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Nerds on Fire

Page 24

by Grady, D. R.

“Hello Aunt Emma. This is Trixi Duvall.”

  “Welcome Trixi,” Emma said with warmth and her usual air of competence. Her silver hair gleamed in the lamp light while her animated features were all Morrison.

  “Thank you, Emma.” Trixi’s smile was a bit hesitant. Mark squeezed her hand to let her know her reaction was typical.

  When you met a force of nature, you were respectful of its power.

  “Are you Clarice Duvall’s granddaughter?”

  “I am.” Trixi’s smile grew.

  Emma noticed and beamed at Trixi with a General’s approval. Mark hoped Trixi didn’t salute. She yanked Katy forward instead.

  “This is Katy Greene. She’s also a granddaughter.”

  Katy smiled at the small whirlwind with her usual charm. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Emma’s laughter was knowing. “I’m sure you have.” She patted her pristine hair. “I do have a reputation to maintain.”

  Leo groaned. “Trust us, General Emma, we know.”

  Beside him, Mark nodded. It was the truth. “Where’s Uncle Rich?” The line ahead of them seemed to have stalled, so they had time. It looked like Ed was causing a ruckus, as usual.

  “He’s in D.C. He got caught in a meeting, on a Saturday no less, and still hasn’t left yet.” She didn’t sound happy.

  “Uncle Rich is a Navy Admiral, and Ben’s boss.” Mark nodded in his cousin’s direction.

  “Ben’s a Navy SEAL,” Treeny murmured.

  Trixi and Katy’s eyes both grew large. “I’ve heard of those,” Katy said. Leo had to nudge her forward.

  Ben smiled. “I’m just like you.”

  A round of disbelieving snorts accompanied his remark. “Yeah, only better.” Leo’s statement caused another round of laughter.

  “He’s a superman,” Emma confided and beamed at her nephew.

  “So Uncle Rich is married to Aunt Emma, and he works in Washington, D.C. and was expected here tonight?” Trixi fit the pieces she knew together.

  “Yes, love. Rich usually commutes back and forth because our daughter and her family are here. We still have Rich’s house, and we stay there when we need to. I can run my business from the home office I maintain there.”

  “So you still expect him home tonight?” Katy asked.

  “I told him to stay put. We’ll see what he does.” Emma sounded more resigned than anything. They took a few steps toward the food tables.

  “Admiral O’Riley is the only living person who doesn’t listen to General Emma,” Ben stage whispered to Trixi and Katy.

  Their ensuing grins caused Emma to shake her head sadly. “There are others who are still living.”

  “We’re more concerned with those who aren’t,” Leo quipped.

  Emma smacked him, but then the line surged forward and they finally made it to the stacked disposable plates. Everyone turned his or her attention to the dishes laid out in what looked like an endless array.

  “This is a lot of food.” Trixi didn’t exactly balk.

  “Just take a little of what you like. There’s no way you can sample it all,” Mark advised.

  Both she and Katy looked relieved at his advice. “How do you choose?” Katy whispered to Leo.

  He explained his technique in a low voice so they could keep the line moving. Then plates filled, they strolled to a spot not yet crowded. There were enough seats for their little group, which consisted of him and Trixi, Leo, Katy, Janine, and Greg. Ben and Treeny were sidetracked by their kids and Emma got pulled out of line before she ever reached the food.

  They tucked in, and Katy and Janine started talking again. It was obvious to him Katy was eager to start working with Janine. His cousin seemed every bit as happy Katy had come on board with them.

  Leo turned to Trixi. “So Trix, how’s neonatal?”

  She had just taken a bite, but shrugged.

  His eyes widened. “You’re not enjoying it?”

  Trixi managed to swallow. “I love it but it’s a lot different as a nurse practitioner than it was as a nurse.”

  “Want to come and work with me?” he teased.

  “No way.”

  Both she and Leo laughed. Greg was engaged in conversation with yet another couple Trixi didn’t know. Janine’s husband leaned forward. “Trixi and Katy, this is Shelby and Sam Welby, she’s Emma and Rich’s daughter.”

