The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8)

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The Sweetest Surrender (Falling For A Rose Book 8) Page 13

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

“Can I feed you?” Jordan’s thick voice drawled. The last time Jordan said that she ended up on her back with his head between her legs.

  Selena slipped a sultry eye his way. “Yeah.”

  They descended over his luxury loft, parking the Airbus with efficiency.

  “Two for two,” Selena said.

  “Going for the win, girl.”

  Selena giggled, and they left the aircraft for the elevator.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Inside the mobile crane, Jordan and Selena held each other, not wanting to depart for a second. A surplus of heat poured around them, and their chemistry blazed as they eyed one another.

  “Where would you like to eat?” he asked.

  “Wherever,” she said anxiously.

  Jordan towered, over her, and Selena held her face upward with her nose barely skittering his chin. It was hard for Jordan to keep his mind focused on feeding her food since his nourishment derived from a carnal craving he held. Without warning, his hand popped the top button of her coat and strolled up the curve in her neck. Selena shivered, and her eyes faltered.

  Don’t jump his bones in this elevator, Selena. You’re hungry girl, it’s time to eat, focus. Selena tried to pull herself together, but the heat from his fingertips liquefied her in seconds. The fighting they both tussled with failed, and they both moved simultaneously. Selena scurried up his chest, and Jordan lifted her with ease. Against the wall of the elevator, they kissed as his lips crushed into her mouth. The bouquet of roses along with the book of poems hit the elevator floor quickly.

  “Selena…” he moaned.

  Their tongues frolicked as they snacked on each other, lips sealing, and breaths mixing. Jordan impatiently popped the buttons on her jacket, exposing Selena’s soft body to his heated hands. He fumbled with her jeans, then yanked them over her hips.

  A yelp shot from Selena as her chest rose and fell with labored breaths. She grabbed his ears and brought Jordan’s lips back to her mouth as he peeled her out of the pants. She couldn’t get them off fast enough. They disjointed for a second, long enough to remove the denim material and jump back in one another’s arms.

  Jordan’s lips trailed down her ear, and he bit the bottom of her lobe.

  “I’m about to fuck you in this elevator…” he said with a thunderous growl.

  Selena squeezed her eyes shut, and her body rocked on a thrill of anticipation. She didn’t see when Jordan freed himself, but God did she feel him.

  “Aaaah!” She tossed her head back and let loose the most languorous squeal in all of her life. “Jordaaaan!” she moaned, strangled with the ultimate intensity of his invasion.

  Jordan took her lips into his mouth and sucked her tongue as he continued to submerge inside her heated core. Selena screamed into his mouth, and Jordan buried himself to the hilt. Snatching her breath, Jordan inched back and rested his forehead against hers.

  “You are so wet. What the fuck,” he said, tinged at the attack she held on his libido. He took her lips again, and moved back and forth, propelling into Selena as if he’d turned into a madman. “You’re never leaving me, girl… shit!” He cursed as they connected over again.

  “Oh my God!” Selena squealed. “Jordan, baby!”

  He lifted her higher and tossed her legs over his shoulders. “What is it that you want from Jordan, sweetheart?” He bit down on her chin with his consistent thrusts, slamming into her volcanic fountain. Selena’s language evaded her, and in its place was a moaning, squealing ebonics.

  “Ah shit!” Jordan barked. He braced his palms against the wall, lifting Selena’s bottom even more, and his deep-rooted strokes milled into the slippery solidness of her bottom. Their shouts and moans increased, echoing around the elevators walls. Continuous thrusts pushed through Selena, and Jordan made sure to brand her. She belonged to him. There would never be another to come after. As it was, Jordan couldn’t see Selena absent from his life. She was everything he’d waited for unwrapped for his undertaking. He slammed into her again, his strokes becoming temerarious.

  Selena was unhinged and completely undone. She squealed and moaned at the constant beating of Jordan’s love and shrieked even louder when his mouth found her neck and his teeth sunk into her flesh. Jordan’s hips held a constant swing as he dug into her center with feverish raps. Faster, then harder, they melted into the elevator wall as their skin smoldered and incinerated from their labor of love.


