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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

Page 5

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

“Two or three years? Are you kidding me?”

  Margaret sighed again. “I wish I were, but you have to understand, sweetheart, sometimes people just grow apart.”

  “Grow apart?” Selena bit down on her teeth. “If you were simply going to grow apart, wouldn’t that have happened, oh I don’t know, fifty years ago!?”

  “I know you’re upset, but you must understand—”

  “No! You must understand!” Selena screeched, forgetting she was in her work environment. “You’re telling me that you and dad have been having marital issues for three years, but no one told me anything. I’ve been thinking all this time that you guys were happy-go-lucky! Then you spring it on me when you just can’t stand to be around each other another minute, and I’m supposed to what, take it in stride?”

  “Baby, listen—”

  “Just because I’m not a child anymore doesn’t mean this doesn’t hurt like hell! Ugh!”

  Selena slammed the phone down, concurrently slapping the desk with the palm of her hand. She seethed and dropped her head down in a heap on the mahogany surface, feeling defeated. She had so many questions and a mind to corner them both and demand they give her answers. They’d been the ones to instill values of honesty, integrity, and faithfulness in her. How apropos that they didn’t offer it in return.

  There was a swift knock at the door followed by a feminine voice.

  “Are you okay?”

  Octavia Davenport strolled into the room with her sister girl afro slicked back in a tight ponytail that sprouted out the back. She approached the front of Selena’s desk, and her manicured hands sank into the wooden counter as she leaned to get a closer look at her friend.

  “Is this about the news?”

  That seemed to frustrate Selena even more. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it was beginning to feel like the end of Selena’s.

  “Not exactly.” Selena sat up and leaned back in her chair, allowing the swiveling seat to spin one time around. She placed her hands back on her temples and rubbed slowly. “I didn’t mean to get loud. I know we have clients in the building. It just seems like my life is crumbling, and I can’t figure out how to get a hold of it before everything falls apart.”

  The sincerity in Octavia’s eyes was shown in the subtle way she slowly sat in one of the visitor’s chairs and reached out to Selena.

  “This is about your parents, isn’t it?”

  Selena pursed her lips. If steam could sprout out of her nose, it would. Selena nodded.

  “I wish I could say I understood, but I can’t. However, we could have a girls’ night if that would make you feel better, and you can release all that pent-up anger you’re holding inside.”

  Selena could barely smirk. She knew Octavia was trying to help, but the only thing that could release her pent-up anger was a romp in the sack with Jordan. And by the way their night ended, Selena didn’t see it happening anytime soon.

  “I may take you up on your offer.”

  Octavia smiled softly. “Great, I can pick up a few things from the store, we could have wine, and I can make us dinner.”

  Selena was shaking her head no.

  “Why not?”

  “Because the last thing I want to do is sit around you and Jonathon drooling all over each other.”

  Octavia opened her mouth to protest.

  “Don’t even try and convince me. If you really want to have drinks, we can go out. Besides, I may need a good ol’ one-night stand to really take the edge off.”

  Octavia gasped and gawked at Selena. One thing was for sure, Selena didn’t have any semblance of a filter. Most of the time, she said what was on her mind, which wasn’t always a good thing, but that didn’t stop her from doing it.

  “I thought you were dating Jordan?”

  Selena shrugged.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know!” Selena stood suddenly.

  “Whaaa?” Octavia was utterly confused. “I just saw you two last night looking like lovebirds, and now you don’t know? What happened between the time you left the hospital and went home?”

  Selena just stared at Octavia for a long second. Madison happened, she thought. Her phone call had thrown Selena off, making her a Bitter Betty.

  “I don’t think I’m the only one he’s dating,” Selena said.

  Octavia frowned. “Why do you think that?”

  “Madison Santari is constantly ringing his line. I think they have a thing.”

  “Did you ask him about it?”

  Selena shrugged and mumbled.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you,” Octavia said, folding her arms.

