Storm Guardian: Viking Soul Book 3
Page 4
“What’s the plan?” Chloe whispered to me.
Allowing a grin to split my face, I winked at her. “See who can kill the most Dark Crawlers without getting hurt.”
Her eyes widened as I reached out to knock on the door. “Surely, the element of surprise would be better? And…what…?”
“Unless they’re high, which quite often they are, they’ve probably heard us already. But…if you insist.”
Raising my leg, I kicked in the plastic and glass front door. The smash of the door bouncing off the wall caused Chloe to cringe. This was her chance, her destiny, if she wanted to take it.
“Trygger, you…”
“What the fuck?” a male voice shouted from inside. “Is that the police again?”
Laughing, I shot into the hallway, waiting for the Crawlers to spill out of the various rooms. Letting them come to me would make life easier. Chloe snuck behind me as a man came out of the first door on the left. She went up the stairs, a gun held by her face.
“Shit, it’s you!”
I smiled when the Crawler went to retreat back into the living room, his feet unsteady under him. His eyes couldn’t focus on me properly, darting around as he tried to see what I would do.
“Nice to meet you,” I said, rushing forward.
His foot got caught on the door frame, halting his progress. Saluting Chloe before jumping on him, I wished her well in my mind. She had chosen to go upstairs, on her own. Brave girl.
My dagger sliced into the young human’s throat, releasing the evil spirit attached to him. Holding my nose closed unconsciously, I breathed through my mouth as the hint of metallic blood joined the stink of rot.
The room was littered with food wrappers, needles and joint ends stubbed out on the floor. A woman sat in the corner, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. Moving closer, I kept my fists clenched and ready. Was she a human stoned off her head? Or, a Dark Crawler preparing to jump?
A high pitched giggle emanated from her, alerting me to a Dark Crawler’s trademark. For some bizarre reason, their laugh was always peculiar.
“Oh, no you don’t,” I said, raising my arm and calling on Thor’s thunder.
The room vibrated, sending the woman toppling over. A spark of lightning shot through the ceiling, illuminating the grubby walls and settling as a circle of protection around me.
It had been a while since I had seen the dark essence of a Crawler physically leave a human and attempt to jump into another body. The shadow rose out of the woman, leaving her body limp on the sofa.
There was one way to get rid of the shadow…thrust my arm out of the shield around me so the dagger in my hand could connect with it. That would then send it back to Helheim. However, if I missed and the shadow connected with any part of my body, the Crawler would inhabit me.
A scream from behind made me freeze. The shadow went to dart past me, towards another human. Throwing my arm to the side, my hand burned as I pushed it through the electric circle and sliced through the shadow. Screeching resounded around the room as the shadow was sucked into the dagger, straight back to where it belonged. Helheim.
Swinging, I frowned when my protection dropped. I could only hold Thor’s power for so long before it started to wilt. The human who had distracted the shadow was actually another Crawler. An old lady, her eyes fixed on the now dead girl in the corner.
“That was my grandchild!” Her teeth bared as she moved towards me.
Taking out my gun, I fired a shot right between her eyes. She dropped to her knees, fury widening her eyes. The smell overwhelmed me as I took a step forward. Maybe I should have warned Chloe about the threat of the Crawlers jumping into us. I would never forgive myself if she was taken over by one.
The old lady in front of me reeked so badly, I physically covered my nose as I moved forward. The shot had stopped her advance. The bullet lodged into her brain. She was dying, the light fading from her eyes, yet, she stared at the young woman still, tears lingering on her eyelids.
“You’re a Dark Crawler. You don’t feel.”
“No?” she asked, her previously strong voice weakening. “And, how would you know, Thunder Hunter?”
The body collapsed to the ground, vibrating against the bare floorboards as a tremor overtook. Plunging my dagger into her back, I took no chances. The soul was sent back, it had to be.
Even in the throes of fighting, I noted the sadness in the woman. A woman who had been controlled by an evil spirit. How had she still been able to feel?