  Selena didn’t get her words together fast enough. An ocean of crème shot from her womb and covered Jordan’s shaft as she came hard.


  A squeal tore from her throat as her release pumped from her in a grand wave of jolted pulses. Her eyes rolled, and her mouth hung, and her body went completely stiff as it continued to bathe Jordan’s shaft in a sea of cum.

  It was more than he could handle and that was saying a lot for the type of man Jordan was. His hips bucked with a jackrabbit intensity as he too came with a splattering surge of semen.

  “Selena, Fuck!” He shouted.

  As Jordan’s dick ejaculated, he recaptured Selena’s mouth in a carnivorous prolonged electrifying kiss. Their bodies sealed together; neither of them wanting to release the other for fear they would both fall apart. The sensation running through them was too deep, and with their hearts pounding together they would surely collapse.

  Slowly as they descended from on high, Selena fought to calm her ragged breathing, and Jordan kissed against her forehead. She stared into his brown eyes, dark and layered with thick intensity. Jordan’s hand moved without his mind instructing it to do so and inserted his key then tapped in a code on the elevator door.

  “Jordan Alexander Rose,” he thundered, activating the elevator so they could make their descent.

  All at once, the tin box moved, and the shift caused them to bump into each other, making more moans escape them both.

  “Fuck, girl. I’m the healthiest person I know and still this pussy is going to give me a heart attack.”

  Selena tried not to laugh, but it tinkered out of her with ease and turned into a sultry whimper. The elevator reached his loft, and the doors opened to his living area. With carefulness, Jordan removed himself from her canal, and they both groaned at the disjointing. Selena’s body went limp, and Jordan swooped her up into his arms then left the elevator.

  “My roses and journal!” Selena squealed.

  “No one will take them, trust me.”

  She relaxed, knowing it was safe to forget about it for now. When her stomach growled, Selena covered her abdomen with her hand.

  “You’ve worked me up an appetite, Mr. Rose.”

  “What do you say we take a shower before going to dinner?”

  “I’d say you’re attempting to make me cum until there are no orgasms left to be had.”

  Rumbling laughter spilled from Jordan, and his smile widened with hearty pleasure.

  “What if I promise not to touch you the entire time?”

  “Then I’d call you a liar.”

  Jordan’s rumbling laugh scoured from him again.

  “Okay, we could take turns if that makes you feel any better.”

  Selena wasn’t sure it would. Although her stomach was screaming for food, being away from Jordan for even a minute wasn’t ideal for her right now. But if they should ever make it to dine, she would have to stick to her guns and shower alone, just this time.

  “Okay, me first.”

  It only took them another two hours and Selena running away from Jordan when he managed to suck her toes into his mouth. Clearly, he was a foot man since the mere taste of her feet made him harder than a box of rocks. He was an animal, wanting to savor every part of Selena all over again, but she managed to fight him off, and now they were entering Chef Lin’s Italian restaurant arm in arm.

  The hour had reached midnight, and the restaurant was open until three a.m. Even with the late-night time, the eatery was still heavy with patrons. No sooner than
they stepped through the doors did curious eyes, whispers, and blatant stares turn their way.

  “Mr. Rose!” A server who was too chipper for Selena’s taste scurried up to them. “Thank you for joining us tonight.” The server glanced at Selena as an afterthought. “Hello, table for two?”

  “Yes,” Jordan said.

  “Follow me.”

  And they did, winding around tables some filled with people and their double dates and others with lone patrons. One lady sitting off in the corner appeared to be nursing a martini. Her face was turned down as if she had the blues. Selena didn’t know the nature of the woman’s turmoil, but she did feel sorry for her. Valentine’s Day was not the day to hit up your favorite restaurant alone. It would just remind you that everyone in Chicago was in love but you. Selena knew all too well about that feeling. She’d had plenty of them.

  “Here’s your table,” the server chimed. “Would you like to order drinks while you look over the menu?”

