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The Nightlife: London (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)

Page 13

by Luedke, Travis

  He slipped his fingers out, rubbing her wetness around, encircling her juicy clit. She murmured again. Careful not to hurt her, he slipped the head of his cock into her moist entry. She murmured again.

  “Damn she’s tight.”

  {{Stop messing around.}} Urvashi nudged again, and he pushed inside Katya further.

  She was slick, mostly ready, but so damn tight. He doubted he could fit all the way in her, but she felt so good, a warm wet glove, he probably didn’t need to.

  Aaron pushed a little harder and Katya’s head leaned back as she grunted. She would have been so wonderful as a lover, awake. She would probably hate him for doing this, but he couldn’t stop. The pressure was building with each sliding thrust that shoved her head up into the pillow. He tried not to hurt her, not to be rough, but she was so wonderfully tight. Her little sighing noises drove him mad. Deep in her mind, her unconscious thoughts bloomed with waves of pleasure and then spiked with pain from her wounds. Her mind cried out for more pleasure, deeper, harder, faster. He sunk his teeth into her shoulder, just to let his venom kill the pain. When her pain was washed away in the effects of his bite, he let go and focused on making love to her while she was still floating high on venom.

  She liked it. She liked the painkilling euphoria and the thrusting slide of his cock.

  {{Think about how you feel toward her. She wants this. She wants you. You want her. You want Katya to be strong and well. You want her to heal. Focus your will!}}

  He tried to think of these things, of his desire to heal her, of his strong feelings for her, but her warm bleeding body awoke another hunger. He wanted to fuck and bite her non-stop, to claim her, permanently. He could do it right now, bond her to him, and wear her tight glove every night.

  {{Stop trying to claim her! She needs to heal! Focus your mind and say the words with me. Vitae essentia est amor. Vitae essentia est amor. Live Katya live!}}

  He chanted the foreign words aloud with Urvashi in his mind, thrusting deep and hard into Katya. She began to move in time with him, curving her hips to meet him. Focused intently on the words and the act, he hit the magic moment. Aaron growled and cried out, “Vitae essentia est amor!”

  As he came, the most exquisite ecstasy flowed out of him into Katya. Life, energy, come, Qi, whatever, it all poured straight into her. Her back arched up and she tossed her head in a mighty roar. Her hands and legs clamped around him, and she rode his cock, growling and grinding her hot wet pussy hard and deep. She took all he had to give, milked him dry as she humped his wave of power to her own climax.

  Snarling like an animal, her hot wet cunt squirted all over his groin as she came in a full bodied spasm. Her feral, amber eyes opened wide and locked with his. Shock, fear, betrayal, pain, clouded by ecstasy and desire, her eyes held an entire world of conflicting emotions. As she cursed something in a foreign language and rose up to meet his cock buried all the way inside her, he felt a massive drain of strength and energy flowing out his groin into her. She took it all, every last ounce he had to give, and more. Clamped onto him, fucking him like a mad woman, Katya screamed in ecstasy.

  Then Urvashi screamed in his mind. {{You must stop! No more!}}

  In a blinding flash of light, Urvashi broke their connection and Aaron collapsed in exhaustion. His limp arms wouldn’t move to lift his weight off of Katya. His world faded to black.

  * * * *

  Chapter 22

  Michelle awoke to the fresh smell of blood calling her to feed. Her heart labored with a dull thud, her senses faded and then sharpened acutely. Her throat burned with a scratchy dry ache that only blood could quench. She had been here before, this close to death, and she need to feed immediately. She fought with the curtain wrapping that restrained her arms and worked her way free to track the blood scent. She found two warm, naked bodies pressed together, reeking of spilt blood. There was so much blood everywhere. She didn’t know where to start.

  Licking, suckling, lapping away, she took every last bit of blood she could find. And when the wounds were clean, she bit down and took more.

  “Michelle stop! She’s lost too much blood already!” Strong hands pried her away from the warm bloody flesh. “Here, Michelle, here.”