  “No, okay, and I don’t plan to either.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because,” Selena said, annoyed. “What do I look like questioning him about what he does? He’s a grown man. It’s his business.”

  “But you’re dating him. I think you have a right to know where you stand.”

  “Yeah, but you of all people know that when you’re dating, it doesn’t make you exclusive. You used to date different men all the time before Jonathon put a ring on it.”

  “Which is all the more reason why you should ask.”

  “I don’t want to come off as a—”

  “What person who’s in like with the man she’s dating? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

  Selena sighed. “I just don’t feel comfortable asking, okay. Jordan’s a big boy, he knows we’re dating. If he respects me and wants to be exclusive, then I won’t have to ask.”

  “Do you respect him?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Then why are you talking about jumping in the sack with someone else?”

  Selena shook her head in frustration. Octavia straight-up turned the tables on her, and Selena didn’t appreciate it.

  “I thought you were supposed to be on my side?”

  “I am. I’m just calling the kettle black, honey. In your own words, you feel that if Jordan cares enough about you he wouldn’t be courting someone else.”

  “Courting? What is this 1999?”

  “Anyway,” Octavia said, “you have to give Jordan the same respect you feel he should give you.”

  “So, that means I can talk to other people then because that’s what he’s doing.”

  “You don’t know he’s talking to Madison. You’re assuming. So just come right out and ask already.”

  “Says the person who hid her true feelings for her now lover, best friend and husband,” Selena said.

  “You’re right. I had my reasons. But you, Selena Strauss, have always been outspoken about everything, and never met a challenge you couldn’t beat. So, I’ll ask this question. Do you plan to let Madison run away with your guy? Because if she is a skank, then you’re giving him right on over.”

  Selena sighed and rolled her eyes. Not because what Octavia said was ridiculous, but because she was right, and Selena didn’t want to hear it.

  Octavia arched a brow, waiting for her response.

  “What time are you picking me up tonight?” Selena asked.

  “I’ll tell you when you answer my question.”

  “I need to think about it, okay?”

  Octavia peered at her and sighed. “Okay, fine, it’s your life. I’ll be there around eight, so be ready.”

  “I will be ready at seven. It’s not like I have anything else to do, ya know.”

  Octavia rose to her feet and mumbled as she gravitated toward the door.

  “Can you send in my next client, please?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Selena stood and strolled to the window to look out over the city. Traffic was normal for this time of the day, and the sun sat high, but Selena knew the wind chill was almost below freezing.

  As she watched pedestrians move below, someone cleared their throat. When Selena turned around and saw her father, Walter Strauss, she glowered at him, knowing her depression would venture on into the afternoon.

nbsp; Chapter Seven

  “Are you still planning to have a one-night stand tonight because I can’t be a part of a coup.”

  Octavia ran a keen eye over Selena’s body-hugging black dress and fishnet stockings.

  Selena closed the knee-length trench coat and tied the belt around her midsection. She shut the door then put on her seatbelt. Her body shivered as it shook off the winter breeze and adjusted to the heat inside the vehicle. Glancing over, Selena didn’t try to give Octavia any excuses. Instead, she shrugged.

  “Maybe catch a few eyes, no coup planned.”

  “Look like you might catch something else at this rate,” Octavia said, resting her eyes on the five-inch silver fuck me heels Selena wore. Long silver earrings hung from Selena’s ears, and her wrists were blinged out.

  “Are you going to keep judging me, or are we going to this club? You’re supposed to be helping me take my mind off my problems, remember?”

  “You know what,” Octavia put the car in drive, “you’re absolutely right. My bad. Here we go.” She pulled away from the curb. “But just for the record, you didn’t give me any slack when Jonathon and I were just friends.”

  “Mmhmm yada ya,” Selena said, waving Octavia off.

