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Toxic: A Bad Boy Crime Novel

Page 11

by Weston Parker

  "I shouldn't have said anything."

  "No, you should have. It changes everything." He pushed at my back. “Get on the table. Now."

  I got up and walked to the table, messing with my hair and trying to figure out how me confessing that I was in love with him and him hightailing it out of there was a fucking good thing. Didn't feel so good.

  After putting all the plates together, and clearing off the table, I climbed up on it and rested my ass on my heels as my knees pressed into the wood beneath me.

  "What do you want from me, Nate?"

  "Everything." He licked the spoon with white sauce on it and walked toward me, extending the spoon to me. "Would you give me everything? Could you?"

  "I don't know." I reached out and he jerked the spoon back and shook his head. I huffed and moved forward, letting him keep hold of the spoon as I licked the sauce off. The way he watched me made me feel beautiful. Wanted.

  "Lay down on your back and bring your head to the edge of the table. Let me know if you get light headed."

  I wanted to question everything, but decided against it. I turned and laid on my back, scooting to the very edge of the table as he reached for his belt.

  "Don't hurt me," I whispered and reached for his zipper as we worked together to get his jeans off. His cock sprung from his pants, and for a minute, I panicked. I'd never taken a man anywhere near his size into my mouth.

  "Never. Just let me know if you need a minute. Breathe through your nose and pretend to be my little slut, all right?"

  The mention of something so naughty and vile had my pulse ticking along every pleasure point.

  "All right. I'll try." I moved closer and leaned my head back a little as he gripped his cock and brushed it by my lips, playing with me. Teasing me.

  I reached up and grabbed him, stilling his motions, and rolled my tongue over his thick head. "Stop playing games already."

  "Hmmm... so demanding." He pushed at my shoulders a little and lifted one leg to press his knee beside my head. He was hovering above me seconds later, his thick cock driving into my mouth in slow, deep strokes. I moaned around the mouthful and gripped his thighs tightly as my gag reflex played with me. "Through your nose, lover."

  Closing my eyes, I concentrated on breathing and enjoyed the flavor of his flesh against my tongue. I jerked up, almost choking myself as he leaned over farther and pressed his mouth to my center, opening me up with the sweet press of his tongue. I'd only let one guy eat me out, and it was a horrible experience.

  "So delicious and thick, Jenna. Don't hold back when you come. I won't." He rolled his hips and filled my mouth and into the top of my throat with his thick shaft. I almost patted his legs to tell him it was too much, but he took my mind quickly off what I was doing to what I was feeling.

  I lifted my legs and held on tight as the world disappeared and all that mattered was the bad boy above me, drilling into me, lapping at me, promising me so much more than I thought I might be able to handle.

  The orgasm hit me out of nowhere and my back bowed as I lifted up off the table.

  "Mmmhmmm," he mumbled against my flesh. "Let it go. Let me drink it."

  I opened my mouth and cried out as I gave myself over to him fully. He took his time working me through the orgasm and cleaning me up afterward.

  He pulled his cock from my mouth and moved back to stand at the edge of the table. "Come a little closer and let's finish this."

  I shivered and moved back toward him as he gripped his dick. After letting out a shaky breath, I reached for him and pulled him back into the warmth of my mouth. His groans filled up my kitchen and within minutes, he spilled inside of me, taking his time and letting his hands run all over me as he worked through the orgasm.

  "You're not the only one falling in love." He pulled out of me and dropped down to his knees, kissing at my lips and face as I panted softly. "Just give me a little bit of time. I need to figure some shit out."

  "Don't make it too long, Nate. I don't want to think you've run away from me."

  He brushed my hair back. "No fucking way. I'm addicted to you. It just complicates things."

  "I don't understand."

  He kissed me again, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I groaned and he ran his hand between my breasts as our eyes met.

  "You don't need to, baby. Just trust me. I know you don't know me. But trust me. I'm gonna fix everything."

  I nodded and pulled him down for another long string of kisses, praying like hell he would stay the night and finish what he started. He wouldn't, but the longing for completion would pull us back together before too long. It had to.

