been raped. A second later, she would’ve been. The image was replaying over and over.

  “Fuck that noise. Man the fuck up. Your woman needs you now. Not in five hours, now.”

  “I’m covered in blood, Linc. What the hell? You think I want her to see me like this? Touch me when I have another’s man blood on my clothes and hands? I killed him. She doesn’t need to see me like this.”

  “Yes, she does. Pull the fuck over, Zane, and go to your woman. You need her,” Jaxon said from the back seat.

  “That’s rich coming from you. You had Violet taken out of the country while you beat Ortega half to death before you gutted the bastard.”

  “I did. Then I went straight to her.”

  “I fucking can’t!” I yelled.

  “Why not?”

  “Because she’ll know who I am and what I do. She won’t be able to deny what I am. Then she’ll leave me.”

  Both men were silent.

  “She’ll leave me,” I repeated. “I can’t live with that.”

  The sign for the truck stop mocked me as I approached. I couldn’t risk her not loving me. I promised her I’d keep her safe. I failed – again.

  “Zane, listen to me. You have to go to her. I guarantee you need her right now just as much as she needs you,” Linc whispered.

  The exit was coming up. All I had to do was switch lanes and I could pull Ivy into my arms.

  “She loves you.” Jaxon placed his han
d on my shoulder and for once the contact was welcome. Maybe they were right. All I needed was Ivy. She always quieted the guilt and demons. Not that I felt guilty for cutting that prick’s dick off and letting him bleed out, but there was something stirring so deep inside of me I couldn’t get it out.

  I veered right and took the exit. The other SUV was parked around back, and I pulled next to it, not bothering to cut the engine. We wouldn’t be here long.

  I exited the car the same time Declan climbed out of the back seat with Ivy cradled in his arms. Her pretty face was red from crying and she was wrapped in the motel blanket. Thank God, they’d thought to cover her before they left. In my anger I hadn’t seen them leave.

  Without a word, Declan placed Ivy in my arms.

  “Thank you,” she cried.

  I went to my knees; Ivy’s arms wrapped around my neck and I buried my face in her hair. Her tiny body shook in my arms and I wondered for the thousandth time how I’d gotten so lucky that this strong, beautiful woman could ever love me.

  “I love you,” I whispered, not taking my mouth away from her head.

  I couldn’t understand why she wasn’t mad at me. We’d argued constantly about how over the top I was about her safety, a lotta fucking good that was. She’d been taken right out from under the protection I’d promised to provide.

  “I should’ve been more careful.”

  “Nothing is your fault, Ivy.”

  Jax was right, I did need this. I needed to feel her weight in my arms, and her heartbeat close to mine. She was the cure.

  I stood and took in the men surrounding us, providing cover so I could tend to my woman, each and everyone always having my six. No matter what, no matter where, no questions asked.

  “Thank you.” Declan’s only acknowledgment was a chin lift before he climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV Leo was driving.

  Jaxon held open the door to the back seat and shut it after I was situated with Ivy on my lap.

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, baby.”

  “I was so scared.”

  “Me, too.”

  “You were?” Her eyes widened in shock.

  “Of course, I was. I didn’t know where you were, who took you, if you were hurt. I’ve never been so fucking scared in all my life. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you. I might as well die right alongside you. My life does not work if you’re not in it.”

  “You saved me.”

  “No, Ivy, you saved me, and every morning when I wake up and you’re lying next to me, you save me all over again. You make me better, stronger. I’m nothing without you.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “What?” Now it was my turn to stare at her in shock.

  “Marry me. I want to be your wife. I want to wake up every morning next to you. I wasn’t living until the night I met you in the bar. Hell, I wasn’t even existing. I was going through the motions because I had to. I want this, us, a future with you. I promise you, I’ll be a good wife to you…”

  “You better bet your ass you’re gonna be my wife.”

  “So that’s a yes?”

  “That’s a we’re getting married.”

  “You really won’t answer, will you?” She smiled.

  I couldn’t believe after everything that had happened over the last eight hours Ivy was in my arms, smiling. I closed my eyes and thanked God for my good fortune.

  “Would you please give me this, Mr. Bossy?” I looked down at the precious cargo in my arms and realized I couldn’t deny her, even if it meant letting her propose to me in the back of a car with my brother and Jaxon in the SUV, too.

  “Yes, Ivy, I will marry you.”

  I heard Jaxon and Linc chuckle from the front seat before Ivy placed her hand on my cheek, pulling my attention back to her.

  “Where’s Lance?”

  Fuck. Here it was. The moment of truth. How quickly life could change. One second, I’m flying high at Ivy’s desire to get married and now, she very well may take her words back. I wanted to tell her there were no take backs, but she deserved to know who she’d just asked to be her husband.

  “He’s at the motel in the bathtub, either still bleeding out or dead.”


  “It was me. I killed him.”

  Ivy shook her head. “No, I mean, how did he die?”

