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Pregnant with His Werewolf's Baby

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by Anya Byrne

  It was seriously hard for Saul not to look threatening to the already scared human when his instincts had him all riled up and his dick had gone… well, hard. Still, he must have succeeded to mask at least a part of his natural urges because the human didn't try to break away from him again. His hand felt so small and soft in Saul's own, and it just made Saul imagine how it might touch his dick.

  By the time they abandoned the dance floor, Saul had managed to weave quite a web of sexual fantasies. He shook them off and guided his prey to the bar. When they were a little safer, he finally addressed the young human.

  "Hi," he greeted the little morsel. "Would you like me to buy you a drink?"

  The young man shot him a hesitant smile. "S-Sure," he stammered. "Thanks. And thank you for back there."

  Even over the thump-thump of the obscenely loud music in the club, Saul could hear the human's heartbeat racing. He could smell his nervousness and uncertainty, and it stirred something protective in Saul's heart. "No problem. I'm Saul Simmons," he introduced himself, surprised at his own words even as he said them. He never told his hook-ups his real name, and they never asked. He didn't want to analyze the reason why he'd changed that tonight, and instead asked, "What's your name?"

  "Gavin Price." His big brown eyes fixed on Saul's face and the innocent anxiousness inside them reminded Saul of a deer just waiting to be devoured. It was probably a poor simile, because that simple look almost did what no wolf, no matter how ferocious, had managed—bring Saul to his knees.

  Saul cleared his throat and gestured for the bartender to approach. The guy did and eyed Gavin with curiosity. "Guess not, huh?" he asked Saul with a grin in reference to their earlier conversation. He didn't sound too upset and, without further comment, he turned toward Gavin. "What can I get you?"

  Saul didn't bother to answer the bartender's first inquiry and just arched a brow at Gavin, urging him to provide a reply for the latter. "Umm… Just a soda, please," Gavin requested. "I'm not really much into alcoholic drinks."

  "Probably a good thing for a kid your age," the bartender said as he slid Gavin a coke. Maybe he wasn't so happy at being rebuffed, after all.

  Gavin blinked, as if taken aback by the comment. "Appearances can be deceiving. I'm twenty-nine," he argued with a pissed-off huff.

  The bartender didn't even grace that with a reply. He just went ahead to serve different customers. For his part, Saul just eyed Gavin, intrigued. His instincts told him Gavin wasn't lying, but Gavin's words still surprised him. Maybe it wasn't even the words themselves, but the hint of frustration underneath them. His prey had fire.

  "You get that a lot, I'm guessing," Saul said.

  "Yeah," Gavin replied. "They barely let me in here at all. I got lucky that one of the bouncers knew me from my job."

  "What do you do?" Saul asked, wondering what kind of job would put Gavin in contact with the beefy guys who acted as bouncers for the club.

  "I'm a guidance councilor for high school students," Gavin replied. "What about you?"

  This was a seriously strange conversation to have with a potential hook-up, but thankfully, Saul had an answer ready. "I'm an accountant."

  "Accountant?" Gavin repeated in obvious disbelief. "Are you serious?"

  "Well, you know what they say. Appearances can be deceiving."

  The nice thing was that he didn't even have to lie. Saul truly did handle the finances of the entire pack and audited all pack-led businesses. When he didn't have his hands full with that, he did commissioned work for human firms. It worked well enough, and the freelancing part meant he didn't have to give any uncomfortable explanations as to why his eyes tended to change color and his teeth sometime became fangs. For his part, Gavin seemed tickled by the way Saul had quoted him. He took a sip from his soda and replied, "Quite."

  Silence stretched between them—well, kind of, since the notes of the music still echoed erratically over the building. Not wanting the conversation to die, Saul scrambled for a topic. "So, at the risk of being a complete cliché, I haven't seen you around here," he said.

  "This really isn't my kind of place," Gavin admitted. As if to confirm his words, a large drunk human stumbled close to the bar, invading Gavin's personal space.

  With a yelp, Gavin moved forward and ended up right in Saul's arms. The soda clattered to the floor, spilling all over the place. Saul would have been pissed and gotten growly, but his arms automatically went around Gavin and he couldn't remember how to become angry. The younger man fit just right against him, so very fucking right. The scent of his hair invaded Saul's nostrils, stirring an instinct as old as time.