  I needed it too fucking bad.

  Chapter 17


  I'd said too much the last time I saw her, but I couldn't help myself. The minute she admitted to somehow falling in love with me over the last year... all bets were off. Not that I'd honestly considered taking her life. I hadn't. I couldn't. I'd rather have taken my own.

  The bundle of flowers in my hand felt awkward. I'd never bought a woman flowers. Never even picked a fucking flower and handed it to someone.

  "Ugh. What am I doing?" I ran my fingers through my hair and continued to pound the pavement by her car. If Ashley saw me outside the coffee shop with flowers in my hand, all hell would break loose.

  Or would it?

  The nasty bitch wanted me to court Jenna. To woo her and bring her to love me so that we could get married. As disturbing as it was, I wanted that too, but for very different reasons. I didn't want the money stacked behind her name that I might eventually get ahold of in years to come.

  I wanted to wake up next to her in the morning, to kiss her soft skin and make her moan every night. To buy her flowers. Make her breakfast.

  Glancing around, I found a trashcan and realized I had to run. She would lose her life because of me, and where that would have been perfectly acceptable with anyone else, it wasn't with her. Not my girl.

  Not my Jenna.

  "Hey. Are those for me?" Her voice was soft, unsure.

  "Naw... these?" I lifted them in the air and shrugged. "I stole them off some kid down the street missing a leg and a few fingers. No big deal."

  She laughed and walked toward me, reaching for them as her eyes lit up.

  I was so fucked by this girl.

  "You don't seem like the kind of guy to hurt a little boy." She reached up and wrapped her hand around the back of my neck, pulling me down toward her.

  I pulled her in tightly and leaned in, kissing her deeply as I rubbed my hands down her sides to her hips. "This is what flowers get me?"

  "No," she whispered and pulled back, locking eyes with me. Fear swam through the center of my stomach. I would have to run. Now, goddamnit. Now. "Flowers get you a blow job."

  I swallowed hard. "I kinda like the way you handle a dick."

  "Your dick." She leaned in for another soft kiss, teasing me a little as her tongue moved across my lips.

  I growled low in my chest and tightened my grip on her. "Watch where you step, princess. It's been two days, and a man like me doesn't put up with too much teasing before I take what I want."

  "And what is it that you want, Nate?" Her sexy attitude had me wanting to toss the flowers and take her back to my place for an all-night fuck-fest, but it would only bind me tighter to her.

  "To spend the afternoon with you." I nipped at her lips and moved back. The air never tasted sweeter as I pulled it deeply into my lungs. She had too much power over me.

  It was fucking intoxicating.

  I should have asked about her brother in some off way, but I figured she would bring him up eventually. Maybe not. Seemed weird that she would keep something so personal away from me, but the possibility existed that I wasn't the only one playing games.

  Highly unlikely, but who knew for sure.

  "And where do you want to go." She pressed her face into the flowers and breathed in deeply.

  "How about Centr
al Park? It feels too good out here today to spend the rest of the afternoon inside." I reached for her hand and walked us toward my bike. "Or we could go for a ride up north?"

  "How about both?" She smelled the flowers again before tossing them in the dumpster beside my bike.

  I lifted my eyebrow sharply and snorted. "Does that mean you don't like flowers?"

  "Not at all. I'm not going anywhere that I could put them into water. The gesture was sweet, and the message was clear. I love it. That's what you wanted when you bought them, right?"

  "Stole them off a blind kid. Yeah." I helped her on the bike and got on myself, reveling in the feeling of her arms around my waist.

  "Oh, so now he's blind?"

  "Of course he was. I'm a bastard. Put on your helmet. I don't need a run-in with the cops." I pulled mine and hers off the bike and handed her the smaller one. "You eat?"

  "No, but we can get a sandwich next to the park. There's a shop right there I want to run into as well. I need to pick up a dress I ordered." She pressed her chest to my back and slid her hands down to cup my dick.

  I pressed into her hold and groaned before closing my eyes and breathing in deeply. "I love the feeling of you against me."

