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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “No, my iMac is connected to my MacBook Pro. Oh damn,” Selena paused.

  “What’s wrong now?”

  “My MacBook Pro is at home.” Selena smacked her forehead.

  “Surely, Jordan has a Mac you can use. Just sign in with your iCloud ID, and you should still be able to access all your files from his computer.”

  “You’re a genius,” Selena said.

  “Yeah, I get that all the time.”

  Selena laughed. “Oh, I’m sure.”

  “Anyway, I’ve got work to do. Don’t you and Jordan have too much fun.”

  “So, you and Jonathon aren’t doing anything for Valentine’s Day?”

  “Yeah, I’m leaving after lunch.”

  “Oooh, you see how you are,” Selena said.


  “Sitting here acting like I’m the rebel of the group, and you have your own plans to kick rocks!”

  “I think Claudia’s leaving early, too. We shuttin’ this thang down.” Octavia laughed, and Selena smirked with a shake of her head. “I mean, at least I came to work, ya know.”

  “Yeah, okay, I’ll talk to you later. Byeeee.”

  Selena disconnected the call and shook her head again. Of course, Octavia and Claudia were leaving early. Jonathon and Jaden probably had them some gondola rides set up for the evening, she mused.

  Treading back into the bedroom came with a delicious scenery. As if she had forgotten how gorgeous Jordan was, Selena immediately became hot as she gazed over at his nakedness. He was still laying on his back with his dick sticking straight up in the air. Monster Cock. Selena giggled at the thought, bringing Jordan’s attention to her.

  “Are you going to stand over there in the doorway or come to papa?” he asked.

  Selena’s gaze faltered, and a streamline of chills eased down her body.

  “Im’ma just watch from this spot,” she said.

  Jordan lifted his head to peer at her.

  “I’m scared, and I ain’t afraid to admit it.”

  Jordan fell back on the bed and laughed, then just as quickly sat up and stood to his feet. His monumental all masculine persona made a slow stroll across the room, and as he came closer, Selena’s pulse sped.

  “I have to, um, take a business video call in an hour,” she said, already breathless. Looking for any excuse to run away from him.

  Jordan closed in, cupping Selena’s chin in his hand and adequately pulling her focus from his distended constituent to his face.

  “Why are you scared? If memory serves me right, you handled your man like the sexy vixen you are.”

  “Ooh, vixen, I like that.”

  They smiled, and without warning, Jordan reached down and hauled Selena off her feet.

  “Ooh…” she crooned, taken back by his impulsive shift.

  “Check this out. I get it, you’ve got work that must be done, and I’m slowing you down. But, since you have a little time before you make your call, can we have breakfast?”

  In his arms, Selena slinked her arms around his shoulders as he balanced her effortlessly.

  “Yes,” she said. “Will Charley bring us breakfast, or would you like me to whip up something real quick?”

  Jordan’s lids lowered as images from last night came sailing to the forefront of his mind. Selena in the kitchen, and he and the kids banging the tables. A resplendent smile scurried onto his face.

  “You really have a nice smile. Very charming, Mr. Rose,” Selena said.

  Jordan’s eyes roamed over her. “And you have very nice lips.” He kissed her softly, “and very nice eyes,” he kissed her again, and Selena melted, “and very nice ears, nose, and the sexiest curve when you arch your neck.” His lips landed on her throat, and in the same instance, Jordan paced back around the bed.

  Selena shivered in his arms. “I thought you said,” she panted, “that we were going to have breakfast.”

  Jordan laid her body down on the bed and tossed her legs over his shoulders. “I am having breakfast.”

  His lips sank into her pussy, sending his tongue on an expedition as he dove right in.

  “Ssss, oooooh…” Selena’s head fell back with her mouth open.

  With an onslaught of greedy pressure, Jordan licked across her folds and drilled into her clitoris with skilled accuracy. All at once, he slurped her up, sucking her inside his mouth while sliding his tongue down her labia to catch any of the sweet crème that attempted to escape him.

  A growl dark and deep fell from his lips. Selena twisted and turned; digging her feet into the bed as she lifted slightly and rocked against his mouth.