  Emotion bloomed inside Saul, brighter and deeper than anything he'd ever felt in his life. He didn't even have thoughts, let alone words to describe it. A million images flashed through his mind. Holding hands on the fourth of July and kissing in the light of the fireworks. Running through the forest, playing a game of catch werewolf style. Making out naked in the creek by Saul's pack house. Building a home of their own.

  Saul had heard many things about the moment when he found his mate, but he hadn't expected it to feel like this. Perhaps he should have realized it sooner, from the moment he'd met Gavin's eyes and took in his delicious scent. But he had not expected to find his mate today, let alone that his mate would be a human. Not that it mattered. He didn't know if those flashes brought him insight on the future, but God, he definitely hoped so.

  A shiver coursed down his spine, and he tightened his hold on Gavin. He must have been acting quite oddly because Gavin cupped his cheek with striking gentleness. "Saul, are you okay?"

  His mate's touch almost made Saul lose all control. He reined in his wolf, since howling in victory and bending Gavin over the bar didn't seem like a valid option for the way this night would go. "Yeah," he replied after a few seconds. "Never better."

  Gavin eyed him with obvious uncertainty. "Would you like to get out of here?" he suggested. "Maybe you got light-headed because of all the smoke."

  It took far more than a little smoke and alcohol to bring down a werewolf. Apparently, it took a gorgeous human with big brown eyes and a shy smile. Either way, Saul leapt at the chance Gavin offered him. "Sure, let's go. We can get a late dinner or something."

  "I'd like that," Gavin said, his full lips twisting into a wide smile.

  Even if Gavin had agreed to his offer, Saul found it hard to let go of the other man. Seeing Gavin now, from up close, made him reevaluate his legacy and appreciate his advanced senses more than ever. Gavin's flawless skin, the elegant, aristocratic curve of his nose, the light flush of his cheeks—everything about him drew Saul in, aroused him beyond belief.

  He forced himself to release Gavin because he didn't want to spook the human. "Where do you want to go?" he asked.

  Gavin shrugged. "I'm not picky. Somewhere we don't need a reservation or a dress code."

  Saul kind of wanted to woo Gavin with a candle-lit dinner—and where the hell had that impulse come from?—but that would have to wait. "How about some waffles?" he suggested.

  "Sounds great."

  Already making plans on how to seduce Gavin further, Saul left money on the counter for Gavin's soda and guided the young human toward the entrance. He caught a few jealous glances from other guys—which Gavin seemed completely oblivious to. Saul bared his teeth at his would-be opponents and predictably, they backed off. Thank fuck Saul had found him first. If he'd run into Gavin while someone else was touching him, there would have been one less asshole on the planet. And okay, maybe he should have been a little more freaked out about finding a human mate. Humans and werewolves didn't mix, not at that level. But now that he realized the truth, Saul couldn't have cared less about the rules of his kind. His animal side identified Gavin as his mate, and he was also drawn to Gavin at a human level.

  Wrapping a protective arm around Gavin's waist, he led his mate—shit, his mate—to the exit. One of the bouncers narrowed his eyes at him, but Saul just smirked in challenge. That was
probably the student Gavin had mentioned. It looked like Gavin had some admirers among his students, or ex-students.

  Well, admirers or no, Gavin belonged to Saul. Now, if only he could convince Gavin of that too.

  Chapter Three

  Gavin had no idea what he was doing. He knew next to nothing about the clubbing scene, and he'd only found out about the location of the establishment he'd gone to because one of his high school students had confessed to sneaking inside using a fake ID.

  And now, here he was, in a quaint little coffee shop, sipping shakes and eating waffles with the hottest guy he'd ever seen in his life. Literally, Saul dripped sexuality, in that I'm-a-bad-boy-and-you-know-you-want-me kind of way. Gavin had managed to cop a feel when he'd stumbled into Saul and even if it hadn't been intentional, he'd gotten a clue of the muscles hiding behind Saul's clothes. Not that the garments in question did a good job to disguise Saul's hotness. Heck, Gavin had stolen a glimpse at Saul's crotch and could have sworn those tight leather pants must have been painted on just to outline the other man's dick.