  "Good. I plan on being closer later. Maybe this time without all of these clothes?" She laughed and I opened my eyes and started the bike.

  I'd never allowed myself to dream, but as we rode over to Central Park that's all I did. Vision after vision of a different life than the one I'd been living for twenty-six years. It shook me to the core that love was within my grasp, but if I was being honest, it wasn't that simple.

  It never was with me.

  We pulled up to the park and I offered her my hand, helping her off the bike before getting off myself and locking the thing up.

  "Food or dress first?" I reached out and brushed her hair down as it flew around her pretty face.

  She glanced down at her watch. "Dress. The shop is going to close in forty minutes. I don't want to wait until next week to get it."

  "All right." I reached for her hand. "Lead the way, angel."

  "Why do you call me so many names?" She smirked, which caused her little button nose to turn up. How she could look deliciously sexy one minute and beyond cute the next was a mystery, but both looks had my cock growing thick and heavy.

  I shrugged. "I don't know. I just respond with what I see. I always have."

  "I like it." She reached for the door to the small shop.

  "And I like you." I moved up behind her and grabbed the door.

  "Good." She glanced over her shoulder and gave me a hot little look.

  "Watch it," I growled and walked over to a table of lacy panties. All of them would look good on her. Off of her. Pushed to the side while I worked my tongue deep inside of her.

  "Hi. I'm Jenna Webb. I had a dress to pick up." Her voice carried back to me, and I glanced over.

  Jenna Webb. One of the richest families in all of New York and yet she seemed like a commoner. Just a girl of simple means. I'd messed up a lot in my life, but this time was epic in the scope of things.

  "Sure, Miss Webb. Did you want to try it on?" The older woman gave my girl a shit-eating grin.

  Jenna glanced over her shoulder at me.

  "Yeah. You do." I winked and turned back to the panties, picking up several pair and walking toward the register. "And we want these too."

  "Perfect. Give me one minute and I'll have the dress out for you." The woman disappeared into the back room as Jenna picked up a pair of the panties and baulked at the price. "These are twenty dollars each. No fucking way."

  "I got it." I ran my hand down her back and squeezed the top of her ass. "Tell the old lady that I'm going in the dressing room with you. That I'm your husband."

  Her eyes widened a little. "It's a small shop, Nate."

  "I know. You'll have to be a good girl and keep quiet." I squeezed her ass once more before walking toward the back of the shop.

  The clerk walked out and held up the dress. "Here we go. There is only one dressing room, but you're welcome to use it."

  "Perfect. I'm going to let my husband come in to help me. I had hell getting this thing zipped last time." Jenna's voice was sweet, soft. I loved it.

  "Oh. I could help if you-"

  "I'll help." I glanced over my shoulder and gave the woman a look that told her to pipe down. Now.

  "Yeah, sure. Okay." She shrugged, looking less than pleased, but walked over to the dressing room and opened it for us. "If you need me, I'll be right here. Within earshot."

  I laughed and held the door for Jenna. I almost liked the old bat. Earshot. She'd be listening. Poor Jenna.

  "Nate. Let me try this on and we'll go back to my place."

  "Sure. Sounds fun." I reached out and ran my fingers down the side of her face. "Just make sure when you come you don't scream my name... unless you want to."

  "No. Not in here." She pushed at my chest as a serious look affixed on her face.

  I pulled a condom from my pocket and wiggled around her before sitting down and opening the thing.

  "Nate," she whispered roughly.

  "Yes, baby?" I glanced up and dragged my zipper down. My cock was so hard that I had to work the fucker out of the hole in my jeans thanks to it riding up to my bellybutton.

  "No. Put that away." Her eyes widened and she put her back to me and pulled her shirt over her head.

  "That's your job." I slid the condom over my dick and reached up to pull at her shorts. "Take these off. Sit in my lap. Fuck me in here."

  "Be quiet," she barked and swatted at me as I pulled her closer.

  "You be quiet." I tugged her shorts over her thick hips and forced her panties down with them. Brushing my fingers through her thighs left my heart racing. "So wet."