  He replaced the lost meal with his own arm, and she bit down. She recognized the unique taste of her lover, Aaron. She fed until he murmured against her ear, “Please stop Michelle. That’s enough.”

  Though she desperately wanted more, needed more, she stopped at his insistence. Exhaustion and pain dragged her back down to sleep, curled around the warm bodies under the covers.

  * * * *

  By the time Aaron convinced Michelle to stop feeding, he’d gone dizzy and sick to his stomach. He sighed in relief when she finally fell back asleep. It was always touch and go in dealing with a vampire who needs blood that bad.

  Untangling her arms and legs from his body, he looked over Katya. With all the blood and gore gone, she was even more beautiful in her naked vulnerability. She murmured something and reached around him to pull him back down on top of her – totally subconscious – but still adorable. Her wounds were raw, but Michelle had done a thorough job of cleaning. The difference was phenomenal. Dark blotches encircled Katya’s eyes, and each of the gunshot wounds had purplish bruising, not exactly great, but for a woman who had been on the edge of death, she looked pretty damn good.

  As he sat up, slipping out of her weak embrace, something hard rolled under his hip. He looked down to find three bloody spent slugs on the bed. But how? It must have happened during the sexual healing episode. That goofy seventies tune went off in his head, “Sexual healing baby, oohhh!”

  “I must be losing my mind.” He laughed: a haggard rough sound.

  Then he realized Katya was mostly human, and she probably needed fluids, now. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and coaxed her to drink some, little by little. He poured tiny bits into her mouth and whispered, “Drink, please drink. You need water. Drink it, Katya.” Her eyes crept open, only partially lucid, but they had returned to that blue-grey color. The amber-gold of the wolf was gone.

  Exhausted and drained, starving for fresh blood, Aaron staggered to the shower and cleaned up. His shoulder had mostly healed. The wound was still visible, but it had scabbed over, and he knew it would be fully healed very soon.

  Clothing options were limited. His shirt and pea coat were caked in blood. He scrubbed up the coat as best he could, but the shirt was a lost cause. Aaron rummaged through Katya’s drawers and found a white t-shirt that fit kinda snug, and buttoned up his coat to go hunting.

  On his way out the door, he dialed up his master who he hadn’t heard from since the sexual healing episode where she cut him off so abruptly. {{Hey, Urvashi, are you okay? Where are you, what’s going on?}}

  She took her time coming back to him. He sensed fatigue and anxiety. {{I am still in Moscow, and yes I am okay, but things here are not okay.}}

  {{I remember you were hurt, what happened?}}

  {{I am recovered now. I will return for you soon. We can talk then.}}

  No answers, no insights, nothing. She cut him off and that was that.

  Urvashi was a big girl. She could certainly take care of herself. Heading straight for the nearest pub, Aaron planned to gorge himself on any woman in the building. He had to focus on taking care of his own, Michelle and Katya. The girls needed him, and he needed to feed.

  * * * *

  Katya dreamt of Aaron making love to her, his hard pale body thrusting between her legs, her hands gripping his ass, biting his shoulder when the ridges of his cock rubbed against her sore pussy. Though it hurt, it was the right kind of hurt, something she had gone without for too long.

  Her dreams of delicious sliding, humping, grinding, grunting sex continued endlessly, broken only by periods of pain and soreness. Always it was Aaron who took her pain. He knew where it hurt, and then his warm, wet love slathered all over her pain and washed it away with blissful euphoria.

She floated in a half-life, a purgatory of burning pain and decadent pleasure, vacillating between heaven and hell. Many times over, Aaron quenched the fires of her agony, murmuring foreign words, and soothing her body with sex and pleasure. Wet slippery tongues slid over her painful wounds, cleansing away the pain. She had learned that whenever it hurt, a tongue would make it better.

  It seemed Aaron had been making love to her for days on end. She knew the contours of his back, his ass, and those hard-toned shoulders. She had grown to desire the strength of his thighs bearing down into her with powerful thrusts, hitting her very core. She was familiar with the way his erection slid in and hit that spot, how she popped her hips to help him.