  Gavin felt his face flame as the memory caused his own cock to perk up. He focused on his shake and sucked the frozen liquid through the straw, so quickly he almost gave himself a brain freeze.

  Somewhat embarrassed, he looked up at Saul, only to find the other man watching him with an odd expression on his face. A few moments passed while they just stared at each other, and then his not-quite-date grinned. "This is kind of awkward, isn't it?"

  Gavin mentally sighed. Saul probably didn't have any interest in him after tonight. Gavin was well aware of that. But Saul had still been so nice to him. Hell, Gavin felt safer with him than he ever had with Richard whom he'd known for months before they'd even moved in together. And even with all this, Gavin was somehow managing to screw it all up. "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm probably boring you already."

  "Not at all," Saul replied. "To be perfectly honest, I don't usually go for waffles and shakes with guys I meet in clubs, so I'm not really sure how to act either. But I'm more than willing to learn, if you'll be patient with me."

  Gavin nearly swallowed his tongue at the emotion he read in Saul's voice, and in his gorgeous gray eyes. Damn it, he'd never known there were so many shades of gray in his life. Those deep orbs seemed to pierce his soul, making him want to crawl into Saul's lap, or maybe even to slide under the table and take Saul's dick into his mouth. And God, wasn't it telling that he'd already started to have erotic fantasies about Saul?

  Saul's nostrils flared and he leaned closer to Gavin. Gavin licked his lips, enraptured, aching for him. His hand itched to reach out and test the softness of Saul's dark, closely-cropped hair, but he was afraid that if he did that, he might not be able to stop himself from going further.

  Saul didn't seem to have the same scruples. Pushing the now empty shake glass aside, he brushed his fingers over Gavin's lips. Every single muscle in Gavin's body became hyper aware of Saul's proximity, just through that simple, nearly platonic touch.

  He'd have liked to open his mouth and suck in Gavin's fingers, but he didn't dare. Saul pulled the digits away before Gavin could muster the courage. Gavin's mind almost melted when Saul actually licked his fingers, explaining, "You had a drop of shake there."

  "T-Thank you," Gavin stammered. Shit, how could he be so eloquent in his job and suck so badly at romance?

  Fortunately for him, Saul kept the conversation going, preventing them from falling into awkward silence once more. "Can I ask you a question, Gavin?"

  Technically speaking, Saul had already asked him something—but that was beside the point. Gavin couldn't have refused to answer Saul if his life depended on it. "Sure."

  "Why did you come to that club in the first place? What were you looking for?"

  The inquiry snapped Gavin out of his lust-induced trance, and he hesitated. Saul pinned him with that deep gray gaze and said, "You don't have to answer me if you don't want to."

  "That's not it," Gavin said quickly. "I just… You'll probably think I'm crazy."

  Hell, Gavin had told himself more than once how insane this entire plan had been, and if not for meeting Saul, he'd have long ago retreated to the safety of his own home. Saul chuckled. "I doubt that, but even if it's true, crazy isn't always a bad thing. So try me."

  Something in Saul's easy going demeanor—or maybe just the fact that the man seemed torn out of Gavin's most erotic wet dreams—made Gavin nod. Against all odds, he began to explain his problem, pouring his heart out to this stranger, "See, I have… intimacy problems. I can't really trust other people, so I've never managed to… you know… give myself to anyone."

  Saul literally reeled back, like he'd expected anything but that. "You're a virgin?"

  Gavin winced. "It's kind of a long story, but yes." He didn't want to tell Saul about all the baggage he carried. The virgin thing might have already taken care of whatever interest Saul had in him.

  But maybe all he had to do was to make it clear that he didn't want to be a virgin anymore. "I've had a lot of problems holding onto relationships because of it, so I decided to just take the step today and be done with it. Maybe this way, I'll finally get over my problem."

  For a few moments, Saul didn't even speak at all. He scrutinized Gavin's face in silence, as if he was seeking an answer to a question Gavin couldn't hear. When he spoke, his voice was so low and husky it seemed to come from another world.