  "I'm not doing this." She bent down and pressed her hands to my knees as I positioned my cock against her tight slit.

  "Looks like you are."

  "I hate you." She pushed back and I bit my tongue from crying out. She was beyond everything I wanted in my bed, in my lap, in my fucking life.

  Chapter 18


  I moaned softly as he forced my body open, his hands tight around my waist and pulling me back faster than I could handle.

  "Open your legs. Spread them across mine and rest against my chest." His voice was low and thick with lust.

  Leaning back, I stifled another moan and lifted my hips, fucking myself slowly, methodically. The sloppy sounds of our fucking were almost too much. I paused and panted as he lifted his hips and pressed deeper into me.

  "Wait. I'm too close," I moaned.

  He gripped one of my breasts and thrusted again. "That's the point, Jenna. For you to come and leave this place wet and sticky for the next poor soul who comes in alone."

  "Fuck you," I whispered roughly and rocked forward, enjoying the intense pressure of such a big cock driving into me. I was going to become his whore. It was just a matter of time.

  "Mmmmhmmm. Fuck me." He pulled at my bra and freed one of my breasts before tugging at my nipple and forcing me back to lie against him.

  The old woman from the front's voice filled up the stall, and I stiffened, terrified. "Are you two okay in there? Do you need a different size or heels to go with it?"

  Nate ran his hand up my thigh and rolled his fingers over my clit as I swatted at him.

  "Shoes would be great. And a pair of black thigh highs?" I forced my voice to sound as normal as possible.

  "Sure. That's our only room, so please make sure you hurry."

  "Of course." I tried to get off Nate's lap, but he wasn't having any of it. "Nate. Seriously?"

  He sat up more and wrapped me in a tight hug as he cupped my pussy and drove into me faster. "Yeah, seriously. Come for me and I'll let you go. That's a lot of dick for such a small girl, Jenna. I'm impressed."

  I groaned and bit my lip as the orgasm built in my stomach. So much pressure. Too much pleasure.

"Come with me?" I whimpered my words.

  "Of course." He rolled the pad of his finger over my clit and shifted a little, getting another inch inside of me as the world exploded. The smell of sex filled my nose and all I could do was ride. Ride hard.

  My cries were loud and guttural, and the sound of him chuckling as we cleaned up and got dressed was enough to have me wanting to wring his neck.

  "Stop it." I dressed quickly and grabbed the dress. "She’s going to know."

  "Good. So what?" He moved past me and opened the door before grabbing my hand. "You're my woman, and I'll fuck you where I damn well want to. Got it?"

  I wanted to bark back that it was my body and he would respect it or go the fuck away, but I couldn't. He had respected my body. He'd worshiped and made me come harder than I had in the short history of my pathetic sex life.

  "Well. That was inappro-" the older woman started.

  "Hush. Ring us up. We're young and dumb. Get over it." He pulled out a couple of hundreds from his wallet and handed them over as the woman moved quickly, mumbling the rest of her speech at the desk below.

  I stayed behind Nate, completely mortified that the woman knew what happened between us. Would our relationship always be like this? Him forcing me into awkward situations just for a thrill.

  Did I care if it did?

  No. I hadn't felt more alive, more emotion ever... not ever.

  "Come on, baby." He handed me the bag with the panties in it and grabbed the dress. "Thanks for the release." He winked at the old woman and walked toward the door.

  "How embarrassing." I pressed my hand to my face and laughed into my fingers.

  "Yeah? I thought it was hot. You squirt, don't you?"

  "What? No." I shook my head and pulled his hand closer to me as we jogged across the street.

  "Yeah. You do. You might not know that you can, but your little pussy wants to pump out more than you're letting it." He reached up and touched the side of my face.

  I glanced around and shook my head. "Are we really having this conversation next to the park where anyone could hear us?"

  "I don't see anyone but you." He gripped the side of my face and leaned in to kiss me a few times. "Open up to me, Jenna. Let me in deep. It's the only place I wanna be."


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