  Trixi glanced up at the huge man and nearly swallowed her tongue. His shoulders out-spanned Mark’s and that was saying something. He had to be of a similar height to Leo. He set an empty car seat beside a chair.

  Leo jumped to his feet and the two greeted each other like old friends. “Trixi, this is Sam Welby,” he repeated Greg’s information and the name clicked. “Trixi is a neonatal nurse practitioner, Level Three.”

  “You’re the pediatric oncologist,” she blurted, awed to finally get to meet him.

  “Right. Sam is at the very top of his field.” Leo clapped him on the back.

  By then Ben and Treeny joined them, and Ben gave Sam a noogie before the huge man escaped him and did something in turn.

  She turned to Greg, since he was proving to be an excellent source of information.

  “Sam was a Navy SEAL with Ben before he became a kid doctor.”

  The little girl who had been hovering behind her mother snuck close and then crawled into Greg’s lap where she nestled close to him and Janine.

  “This is Kiley, Sam and Shelby’s oldest.” Janine ran a beautiful hand over the little girl’s springy hair. “She’s getting a sister soon, once the papers go through, and she’s really excited about that.”

  “We’re not certain when she’s coming.” Shelby set down her plate and still grasping an adorable little boy, a toddler, in her other arm, gave Trixi her left hand to shake. “My mom grabbed our youngest, Ronan. This is Gavin,” she introduced her shy son. “It’s really nice to meet you.” She repeated the gesture with Katy.

  By then Ben took Gavin and when he spied Kiley, tried for her, too, but Greg and Janine were obviously capable of thwarting him. It was charming to watch. Trixi leaned back and enjoyed the show.

  It lasted until Emma showed up, when with a squeal, Kiley launched out of Greg’s arms and into Emma’s. “Grandy!” she shrieked. Emma handed her plate off to her son-in-law, since he was close, and caught the little girl with expert care.

  “Thwarted by a grandparent,” Greg said in disgust, and beside him, Janine rumbled with laughter.

  “They outrank everyone,” Mark explained.

  “Who has Ronan?” Shelby asked her mother.

  “Heather took him.” Emma cuddled Kiley. Greg kept trying to entice her back, but Emma remained firm.

  “Heather is our mom,” Ben explained, waving between himself and Janine.

  Greg didn’t have long to be disgruntled though, because another little girl wandered by and as soon as she saw Greg and Janine, she took Kiley’s former place. “Uncle Greg,” she exclaimed and then crawled up onto his lap. Like Kiley had, she settled against him and Janine both and then helped herself to the pineapple chunk on his plate.

  There was another one on Janine’s and she helped herself to that one too.

  “Trixi and Katy, this is our actual niece. Macy is my sister KC’s daughter.”

  “Max Morrison, a first cousin to Mark, Leo, and me, is her father.” Janine added to Greg’s explanation.

  “Have you seen either of them tonight?” Greg asked Janine.

  She frowned. “No, now that you mention it...”

  Trixi blinked a few times. “How can you tell?” After she blurted this, her cheeks heated when everyone laughed.

  “It gets easier, Trixi,” Shelby assured her.

  “You’re family so you’re probably used to this,” Katy said with a smile. She used a hand to indicate the packed room.

  “I was adopted after I was born because my parents didn’t know each other’s names when they met and made me. I only just found them a year or two a
go.” Shelby’s smile was sweet. “Sam has been a part of my family longer than me.” [The Nerd’s Pocket Pets - The Morrison Family Series - Book 4]

  Sam seated himself beside her, since he had to get up to tend to the little boy. He deftly sorted out which plate was his and which was Emma’s. “I was swim buddy to Ben here,” and he used his bald head to indicate the man, “all through SEAL training. Then I got cancer a few years in and couldn’t continue as a SEAL.”

  “So you became a pediatrician?” Katy sounded fascinated, which was probably true.

  “I took some oncology classes because I like to know these things and before I knew it, I had a medical degree and was on rotations. I discovered then I wanted to be a pediatrician, specializing in oncology.” Sam sounded matter-of-fact.

