Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel

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Bound By Darkness: Eternally Mated Novel Page 11

by Twombly, Valerie

  “The thing is no one knows what really happened between him and Kelana’s mother. I understand she was capable of hiding her demon, which I’m sure she did. However, that doesn’t explain why he left her with child, other than the fact Malik has always thought himself above reproach. I’m sure he thought he was capable of taking matters into his own hands and picking the mother of his child himself,” Lyzander said.

  Eva nodded in agreement. “I can see him doing that. This only proves that these choices need to be left up to the Maker or those she deems fit to make them for her. Fortunately, our creator is forgiving and has fixed this the best she can.”

  Lyzander stopped and faced Eva. Her warm smile and calm brown eyes made her the perfect guardian angel. However, underneath her creamy cocoa skin was a woman tough as nails. Eva was a spitfire in angel’s clothing and reminded him of Kelana. Both women were beautiful and feminine to their cores, but piss them off and Hell really held no fury worse than their temper. Hurt those they loved and revenge would be theirs to serve up on a cold plate.

  “This doesn’t feel fixed to me. How can Kelana ever forgive what I did?”

  “What did you do but protect an innocent child? How were you to know the demons you were sent to kill were not what your commander told you they were? Why would you question your superiors? It is not in a warrior’s blood to do such a thing, unless in his heart it feels wrong, which is why you spared her life. The Maker thought a match between the two of you was perfect. She does not make mistakes in the matter of love, so do not question it. Your mate suffered a great loss. You have to remember that she not only lost those she loved most, but also her ability to trust.” Eva touched his arm. “She was beginning to trust again when you broke it by telling her about your involvement.”

  She shook her head when he started to protest.

  “You needed to tell her. Keeping it secret any longer would only have devastated her further, but now you must pick up the broken pieces. Your actions will speak louder than your words ever will. Right now, she needs you to act not speak. Show her what is in here.” She placed her palm over his heart. “And she will learn to trust you again.”

  “What if I made a mistake? What if we are one of those couples who simply cannot be together?”

  She moved her hand to his face. “Zander. Those that have made bad choices are few. Search your feelings. I know you and you would not have completed an eternal bond out of pity or guilt.” She raised her brows. “You might believe that’s what you did, but that is not who you are. You followed your instinct. The one that told you the two of you belong together.”

  He steeled his shoulders. He would do whatever it took to make things right again, and he knew the first step he had to take. “Thank you, Eva.” He bent and kissed her cheek.

  “Anytime, love. Remember. Your bond is stronger, unyielding, and can never be broken. It can only be tested and make your love for each other even stronger.” She gave him a smile then summoned her wings. “Stay here as long as you need.” Then she was gone.

  He took in a deep breath of crisp, snow-filled air and summoned his own wings. It was time to make some changes.


  Kelana had cried herself empty and now her anger returned. She had gone for a run on the beach to try and release pent up emotions, but she was still left with a hollow feeling in her heart. As she trudged through the sand on her way back to the house, he dropped down in front of her. Muscles bunched under his skin. How dare he not be wearing a shirt, and even worse, her libido betrayed her. Even after he had broken her trust. Her heart, and apparently her body, still wanted him. Desire settled in her fingertips, and she itched to trace them over the flesh above the waistband of his low-riding jeans. Wanted to soar to the heavens with their limbs entwined together. Instead, she swallowed, shoved her desire so far down it would never be found again, and replaced it with more important things.


  She had vowed to kill her father and those involved with the murder of her family. Nothing else mattered, and if being mated to the angel standing in front of her meant she would be stronger and more powerful, she would embrace it. Would find a way to harness everything he was and make it her own, and in the end, she would make her own mate pay for his sins.

  She took in a cleansing breath. Would she be able to drive a blade through his heart? Only time would answer that, but right now she would use him for her own gains. After all, it had been her agenda all along anyway. Falling in love had never been part of her plan. Love was for fools, and she would never be played for a fool again. The man before her was only a temporary roadblock in her dismal life, so she summoned the darkness that resided in the depths of her soul. The demon had frightened her as a child, but as a woman, she had learned to embrace. Her demon side came in handy when she needed to shed all emotions and allow ice to flow through her veins. It was her cold-blooded killer.

  “Are you ready to let me go?” She summoned her own wings, ready to leave this paradise and never return. Her true home was where evil lurked. After all, her father had ordered her death because she was nephalem. The bastard child of an angel and a demon. An abomination that didn’t deserve to live. She had to fight for survival her entire life. Even the demons among her wanted her dead. Fearful of what she might one day become. Let that day be today.

  His dark blue gaze leveled on her. “Let’s get one thing straight. I’m willing to grant you access to come and go from this place. Help you train for battle. Guide you in any way I can and stand by your side when you face your father. But let you go? I chose to bond with you for eternity. You can ignore me all you want and pretend I don’t matter to you but...” He crossed his arms over his chest, biceps flexing, and rocked back on his heels. “But letting you go will never happen. The only way to get rid of me is with a blade forged in the fires of Hell straight through my heart. You are mine.” His voiced rang with determination.

