The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8) Page 12

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I think so. We’ve told him as much. I know I have.”

  With a quick shift, Jordan twirled Selena, pulling her into his embrace just as a skater shot past her.

  “Oh!” Selena squealed, clutching his jacket to keep from falling.

  “I’ve got you,” his easy voice grooved. Jordan placed a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, then her lips.

  Selena held a dreamy eye on him. In a breathy whisper, she asked, “How did you even know he was coming?”

  Jordan’s grin was debonair. “I have 360-degree periphery, love, and it’s tenfold when I’m around you.”

  Selena shivered, causing Jordan to pull her even closer.

  “Would you like my jacket?” He asked.

  “Oh, no.” Selena smiled and dropped her head, trying to shake her thoughts. “I’m not cold. Quite the opposite actually.” She pulled away from him just as Jordan’s gaze fell. As if he couldn’t stand to be disconnected from Selena’s touch, he reached for her again, this time, moving a bit faster along the ice. A whimsical smile covered Selena’s face, and her pecan brown eyes lit up. Picking up her pace to match his, Selena skated out, and Jordan twirled her back in without breaking their strides.

  “I like it when you’re right here,” he said. “Tucked up under me.”

  Selena blushed, and her heart pitter-pattered in her chest.

  For the first time, Selena seemed stumped. Her emotions were on overdrive, and she didn’t know what to make of it. Sure, she’d always said she desired to be with Jordan, but the authenticity of their relationship now was so real it scared her. Could Jordan really be her guy? The one she’d waited her whole life for? She sighed and glanced out over the ice. Others around them skated in their own worlds; some holding hands and some skating with children.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” Jordan’s smooth voice grooved.

  Selena glanced back to him, an elated smile already on her face. In his hand he held a maroon box with a gold bow on top. Selena’s eyes widened, and in the curve of the ice ribbon rink, they sailed to an easy stop.

  “Jordan,” Selena’s surprised tone said it all. She wasn’t expecting a gift. Their relationship was new, and she hadn’t gotten him a thing. “You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said as she proceeded to take the box off his hands.

  Jordan chuckled and pulled her in. Other skaters sailed around them. Some looking over at them awkwardly, and others paying them no mind.

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to stop moving,” Selena said.

  “I think we’ll be all right,” he said. Jordan turned Selena toward the ice, locking his arms around her. He pushed off and they coasted as Selena opened her gift. Inside, she flipped back red and pink paper to reveal a journal, and not just any journal: the one she’d carefully wove together in her college years. The journal she’d thought was damaged beyond repair. Her book of poems in pristine condition. Instantly, her movements stopped on a gasp as she twirled around to meet Jordan’s loving stare.

  “How did you— where… why?”

  Selena’s eyes misted over, and heartfelt tears threatened to spill from the corners.

  “I know how much your book meant to you, and I wanted you to have it as you remembered it.” Jordan took a soothing hand down her face then back up to wipe the tear that spilled. “I hope you don’t mind. The very night you told me about it, I searched out the school article and found your words. With a little TLC to the cover, I was able to give you some semblance of the journal you remembered. And…” he kissed her, “your words are beautiful.”

  More tears slipped down Selena’s face. The wind around them took a sharp turn, flipping her hair into a current. Selena clutched the journal to her chest, bewildered in a complete tailspin of emotions. Moving her feet, she sailed into him diving her head into his chest. Jordan covered her, and Selena rested there as more tears dampened his shirt.

  “Did I do a good thing?” Jordan asked. He wasn’t so sure, but he hoped for the best.

  Selena turned her face up to look at him. “Jordan,” she paused and tried to gain her bearings, “you did a great thing. This means more than you’ll ever know.”

  He kissed her forehead then exhaled, and Selena relaxed in his arms. They stood there in complete silence for a long stretch before Selena pulled back.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t get you anything.”

  “Keep it moving,” someone passing by said.

  Joining their hands back together, Jordan skated off with Selena at his side.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’m sure we can think of something later.”