  "I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, Gavin," he said. "I'm so aroused now that a part of me can only think about bending you over the table and fucking you right here, where everyone can see you're mine."

  The last words of the phrase were marked by a shockingly animalistic growl. Much to his dismay, Gavin released a little whimper. He'd never thought himself an exhibitionist, but the image Saul conjured appealed to him so much he just wanted to leap over the table and spread his legs. What was wrong with him? What was it about Saul that made Gavin wish for so many things he'd never even dared to consider?

  Saul's hands clenched the sides of the table, his knuckles going white. "You have no idea how hard it is for me not to take you. But you can't take shortcuts with this type of things. It'll just hurt more in the end."

  Gavin opened his mouth to reply, then closed it once again. He was probably doing a pretty good impersonation of a fish, but he didn't know what to think. Saul seemed to genuinely want him. Gavin might not have experience in bed, but he could tell when a guy desired him, and Saul definitely did. On the other hand, Saul had refused Gavin's thinly veiled offer.

  "Would you hurt me?" Gavin asked when he found his voice.

  Saul sighed heavily. "I'm not a good man, Gavin. There are a lot of things about me that you don't know. But no, I'd never hurt you. I swear it to the moon."

  The odd phrasing amused Gavin and he stole a look out the window. From his seat at the table, he could get a clear look of the night sky. "To the moon, huh? That's actually quite beautiful."

  "The moon itself is beautiful," Saul replied. After a small pause, he added, "I know this will probably sound like a tremendous cliché, but you're even lovelier."

  Just like that, Gavin knew. Something clicked in his heart, and he was flooded with the sudden realization that this was it. This was the moment he'd been waiting for. He didn't even care about what Richard had said earlier. When he'd met Saul, the course of his life, and his destiny had changed.

  Straightening his back, he faced Saul and said, "Saul, I want to be with you. Won't you make love to me tonight?"


  Hearing Gavin's soft, but decisive words was like having the promise of heaven within his grasp, so close, yet so far away. Saul snapped his teeth—now fangs—together to choke his howl in his throat. He released the scratched table and buried his claws into his own flesh, hoping that the slight pain would give him an anchor.

  Predictably, it didn't work in the slightest, and his dick persisted in throbbing between his legs. His inability to speak made Gavin's
shy smile fade into an uncertain frown, which ironically reawakened Saul's human vocal cords. "If you're sure," he said, "there's nothing I want more."

  Getting up, he retrieved a couple of bills from his wallet and left them on the table to pay for their drinks and waffles. He'd probably overpaid with about double of what the meal cost, but he couldn't have cared less.

  Interestingly, Gavin seemed both put out and touched at the gesture. "We can share the bill," he said quickly. "I should pay for my part."

  "Don't worry about it," Saul said, offering his hand to the other man. "It's my treat. And I think that we have more interesting things to worry about than a bill. Don't you agree?"

  Gavin blushed, but nodded and took Saul's hand without further protest. As Saul guided Gavin out of the diner, he marveled at how right it felt to be close to Gavin. He couldn't help but wrap an arm around Gavin's shoulders, and Gavin leaned close to him naturally, like they were longtime lovers, not strangers who'd met in a club an hour before.

  It seemed that even if Gavin was human, he still felt their mate bond at some level. That encouraged Saul, because he had no intentions of abandoning his other half now that he'd finally found him. Of course, convincing his pack to accept it wouldn't be easy, but for Gavin, Saul would do anything—even being a lone wolf if that was necessary.

  One particularly unwise human decided to test Saul's resolve. As Saul and Gavin exited the diner, an intoxicated man stumbled past them and sneered. "Faggots."

  Normally, Saul would have ignored it. He didn't care about what humans thought of him, and if they tried anything other than an insult, he could handle it with ease. Besides, werewolves were required to keep a low profile so that they could preserve the secrecy of their species.

  But Gavin tensed, and Saul could sense that the word had bothered his mate. His wolf reared out angrily, and in mere instants, he leapt on the bigot and pinned him to a nearby wall. Easily lifting the human in the air with one single hand, he growled. "Say that again. To my face."


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