A crash from upstairs had me bolting from the room. The smell was forgotten as I pictured Chloe in all types of awful scenarios. Slipping down the hallway, I turned to go up the stairs.
My skull vibrated, pain exploding as something rebounded off it. A male Dark Crawler, his teeth bared, stood at the top of the stairs. His eyes bulged as he threw his head back and cackled with laughter.
“Trygger!” Chloe called from inside one of the upstairs rooms.
Great, it sounded like she had been caught. Glancing at the beer bottle that had rebounded off my head, I took the stairs two steps at a time. The Crawler backed up, his arms aloft, ready for combat. The body was rotting, badly. Worse than the people downstairs. Did the Crawlers get lazy once they were hooked on light and drugs?
Two human bodies were strewn across the landing. Tip-toeing over one, I moved, following the Crawler into a bedroom. He laughed again, spitting on the ground when blood came into his mouth.
“Chloe?” I called as I came inside.
A grunt alerted me to movement behind the door. Keeping my gun aimed in one hand and my dagger in the other, I swung around.
“I’m fine,” Chloe said from where she crouched on the floor. Over a dead Crawler.
Ripping one of the daggers from his back, Chloe faced the remaining man. His eyebrows lowered as he watched her rise into a stand. Had he been expecting his friend to defeat the woman?
“Who are you? Why would you kill my friends?” His pathetic voice made me pause.
Again, another Crawler who was affected by emotion. Was it the pack mentality? Had their gathering together made them actually care for one another?
“I’m Thunder Hunter.”
“And, I’m Chloe.”
Neither one of us explained why we had killed the Dark Crawlers, we didn’t have to. Dawning flooded over his face, his eyes growing red to match the blooming colour of his deathly pale cheeks as fury overtook.
Lunging towards us, he swiped left, aiming his punch at Chloe. She ducked, swung her leg out in a circle and took him down. He grunted when his arse smacked against the hard floor. Served the fucker right.
“Don’t kill me,” he pleaded when I took a step towards him.
Putting his arms over his head, he shivered as he waited for the fatal blow. Glancing at Chloe, I frowned. She shrugged, also baffled by the increased emotion from the vile creatures.
“Sorry,” I said for the first time in my life as I stuck the dagger straight up and under his ribs, piercing the host’s heart.
The Crawler’s head fell back, blood pouring from his mouth. The red liquid was thick, almost black.
“Yuck.” Chloe put a hand over her mouth as she retched. “Don’t be sick, don’t be sick,” she chanted to herself.
Yanking my blade out of the man’s flesh, I backed up. The smell was the last thing on my mind as I grabbed Chloe’s arm and dragged her out of the room. We had killed seven Crawlers between us. Who knew if there were any more coming to the house at any point. We had to leave.
“Are we done?” Chloe asked as we thundered down the stairs and out the front door.
Shoving her in front of me, I squirmed as I looked her over. Blood and flesh lined her dark jumper. People would see it. Glancing down at myself, I grinned, knowing full well that my clean T-shirt wasn’t an accident. I had killed so often, I knew exactly how to keep the vile creatures remains off me.
“Take your jumper off,” I ordered as we went through the back ga
te and into the little walkway at the back of the house.
“No.” Her instant reply was followed by a wince when she crossed her arms and the waft of rot filtered up to us. “I can’t walk home with no top on.”
She had elected not to wear her jacket in case it was ruined, which had been a good idea. Yet, now she had nothing to hide the state of her.
“Turn it inside out and put it back on. We’ve just got to get to the bike across the street.”
The street I spoke about was two roads away. I had stashed the motorbike behind a garage, hidden from plain sight.
“No way!” Chloe’s mouth screwed up as she ran a hand through her now knotty hair.
Lifting the strands, her mouth puffed out as if she was about to puke. Her blonde was now a dirty browny red. Nice.