  The women rode through Chicago’s eastside, headed for the highway. Selena wanted to keep her mind off of Jordan tonight. He hadn’t called today, and she hadn’t reached out to him either. Maybe he was keeping Madison warm, she thought, then bit down on her lip. Selena wasn’t kidding herself. She hoped Jordan was caught up in the drama of a court case and not Madison’s bed. The visualization of it ruffled her feathers and gave her an immediate attitude.

  Selena sighed. She should’ve never put herself in this predicament. Just because Jordan’s brothers had settled down didn’t mean he would. Selena rolled her eyes at her audacity. Dumb, she thought again. As Octavia drove, Selena reached for the radio dial, needing to steer her mind in a different direction. She found a popular music station that was playing Bruno Mars and Cardi B’s new song, “Finesse.”

  “Oh, that’s my jam,” Octavia said, increasing the volume.

  Selena and Octavia rocked side to side to the beat as they tunneled down the road. Pulling down the visor, Selena checked her golden-brown foundation, finding it mixing perfectly with her bronze skin. She rubbed her lips together and puckered them in the mirror as she turned her head side to side to admire the blush on her high cheekbones. The mascara added the perfect shadow over her deep-set espresso eyes, and she posed as an alluring smile crept across her mouth. Tonight, instead of wearing color, her lips held a nude glossy sparkle that shone like a galaxy of stars. In her peripheral, Selena could see Octavia eyeing her.

  “What is it?” Selena asked.

  “I was going to compliment you on your glittery lip gloss. It’s cute.”


  “I also like the way your hair falls after you wrap it. What shampoo do you use because you always have a bounce?”

  Selena sat back, closed the visor, and glanced over at her friend.

  “Is this your way of trying to make up to me for all of that judging you did a few minutes ago?”

  Octavia twisted her lips. “Is it that obvious?”

  Selena nodded. “Pretty much.”

  Octavia sighed. “Is it working?”


  That brought a smile to Octavia’s face. “Well, I’m being honest. I do like your shiny lip gloss, and your hair stays flawlessly straight.”

  Selena smiled. “That’s because I use the creamy crack,” she said, referring to the relaxer she added to her hair every month faithfully.

  At the mention of a perm, Octavia’s nose scrunched.

  “Hey,” Selena said before Octavia could say anything about it. “You do what you like, and I do what I like. If I didn’t relax my hair, I’d be walking around here looking like Celie from The Color Purple.”

  Octavia guffawed and turned into the parking lot of the Velvet Café.

  “You would so not look like Celie.”

  “Damn lie,” Selena responded.

  Octavia snorted out a laugh and held the steering wheel tight as she maneuvered into a parking spot at the same time someone else tried to take it. They parked and checked their appearances one last time before making their exit. When Octavia strolled around the car, Selena got a good look at her getup.

  “You’re talking about me, look at you.” Selena placed her hands on her curvaceous hips. “You’re one of those hussies my mother always warned me about… leaving the house in that catsuit.”

  “What?” Octavia said. “I’m covered completely. You on the other hand,” Octavia whistled as they sauntered closer to the entrance.

  “Yeah, yeah, but your curves are putting a massive beat down on that outfit.” Octavia laughed as Selena chuckled. “Did your husband see you leave the house like that?”

  “Nope, but he knows we’re going out for drinks.”

  At the door, the bouncer didn’t even ask for ID, deciding they were racy enough to enter the lounge without it. The bouncer removed the rope and stepped to the side as Octavia and Selena made their way in. The lounge was supremely dark with pockets of light hanging over the bar, tables, and the stage. For a Tuesday night, Velvet Café held a crowd reminiscent of a Friday night. Taking their eyes around, Octavia and Selena noticed there were more women in attendance than men.

  “Must be a girls’ night out,” Octavia said.

  “I think this place has specific days for things, like Monday’s all you can eat, Tuesday’s buy one get one drinks, etcetera.”

  “In that case, we came on the right night,” Octavia countered.

  “True story,” Selena said. “Let’s grab that table to the left.”

  “I’m right behind you,” Octavia said.