  The naughty retort turned Selena into mush as a surplus of heat consumed her.

  “Handcuffs?” she asked, wondering if Jordan were talking about his earlier comment.

  He winked and tucked her underneath him; watching one another as they sailed down the stretch of ice.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They skated throughout the afternoon until early evening before venturing off through the park. Surrounding the rink was an abundance of activities for families, couples, and children to explore. An 18-hole mini golf course was located on the south end, and a Valentine’s Day dance was hosted in the garden just beyond the picnic groves. Jordan held tight to Selena’s hand.

  “Have you ever played golf before?” he asked.

  “I can’t say that I have.”


  “If you’re teaching me.” She blushed, and Jordan reached out and tweaked her chin. “Come here.” He pulled them along, tucking her underneath him again as they walked together and entered the golf course. After grabbing the necessary equipment, Jordan stood behind Selena and positioned her just right, coasting a hand down her leg to separate them farther. Selena was using all the focus she could muster to really get an overview of the game and its rules. But Jordan’s tight clutches here and there, against her legs, then waist, then finally standing over her with his long limbs stretched down her arms was electrifying. Selena squirmed so many times she was sure to Harlem Shake right out of his arms. Jesus. There was no way her friends were feeling this type of bliss. Were they?

  Selena glanced just over her shoulder into Jordan’s stare while she was bent just slightly, ready to take aim.

  “Now pull your shoulders back.”

  Selena did what he said.

  “And,” Jordan coached her hand back. “Swing.” Together, they swayed, sending the ball flying down the green path toward its goal. Selena’s eyes widened with elation when she realized the ball was going to hit its mark. It bounced down off onto a third level and roamed around before falling into the hole.

  “Oh my God!” Selena tossed her arms up with her gold club swinging in hand.

  “Whoa!” Jordan’s reflex caught hold of the flying metal just as it left Selena’s fingertips with a slip.

  “Oh!” Selena gasped and covered her mouth with shocked eyes. “I almost took you out!” She shrieked then laughed, doubling over at her clumsiness.

  Jordan slipped his arms around Selena and cuddled her up. “You trying to have me out cold. What’s up with that?”

  Selena laughed and shook her head, barely able to speak. “I’m so sorry,” she laughed, “I think I got overly excited.”

  “That would be a safe assumption.”

  Selena laughed some more. “Aww, baby.” She straightened with a smirk and slipped her arms up his shoulders. Warm hands landed on his face, thawing him immediately. The heat sank into his bloodstream and dove down to his groin. As cold as it was, neither of them wore gloves, and it didn’t seem to be a bother.

  Selena pulled Jordan’s head down, and they kissed long, soft, and slow. Meeting his hungry gaze, she spoke, “How’s that? Does it make you feel better?”

  A rumble cruised from Jordan. “That makes me feel something more than better.”

  “Mmmm,” Selena moaned, “what if I did it again?” She leaned into his hot lips, melting into his mouth.

Jordan was an excellent kisser. His heated mouth took over Selena, making her yearn for him every second.

  “We can take this back to my place,” he said. “As a matter of fact, we’re done here, right?”

  Selena giggled and withdrew. “What about our dance?”

  Jordan leaned his forehead into hers and exhaled, coaching his libido to remain calm. “You’re right.”

  “But first I need to beat you at your own game.”

  Jordan arched an inquisitive brow. Selena nodded. “Un huh.” She pivoted on her heels and walked away from him headed to the next hole.

  Jordan stood by and watched Selena get into the stance he’d taught her and pull back with a perfect swing. The ball sailed down the pathway and found its goal quickly. Jordan boasted a magnanimous grin.

  “Nice,” he said.

  Selena did a jig and just as she went to raise the golf stick, Jordan flew to her side and clutched it in his palm. Selena turned slowly to face him still holding on, with both of their arms raised in the air while their others held firm to wrists and shoulders.