  “Aaaah shit!” she screeched, reaching down to rub his head.

  Jordan grabbed her hands and moved them to his ears. Selena held on to them as if she was on the back of a bull clutching a rope for dear life while she rode a wild animal. Jordan covered her pussy fully, allowing his tongue to touch every part of her sensitive flesh, and he glanced up at her, turned on by the ecstasy written all over Selena’s face.

  When her legs trembled, Jordan knew she was on her way, and he couldn’t resist. Jordan needed to be inside Selena when she exploded. With quickness, he pulled up and flipped Selena on all fours. Jordan didn’t give her time to figure out what was happening when he drove inside her, pushing so thoroughly deep that a moan tore from her throat like a wail from sudden ecstasy. She was so terribly wet that Jordan slipped right in, touching the base of her womb in a tangent plunge.

  “Selena… fuuu-ck girl.”

  Jordan held on to her waist, keeping Selena from running away from him.

  “Jordan! Jordan! Oh my God…” She scurried but didn’t get anywhere. Her hands flailed as she grabbed for the covers, trying with all her might to get away.

  Jordan smacked her ass and rocked into her backside. “Where do you think you’re going, huh?” He smacked her ass again and didn’t let up on his pounding.

  “Oh my God, Jordan…” Selena whined as the room reverberated from the wet smacking of their connection.

  “You want me to stop, babe?” he asked hammering into Selena over and over. “Tell me,” he said. “No… beg me.”

  He reached around and swept his arms under hers, causing Selena to nosedive in the covers. It opened her completely, exposing her pussy as her ass spread. Selena gasped but didn’t react fast enough.

  “Jordan!” she screamed and with both hands, Jordan held her waist and pummeled into her sweet heat, determined to fuck her brains out.

  There was nothing Selena could do. Selena was in such a vulnerable predicament that she decided to stop running. Her entire body went limp as a waving orgasm shot through her, squirting and covering his shaft completely.

  “Aarrgh!” Jordan locked his jaw and shot a load of cum inside her. “Fuck!” he panted and their bodies went into shock at the intense release.

  Their nervous systems went haywire, and they both continued to vibrate like they’d been zapped by an energy source. Jordan held on to her ass as his dick ejaculated, and Selena’s face was in the mattress with her teeth biting into the plushness of it. Seconds passed when Selena freed her mouth, and her lips moved as she mumbled in an ancient language neither of them recognized. After another long moment, Jordan dipped and pulled his elongated shaft from within her, and Selena crashed completely as her limbs gave way to gravitation.

  Jordan scooped Selena into his arms and laid with her spooned into the brazen wall of his chest. There, Selena listened to his fast beating heart catching tune to the rhythm as she tried to gain some sense about herself.

  I love you. Selena’s eyes lurched, and her heart rocked until she realized it was just a thought.

  “This is what I call fucked into submission,” she murmured, and Jordan chuckled.

  “I told you to beg; you didn’t.”

  “I remember screaming, isn’t that begging?”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Hell yeah,” she said.

  Jordan peered down in her face.
  “But I liked it though,” she added, and he laughed.

  “Because you didn’t beg.”

  “What constitutes begging?”

  “Please,” he said plainly.

  Selena knew that, but in the back of her mind, she had no intention of asking him to stop the blissful beat down he gave. She would be sore for weeks, but it was worth every inch of ache she endured.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Selena never made it to the Skype video calls. She sighed, exiting the shower. Jordan had made a quick run to the store, and Selena took that chance to console her swollen pussy. Now standing in his enormous bathroom, Selena grabbed the unopened toothbrush and ripped the package. In a daze, she brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and dried her body.

  Inside her handbag were several feminine sprays and deodorants. It was a good thing she crammed her purse like she was going on a mini-vacation, or she would be at the mercy of Jordan’s masculine fragrances. There was nothing wrong with what he wore, but Selena liked to smell fruity and delicious. That’s what got you into the mess you’re in now.

  “Oh hush,” she scolded herself.

  After eyeing herself, Selena exited the lavatory, going to grab her dress. She didn’t expect to see the large rectangular box, wrapped in silver gift paper sitting just outside the door.