  And always Aaron stared at her with such intensely focused concentration. Like now, as his thighs pounded his cock into her sopping wet cunt and her head squished into the pillow. She convulsed around him, wishing he’d never stop, angling to help his thrust hit where she liked it most. Holding his shoulders, whimpering with the sensations of hardness buried in her, she realized this wasn’t a dream at all. Somehow, this creature she once abhorred had worked his way into her bed, into her very soul. Then he thrust in painfully hard, the way he had been doing it all along, carrying her over her peak.

  “Oye! Lyubit’ menya sil’neye!” Love me harder. She wanted it, hard, fast, deep, just like she knew he was capable of giving it to her.

  As she clenched around him, spasming in joyous climax, her arms and legs holding him tight, he spoke the same words she remembered hearing many times over. “Vitae essentia est amor.”

  The essence of life is love? Since when did this pale vampire love her? And why did the idea seem so appealing?

  She had learned some Italian while traveling Europe, and the Latin counterpart sounded very similar. Her hands flowed over ass and thighs that she already knew intimately. When did this happen? How did she end up with a vampire between her legs? Why was she enjoying him so damn much?

  A feeling of wondrous euphoria and well-being infused her from head to toe, warming her whole body, like roasting in a tanning bed. This was what she had been striving for, this feeling he had given her so many times. She remembered this feeling.

  No man had ever given her this kind of joy with his cock.

  She thought back, trying to trace this incredible turn of events. She recalled arguing and wrestling with Aaron, Ivan kicking in the door, she left the apartment for some fresh air … the Colombians! The Albanians! Bastard Colombians took her back to that fucking strip bar. And then that fucker Luis tried to rape her.

  She gutted the greasy wankers, and then she was out of the room, fighting, shooting, Ivan was there …

  Then death, grief, and pain, the explosive backlash of her packmate’s demise had been so overwhelming, and it was hitting her now, anew. “Abram, Vitaly! My brothers are dead!” She cried out, tears streaming down her face. Her packmates were gone.

  She had been bound to her brothers in the pack for decades. She had once talked of mating with Vitaly, had even tried, though they were not compatible. She loved Vitaly as a man and a friend, a brother in the pack, a comrade in arms. They had run together in the forests, hunted together, made love countless times. And Abram, he was like the younger brother she never had. He was the newest of the pack, joined barely twenty years ago. Abram had not embraced the life immediately. It was only after Katya spent many hours teaching him control, how to tap into the strength of the wolf, how to hunt, the freedom and joys of the change, and showed him the benefits of having the pack as your family for guidance and support. She had been so proud of Abram once he found his place in the pack and in his new life. The sudden pain of their loss twisted in her chest as if it had just happened. A sob choked from her throat.

  Aaron watched her, concern etched into his beautiful, pale face. He laid his weight into her and hugged her tight. “Shhh, it’s okay. It’ll be alright.” Then he did what he had been doing for who knows how long – he bit her.

  The momentary sting was quickly replaced with a wholly different kind of joy and sensation. A feeling like no other, but she remembered this too. Holding her, his teeth in her neck, he brought her to a second climax in seconds. All her pain and grief washed away. There was only this wonderful hard body wrapped around her, buried inside her, and the heavenly sensations assaulting her senses.

  She quieted in his arms, absorbing all the comfort she could take. She’d rather not think about the horrifying ramifications. Katya needed Aaron in this moment, and facing harsh reality was the last thing she wanted to do.

  Crying through her grief, content in Aaron’s arms, a second set of pale limbs snaked around her and Aaron to join their intimate embrace. Beautiful pale breasts pressed up against Katya’s arm. Blonde hair and emerald eyes assessed her with a quiet intensity and then Michelle kissed her on the cheek.

  “Je suis désolée.” I am sorry. Then Michelle petted her hair, as if they were friends … or lovers.

  A fucking sandwich. She was the bloody meat in their god-damned vampire’s sandwich.

  As the unpleasant truth of her situation became apparent, the question came to mind. “Where’s Ivan? What happened to Ivan?”

