Hard Stick
Page 12
He lifted his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. “All you have to do is hold on.” Placing his hands on my waist, he turned me around so I faced the mirror with him at my back. I watched as his hands splayed across my stomach and then went under my shirt to my breasts, squeezing them. “Do you like watching me touch you?”
“Yes,” I breathed, leaning back into him. He lifted my shirt and bra over my head and groaned when he saw my naked flesh in the mirror.
“I think I like watching it, too.” His fingers pinched my nipples and I jumped, earning a deep chuckle that rumbled in his chest. Next he lowered his hands to the waistband of my skirt and slid it to the floor, along with my underwear. He kept his gaze on mine as he dropped his jeans to the ground and pressed his rigid cock against my ass. “Do you think you’ll like watching me make love to you?”
My clit throbbed and I grew wet between my legs. “You have no idea.”
Turning me around, he picked me up in his arms and I straddled his waist. Then he walked forward, until my back was against one of the mirrors. It was cold, but it instantly warmed up from the heat of my body. “Hold on tight, buttercup.” He circled his cock along my opening and moaned when he could feel how soaked I was for him. Not wasting any time, he slammed into me and I cried out, leaning my head against the mirror.
He bent down and flicked his tongue across my nipple, biting at the same time he plunged deep. In the mirror, I saw his muscles contract and his ass tighten with each thrust. I loved watching him make love to me.
As he bounced me up and down, I held on to his shoulders as my sweaty skin made noises against the mirror. Burying his head in my hair, he breathed me in and held me tighter, his cock lengthening inside of me. He was close. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”
On the verge of orgasm, I moaned and dug my nails into his back. “Yes,” I whispered heatedly. I tightened my legs around his waist and rocked my hips against his, the perfect friction. The second he felt me tighten against his cock, he grunted with each thrust, pulsating inside of me. I cried out his name as my body exploded all around him. He trembled and jerked, slowing his pace until every single drop of him was released inside of me.
Breathing hard, he switched places with me and leaned his back against the mirror, lowering us to the floor. He watched over my shoulder and smiled, no doubt staring at my bare backside. “You are so fucking sexy,” he said.
Holding me down tightly on top of him and using my ass as leverage, he rubbed me along his spent cock.
“Let me guess; you want to watch me make love to you now?” I smiled as I pushed my core into his growing arousal.
“You’re going to have to work for it, babe. It’s what you get for leaving me high and dry. You up for the task?”
I raised my eyebrows and smirked. Lifting my hips, I maneuvered his slippery, semihard dick into me and sat down…feeling his come seep out of my body, coating my thighs. Thankfully, there were stacks of towels in the corner, because we were going to need them. “You better believe it.”
By the time we got done and cleaned up, an hour had passed. I could feel my face reddening when we walked out into the hallway and Dallas spotted us. “It’s about damn time you two got done,” he teased. “We’re all in the kitchen waiting to take our victory shots.”
“Oh my God, please tell me no one else knows what we were doing.”
Dallas winked. “When our captain and his girl go missing, it’s not hard to guess. Now suck it up, it’s time to party.”
Kellan put his arm around me and I could tell my face was beet red. I had to admit, it was fun while we were doing it.
Chapter 18
Two weeks had passed and it was time for Brooklyn to arrive. I paced the front porch, waiting for her and Jason to come down the driveway. When I saw them in Aylee’s Jeep, I bounced down the stairs. Before Jason could come to a stop, Brooklyn jumped out and raced to me.
“I’ve missed you!” she cried, almost knocking me down to the ground.
Tears flooded my eyes and I squeezed her tight. “I’ve missed you, too. I’m so glad you’re here.”
She let me go and cupped my cheeks. “Me, too. We have lots to catch up on.”
Jason took Brooklyn’s bag out of the car and set it by the front door. “All right, ladies, I’m outta here. Good luck tomorrow.”
I waved. “Thanks, Jason. I’m gonna need it.” He got back into the Jeep and left. Tomorrow I was going to see Cole’s parents with Brooklyn. I was terrified of how they were going to handle it. Would they be happy I was back? Or angry because I kept them in the dark for so long? What really scared me was how they were going to handle the news of Cole’s death. All they’d ever known was a lie, that it was an accident. They needed to know the truth, and that one day, Mitchell would pay for what he did. I couldn’t imagine what it’d feel like to see someone that you thought was dead.
Brooklyn looked up at the house and sighed. “The place still looks the same. Thank you for taking care of it.”
“All I do is live in it and keep it clean. Jason still mows the grass. The pond is my favorite, though. After Aylee and I finish our workouts, I’ll lie on the grass and just listen to the water.”
“Let’s do it then,” she said, marching toward the pond. “How’s the sparring going?”
We sat down by the water and lay back on the grass. “Good. I’ve come a long way since I first started. I feel like I’m actually strong enough to hurt someone.”
She snickered. “I’d like to see that. Maybe I should’ve gotten Camden to come out here.”
“Yeah, right. He’d toss me around like I was nothing. I don’t even know if I’d be able to fight off Mitchell if he found me. I haven’t been able to use what I know on someone real. I can’t exactly use my full strength on Aylee.”