  “I see right now I’ll need to guard you more often whenever you’re around a stick.”

  Selena smiled naughtily. “I’m going to remember that later. I have a feeling I’ll need a guard throughout the night.”

  Their arms dropped slowly. “We’ll never make it to that dance if you start with me, woman.”

  Selena kissed his lips then his chin, then face. “I want my dance. Let’s go.”

  She didn’t have to tell him twice. They strolled hands locked back to the equipment stand and handed over their items then left for the gardens. People milled about and surprisingly no one seemed to mind the cold temperatures. When they made it to the grove, a young gentleman wearing overalls, a red top hat, and black boots approached them with a smile. Attached to his shoulders was a double strap that holstered a box against his chest with single roses inside.

  “I’ve got roses of all kind: Centifolia, Damask, Mister Lincoln, Golden Celebration. They all represent a different level of love. See anything you like?” he asked.

  The assortment of flowers was beautiful, ranging from a yellowish white, to pink, gold, and of course red.

  Jordan tapped his chin. “Tell me about these different levels of love,” he said.

  Happily, the young fella pointed to the pink rose. “Philia, most known as the type of love created on kindness, friendships, trustworthiness, and reliance.”

  He moved along to the yellowish white rose.

  “Agape, most known as the love for strangers, nature, or God. The love of an Agape rose shapes, enhances and sustains us. Socially and psychologically.”

  The young man moved to the next rose, lifting it in his hand. It held a layer of blues, soft and dark.

  “The Pragma Rose carries the type of love that is established on reason or obligation, like with arranged marriages. Its focus is on one’s long-term interests.”

  He replaced the rose and lifted an orange flower.

  “Philautia. Also known as the self-love rose. Its name speaks for itself, but just to elaborate, it isn’t the kind of self-love that promotes pride or superiority. It is a healthy love that promotes confidence, a poignant appraisal of our own value.”

  When he lifted a pink and red rose, the smile on his face widened.

  “Ludus. A playful, teasing and flirtatious love. It is sometimes mistaken for an Eros love, but is more on the friendly side than it is romantic. Of course, the two could be combined, and then you’ll have a magical love like no other.”

  “Tell me more about this Eros love,” Jordan said.

  The young man’s full face lit up. “Eros is a sensual, zealous love,” He grabbed the red rose, “it’s the kind that Greek mythology determined was the love from cupid’s arrow. It can build you up and make you stronger and at the same time destroy you and make you weak depending on the way it’s used. It’s the ultimate weapon of love, more so than most of the others combined.”

  Jordan sent a lazy sweep of his eyes over Selena’s entire body. He bit down on his lips and sucked air in with his teeth. The gesture had Selena squirming all over the place again. When he returned his gaze to the young fella, Jordan smiled confidently.

  “What would it take for you to make a bouquet of the red roses with one single rose of the others outlining the arrangement for my lovely lady here?”

  The young fella’s eyes lit up and so did Selena’s. “I’d be more than happy, sir.” He glanced over at Selena. “This will be one strong sentimental bouquet,” he said. “You must be someone special.”

  “She is,” Jordan drawled with a keen eye on Selena.

  Her thoughts jumbled, and the soft melodies from a grand piano surrounded the area. “Fall for You” by Leela James began to play. Jordan tightened his grip on Selena, drawing her so close they couldn’t breathe without each other. His lips hovered above hers.

  “Can I have this dance?” he asked.

  Selena’s heart rocked, and she nodded with a blush. “Yes.”

  Jordan bit back on his lip then glanced over at the young fella. “Hold on to that for a minute for me, will you?”

  “Yes, sir,” the young man said as he continued to gather roses for the bouquet.

  Jordan pulled Selena’s hands, tying her arms around his neck as his slipped around her waist. Everyone in the background faded out, and they swayed so effortlessly as if they were joined as one. Leela James’ voice rang out as she sang about a new friendship, and the substantial sensation of falling in love. With each verse that bellowed, both Jordan and Selena felt the lyrics on a level neither of them had experienced before.