“Okay, fine, walk around London like that.” Turning, I left her standing there as I went down the alley.
She grunted, movement sounding behind me. I didn’t look, knowing full well she was doing what I had suggested. My peeking would only make things worse. We had to get out of the vicinity quickly. Before others came back to the house. There would be more. There always was.
“I hate you,” Chloe said, walking up behind me.
Her words were followed by a gag, which almost set me off. I didn’t envy the slide of blood and specks of flesh against her skin.
“Give it time. The thrill will set in soon.”
And, it would. My first kill as a human with powers had send chills all over me. Yet, it had also hooked me into the obsession of ridding the world of evil. That thrill no longer existed in me. It had worn off centuries ago. Except when slaughtering a Fallen One. That seemed to be the only time true feeling made my heart thump. However, I was often too exhausted to notice it anymore.
“Did you see the way I stabbed him? There were three. I managed to shoot two with magic before killing them. The feeling that vibrates down your hand when the dagger sends them back to Helheim. It’s odd. I almost dropped the blade, but…”
“Chloe,” I interrupted, coming out of the alley and crossing the street.
When we reached the other side, I spun to her. She watched me, her eyes sparkling.
“Yeah?” Her cheeks were pink, her hair a mess, but the air of achievement, accomplishment radiated from her.
There it was, that thrill. Oh, how I missed it.
“Shut up.”
Moving away, I headed to the bike, pleased that my plan had worked. She now had experienced killing Dark Crawlers. And, she had the taste of blood…and flesh. Which was vital if I was going to leave her in a city overrun with our enemies.
Chapter 4
Fake Alliances
“Where the fuck have you been?” Jack squeaked as soon as we walked into the club.
The vibe was bouncing, the walls quivering. Dancers swayed, their eyes almost rolled into the back of their heads from the heady atmosphere.
Another night, another crowd, another waste of life when the light was sucked from them…leaving the dark to fill the void.
“We went to a Dark Crawler den. I killed…”
“Chloe!” I snapped, interrupting her ramble.
“Sorry,” she said, giggling as she slapped Jack’s arm away from her shoulder. “I keep getting told off.”
Jack’s eyebrows rose almost to his hairline. He winked at me, knowing full well why Chloe was acting so…irritating.
“You had your first taste of hunting? How did you do, lovely lady? I bet you fucked them up.” His arm tried to snake around her hips.
Growling at him, I tapped his shoulder. No matter how much Chloe annoyed me, I wouldn’t let Jack take advantage when she was in such a good mood. A mood I had never seen the usually prissy warrior in.
“Okay, touchy, no need to be so precious.” Jack held his hands up in surrender. “Come. We have some fucking powerful people waiting patiently...” He laughed. “…for us.”
Following Jack to his private booth, I grinned at Gavin, the bouncer. A spell had obviously been cast around the booth, considering it looked completely empty. Moving past the barrier, I held back the laugh that wanted to bubble up my chest.
Leaders of the underworld and their minions were crammed around the table, trying their hardest not to touch each other in any way.
“I see Jack has made you all…comfortable.”
They scowled at me, every single one of them. The manager in question popped his head into the booth.
“Well, I did offer to take them down to the basement, but for some reason, they were slightly hesitant. You’re all pussy cats, really, ain’t ya?”
Kalic and Antonia bared their teeth, the tips digging into their bottom lip. Senior was seated on his own, his magic repelling those who sat near him. They watched him, their gaze suspicious. They had seen how powerful Isaac had been the week before, which meant his father, the leader of the wizard group of London, must be really hard to beat.
“If we have to do this, let’s get on with it, shall we?” Jerry, the bastard who had tried to kidnap Jack, instructed.
My hands clenched into fists when Theresa laid a hand over the man’s arm, presumably to shut him up.
Jack glared at the pair, his eyes growing darker. He hated them. It poured from him. How it must have hurt his pride to let Jerry in when they had showed up at the door. Maybe I should have made an exception, but I couldn’t let Jack’s fear influence the mission at hand.