She sighed. “True. But Mitchell’s not going to find you now. You have me, my brother, and Aylee.” Then she nudged me in the side. “And a sexy hockey star if I’m not mistaken. How’s that going, by the way?”
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. “Pretty good,” I said, turning to look at her. I couldn’t hold back my smile. That was what Kellan did to me.
“I know what that smile means. You’re really into this guy, aren’t you?”
“It’s hard not to be. For the longest time, I was wrong about him. He’s not the dirty bastard some of his friends are. He even got his father to help me build up my client list. I think I’m ready to apply at M&M.”
Her eyes went wide. “Really? You’re finally gonna do it?”
For the past two weeks, I’d been working nonstop. I could probably make a living working on my own, but I really wanted a company like M&M at my back. They were the best and if they accepted me, I’d be set for life.
Breathing the fresh air, I rested on my elbows. “I believe I am. I’m ready to get on with my life. No more being afraid.”
Brooklyn sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder. “What about Kellan? I know he knows a little bit about your past, but are you going to truly let him in?”
“How am I going to do that?”
A sad smile spread across her face. “I have an idea where to start.”
Chapter 19
Kristen: Hey, what are you doing?
I looked out my kitchen window to my dad, who was sitting on the dock.
Me: Getting ready to go outside. You about to leave?
Kristen: Yes. I’m nervous.
Me: I wish I could be there with you. I’ll be here when you get back.
Today she was going to see Cole’s parents, to let them know she was still alive. For the past two days, she’d been spending time with her friend Brooklyn. I knew she needed to catch up with her, but I hated not being with her when I knew she was going through hard times. I’d have given anything to be with her, too. I didn’t like it, but if she needed the space to deal with her past, I’d gladly give it. I just wished she trusted me.
When she didn’t text back, I grabbed two beers and walked outside to join my dad. It was the first week in November and the weather was cool, the sun hidden behind the clouds making it even cooler. Everything was quiet except the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.
“You and Kristen have been inseparable the past couple of weeks. I’m shocked I haven’t seen her around the last few days. Everything okay?”
I sat down and opened my beer. “Everything’s good. One of her friends flew in from California so she’s visiting with her,” I said, glancing back at my dad. He smiled over at me and baited his hook.
I cast my fishing line out into the water and sat back against my dock post. It was the perfect day to fish, and since Kristen was with Brooklyn, I needed something to clear my mind. I knew today was going to be hard on her and I really wanted to be with her. But I had to give her the space she needed.
“What does this make now, a month of being with the same girl?” he asked, tossing his line out.
I couldn’t help but smile. “Yep. It’s a world record for me.”
“She seems to really be into you. Although, I couldn’t help but notice something.”
Furrowing my brows, I looked over at him. “What?”
“Why don’t you two ever get pictures taken together? The media keeps asking for it, but every time it comes up, she runs and hides. Don’t you find that odd? Don’t get me wrong, I like the girl, but she’s hiding something.”
I shook my head. “No, she’s not, Dad. There’s a perfectly good reason she can’t be in pictures with me. You have to trust me on this. She’s not ashamed to be seen with me if that’s what you’re thinking.”
He chuckled. “That was my first thought, but I knew it couldn’t be true. Is everything okay?”
“It will be as long as she stays off the radar.”
A car door slammed and then another. I looked up the hill toward my house, and a few seconds later, Kristen came into view, dressed in a pair of jeans and light pink top. Following behind her must’ve been Brooklyn. I recognized her from some of the pictures Kristen showed me the other night while we were sitting on her front porch. I got up and handed my dad my fishing pole.
“Hey,” I said, hurrying toward Kristen. She gave me a small smile and waved. “What are you doing here? I thought you two were going to be busy today.”
She nodded. “We are, but then I realized I couldn’t do this without you.” Her gaze drifted to my dad sitting on the dock. “But if you need to stay here that’s fine.”
I reached for her and pulled her into my arms. “No, I’m coming with you. I was worried about you.” I squeezed her tight and she sighed.
Wiping her eyes, she pulled back and placed a hand on Brooklyn’s shoulder. “This is Brooklyn. She wanted to meet you.”
Brooklyn held out her hand and I shook it. “It’s good to finally meet you,” I said. “Kristen’s talked about you a lot.”
She smiled. “Likewise. I’ve seen you around town several times before.”
Kristen’s hands shook but she clasped them together. “We probably need to go before I lose my nerve. I didn’t realize how hard this was going to be.”
I gently grasped her chin. “Hey, it’s okay. Brooklyn and I will be right beside you. Give me a second so I can tell my dad I’m leaving.” She nodded and I leaned down to kiss her, her lips trembling beneath mine.
They both waited by the car while I walked down to my dad, his brows furrowed. “You all right?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I am, but Kristen’s not. Do you mind if we do this another time?”
He shook his head. “Go. I’ll be fine. Is Kristen okay?”
“Hopefully, after today she will be.” I started back up the hill and Brooklyn was already in the backseat so I could sit up front with Kristen. The ride was silent as we headed down the road. I didn’t know what to say to make things easier on her.
“You sure your dad didn’t mind you leaving?” Kristen asked, breaking the silence.