  “Does it matter?” When she nodded, I continued. “I cut his dick off after I gave him one hell of a beating.”

  “Is that how you got these?” she asked, lifting our entwined hands and inspected my bruised knuckles.

  “Yes.” She brought our hands to her lips and kissed each one.

  “Thank you.”

  She dropped our hands back down and rested her head on my chest.

  “And my mother?”

  “She’s next.”


  I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until my lungs burned in protest. She hadn’t pushed me away, she thanked me. I hoped like hell she’d feel the same way tomorrow after a good night’s rest and some distance.

  “I love you, Zane.”

  “I love you, Ivy.”




  It had been a week since I had been taken, and Zane was being… distant. Not physically. He hasn’t let me out of his sight and every night when we get to bed he tucks me next to him and holds me close. And not necessarily emotionally either. He tells me he loves me every day. We had talked about the day I was taken. He was relentless until I told him every last detail I could remember. He’d taken me to his private physician and ordered him to give me a full work-up. It hadn’t mattered the poor man explained the benzonatate Sarah had given me would have no lasting side effect and it was nothing more than a cough suppressant. However, despite all that he was, something had changed in him. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I could feel it. He made me talk about my feelings but refused to tell me more than he had in the car the night he saved me. He admitted he was scared, too, but after that Zane had clammed up.

  The worst part – the social mask of indifference was firmly in place. My heart was breaking. He’d never hid from me; I had always been different. Not now. He hadn’t smiled since that night. We slept next to each other every night, but he refused sex. He stalled my advances and made excuses. For seven days I’d laid myself bare and he’d rejected me. I fought every day to push back old habits, old insecurities, but without Zane’s reminders they were bubbling dangerously close to the surface.

  Without Zane’s strength, I would fail. I knew it. Everything felt like it was spiraling out of control. I prayed I was strong enough to fight for us when Zane couldn’t. He deserved it. He needed a woman who could carry the load when he couldn’t, but I was scared as hell I wasn’t there yet. I wanted to be. I wanted my Zane back.

  “That was beautiful, wasn’t it?” Olivia asked, stopping next to me.

  I took in Jaxon and Violet’s backyard. It was already a beautiful oasis without all the wedding decorations. All the extras just made it more stunning. And Violet looked amazing in her strapless wedding dress. Declan had walked her down the aisle to an awaiting Jaxon. They didn’t have a bridal party because only family and close friends were invited. We all stood up for them. They agreed they wanted everyone they loved to be included in the ceremony.

  “It was. I can’t believe they pulled all of this off so fast.” Two men I didn’t recognize walked by and joined two women at one of the tables that had been set up. They definitely weren’t at the ceremony. There was no way two men that hot could’ve gone unnoticed. “Who are they?” I whispered to Olivia.

  She turned and looked around as her eyes landed on the group.

  “Oh my God. Come on. I have to introduce you.” Olivia didn’t give me a chance to answer. She grabbed my hand and towed me behind her.

  “Caroline,” Olivia exclaimed. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “Liv!” One of t
he women jumped up and pulled Olivia into an embrace before stepping back, holding her at arm’s length. A huge smile graced the pretty woman’s face. “Well, well, well, looks like I was right.” She winked at Olivia. “You look stunningly happy.” She nodded at Olivia’s baby bump.

  The woman looked over to me, the smile not leaving her face. “Hi, I’m Caroline.”

  She let go of Olivia and offered me an outstretched hand.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Ivy.”

  “Sorry, where are my manners?” Olivia started. “This is Ivy, Zane’s woman. Ivy, this is Caroline and her husband, Matthew. This is Christopher and his wife, Alabama.”

  “Hi.” I waved to the group as they all stood in greeting.

  My gaze traveled up their strong, fit bodies and I wondered if they were in the same line of work as Zane. They had to be. Normal men didn’t carry themselves they way these guys did. Tall and broad and a little scary if I was being honest.

  “How ya been, Hash?” Christopher asked.

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “Will you ever let that go?”

  “Once a nick is given, it’s yours.” The man smiled. “For life.”

  “Great. Mind if we sit? My feet are killing me in these heels. But don’t tell Leo, he’ll make me go in the house and lie down.”

  “Please.” Matthew said and pulled a chair out for her before Christopher did the same for me. After they got their wives situated, they finally sat.

  Hot and had manners. Huh. Definitely the kind of men that Zane worked with.

  “So. You’re the one,” Christopher said.

  Oh, shit. Did they know? I’d never met any of Zane’s friends other than the team. The thought had never crossed my mind there were more people that cared about Zane and the type of woman he was with. If they knew about my past and what Sarah had done, they’d want better for their friend. They’d know I was too much trouble.

  “Easy, Ivy, I meant you’re the woman who finally captured the elusive Viper’s attention. And from what we’ve heard, he doesn’t plan on letting you slip away,” he continued.


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