“Let’s begin,” I said, staying where I was.
There was no room for me to sit, even if I’d wanted to. Chloe and Jack stood beside me, their gaze tracing every one of the leaders from the underworld. Their plan to bring the darkness to light in the city of London…it was foolish.
“The Hagalaz cult has it in for you. It’s been a while since anyone has bothered with the underworld. Everyone has been able to rub along nicely, ignoring everyone else. So, why has Martin and his cronies decided to gun for you?”
The corrupt detective grunted before he opened his mouth to speak. “Because he’s threatened. Why don’t I arrest him and put him in jail?”
A couple of others nodded…the more reasonable ones, anyway.
“No, I say we kill them before we go public.” a criminal mastermind, one of the best in the world piped up.
Kalic nodded his head. “I agree. Why bother to mess around? Kill the whole lot of them, let the world know what we’ve done…then, bingo, humans will fear us and it will be easier to live our lives.”
Slamming my palm on the table when a host of agreements rose, I glared at every single one of them individually. “You’re forgetting something.”
They looked at me, blank faced. The stupid plan was extremely flawed. I knew that because of the amount of years I had lived. Did they not think that I may have tried a thing or two in my life?
“You seem to think that humans are powerless. Let me ask you one question…how many of them are there compared to you?”
As they glanced at one another, their brains ticking, I waited. Slowly, it clicked that there were millions more people than there were supernatural beings.
“We’re powerful,” Theresa said, shocking me with her simplicity.
Surely, a witch her age would know better? She had probably seen, or certainly heard, about the witch trials.
“I’ve lived a thousand years. I’m telling you now…there’s power in numbers. The whole time I’ve been alive, not one supernatural race has been able to outdo the humans. The government has plans in place for any eventuality. You think they’re stupid, but they’re not. Not really. They may have become complacent, but if they went for you, it would hurt. Trust me.”
A memory flashed into my mind. One I had completely forgotten. It had happened to me four hundred years ago. A man had seen me kill a Fallen One…and promptly arrested me.
Because I was sticking so strictly to my mother’s wish to do no harm to innocent people, I had let him take me. Big mistake.
He sentenced me t
o death, his judgement too quick for anyone to intervene. He was an Irish land owner, one who had taken the law into his own hands when he caught me.
Trying to make a spectacle out of me, he hung me by a noose from a tree on his land. Unfortunately, I didn’t die. In fact, I sprung on the rope, wrapped my legs around his waist and knocked him out.
It had taken just one day until he had gathered enough people to hunt me down. He called me a freak of nature, unable to die. Yet, they were determined to try and kill me. Once they found me, hiding in the outhouses, too exhausted to trek the Irish land, they tortured me. Their tools were thrust into my chest, the sharp blades piercing skin, but none able to touch my heart. I managed to kill two of them by swinging a shovel, scaring the others into submission for a while.
Escaping took all my energy as I stole a horse, collapsed over it and rode off into the night. Yet, the mob mentality of the humans could easily have overrun me if they had been a little braver. Nowadays, that fear had gone.
“It is a risk. Our community has dwindled in numbers. However, I’m not afraid of them.” Antonia clasped Kalic’s hand in hers, the red within her pupils increasing.
The other vampire stared at the surface of the table, his mind working.
“It’s not about being afraid, is it?” Jack said. “It’s about turning a city that works fairly well, into a shitfest. You really think humans will be willing to come to this club? To feed those of you who need it? If you’re a threat to them, they ain’t going to play nice, are they, sweet cheeks?”
Jack’s question was aimed at Antonia. She scowled at him, the corner of her lip shifting into a snarl.
Chloe put her hands on her hips. “Jack’s right. From what I can see, there’s unwritten codes between underworld members and humans who crave darkness. You lot respect them, except the Dark Crawlers…”
“They’re just arseholes,” Senior said in a rare show of annoyance.