  “He’s a supernerd,” Ben informed them. Gavin, on Ben’s lap, was busy helping himself to whatever was there. By then the little guy she identified as Ben’s ran in. He climbed up on his father’s lap and also helped himself.

  Treeny entered the room and sat beside Ben, a beautiful little girl in her arms. This one looked so much like her brother it was easy to identify who she was. She caught sight of Greg and Janine and grinned at them, and then cooed. It didn’t take Janine long to settle her next to Macy on their laps.

  “I love this,” Trixi murmured to Mark.

  “It’s fun to watch,” Mark agreed. He slid an arm around her and appeared to enjoy the show with her.

  A baby cried nearby and Shelby responded. She soon returned, carrying a nine-month-old boy, who stopped crying when she sat down and resumed eating. He made a game out of trying to grab her plate and his father’s.

  Seeing all these people interact and enjoy each other and their offspring was amazing. “Do Janine and Greg have children?” she asked in a low voice to Mark only.

  “No. Their careers have been such that they feel they shouldn’t.”

  Even though she didn’t understand, Trixi nodded. There was something dangerous lurking beneath the surface of this pair. Not dangerous to those they loved but for any who threatened the people this pair considered their own. Her eyes slid next to Ben and then to Sam Welby.

  “Good luck to anyone who tries to hurt these children.”

  Chapter 34

  “Well, you survived meeting the Morrisons,” Katy announced as they entered Trixi’s bedroom.

  “I never doubted I would.”

  Katy sent her a strange look. “Then what did you doubt?”

  “That my brand new, amazing relationship wouldn’t.”

  “Oh.” Katy waved her fears away as negligible. “The more I see you together the more convinced I am that Mark is besotted with you.”


  “In this case, yes.”

  “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes I do. I know you, and I know I’ve never seen you like this with a man.”

  “I’m not arguing about my feelings for him. I’m arguing about his feelings for me.” Trixi sank into the chair by the window and stared into the darkness beyond.

  Katy opened her mouth, but the window in front of Trixi exploded. Glass pieces spattered her and Trixi instinctively shielded her eyes.

  “Trixi?” Katy sprinted to her side. In the background, Trixi heard her shouting for Leo, but shock made everything seem suspended, like in gel, so it was springy and painless, and not really there.

  Hands joined Katy’s in grabbing her and yanked her away from the window. In the next moment, Mark arrived and took command. He quickly examined her. “Are you okay?” he kept asking, or maybe he took turns with Leo and Katy. She couldn’t tell.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted as chills set in. “What happened?”

  “The window shattered.” Katy’s voice was flat and stark.

  Leo, who was prowling near the window, suddenly sprinted out of the room. Trixi noticed but didn’t much care. Instead, she huddled close to Mark, trying to steal some of his warmth. The chills spread until she felt ice-coated. The only thing preventing the ice from overtaking her was hard male body against her.

  Other people rushed into the room, all of them asking questions, but Trixi wouldn’t let Mark go. He finally scooped her up and sat down on a different chair, a distance from the window. Settling her in his lap, she answered the police’s questions from the safety of his arms. She couldn’t tell them much.

  Katy didn’t either, although she offered more than Trixi. Arms wrapped around herself, Katy kept close to them. Mark tugged her down on the arm of the chair and kept a hand on her.

  At least until Leo returned. He wrapped Katy close and she tried to burrow into his skin. Trixi was aware of him and Mark communicating, but she wasn’t cognizant of what was decided. Instead, she leaned against Mark, wishing this hadn’t happened.

  She wasn’t even sure what had happened. When she asked, Mark told her they were still trying to figure it out.

  “Leo, did the dirtball put up any resistance?” A large, wide man in a police uniform questioned Leo. She wondered vaguely if this was the scary Morrison cousin they set on Chrissy. She shivered.

  “Yeah,” Leo spit out. His arms tightened around Katy. This wasn’t the easygoing pediatrician she knew. In his place was a warrior who would take care of his own.

  “Did anyone help you?”

  “Ben was here, and his team corralled the idiot. I arrived in time to help take him down.”

  Trixi sat up a little straighter. “Ben was here?”