  “Jordan?” Selena said, inching closer to the present. A tiny smile leered as her lips curved.

  There was no note or sign of instructions, but Selena did notice the trail of red rose petals leading away from the box into the hallway. A shiver ran over her as Selena wondered what was inside. For the longest moment, she stood contemplating its surprise. With no one around to instruct her, Selena lifted the box and shook it like a kid on Christmas morning. She laughed at herself and slapped a hand to her forehead.

  Sitting the box down, Selena crouched, letting her knees sink into the shag rug. She removed the bow first then ripped the paper to shreds. Flipping open the top, Selena unfolded the paper inside and her smile spread even wider. There was the note, laying on top of the thin garment. Quickly, Selena opened it.

  “Forgive me for losing my cool in the bedroom. Next time, just beg.”

  A tinkering laugh bubbled from her throat, and Selena’s head fell.

  “What am I going to do with him,” she asked to no one but herself.

  Selena proceeded to pull out the dress. It sparkled and shined like the apparel you’d see a singing group from the seventies wear. It was beautiful, long and royal purple with a to die for split going down one side. Selena stuffed her nose into the thin fabric. Her eyes shuffled to the fallen card, and she noticed something inscribed on the back. Picking it up swiftly, she read.

  “Accompany me to an awards luncheon. I need you on my arm, love.”

  A dreamy smile tapered across her lips. Awards luncheon? It would be the first time Selena and Jordan made their debut amid paparazzi as a couple, and it excited her and terrified her at the same time. Why? This is what you’ve been waiting for. It was true, and Selena was so pleased she didn’t know how to feel about her emotions. Slow down, girl, nothing lasts forever. Look at Mom and Dad. Selena’s smiled wavered a little, and the spark in her eye dimmed. She glanced back at the dress and stood, determined not to let her parents’ misfortune deter her.

  The doorbell rang, snatching Selena’s attention. “I hope that’s Octavia,” Selena said, standing.

  After missing her clients’ scheduled video sessions, Octavia called to fuss Selena’s head off, and Selena took the chastisement without rebuttal. However, once Octavia finished, Selena begged for her help. Selena needed clothes. She couldn’t very well leave Jordan’s loft without any.

  Selena trotted to the door and noticed the trail of roses led to another box this one square and bulky sitting on the countertop. Selena’s eyes beamed, and when her direction changed course, the doorbell rang again. Ugh. Selena skipped to the door and glanced through the security monitor. Octavia paced back and forth, looking utterly confused on how to get in the place which made Selena laugh. Selena reached out and hit a button, and the elevator doors opened. She watched as Octavia stuck her head inside as if to say, “Who goes there?”

  The gesture made Selena laugh harder, and as soon as Octavia was completely inside, the doors closed, and the elevator ascended, bringing her to the penthouse floor. Jordan’s security was top notch. Selena had a clear view of Octavia the entire ride up. His system made it impossible to sneak up on him, and in his line of work, Selena guessed that was a good thing.

  When the doors opened behind Octavia, Selena stood watching her back then cut her some slack and sent out a curt whistle. Octavia pivoted to see Selena wrapped in a terry cloth towel with a huge grin on her face.

  Octavia’s mouth dropped as she stepped inside.

  “What in the Fort Knox?” Octavia began, taking a 360-degree view of the place.

  “It’s crazy, right?”

  “Crazy beautiful!” Octavia screeched.

  Selena laughed and grabbed the bag out of Octavia’s hands.

  “Thank you for bringing me this. You have no idea how much I appreciate you right now.”

  Octavia’s mouth was still hanging open.

  “Oh, I didn’t forget that four million dollar museum you call a house that Jonathon purchased for you,” Selena added, “so don’t even act like you’re surprised.”

  Octavia waved her off. “Girl, I’m talking about this place.” Octavia strolled to the wall of windows and glanced down. “Holy smokes!” Octavia shivered and stepped back. “I almost got dizzy looking that far down!” she paused and took it all in. “This layout is nothing like I’ve ever seen!” She squealed.