  He’s the one.

  Selena’s silent revelation fluttered through her heart, and her eyes closed as she breathed him in. This was actually happening. The rise and fall of Selena’s chest was building a slow but exciting hypersensitive dance. It rocked her and held her captive. She melted into his embrace, barely recognizing the movement of her feet as they danced.

  She’s the one.

  Jordan’s lips met Selena as his silent revelation also hammered through him. This must’ve been the kind of love his father had for his mother. An unconditional, nostalgic crescendo of bliss that molded his heart and shaped his thoughts. Jordan clutched Selena as if she could slip through his fingers and fly away on a current of wind.

  The song drifted around them as they both floated on a plane of their own. Their lips continued to mix, and heat slinked down their skin in a coat of wild sensations.

  “Spend the night with me,” Jordan said. “Again.”

  A ripple eased down Selena’s spine. “Okay,” her quiet voice murmured.

  Jordan twirled her out and pulled her back in, dipping her with an easy transition. Selena’s mouth opened on a gasp as a shrill of energy zigged through her. Pulling her back to her feet, Jordan settled his lips on Selena’s temple and the song closed out, slowly. Claps and cheers surrounded them. It was that moment Selena and Jordan realized they’d had an audience. Some around them snapped pictures while others recorded with their phones.

  “We have some lovers in the house…” the host crooned from the stage.

  More clapping and applauding. Selena blushed and Jordan ticked her chin with a finger. Sweeping her under his arm, Jordan turned to the flower boy and took the bouquet off his hands. Selena held her breath as her heart knocked when Jordan presented her with the gorgeous roses.

  “For you, beautiful.”

  Selena blushed so hard her cheeks stung.

  “Thank you.” She stuffed her nose in the roses while keeping her eyes on Jordan.

  “I have one other thing I want you to witness.” He stepped to her side and interlaced their arms. “Come with me” They strolled away and Selena threw her head back at the flower boy.

  “Thank you!” she beamed.

  He nodded also holding onto a wide smile. As they walked, Selena’s mind tumbled. There was a time when she thought she knew what l
ove was. But nothing could compare to this. When Selena noticed they were headed back in the direction of the Airbus, a wave of jubilation settled over her. What was Jordan planning to do next? Selena bit down on her lip as she wondered. Before she knew it, Jordan was opening the door for her.

  He helped her in and made sure Selena was content before slipping in on the other side.

  “What are you up to now?” She beamed.

  “I guess you’ll find out in a minute.”

  They buckled up and within a few minutes Jordan and Selena were airborne. As the Airbus ascended, the sky changed shape and white clouds turned orange. The glow from the sunset scoured the firmament hanging over the city like a shower of gold.

  “Oh my God!” Selena clutched her bouquet, and her mouth dropped. She’d seen a sunset before, but nothing as spectacular as this. And it was right here in her city. The helicopter lingered midair while they both took in the beautiful radiance. When it finally descended, in its wake was another beautiful array of lights as the city of Chicago lit up. Selena looked on with such wonder on her face it squeezed Jordan’s heart.

  She was so easy to please and enjoyed moments in life that people took for granted every day. God must have created her just for him. Why else would he have a chance at loving her for the rest of their lives?

  With easy mobility, Jordan piloted the Airbus, flying them back the way they came, over the bean, and past the towers. Selena enjoyed every moment of their flight, and her mind, body, and spirit was abuzz with splintering energy. Being with Jordan was a constant thrill that completely took her breath away.

  “I had a great time, Jordan.” She paused. “This was the best time I’ve had actually.” Selena slipped a string of hair behind her pierced ear.

  “Are you leaving me?” He asked with a questionable smirk.

  “No, but I just wanted you to know I enjoyed my time with you today.”

  Jordan’s handsome face awakened with delight. “My time spent with you is always pleasant whenever we’re together, but especially today.”

  Selena blushed again and cleared her throat.


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