  Leo’s deadly gaze turned to her. “I talked to him tonight about what’s been happening to you. He, Janine, Greg, and Welby came to take a look. They discovered the guy right after he lofted that brick through your window.”

  Ben appeared in the doorway. “He tried to throw an incendiary but Welby confiscated it.” He looked her over. “Are you all right?”

  Trixi nodded. Not that she was, but it seemed like the expected response.

  Ben moved out of the doorway to reveal Janine.

  “Welby and Greg?” he asked.

  “They’re cleaning up,” Janine answered.

  What did “cleaning up” mean? Since Trixi didn’t have the energy to ask, she refrained. Another shiver sped through her. Burrowing against Mark helped.

  Gran settled herself on the other side of Mark, her hand working in conjunction with his to soothe her. The police asked Gran questions and Trixi admired the pragmatic way she answered them. Succinctly and without drama. Gran should give lessons.

  Janine placed herself unobtrusively close. When she caught Trixi paying attention to her she smiled wryly. “I know there are three other doctors present, but I still want to evaluate you.” With this small statement, she picked up Trixi’s wrist and took her pulse.

  “I haven’t checked her much beyond the preliminaries,” Mark admitted. Leo nodded his agreement as did Katy who had wrapped herself around Leo. He held her just as tight. Katy’s huge eyes were probably a mirror image of her own.

  “I’ll do it,” Janine stated and with little fanfare, she dragged a medical bag closer and started a thorough medical examination. Trixi didn’t flinch, even when Janine cleaned a few open wounds. It didn’t sink in they were even on her face, until Mark leaned forward to watch Janine’s every movement.

  “I know this might come as a surprise, but I’m actually pretty competent, especially as a combat doctor.” Her voice was dry.

  “This is my woman you’re treating,” was all Mark said, but Janine nodded.

  Combat? She hadn’t been in combat. Then her eyes trailed to where her once intact window lay in shards across the carpet. Her striped curtains flapped in the busy breeze. That might account for part of the chill. She jerked her sweater a little closer and burrowed deeper into Mark.

  Greg and Sam entered her bedroom, carrying a window the exact same size and shape as the broken one. “Where did you find that?” Katy asked.

  “I told them where it was.” Gran’s hand kept up the soo
thing pattern.

  Gran had lived here mere weeks and she already knew the place better than Trixi. The two men removed the old window frame and inserted the new one with little fanfare and a lot of skill. It took them less than fifteen minutes to secure it in place and hand the old one over to the police.

  Janine finished her examination. “I think you’ll be fine, but you should have Mark check those cuts in the morning to make certain you don’t need stitches. I don’t believe you do, but they might look different in the light of day.”

  Her words seemed awfully prophetic.

  Chapter 35

  “What?” Nina rolled over and gazed up at Rylan, who was leaning over her. Glancing out the window, she noted it was barely dawn. Immediately her parental instincts roared in. “What happened?”

  “Someone tried to burn down Trixi’s house last night. With her, Mom, Mark, and I believe Katy and Leo, in it.” His mouth formed a grim line.

  “Oh no.” She sat up. “You didn’t sleep.”

  He shrugged. “I got a few hours before Mom called. I just wanted to let you know I’m heading over there.”

  She shoved the covers aside. “I’m coming with you.” When she tried to alight from the bed, he stopped her.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I know, but you might need support and I’m not staying here while you’re there. I might be able to help.” She said this in her firmest tone, because she was a parent as well. Besides, she adored his daughters.

  He looked relieved. “Thank you.”

  Nina smiled. “I’ll meet you in the front hall in ten minutes.”

  His eyebrows rose but he nodded. “Ten minutes?” he echoed with the trace of a smile.

  “Ten minutes,” she reiterated and flew toward the bathroom before he even exited the room. Being a working woman meant she had her morning routine down to nanoseconds. She knew exactly what she needed to do and set about accomplishing it.

  Nine minutes and forty-eight seconds later, she met him in the front hall. He looked so impressed she leaned up to kiss him. Rylan’s arm snaked around her and held her tight before he reluctantly released her.


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