  “I’ll take a sweet tea,” Selena said as Jordan adjusted the chair underneath her.

  “Coke,” Jordan stated, “and a shot of Brandy on the side.”

  “I’ll return shortly with your drinks.”

  The waitress skipped off, and Jordan claimed his seat.

  “Have you eaten here before?” Selena asked.

  “Yes. Would you like me to recommend something from their menu?”

  “Actually, I’ve eaten here several times before myself, so I know the menu quite well.”

  At the arch of his brow, Selena went on.

  “You know a date or two.”

  Jordan glanced up and shouted, “Waiter, we’ve decided to eat somewhere else.”

  Selena gasped and tugged Jordan’s hand from the air. “No, I was just kidding,” she said.

  Jordan peered at her.

  “I’m serious,” Selena insisted, “I only said that to mess with you.”

  She held an upright smile on the edge of a guffaw. Jordan tossed another look at the server. “We’re staying,” he said.

  Selena slapped a hand over her mouth and laughed. “What is wrong with you, man?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with me. I just don’t care to do anything with you that you’ve done with someone else. Isn’t that what you said back at Maggie’s?”

  Selena pursed her lips and nodded. “Okay, you got me,” she said.

  “I better,” his profound warning implied.

  Selena smiled and glanced down at the menu. “So, what do you recommend?”

  A silhouette swooped over them and with it a seductive voice. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but can I have a word with Jordan?”

  Both Jordan and Selena glanced toward the person who raided their space. In the flesh, Madison Santari stood, lingering closer to Jordan than Selena cared to admit. Her tall, lean frame was mildly shaped like that of a runway model, and the body-hugging dress she wore was made by some expensive designer, Selena was sure of it. Selena didn’t want to look the woman over, but she couldn’t help but take in the entire personality that she’d been secretly competing with over the last couple of weeks. Madison was staring at Jordan like he was the love of her life; eyes low, mouth puckered, with a wicked lean into her hip.

  Blinking out of her state of reverie, Madison glanced over at Selena. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I’m sure whatever you need to say can wait,” Jordan said.

  Madison poked her thin lips out. “It will only take a second I promise.” She clasped her hands together, and suddenly, Selena had no appetite at all.

  Don’t even trip, Selena. Take a page out of Octavia’s book. Be nice.

  Even as the thoughts moved throughout her, Selena was ready to tell Madison to take a hike.

  “Sounds like it’s an emergency,” Selena said.

  “For sure,” Madison agreed. “I’d never interrupt otherwise, but considering Jordan here hasn’t been returning my phone calls, I had no choice but to ambush him.”

  Madison laughed a soft fluttering sound that made Selena want to throw up. What type of laugh was that anyway? A grown woman should never sound like that. Selena couldn’t help but feel vindicated that Jordan hadn’t been taking Madison’s calls. It made her pulse calm, and the territorial vibe she felt lessened.

  “I’ll tell you what, I need to go to the ladies’ room.”

  “Selena,” Jordan started.

  “What is it, baby?” Selena reached out and touched his chin. “What do you want from Selena,” she crooned, repeating what he’d said in the elevator.

  Jordan shut his mesmerizing eyes and laughed an easy hearty groove. When his lashes fluttered back open, Jordan shook his head.

  “Girl, what am I going to do with you?”

  “Anything you want,” she purred, standing.

  The dangerous look in Jordan’s eyes let Selena know she’d hit her intended mark. The annoyed look in Madison’s confirmed it.

  “I’ll be back…” Selena sang, twisting her hips as she sashayed to the ladies’ room.

  Chapter Eighteen

  In the vestibule, Selena checked her appearance and added a gloss to her lips. After the romp she and Jordan had in the elevator, and then her tussling to get away after that blissful shower, Selena had to remake the bounce in her shoulder-length mane taking a comb through it to curve around her neck. It was perfect as of now, but the rummaging in her stomach wasn’t. What are you doing in here?

  “Damn you, Octavia,” she whispered to herself.