  “I know. It’s nothing like I ever thought I’d see in my lifetime,” Selena agreed.

  “And you’ve been here all night?”

  “Well, I’ve been in the back, where the bedroom is.”

  Octavia’s mouth stretched wider, and Selena giggled and strolled to the box she’d abandoned.

  “What’s that?”

  Selena shrugged and bit down on her lips with excitement streaming through her. She grabbed the box and ran off down the hall, entering the bedroom.

  Octavia followed her, astounded even further the more she ventured.

  “Hell yes, party over here!” Octavia screeched. “When do you think Jonathon and I can come over for dinner and a movie?”

  Selena guffawed and shimmied into her denim jeans. With a shrug, Selena grabbed her button-down blouse. “I’m sure Jordan wouldn’t mind you guys coming over anytime. That is, when he’s free of course.”

  “Oh my God,” Octavia said. “I’m sorry, girl, I’ve just followed you into his bedroom and didn’t think about it. Is Jordan here?”


  Octavia glanced down at the gift box. “Look at this, presents and stuff. Mmhmm, I see where this is going. Before you know it, you two will be…” Octavia made a show of walking down an aisle with her shoulders back and her head held high. Selena guffawed.

  “You’re stupid,” she said.

  “Stupid serious,” Octavia returned.

  Selena shrugged, “I don’t know about all of that.” She unwrapped the second box and flipped open the top. A gasp fell from Selena and Octavia.

  “Ooou…” Octavia crooned. “I am superbly jealous,” she said.

  Selena giggled and reached inside to remove the purple and white Manolo Blahniks. “These are absolutely gorgeous,” Selena murmured.

  “A man who knows how to gift a woman with shoes. Damn, I’m really jealous now.”

  “Why, Jonathon would get you anything you wanted.”

  “Yeah, but if I asked him to surprise me with shoes, he’d likely return with combat boots.”

  Selena pealed over with laughter and wiped the corner of her eyes as a tear threatened to fall. “Jordan has a foot fetish,” Selena informed her. “And he knows I have a shoe fetish. I think this is his way of not being weird about it.” />
  Octavia stood by, watching Selena take her hand over the sharp heel and open toe. “Jealous,” she said.

  Selena chuckled and stood and slipped into the bathroom; Octavia followed her but not before taking a soothing hand over the stained glass partition.

  “Now about this wedding, what do you mean you don’t know about all that? It’s all you’ve been cracking about for the last year.” Octavia mimicked her. “I’ve gotta get me a Rose. I’m not letting you bitches take all the good men off the market.”

  “I do not sound like that.”

  “Tell the truth sometimes, you here?” Octavia quipped.

  Selena pursed her lips and shrugged again. Octavia eyed her hard.

  “Hey, what’s gotten into you? Where’s the bubbly, loud, sister girl I’ve grown fond of?”

  “Awe, you’ve grown fond of me, girl?”

  Octavia smacked her lips and crossed her arms, leaning into a hip.

  “All right, look.” Selena fluffed her hair in the mirror as she spoke to Octavia. “Jordan is amazing. More than everything I want.”

  Octavia shifted and leaned into her other hip. “But?”

  Selena whined. “I don’t know, I’m beginning to believe happily ever after’s are for movies, books, and suckers.”

  Octavia frowned. “So you think my relationship is a sham?”

  Selena peered at her friend. “Must you make this about you?”

  Octavia exhaled. “I’m just saying, Selena.” Octavia paused before continuing, letting her thoughts roam a minute. “This is about your parents, isn’t it?”

  When Selena didn’t respond, Octavia sighed and poked her lip out. She could sympathize with Selena, but now was not the time for her to become all undecided about love.

  “Why don’t you talk to your parents, together?”

  Selena switched gears so quick it was as if the topic had never come up.

  “Jordan wants me to go to an awards luncheon with him.”

  Octavia’s brows rose.

  “Sure does, it’s the reason he bought me the shoes you saw and that beautiful dress over there to wear.”

  Octavia stepped out of the bathroom and took her eyes across the room. When Selena heard her squeal, Selena chuckled. She was just happy the topic had changed.


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