Reaching over, I grabbed her hand. “He knows I want to be with you. Besides, you need me more than he does.”
Releasing a heavy sigh, she nodded. “You have no idea.” We were on the road a little while longer until a cemetery came into view. Kristen pulled in and parked, her gaze fixed on three graves with the last name Robinson etched onto the gravestones. It took me a minute to realize that one of those gravestones was hers. “I haven’t been here in so long,” she whispered. We all got out of the car, but Brooklyn and I stayed back while Kristen walked over to the graves.
“That’s where her parents are buried…and as you can see, her as well. Cole’s grave is just over the hill. She wanted to come and talk to them before going to his parents’ house.”
I nodded and lowered my voice. “She told me about what happened to Cole. Is there anything being done to stop the fucker who killed him?”
She sighed. “The FBI is trying. They’ve been after this guy for a while, but with no leads. He’s smart with a ton of connections.” She looked up at me, gaze narrowed. “Has she even told you who he is?”
“No,” I said through clenched teeth. “I don’t know what I’d do if I found out.” It’d be too hard to keep my distance and not go after the bastard. If I did, it might expose her secret. But if I didn’t, she’d spend the rest of her life in hiding. Either way, we were fucked.
“Then it might be good you don’t. She’s been through enough. The last thing she needs is you getting involved and getting killed like Cole did. She cares about you, Kellan.”
“And I care about her. But if that fucker ever figures out the truth and comes after her, I don’t care who he is…I’ll kill him. Someone has to stop him.”
She stepped forward, her gaze hard as she watched Kristen falling to her knees by the graves. “And I’ll be there to help. He’s taken too much away from her.”
Whatever happened, I was going to make sure she got it all back.
Chapter 20
Brooklyn and Kellan stayed back while I climbed the hill toward my parents’ and my graves. It was surreal seeing a gravestone with my name on it—almost like an out-of-body experience. There were fresh flowers on the graves, most likely from Cole’s parents. For my mother, I’d always leave lilies, because they were her favorite. My father would buy them all the time.
As I closed the distance, all I could hear was the pounding of my heart. Once I got close enough, I picked up the card that was stuck inside the flowers.
We miss you.
Doug and Elizabeth Harper
They were from Cole’s parents. My parents were buried side by side, their gravestones indicating the days they were born and the days they died along with a simple verse…Until we meet again. Mine had my dates on it and an inscription that said I was a loving daughter and faithful friend. If I was a faithful friend, I never would’ve let anything happen to Cole.
Falling to my knees, I placed a hand on each of my parents’ stones, tears streaming down my cheeks. They died much too young, but I was glad they went together. My father would’ve been lost without my mother, and vice versa.
“I’m back,” I murmured. The wind blew all around me, the leaves swirling in the air as they fell from the trees. Bowing my head, my hands slid from their gravestones. “So much has happened since you’ve been gone. I know you don’t need me to go into details, because you were probably watching from above, but I want you to know that I’m sorry if I disappointed you. I’ve disappointed myself with the stupid decisions I made.”
I wiped the tears from my eyes. “But I’m here to tell you that I’m taking back my life. I might not have my name, but it’ll always be in my heart. I will make you proud of me again.” I glanced back at Kellan, who stood beside Brooklyn. “And I’m sure you’ve been worried about me; especially you, Daddy. But I promise I’ll be okay. I have some amazing friends who care about me.” Leaning over, I kissed their gravestones. “I lo
ve you so much. Until we meet again.”
Brooklyn had told me where Cole was buried, so I slowly walked over the hill to an area that was covered in flowers. Cole’s parents were big into gardening, so it didn’t surprise me to see his headstone surrounded by all sorts of flowers and colors. Swallowing hard, I tried not to remember the last time I saw him. I didn’t want to remember him on the road, bleeding out. I wanted to remember him as the vibrant, adventurous guy who had the cutest smile. As the guy who never left my side when things got tough. He was my family and I loved him.
I knew it’d be harder to see his grave, especially after he died trying to protect me. He deserved so much in life and now it was all gone. “Cole,” I whispered, kneeling down in front of his headstone. I traced his name with my finger. “Please forgive me.” I didn’t want to break down, but my heart hurt. I was angry and sad, desperate for justice that would probably never come. After a year of him being gone, nothing was going to ease that pain. We had no closure, no revenge for his life being taken.
A hand came down on my shoulder and I gasped. “It’s just me,” Kellan murmured.
He helped me to my feet and I sobbed against his chest. “Cole was my best friend. All he ever did was watch over me. He’d still be alive if it wasn’t for me.”
“That’s not true,” Brooklyn disagreed. Kellan let me go and I turned to her. With tears in her eyes, she glanced down at Cole’s grave. “Cole had a mouth on him and he knew what he was doing. He loved you. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you.” She stepped forward, her fiery gaze on mine. “But he was my friend, too. One day, we’ll get our revenge. I can promise you that.”
Lips trembling, she looked down at his grave one more time before walking back up the hill. Kellan wiped the tears from my eyes, his strong gaze searching my face. “I’m sorry for coming down here. I know you wanted some time alone with him.”