  Had he seriously just said that? “You’re an arrogant jackass.”

  He shrugged. “I am your mate.” He stepped closer. “And I might be a jackass, but I am sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner and stop the murder of your family, but I will not apologize for saving you or for making you mine.”

  How the hell was she supposed to respond to that? She searched his gaze and saw sincerity, yet she couldn’t trust him and most definitely didn’t trust her heart. It had fooled her before. “I will accept your offer to help. Now, shouldn’t I be going to training?”

  “Yes. But first there is something I need to give you.” He reached for her mind and showed her how she could come and go from his paradise on her own.

  “Do all angels have a special place of their own?” she asked.

  “Yes, and you can build one for yourself too.”

  That intrigued her, having her own sanctuary. A place that belonged to only her and no one else. She would have to remember to learn how to do that. Later. “I should report to Tegan now.” She looked forward to her training and was positive the archangel had a lot to teach her.

  “You’re free to leave anytime you wish.”

  “One thing.” She forced her gaze to meet his so she could judge his answer. “If not for guilt, why come back here and demand that I belong to you? Why not let me go?”

  He offered a smile that made her heart melt just a little. “Because I love you.”

  Her head swam and she swore she imagined the words, and then she laughed. “Seriously. I’m expected to believe you?” No one loved her, not since her mother and grandmother—and the man in front of her had taken that away. Not really. It wasn’t him. But he was there. Same thing in her mind.

  “I will spend my lifetime proving my words are real.”

  * * *

  Kelana stared at him like he was insane, and she was likely right. He’d heard numerous discussions about falling in love, and when it happened to an angel, it was like a lightning strike. Fast and powerful. There was no doubt in his mind he
had made the right choice to bond with the spitfire in front of him. He only needed to convince her, but how? Step one was to earn her trust. He hoped by showing her the way in and out of his sanctuary was the first step. She would soon learn on her own how private an angel’s place of solitude was.

  “I will escort you to Tegan’s.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “I’m sure I can find it on my own.”

  “I don’t doubt you can. However, I refuse to leave you alone. Your father could show up at any time, and you are not prepared to fight him yet.” He waved a hand skyward. “Shall we?”

  “Fine, but I hope you’ll not be sticking around. Don’t you have some angel business or something to attend to? Maybe slaying a demon or two?” She made sure to add punch to the last word.

  He crossed his arms and glared back at her. “I’m a warrior and it’s what I do. May I remind you that you took part in helping me kill a demon in order to escape?” This conversation was not going to earn him any extra points. He knew she was hurting, and it was because she felt betrayed by him. Somehow, he had to make her open her eyes to the bigger world around her.

  “I didn’t swing the blade,” she shot back.

  “No, but your hips are just as lethal.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and she quickly slammed it shut. “You’re an ass.”

  “I thought we already established that.” He took in a deep breath. “My point is that everyone does something at some point in their life they regret. Have you never killed someone? A girl doesn’t walk around with all those blades without the intention of using them.”

  The fire in her emerald eyes dimmed. “Once. A demon thought to take something from me that didn’t belong to him.” Remorse flooded him and the emotion didn’t belong to him. Kelana was no killer even though she liked to think she was.

  “Love. I know you have the best intentions in your heart, but you’re not a killer.” She started to protest, but he held up his hand. “Hear me out. You are a fighter, there is no doubt about that. You will defend any who cannot defend themselves, but to kill in cold blood is not who you are.”

  Her lips thinned into a tight line. “Then why would your Maker turn me into a warrior?”

  “Simple. You are a fighter and will always step up to help the innocent. I’m just not sure that when the time comes, and you are face to face with those who swung the blade, that you can take their lives. Your heart simply won’t allow it.”

  She steeled her shoulders. “Let’s go, warrior, and we shall see what I am capable of.”

  * * *

  Kelana followed Lyzander through the air. She should have enjoyed the fact she was flying, but her heart wasn’t in it. His words had stung, but only because deep in her soul, she knew them to be true. In reality, she had killed few demons, but she attributed that to the fact she had trained with Michael, a demon with an ax to grind against Lucifer.

  Michael was an exceptional warrior with a reputation and knew how to take out any enemy. She understood he had even helped the Angel of Death in her quest to overthrow the devil himself. Michael had certainly never been easy on her simply because she was a girl. On the contrary, she was sure he was tougher on her because of that fact. When he demanded something be done, he expected no less than perfection. Something told her Tegan would be no different. Hopefully, she could impress her new angelic commander with her skills.

  She’d soon find out as they landed in an open field where the angel stood waiting, golden wings spread slightly and arms crossed over his chest.

  “Lyzander, you have your assignment.” Tegan simply stared at the other angel as if imposing his will on Lyzander.

  Lyzander gave a quick head bow. “I’m on it now.” Then he flew off without so much as a goodbye or good luck. It shouldn’t have bothered her but it did.

  Before she could focus her attention on Tegan, she was tackled to the ground with the point of a blade pressed to her chest. She looked up and met a pair of green eyes very much like her own. She swallowed but dared not speak or protest. Did the angel intend to end her life?