  The women moved through the venue, turning heads of men and women as they sashayed to the table. Selena smiled and winked at a few leering men as they passed by. At the table, they removed their coats and tossed them over the third chair that would be unoccupied during their stay, and sat down, both crossing their legs simultaneously.

  A jazz band played on stage, and the women sitting in the front row grooved in a waving lean back and forth in their seats.

  “Jazz music moves me every time. I could certainly get used to hearing it,” Octavia said.

  “You and me both. We should make this a weekly ritual; a way to unwind for the week and take a load off.”

  “Speak for yourself. I don’t have any unbearable loads at the moment.”

  Selena’s hope-filled gleam dropped. “Okay, you’re supposed to be supportive and say, yeah, girl, let’s do it!”

  Octavia laughed. “Then I wouldn’t be honest.”

  Selena pursed her lips. “You’re right. You dumped us enough to spend time with Jonathon before he was your husband.”

  Octavia laughed harder. “Well,” she panted, trying to catch her breath. “At least you know.”

  Selena rolled her eyes.

  “Are you hating?” Octavia asked.

  “Just a little bit.”

  Octavia guffawed again. “Have you talked to Jordan?”

  “Hey, girl, how about those twin babies?” Selena said, avoiding the question.

  “Really?” Octavia folded her arms. “Oh, okay, I see how it is, but just know, I’ll be getting in your business a lot more. I won’t let you rest much like you didn’t let me when I was under the gun.”

  “What would Jesus do?” Selena countered, causing Octavia to laugh again.

  “You’re a true piece of work, you know that?”

  “I’ve been told a time or two.”

  A waitress wearing black pants and a maroon shirt with the Velvet Café logo attached, strolled up to the table. Her hair hung straight to her chin, cutting off in sharp edges. She held a bright smile, and a maroon lipstick colored her lips.

  “Good evening, ladies,” the woman crooned. “I’m Dee-Dee, and I’ll be your serve
r for tonight.”

  “Good evening, Dee-Dee,” they both chimed.

  The waitress smiled brightly. She went to speak again but paused and tapped her lip with an index finger. “Are you that woman who found the little girl last year?”

  Selena let out a breath, happy that the woman wasn’t about to point her out for that fiasco in the Illinois Tribune.

  “I actually didn’t find her,” Octavia said. “She saw my house on the news and showed up on my doorstep.”

  Octavia was referring to Ayana Bradwell; a sixteen-year-old teenager who went missing for a few weeks around Thanksgiving. A full search party was put together to find the missing girl, but it was Ayana who showed up unexpectedly on the day the search ended.

  “That must have been something, yeah?”


  “How’s she doing now, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Much better.”

  Octavia didn’t want to go into detail about Ayana’s recovery. It was a private matter, and it wasn’t Octavia’s place to tell.

  “That’s good to hear. Would you ladies like to start off with some drinks?”

  “Yes, what would you suggest?”

  Dee-Dee shifted on her feet. “Well, I myself don’t drink. Sober ten years strong now.” She smiled.

  “Congratulations,” they both chimed.

  “Thank you. However, most of the patrons here adore our special, Between the Sheets cocktail. Its orange juice, lemon juice, cognac, and rum mixed.”

  “Mmmm, that sounds like my kind of drink!” Selena crooned.

  “Oh brother,” Octavia said. “As if you need that.”

  “I beg your pardon? That’s exactly what I need. I told you this earlier. Wouldn’t you rather I have the mixed drink instead of the real thing?”

  Selena glanced at Dee-Dee. “We’ll take two Between the Sheets, thank you.”

  Dee-Dee chuckled. “I’ll be right back with your first round.” The waitress sauntered away.

  “Did you hear that? She said with our first round. This must be why there are more women here tonight than men. They all know this is the place to be on Tuesday nights.”

  Octavia had to agree. “Let’s get back to the question I asked you.”

  “You mean the one about the twins?”


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