  It would be all but expected for Selena to show out on Madison’s ass, but she had to learn to be subtle about things. Selena couldn’t go her whole life getting loud or flipping out when things didn’t go her way.

  Except for this time. Selena shook her head. That was it. She’d given Madison a long enough time to say what was on her mind. And really, she shouldn’t have. Selena left the restroom just as quickly as she’d entered. It must have been about five good minutes, but that would just have to do. As she sauntered through and around the network of tables, Selena’s eyes skipped over the heads around and froze. Peering just slightly combined with an immediate frown, Selena’s mind reared, and her legs changed directions as she moved away from Jordan and Madison.

  As her footfalls crept to a table in the middle of the restaurant, Selena couldn’t help but be taken aback by the carefree and loving way the woman watched her date. They leaned into each other and kissed. A long, drawn out, sensuous coupling of their lips. Selena’s heart pounded in her chest just as it became tight with a sudden grip. When she stood just inches from their table, the woman glanced her way with a raised eye as did the man.

  “Dad?” Selena’s voice was a shaking vibration, as if at any minute she would pass out from what she’d just witnessed.

  Memories of her childhood reeled through Selena’s thoughts: laying in her parents’ bed at night when she was sick or afraid of the dark; having breakfast, lunch and dinner in the home she grew up in; watching her parents be affectionate and kiss when they were headed out for date night. The playful way her father played with her mother when she was trying to pay attention to her favorite TV show of all time, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. The lush look in their eyes. The love her parents held for one another. All the lessons they’d instilled in her about honoring your family unconditionally now felt polluted. Selena blinked back a morsel of tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. Now this. A kiss to a woman who was a stranger. Not her mom. An obvious lover. It was branded now, trying to rip Selena from everything she’d grown to understand about love. Her heart beat erratically, and her voice was caught in her throat.


  Her father’s voice was dismayed. It was clear he didn’t want his baby girl to see him with another woman, not until she was ready at least. His gaze bounced around before landing back on her.

  “Are you here with someone,” he asked.

  Still stunned, Selena’s hand shook with fury. How dare he say anything
other than explain his actions.

  “What the fuck is this?” Selena finally shrieked.

  The woman was stunned, and she glanced between Walter and Selena.

  “Watch your mouth, young lady,” Walter said, his voice elevated.

  Selena shut her lips tight, still aware that this was her father she referenced. Selena turned on the woman.

  “Who are you?”

  The woman opened her mouth to speak when Selena shot out another question.

  “Did you know that he’s married,” she screamed.

  Her outburst garnered the attention of nearby customers.

  “I’m sorry, Amelia, this is my daughter, Selena, we haven’t had the conversation yet.”

  Amelia now looked just as dismayed as Walter.

  “You’re sorry?” Selena shouted again. “Why are you apologizing to her?”

  “Selena, you know your mother and I are not together—”

  “Why because you’ve been sleeping around with this bitch!?”

  Selena was livid and too far away from reason to care about her explosion.

  “Young lady, you will lower your voice and not talk to me or Amelia in that manner, do you hear me!?” Mr. Strauss tried to gather himself, and Selena shook with absolute vehemence.

  Without giving herself a chance to think, Selena marched up to her father and sent a reckoning palm across his face in a stinging slap. His surprise spread across his face.

  “All my life you’ve talked about respect. But you sit here, with this, this… whoever she is, disrespecting my mother!?”

  Her father went to open his mouth, and Selena slapped him again as her heart broke for her mom. “You son of a bitch! I don’t want to hear you’re separated! You’re still married! You can’t do this to her! You’re not even trying to work it out!”

  Selena went crazy slapping her father again just as he came out of his seat to return her strike.

  “Don’t do it, Walter,” Amelia said.

  But he held a hand back to attack Selena when Jordan entered the ring, gallantly shoving in return with the force of a charging bull. Mr. Strauss stumbled, tripping over his feet, and Jordan stepped closer to the man. Jordan reached out and grabbed Mr. Strauss’s collar, fisting it as he gave a one-time warning.


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