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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

Page 32

by Donovan Neal

  The King of Lies grinned as Talus's cries of pain echoed in the dark and the flesh-eating parasitic worms were unleashed from Hell's mouth to bore into every orifice of Talus's body. Talus opened his mouth to scream but could not, and he thrashed as the pain of his body wracked him, and the Hell was released to feast upon him.

  Lucifer turned to Charon. "When he is changed into daemon and his mind broken send him to me that we might send him home." Lucifer smiled, for he would return to El and Michael a seed of destruction that he might injure Heaven from afar, to remind them of the price of war.

  And in the pain that now wracked his body, as the stretching of his limbs caused tears to seep from his angelic eyes, Talus remembered the words that El had given him and hoped against hope that even in Hell—Shiloh would come.

  The End

  Grigoric Glossary of Terms: Scroll Two

  To: Enoch

  From: Argoth

  To wit the Lord hast given me word to make thee understand by scrolls the ways of Heaven. I have determined it incumbent to tutor thee of the races that populate her midst. Know that though thy people hast acquired some of this information through observation and encounters with our kind. There is yet much that you must still learn. This scroll hast been prepared for thy reading and translated from our tongue that ye might grasp our number. I will expand upon your instruction in future lessons.

  Argoth Grigori

  The Chief of Eyes, and Sephiroth of House Grigori.

  El or Jehovah

  The name that angels have given to God and by which He has revealed himself to them. Triune in nature, El is often seen in a singular bodily form. On rare occasions, his triune nature is revealed as three separate distinct personalities (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost); collectively, they are called the Godhead.


  The collective name of all celestial kind


  The day noted by all angelic kind that Lucifer and his followers were thrown out of Heaven


  The Trinity composed of the Father (El), the Son (Yeshua), and the Holy Ghost (El Pneuma)

  Chief Prince

  An honorific title given to one of seven angelic princes who stand before the presence of God

  and receives instructions for their race. The Chief Prince is entrusted by El to walk within the

  Stones of Fire and to protect the secret of the chamber, the Primestone. A repository of God’s

  power where one may become as God. Lucifer is the Chief Prince of all Angels at the time of this writing. Michael stands as interim Chief Prince of Angels. This rank is not to be confused with the Angel of the Lord, who is Yeshua.


  The group of seven archangels who stand before the throne of God.


  A mode of transport utilized by angels to travel between the realms.


  A prison designed by Lucifer to dispose of those who opposed him. Presently it is in use by the Lord, as a holding cell for certain angels too powerful to roam free until he has determined their end.


  A living mountain that serves as a prison. Designed originally with angels in mind, it lives off the eternal spirit of Elomic flesh. It possesses the ability to reproduce similar to an amoeba and can grow. Grigoric spies indicate that Hell has grown to hold captive Humans. Within the creature both the righteous and unrighteous dead are housed. Hell hast erected an impenetrable gulf that separates the two and refuses to feast on the righteous dead.


  The title given by angels to the man who is capable of defeating Lucifer. Men know this man as Christ and or by other titles such as Messiah. Shiloh is actually the second person of the Trinity Yeshua.


  Death to a celestial being is called dissolution.

  The Kiln

  A furnace from which El created all celestial life and the former storehouse of the Stones of Fire; the living elements of creation. At the heart of the Kiln was the Primestone which represented the ultimate test for angelic kind. Note that this chamber was destroyed in the battle between Lucifer and Michael, and the Lord now holds the Primestone.

  Elomic Command

  A vowel, consonant, or phrase allowing the power of God to be invoked.

  The Abyss

  A gulf of nether sometimes referred to by your kind as Limbo or by daemon-kind as "the wilderness". It is a realm that separates the Third and Second Heavens. Failure to bridge the realms without a Ladder or direct intervention from El can cause one to be entrapped within the winds of the nether. The winds are referred to as the Maelstrom. Kortai builders frequently build near the edge of the Maelstrom, expanding the landscape of Heaven. The Abyss is also referred to as the "bottomless pit." Mortals cannot pass through the Abyss without shedding their corporeal shell. Only Death or direct translation by God allows passage past the Abyss into the spiritual world of Heaven.