  He grinned. “If I were your father, you would now be dead.”

  She pushed down her fear along with her embarrassment. Finally, he moved off her and extended his hand to help her to her feet. “I wasn’t prepared for your attack.”

  He stood inches away from her. “Let’s get one thing straight right now. You will grow to hate me before you can respect me. I accept that and expect it. I will work you until you drop, then I will command you to get up and do it again. I don’t tolerate anything less than perfection, and if you ever think to disobey my orders you will feel my wrath. You will not be distracted, or you will be dead. It’s only a matter of who will be your killer. Our enemies are many, and it’s my job to make sure you are ready to face them with everything you’ve got.”

  Yep, he was just as she suspected, and Kelana fell right into her old routine. “Yes, sir.”

  Tegan stepped back. “Good. Once you finish your training and I feel you’re ready, you will receive your own sword created only for you. Now, put your wings away, drop, and give me one hundred. Boot camp is now in session.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Wanting to prove herself worthy and ready to get to work, she got into position and gave it her best. Hoping for an outlet to help her forget her emotions. When she’d finally finished, and her muscles were burning, she jumped to her feet. “I’m ready. Sir.”

  He gave her the tiniest of grins, and if she’d not been paying attention, it would have been missed. He produced two swords from thin air and tossed one in her direction. “Let’s see what skills you have.” He lunged.

  She brought her weapon up, and the clanging of steel sent a small spark into the air. “The blade is well balanced,” she commented as he came at her again.

  “Wait until you hold your own sword. It will feel like it’s a part of you, an extension of yourself and will obey your every command.”

  The thought of owning such a blade excited her. Tegan continued to come at her, relentless in his pursuit. She spun, he jabbed. She countered, he was like a wall of muscle and grace that was impenetrable. He nicked her shoulder, but she remained steady as blood ran down her arm and refused to cower or surrender.

  “Follow your intuition. What is it telling you?” he asked.

  “To kill you,” she smirked.

  He laughed. “You’re not going to do it by dancing around me. Remember that you have the advantage of being smaller and quicker than me.” Suddenly he vanished and she was left standing there wondering, what the hell? A small breeze lifted the hair on the back of her neck, and she spun, raising her blade in time to stop him from taking her head.

  “Good. Use your senses and remember you now have new powers. We have the ability to simply disappear, but you must also remember you are a youngling, and any warrior you encounter will be stronger than you at this point.”

  Another angel appeared. Locks of short brown hair lifted off his forehead in the breeze. He was a being of pure beauty and raw power.

  “This is Cade, one of my best warriors.” Tegan stepped back and Cade took his position.

  “Nice to meet you, pretty boy.” Kelana flashed a smile, and Tegan’s laugh echoed behind the tall, handsome angel.

  Cade gave a smile that revealed two perfect dimples, and his brown eyes sparkled right before his blade nearly took her head off. Kelana managed to spin away, but she was getting tired of this game. Sweat slicked her skin, and every tired muscle in her body screamed in agony. After several minutes of sparring, Kelana decided it was time to play dirty. After all, demon blood still ran through her veins, and the only rules in war were the ones a person made up. With evil in her mind, she summoned her most potent weapon.


  She let her succubus loose and sent ribbons of sexual lust through the air, coiling around Cade’s chest and downward toward the male’s most vital organ.

  Cade hesitated for a split second, but quickly regained th
e upper hand. Kelana had underestimated the angel. Apparently, it was going to take a little more sexual tension to bring him to his knees. With absolutely no idea what she was doing, she recalled Tegan’s words and followed instinct. She summoned her wings and pushed the command to vanish. It must have worked, because Cade stopped mid-swing, his eyes scanning the area looking for her. She needed to work quickly, because she sensed Cade was already homing in on her position.

  Damn, he was good.

  However, Kelana knew if she released her full power, he would be helpless. She would become his greatest desire.

  She reappeared to his left, and he whipped around to face her. His jaw dropped and his arms lowered slightly as he stared at her. Kelana didn’t need a mirror to know what he saw. She had returned unarmed and wearing a thin, cream gown that flowed in the breeze and let just enough light through to see the shadow of her curves. Apparently, Cade liked his females the opposite of him because blonde hair flowed over her breasts.

  She walked to him, throwing an extra sway into her hips and gave a seductive smile.

  His sword hit the ground, and he licked his lips.

  She pressed herself against him, and he closed his eyes. Calling for her blade, she touched the sharp edge to his neck. “You’re dead, angel,” she whispered.

  His eyes flashed open and realization floated in their brown depths. He smiled. “You are going to be a worthy addition. Welcome, warrior.” He gave a slight nod and stepped back. Kelana closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated on transforming back. When she opened them again, she spotted Tegan, arms crossed and the biggest grin on his lips.

  “I wondered when you were going to pull out the big gun.”


  Lyzander watched from above with pride and a little jealousy as Kelana pulled out her seduction card and took Cade down. He knew he was going to have to get used to his mate using desire as a means of getting the job done, but she would always be his. No matter how hard she fought it, they belonged together.


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