  Aaron lifted his head from her neck, licked her blood off his lips and assessed her seriously. “We haven’t seen him for three nights. He had been shot, but … he changed. I left him as a wolf at The Rocking Horse.”

  “Shit!” She scrambled away to sit up against the pillows and headboard, suddenly embarrassed at her nudity. The naked vampires watched her as she covered her breasts and pulled her hair behind her ear nervously. “He should be back by now. He didn’t have clothes … It wasn’t planned. Oh god, it’s all fucked up!”

  “He did take off his coat and shirt beforehand, but, it was real mess, and who knows where he went from there.”

  “On the streets? We never change in the city. To be loose on the streets, all the innocent people …” The thought of Ivan killing innocents and being hunted by authorities terrified her.

  “Well, aren’t you connected to him? Can’t you like … check on him or something?” Aaron pulled up the blanket for her, respecting her modesty.

  “I know he’s okay, but I don’t know if I can find him, not if he’s gone native. Ivan has always been able to find the pack, no matter where we go, it’s one of his gifts. And the pack has done this before, sending me out into enemy hands so Ivan can track me, but I can’t track him like that. We’re not all the same.”

  They just watched her, unblinking. She began to understand how small animals feel under the watchful gaze of predators. “So, what’s … why are we …” She held out her hands at them and the bed. “I don’t remember how we ended up … like this.”

  Aaron cracked a smile, and Michelle smiled along with him, all their sharp teeth grinning at her. He ran his hands through his hair, and looked at Michelle, and then back at Katya, and she suddenly realized he was embarrassed. “I didn’t know what to do for you. It was bad. You’d been shot several times, and I couldn’t stop the bleeding.”

  Katya nodded, and waited for Aaron to get to the part about going balls deep in her like a ruddy Mardi gras orgy.

  “So, I asked Urvashi, and she sort of coached me. I didn’t even know it was possible. She’s very … gifted, and somehow because of my connection to her, that means I’m also … gifted.”

  Surprised, but still waiting, she nodded. “And what does this have to do with you fucking my brains out?”

  “It turns out there is a way to help you heal, very fast. Urvashi showed me how.”

  “By banging me till my toes curl up?”

  “Basically, yes.”

  “How many times?”

  If vampires could blush, then Aaron was blushing. “I promised Ivan I would take care of you. This whole mess was my responsibility. I had to make sure you healed as quickly as possible. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know jack about wounds or infections or any of that shit. Urvashi thought you had gone into shock. So
I did the only thing I knew for sure would help. And I did it a lot.”

  “How many times?”

  “I think I lost count yesterday.” The bastard was grinning again.

  “And the biting? How was that helping me to bury your teeth in my neck?”

  “Our bite is a potent pain killer, and it helps to get things going, to warm you up. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “One good chomp to lube me up, eh? A smashing time for all.”

  Michelle’s tongue slid out, reaching down below her chin, the very tip curled up towards Katya and then slurped back into her mouth. “If you prefer, I can warm you up.”

  “I don’t do girls, and I don’t do vampires, and I especially don’t do two at once. It’s a wonder I survived this long with you two treating me like a bloody chew-toy.”

  “Actually, we weren’t feeding. We cleaned up your wounds, but nothing more. I bit you for the taste, just to get my venom into your bloodstream. Like I said, it helps.”

  “Okay Mr. I-didn’t-inhale. Gone to college with the Clintons, eh?”

  He laughed. The bastard had been banging her stupid for days and nights, biting her repeatedly with his devil’s teeth, and he laughed like it meant nothing. She knew him too well, like old lovers. How the hell did she get to know his body so damn well in such a short time? Her hands shook, betraying her inner turmoil. “I don’t need any more of your kind of help, thank you very much.”

  “I didn’t see you complaining a few minutes ago. Looked like you were enjoying my help.” His eyes penetrated into her soul. She remembered those eyes hovering over her, making love to her, pouring himself into her body like a man possessed.

  She felt her reaction to him. Her nipples hardened again. Her sore pussy wetted for more. He already had her trained to perform like a damn bloodslave. She didn’t believe for one minute they hadn’t been feeding from her. She knew the truth.


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