  A designated area where travel between two points was allowed by God. Failure to utilize a

  waypoint could displace the Third Heaven with the second or vice versa, causing untold


  Grigoric Trance

  A vision allowed by God to some Grigori who are able on occasion to see one generation ahead into the future.


  The food that angels consume. Grown only in the fields of Elysium, it must be shipped to the four corners of Creation to supply angels with sustenance. When harvested, it instantly grows back. During the exodus of the children of Israel, the nation was temporarily fed this food. (Exodus 16:15).


  Kenosis is the act of self-emptying by Yeshua to put himself in a position where he is totally yielded and dependent on the Father. In time the people of God will write of this paradox in their holy book. (Philippians 2:7)

  The Chief of Eyes

  An honorific title given to the head of Grigori. This leader possesses the ability to undertake a Grigoric trance to see a generation ahead in time.


  A group of Grigoric enforcers who have powers to enforce changes to the book of Life. They are able to remove tomes, and pens, thereby stripping fellow Grigori of their powers. They were instituted after the fall of man due to Satan’s libel of El to man.



  A type of angel having great power; but not necessarily governmental oversight.


  A heavenly creature designed to serve as voice to the holiness of God; also called a "burning one" a creature of great power. There are 4 in existence, and they stand before the temple of God.


  A living sentient aroma that lives before the throne of God and perfumes the throne.


  A heavenly creature designed to serve as guard to the presence of God.


  A heavenly creature designed to serve as guard to the secret things of God.

  Stones of Fire

  A living sentient element which can be molded in the Kiln to create celestial life. They are also called Kilnstones or Godstones.

  Shekinah Glory

  The residue of God's breath, equivalent to the exhaling of a human's carbon dioxide; a living

  cloak of breathing light that envelops and irradiates the person of God; Primarily a localized

  phenomenon. Those that come near the Lord are irradiated by the Shekinah leaving an afterglow

  on their own person for a temporary period. The Shekinah, can manifest wherever the holiness

  and righteousness of God exist.

  Angelic Rankings

  Chief Prince

  El's designated angelic leader over all Elohim

  The First of Angels/The Sum of All Things

  An honorific title given to Lucifer

  High Prince

  Seven angels in existence who speak collectively for all their kind. (Collectively,
they are called the Lumazi and sometimes referred individually with that honorific title.)


  A sole high-ranking governing angel who directs a specific assignment or regions of a

  territory(s). Sometimes referred to by humans as archangels. The highest ranking angel over an assignment


  A sole mid-ranking governing angel who administers more than one territory


  The lowest ranking governing angel overseeing one territory.


  A non-governing angel, representative of a particular virtue. (i.e. love, justice, etc.) After the fall, some angels were designated as prime evils.


  A non-governing angel who serves the cause of El


  A fallen non-governing angel who serves the cause of Lucifer, daemons are the regurgitated souls of Hell. Released by he who holds the keys to Death and Hell. They are but shadows of their former angelic selves and thrive off men as their Kilnstones have been digested by Hell that they now seek to inhabit the souls of men that they might live.


  Fallen Grigori, sometimes referred to by humans as Ghosts.


  A group of angelic warriors dispatched to dispense the judgment of the Lord

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  About the Author

  Donovan Neal M.S.N.P. is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and has a Masters of Science in Nonprofit Management from Walden University.

  He has functioned in the ordained ministry for over 20 years, and has previously served in such capacities as Dean and instructor in his church's School of Ministry. Donovan has an extensive knowledge of the Scriptures and has taught on a host of subjects ranging from Apologetics to Leading Different Personalities.

  Donovan is a prolific songwriter and singer having written over 50 different songs of praise and worship for the local church, and has performed in various schools and churches in the Ministry of Christian rap.

  Donovan's heart for ministry has carried over into his secular pursuits and he has worked with countless abused and neglected children, adults with developmental disabilities, and women who have been victimized by domestic and sexual abuse. He currently teaches as an adjunct professor at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor Michigan and currently works to help end hunger in his community.

  Donovan has three children Candace, Christopher and Alexander: each is saved and involved in ministry. They currently reside in Michigan.




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